The Great Demon System

Chapter 202 - Sister?

Chapter 202: Sister?

Abby slowly opened her eyes, her vision all blurry and unclear as the world continued to spin in circles all around her, her vision still shrouded in darkness despite her night vision.

The memories of what had happened to her prior slowly began to renter her mind. Despite all of her best efforts, training, and preperations, HikariYami, that filthy witch, still managed to take her out with but a few simple strikes. She now knew more than ever that she was still far too weak, even with her massive increase of strength in the past few months.

She needed to train even harder... Her enemy was much stronger than she had ever expected. She made a mockery out of her, embarrassed her in the presence of her lord who was fighting his heart out only a few kilometres away filling her heart with a mixture of feelings that even she could not fully decipher.

She did not want to abuse her lord's mercy and kindness.

She was an absolute failure, her lord had already given her so many chances yet she always somehow managed to fail and disappoint him no matter how hard she tried. Yet, now was not the time for such thoughts, she could absolutely not allow herself to delve into such things.

She needed to assess her situation and find her way out of her predicament in order to not make her lord's life harder because despite all of her thoughts, deep down she knew and felt that her lord would never give her up. Even when he saw her pitiful moments of weak crying he tried to comfort her and wipe away her tears, not by lying but by telling her the truth... He would never even think about hurting her... He always did what he thought was best for her as he was concerned for her safety and health, more than she could say about anyone else in her life.

He was truly the kindest person she knew and he would never leave her for dead. He was certainly out there looking for her which made her feel both troubled and comforted at the same time since she did not feel like she was worth such trouble.

Instinctively, the first thing she tried was to establish a mind-link with her lord. Yet, exactly like what had happened with Jayden, she only received the muffled sound of static no matter how hard she tried, making her inwardly curse as she now knew her mind-link was completely useless, most likely from an anti communication crystal that had been proved to tamper and affect such a skill.

She knew that she was captured, no doubt in enemy territory. So, her top priority was to snap herself out of her confusion and return back to reality, shifting her attention once again.

To help clear her sight, she naturally tried to lift her arm to scratch her eyes only to find out that she was not able to move even a single limb… Yet, at this point, she was unsure if that was due to injuries, numbness, or bindings, her vision had not yet cleared to a point where she would be able to know that.

Blinking a few times to help ease the strain on her eyes, she heard a voice echo inside her mind and all around her, a voice she would never be able to forget in a million years…

"It seems like you're awake sister!"

A voice that spawned from the depths of hell its self.

Yet, with her cloudy mind, she decided to dismiss it as she knew that she always imagined and hallucinated about such things all the time, ignoring the sound was almost second nature to her.

Yet, as the blur in her eyes continued to fade away, the room coming into clear view, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets like she was zapped out of her dazy, almost zombie-like state.

She could not believe her eyes, was she in a trial? No! If she were in a trial she would not have even considered the thought of it being a trial, either this was a nightmare or it was actually reality.

It was a room fit for a queen yet, in her mind, it looked like a room fit for a devil… No, saying that would have been an insult to the lord she knew and loved with all her heart, it was more like a room fit for a monster...

The large, crimson room housed memories of a living hell for her, the blackened, blood-red walls surrounded by rich furniture of all kinds looked more like salamanders ready to eat her alive, the large ruby bed at the back of the room looked like it could fit at least 4 people and had a chandelier on top of it with various red gems, giving the black and red room an even larger tint of red, even further adding to the hellish landscape in Abby's mind.

When she looked down, she noticed that she was sitting on a metallic chair, enchained by metal bindings that she knew looked all too similar, a clanking sound echoing around the expansive room as she struggled to break free. Around her mouth was some sort of muzzle, making her look like an encaged beast to any possible onlooker.

She tried to use her fire ability to break free but to no avail, the chains absorbing the heat and redirecting it back at her causing her severe burn marks that stretched all around her body, ignoring the pain for even the smallest chance of it working. She tried her hardest, using every last fibre of her soul despite knowing that her attempts were most likely more futile, making her seem like a wild animal as only the clanking of the chains and the muffled sounds of her screams were heard.

Such was her loyalty to her lord and such was her hatred to the person she unquestionably knew the room belonged to.

"Hello, "sister" it seems like you're as rowdy as ever, no manners at all, have you not yet learned your lesson?" A voice emerged from right in front of her.

Immediately, she gazed straight in that direction, her eyes turning into firey deadly slits as the person she knew was undoubtedly there came into view.

The figure of a pure monstrosity, the source of all her anguish and pain, the person she wanted to kill and torture more than any other to pay them back for what they had done...

It was the fiendish face of her sister, a look of clear mockery and amusement embedded on it, her long, crimson hair flowing over one of her blazing eyes. She wore an elegant red dress only matched by the most expensive things she had seen in Jayden's wardrobe, revealing various slits of skin to show off her undeniably curvy, desirable body, like she was trying to prove a point to her.

Abby's body began shaking like crazy and her heart became even more unsteady. The memories of the living hell she had been forced to endure welled in her heart like a volcano as she stared at the embodiment of pure evil and injustice of the world, the exact opposite of what she saw her lord. If her lord was her ray of never-ending love and shining hope that shined light upon every shadow, then her sister was the black hole of forever darkness that sucked up all the light in the world.

Abby tried to stay unruffled, not even a single shred of fear on her face as she continued her futile struggle of escaping, questions such as the reason why she was put in such a predicament not even appearing in her mind as her rationality began slowly fading away as her senses were overflowed by her immeasurable anger and killing intent.

The person she hated the most in the entire world, the person who had caused her so much pain, anguish and suffering every day in her life, destroying her mind, body, and spirit was standing right in front of her, yet still out of her reach...

"Ooo! Feisty aren't we, but we both know that it's not going to work, and even if it did work. There is 0 chance you would be able to even touch me…"

"It's been so long since we last talked, don't you want to catch up on what we missed? "Sister"?" She said with mocking laughter.

"You might be very confused right now, "I was just in the forest fighting, how did I get here? Why am I even here?" Would you believe me if I told you that I intercepted that person who kidnapped you and brought you back home safely?.... Hahaha! Who am I even kidding, of course, you wouldn't and of course you are correct! My plan didn't work as well as I would have hoped, mom and dad didn't allow me to leave the house due to their wedding anniversary so I had to rely on a bunch of fools to do my dirty work which actually turned out somehow better than I expected. With you here, it will save me lots of trouble"

"Having a bunch of slaves to do your dirty work is really fun you know! Right? I needed to fill the void after you left me all alone… Right? If you did think that then you are completely false. You see me as some sort of monster but I promise you I am so much more, nothing like what you think…"

"I am not so simple-minded, my motives are beyond your scope. You are not even my target, you are just a weakling, a pawn, a hostage, a human... That Moby Kane is my true target, I never actually expected to find him on such a planet… It was all by accident but this brought me so much joy that I was the first one to find him!"

Abby's eyes that were once firey slits grew wide, just the mere mention of her lord's name made her come back to her senses as her curiosity was peaked… What would she even want to do with her lord!? What did she know… Why is she talking like that?

Thoughts such as those ravaged and destroyed Abby's minds, her anger and insanity increasing even more yet this time, her rationality also increased along with them as it was now concerning the safety of her lord and saviour, not just her own. Her love and loyalty knew no bounds, she could not bear anyone talking down to him in such a way no matter who they were, her very soul and being would just not allow her to.

The muffling of her sounds increased along with the burning of her flesh as she continued her futile attempts of escape. If only she had saved some of her undead in her inventory instead of using all of them, she might have been able to use them for an escape, making her curse her sister along with her own extreme incompetence.

"Ho ho! It seems like I hit a nerve! I had a feeling that this person was really important to you! Keeping you alive was a great choice indeed!" She mused with clear satisfaction on her face that only made Abby even angrier.

"For all your troubles, I'm going to tell you a little secret… The only reason I came to this planet was to study your people's nature and the abilities that you possessed, which was now more useless than you would expect. But despite that, I am forced to see this mission through to the end, who knew that I would end up finding such a treasure here!"

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