The Great Demon System

Chapter 189 - Taking Things In (2)

Chapter 189: Taking Things In (2)

Although he was not able to fully read Alex's mind and internal thoughts, he was still more than able to assume what he was thinking just from his actions and expressions alone, Moby feeling the same about most if not all of them.

For the sake of his friends, Alex was more than ready to risk his own life and disregard his safety, nothing in his mind seemed more important.

He withstood overusing and pushing his demon powers far past their intended limits when any other man would have simply given up from the beyond unimaginable pain, not to mention fighting with that pain still ravaging their body.

Yet, despite all of that, his opponent was just simply too strong, way beyond any level he could even dream of beating in his current state, he was doomed to fail even before the fight started.

She was a very unusual person, strange unlike anyone or anything he had previously seen or even heard about before… A cute girl on the outside but a ruthless monster on the inside, that made him and her slightly similar in that regard. However, that was where their similarities ended.

Just like Alex thought, he too felt like she was just 2 very different, clashing people stuck sharing the same body.

HikariYami… Yami, who seemed always serious only thinking about completing the objective as quickly and efficiently as possible and Hikari, a little child whose only purpose seemed to be having some fun at the expense of others.

Still, that was not what worried him the most… What was truly scary and worrisome was how damn strong she was. Without a shadow of a doubt, she was by far the strongest student he had ever seen in action before.

If he hadn't heard her talk about her boss when he was still experiencing Alex's memories, he might have been inclined to think that from her level of strength, she was non-other the leader of the Zexis gang.

Just the mere thought of it made Moby shudder… She must have been either rank 2 or 1 in the gang, the worst case being that she was only the second seat. If that was the case, assuming that the first seat was not the boss themselves, there would be 2 whole people stronger than her, someone, who was definitely high up in the S tier.

Not only did she have the ability to create C rank powered puppets of light, but her physical strength was otherworldly. Even with Alex's completely buffed form pushed way beyond his limits, he was easily taken out by a simple slap without her batting an eye, and that only seemed like a minuscule taste of her powers.

Yet, the most troublesome skill she had did not pertain to her strength, no, far from it. It was the fact that she was able to disrupt the mind-link between them. That must have also been the reason why he was not able to track down Abby, she must have been using that skill to mask their presence.

A skill so powerful that it was able to disturb foreign otherworldly demon powers.

That fact alone brought up a huge concern…

Did they figure him out? Did they know that he can communicate and track people telepathically? Did they know who he truly was? Or did she just do it on accident without even knowing?

He had no clue if he had somehow given himself away without even noticing. That fact might have also explained why they had wanted him so badly. Yet, at the same time, that idea still made no sense since they seemed to clearly not know about the existence of demons or their ability to talk telepathically, or else they would have not gone for the plan they had chosen.

At this point, he had no answers, but he hoped that it was only an accident to prevent high-level communication or detection and not used specifically to counter his mind-link,

If Hikari had wanted to kill Alex, Jayden, or Abby she could have easily done so, she was definitely more than strong enough. Still, despite that fact, she decided to only kidnap Abby, leaving both Alex and Jayden only unconscious, almost like she was holding herself back from killing them, this made his mind go slightly more at ease yet start spinning in possibilities of what if that had not been the case.

Luckily for him, his opponent, although crazy, still had a rational way of thinking.

Why Jayden and Alex were not kidnaped or killed could be due to many reasons, but the biggest reason would have been that they did not want to mess with or get involved with either the Hart or Griffith family who were both renown around the country. Yet, that theory still had a major plot hole, why would she kidnap Abby? The Reid family were rivals to the Harts and Griffiths and just as strong and well renowned.

If it was revealed that the youngest daughter of the Reid family had gone missing, even if her family hated her, they would be forced into finding them to keep up with their public image. If they couldn't even ensure the safety of their own daughter, their reputation would no doubt take a massive plunge.

Not to mention that the entire school would also be forced into starting their own investigation, questioning every last student under stricter guidelines where corrupted teachers would have their hands tied, assuming that HikariYami was also a fellow student, she would no doubt be screwed and caught by the system along with every other person that was in on the plan.

If anything, their plans seemed to be completely idiotic. They had just dug themselves into a hole they could not break out of, even if they kept Abby hostage in a room safe from the curfew alarms, she would still be forced to attend class where he would be able to make contact with her, and if she did not go to school, then that would cause a grave concern, therefore warranting a full, thorough investigation and a letter to the Reid household to let them know what had happened.

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