The Goddess is a Little Pitiful, I Invested in Her!

Chapter 82: Qi Yun: Spending money, I’m afraid I can’t spend more!

Chapter 82: Qi Yun: Spending money, I’m afraid I can’t spend more!

In the previous life, starting from the year after the next, the provincial capital initiated extensive urban construction projects.

Every time Qi Yun returned to the provincial capital during that period, he couldnt help but notice that the city was engulfed in construction, accompanied by smoke and congested traffic everywhere he looked.

Among them, the southeastern suburban area of the provincial capital, where this factory was situated, experienced the most rapid growth. The main reason behind this was the relocation of the provincial government offices to this area, turning it into the new city center. The influx of government employees to this region acted as a catalyst for the surrounding development.

Schools, shopping malls, and new residential areas were built.

Although it looked like a suburban area, he could even see farmland by walking a little further.

But in a few years, any farmer with a piece of land here could easily earn millions.

Buying this place would definitely be a pure profit.

However, for Qi Yun, all of this wasnt important. After all, who could beat the system when it comes to making money?

The land might be good, but he would have to wait a few years to cash it out.

By that time, with the system, who knows how much money he could earn from it!

What Qi Yun was most satisfied with was the price. While others might find it expensive, he found it just right.

He wouldnt want it if it was any cheaper!

The 2 million, considered as Lian Qingxues 30% share, would give Qi Yun a rebate of 6 million.

For Qi Yun, the price wasnt a problem. Being too cheap was the problem!

The most important thing was the condition of the factory and whether it could support Lian Qingxues dream of a milk tea empire.

Looking at it, both Lian Qingxue and Qi Yun were relatively satisfied.

While Qi Yun and the others looked around the factory, the workers outside gradually became restless.

Old Wu, do you think it will work this time? Someone asked the middle-aged man who was leading them.

I think its difficult! Those two people who came to buy the factory look like students!

Before Old Wu could speak, someone interrupted.

Old Wu sighed, We havent received our wages for half a year. What can we do?

There were only about twenty workers.

The other workers couldnt wait any longer and gave up on demanding their wages, going out to find other jobs. After all, they had to support their families.

Those who stayed here had some urgent family matters or a stubborn temper and didnt want to be taken advantage of.

Old Wu certainly wants to go out and work to earn money, but he has a young daughter at home. His wife is no longer around, and his parents are old and cant care for the child.

How can he leave his daughter at home alone?

But if he doesnt go out to work, there will be no money to support the family.

Thinking of this, Old Wus back bent a little more.

If I dont get paid today, Im planning to go to the south. Ive already bought my ticket.

A woman spoke up.

Old Wu didnt know what to say.

On one hand, if one person leaves, they would lose some manpower and the possibility of getting paid decreases. But on the other hand, the womans situation wasnt easy either.

She had two children to feed and had to go out to earn money.

That was normal.

After the woman spoke, the crowd fell silent.

Some people started sobbing quietly. Old Wus mood became even heavier.

Should he give up? Leave his children with his parents and go out to work?

He reached out and felt in his pocket, wanting to find a cigarette to smoke.

But he found nothing.

Old Wu couldnt help but smile bitterly.

In the current situation, he couldnt even afford a two-yuan cigarette.

When Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue came out, their faces were filled with longing and despair.

Director Zhang followed behind them.

The workers, including Old Wu, stared at Qi Yun, wanting to see what he would say.

I just looked at the factory, and I think its great, Qi Yun said.

The factory had new equipment and clean and tidy workshops, indicating that the workers had been diligent in their work.

Director Zhang mentioned a request to me, wanting me to make up the wages for the workers in the factory, at least for three months.

To be honest, I dont think its enough! The glimmer of hope in Old Wus eyes shattered.

Still not enough? At this moment, Qi Yun spoke again.

I think we should make up the wages for at least six months!

Old Wu looked up at Qi Yun, thinking he had misheard.

Not only six months, but I also plan to give a 20% raise to all of you who choose to continue working in the factory!

For those who have gone out to work and dont want to come back, please inform them that I will still make up the wages. If they come back, their salary will also be increased!

When Qi Yun said these words, the entire factory fell silent.

No one spoke.

Sir Is what youre saying really true?

Of course, its true! After I sign the contract with Director Zhang, Ill distribute the money on the spot.

Qi Yun nodded and smiled. He had his own motives for doing this.

On the one hand, the more money he spent on acquiring the factory, the better ir would be for him.

However, the systems limitations prevented him from spending unreasonable amount of money. But Qi Yun felt that making up the unpaid wages and giving the workers a small raise were reasonable.

Just with the two statements Qi Yun made earlier, he might have to spend an additional 500,000 to 600,000 yuan.

According to Lian Qingxues 30% share, he would earn an extra 1 to 2 million yuan.


On the other hand, it was also because of these workers. This factory had been in operation for over ten years and had always been profitable. The workers were skilled laborers.

Qi Yun chose this factory because of their strong production capacity. Retaining these workers was also important to developing the milk tea shop industry.

How to retain them?

By spending money!

When Old Wu heard Qi Yuns affirmation, his nose felt sour, wanting to say something but finding his throat choked up. He didnt say anything and just deeply bowed to Qi Yun.

Qi Yun quickly reached out to support him, but he soon found that he couldnt support everyone.

One after another, adults bowing down, Qi Yun couldnt help but feel a bit bitter. Although he had little intention of helping them, he was still making money for himself!

Youre making it so emotional, and I feel guilty!

Lian Qingxue, who was watching Qi Yuns slightly flustered state, couldnt help but laugh. She knew what Qi Yun was doing was a bit foolish, but she liked it

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