The Goddess is a Little Pitiful, I Invested in Her!

Chapter 76: The Desperate Qi Yun!

Chapter 76: The Desperate Qi Yun!

As Qi Yun stepped out of his room, he realized that the treatment today was unusually different. The breakfast table was already filled with food, even steaming hot.

Did Qis mother buy breakfast for herself today?

For Qi Yun, who had been raised with a carefree upbringing, this was the ultimate royal treatment, the greatest motherly love in the world!

He stuffed a small steamed bun into his mouth, saying, Mom, did you buy this? As your son, Im impressed by you today!

It wasnt me who bought it. Did you dream that you bought it? I bought it for Qingxue! Youre eating without even washing your face. Qingxue has already woken up! Qis Mom replied.

Qingxue popped her little head out in the bathroom, still holding a toothbrush in her mouth.

Oh, I see. Qingxue is the true emperor. Im at most a concubine given as a bonus for topping up phone credit.

After they finished breakfast, Qi Yun and Qingxue left the house.

Did you bring your admission letter? What about stationery? Did you forget anything? Qis mother shouted from behind, afraid of any mistakes.

Today, Qis father would leave them at the examination center. The Qi family didnt have a car, but Qis father had a drivers license.

Today, he borrowed a colleagues car specifically for this purpose.

He first dropped Qingxue off at her examination center and headed to Qi Yuns.

Today, the entire Spring City seemed to make way for the college entrance examination.

There were far fewer cars honking along the way.

The roads leading to the exam centers had been closed off long ago. The car stopped on the street outside the examination center.

Qis father didnt get out of the car and asked Qi Yun to accompany Qingxue into the examination center.

Qingxue stood outside the examination center, looking at Qi Yun, unwilling to say goodbye.

Go inside, Qi Yun said.


Qingxue seemed resentful.

Why arent we in the same exam center on such an important day as the college entrance examination?

Ill pick you up after I finish the exam, Qi Yun gently reassured her.

You should hurry back.

But make sure you come quickly, Qingxue pouted.

What should I do, Qi Yun? I dont want to leave you even for a minute.

Perhaps it was because of the special day today that made Qingxue feel more vulnerable.

Yeah, Ill be the first to rush out of the exam hall, breaking through mountains and crossing rivers, and Ill make sure my little Qingxue sees me as soon as she leaves the examination hall! Qi Yun declared confidently.

Upon seeing Qingxues reluctant expression, Qi Yun embraced and consoled her in a soft voice.

They attracted the attention of other candidates and their parents.

This couple, who were unwilling to part, made everyone look their way.

This is the education channel. Shouldnt you two lovebirds go to the next emotional program? The scene of your reluctance to part seems more suitable there, someone remarked.

Even a chubby boy, who was previously extremely nervous, no longer felt anxious.

His eyes were fixed on Qi Yun, full of envy.

Beside him, a middle-aged man noticed his sons expression and encouraged him, saying, Do well on the exam! Youll find a girlfriend too!

As beautiful as her? The chubby boy asked excitedly.

Thats impossible! Although Im your dad, I cant lie to you. Youll have to be as handsome as this boy to find such a beautiful girlfriend. Our family doesnt have those genes, the middle-aged man replied.

The chubby boys dream was shattered!

Qingxue also sensed that she had become the center of attention and shyly wanted to get away.

But Qi Yuns arms tightly wrapped around her, and he whispered in her ear, When I become the top scorer in the exam, youll be my girlfriend, Little Qingxue. Are you ready?

I Ive been ready for a long time, Qingxue replied.

They hugged each other for a long time, and when Qi Yun was about to be late, Qingxue reluctantly entered the exam center, repeatedly turning her head to look back.

Qi Yuns exam center was at Yizhong, and he was quite familiar with the route.

However, he didnt recognize the exam supervisors and his fellow students in the same exam room. It seemed that the exam supervisors were not from Yizhong.

Some of the students in the same exam room recognized Qi Yun, but he didnt know any of them.

When Qi Yun arrived at the exam room, many people gasped in surprise.

He had quite a reputation at Yizhong. He was already late, and after sitting down for a few minutes, the exam bell rang.

The first subject was Chinese language, with a duration of two and a half hours.

Qi Yun picked up the test paper and quickly skimmed through the questions.

The difficulty wasnt too high.

He started writing swiftly, and by the time he finished the composition, only forty-five minutes had passed since the start of the exam.

With one hour and fifteen minutes remaining, he had already finished half of the exam.

His speed caught the attention of the invigilators on the stage.

After completing the paper, Qi Yun felt a bit bored.

The college entrance examination had specific requirements regarding the early submission of the paper.

He could only leave the exam room half an hour before the end of the exam, unlike the previous mock exams, where he could check his answers twice and submit the paper.

Qi Yun checked the Chinese test paper thrice from beginning to end and finally felt there was nothing more to see.

He looked at the time. There was still one hour left!

How can I pass the time for the next half hour?

Qi Yun thought for a moment and simply laid his head on the desk.

He decided to take a nap!

The student sitting behind Qi Yun was now in despair. He wasnt from Yizhong and didnt know Qi Yun.

Initially, he ignored who was before him. Before the exam, he was quite confident.

After all, he had good grades in his previous school, was admired by his classmates, and was favored by teachers. He believed he was capable of aiming for a top university.

He had the self-confidence of a top student!

But then, he encountered Qi Yun!

The exam room was quiet, and the students ears were quite sensitive.

As soon as he started the third multiple-choice question, he heard Qi Yun flipping the page.

Qi Yun had already finished the first side of the test paper!

When the student finished the first side, he raised his head and saw that Qi Yun had already buried his head in writing the composition!

And when the student started writing his composition, Qi Yun

He was lying down, sleeping on the desk!

The student was dumbfounded.

Was the question really that simple?

Was I too overconfident before?

Am I really a top student?

Is the competition in Chunchengs senior high school this fierce?

Should I prepare to repeat the year?

Qi Yun had no idea how his performance had brought despair to the student behind him.

Qi Yun didnt actually fall asleep while lying on the desk.

When there was still half an hour left in the exam, he immediately signaled to the invigilator to submit his paper and quickly packed his stationery and admission letter.

He rushed out of the classroom to pick up his wife!

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