The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 122: Was Seen (3)

Chapter 122: Was Seen (3)

Not to mention Jin Gang, Song Bai, Zhao Hui, and the others were all shocked. Song Bai put her hand on Ye Sui’s shoulder, while Zhao Hui put her hand on Song Bai’s shoulder.

Jin Gang was envious when he looked at the girls. He immediately said to Zhao Hui, “Sister, let me take a ride too. I can protect you by being the last.”

Zhao Hui understood Jin Gang’s meaning. She didn’t see Jin Gong as a man anyway, and Jin Gong also didn’t see her as a woman at all. In the end, Zhao Hui nodded generously.

Jin Gang grinned and put his hand on Zhao Hui’s shoulder. He was relieved at once. From then on, he would never run around and just follow Ye Sui.

Jin Gang turned his head to give Cen Yu behind him a sweet glance. “Would you like to take my shoulder?”

Cen Yu looked at these few guests, who seemed to be playing the train game, with a complicated expression. Just as he wanted to say that he was okay, the three female guests in the front looked back at him at the same time.

Except for Ye Sui’s calm face, the eyes of the other two were sincerely admonishing. Zhao Hui immediately spoke, “Movie King Cen, this place is so scary. It’s good for everyone to hold hands. This way, you won’t get lost.”

Facing several pairs of blazing hot eyes, Cen Yu couldn’t refuse. He could only follow their example and put his hand on Jin Gang’s shoulder.

Director Sun was defeated by the guests’ actions. They were all strung together, but what about the image? What about their idol baggage?

tl/n: 偶像包袱 [ǒu xiàng bāo fu] n. An idol’s baggage. This Internet slang term refers to the fear of losing fans, causing artists or celebrities to hide their true selves in public.

The point was that Ye Sui and the others weren’t bothered about it, so they were surprisingly calm.

Because of the sudden opening of the window just now, the guests were too spooked to speak. Wanting to enliven the atmosphere, Ye Sui opened her mouth.

“Now, we are all in the risk-taking team. We can’t confirm whether everyone’s here, so let’s make a number report to check if the number of people matches.”

Song Bai was young, so she was naturally interested in these games. “Captain Ye, you can report the number first.”

Zhao Hui also found it new. “Everything is under the command of Captain Ye. The teammates behind must not report the wrong number.”

Jin Gang joined the play in an instant, but his tone was still a bit hesitant. “Come, I’m ready.”

Cen Yu couldn’t be as shameless as them, so he turned his head and gave a low hmm.

Ye Sui coughed lightly. “Okay. Now I’ll start counting. One.”

Song Bai: “Two.”

Zhao Hui: “Three.”

When it was his turn, Jin Gang suddenly turned nervous, and his voice became a little unstable. “Four... Five...”

The tense Jin Gang didn’t know that he was so scared that he had also reported Cen Yu’s number. After his turn, he was greatly relieved.

Cen Yu glanced at Jin Gang and uttered a word with difficulty, “Six.”

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment.

“Why is there an extra person?” When Ye Sui stopped, Song Bai followed her. Zhao Hui also turned to look at Jin Gang.

Cen Yu’s eyes on Jin Gang were extremely complicated.

Being stared at by so many people all at once, Jin Gang became nervous. “I... I... I miscounted.”

Zhao Hui regretted that Jin Gang couldn’t live up to their expectations. “You can’t even report your own number. I was so scared that my legs almost weakened.”

The original tense atmosphere was livened up by Ye Sui and Jin Gang, which made it much more comfortable. Everyone began to walk back to the main hall.

As usual, all the guests had to spend the night in the palace. Without damaging the cultural relics, they made beds in the empty part before gathering together.

The two male guests slept on one side, while the female stars slept on the other corner.

Director Sun, who initially thought there would be a small show later, had guessed wrong. Starting from Song Bai, everyone fell asleep the moment they touched the pillow.

Song Bai usually went to school. At this point, she should have fallen asleep long ago.

Ye Sui turned out to be the next one to fall asleep. She had been busy at work and hadn’t rested recently. When she saw Song Bai sleeping next to her, she couldn’t help closing her eyelids and fell asleep without knowing it.

All the guests present had an intensive itinerary in the past few days. The funny thing was that one after another, they fell asleep. Even Cen Yu quietly closed his eyes.

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