The Foreigner on the Periphery

Chapter 35: Princess Run (10)

Chapter 35: Princess Run (10)


"Qurung!" Minjun launched his body forward while holding the screaming princess. It tore the ceiling of the car body and soared into the sky. A shadow monster had manifested and was in a state of being half-integrated into his body.  

The view then changed in an instant. Observe the situation in the open air. I looked down through the seething shadows. "!" The protocol vehicle they were riding in was mercilessly pierced by wasps like projectiles. Thousands of holes were drilled, and more and more, in less than a second. The sight of metal and glass being torn and shattered was brief. Whoops! A roar of bursting air. The car exploded and a heavy sound was heard. Minjun confirmed that his vitality had completely disappeared in the burning wreckage.

The driver and Olga, who could not be rescued, died instantly.

Damn it!'  

There was no room to be sorry for that fact.  

Wow! Countless swarms of insects clung to each other and soared like a mass. It wanted to flap its wings for a moment, then folded it again and wrapped its body in a circle. And

Phish! Papa Pat!  

Again, merciless shells were fired. Minjun protected his body by spreading the shadow thinly to form a sphere. The crocodile in its arms hardened and could not move.  

How many are these!'  

At first glance, there were tens of thousands of wasps. This was a disaster that could be used in case of encounter without preparation.  

Tung! Tung! Tutu! The sound of crashes hitting the shadows hit my ears, and I could feel the black magic rushing out. It was like being exposed to the enemys concentrated fire.  

Minjun quickly turned the card over in his head. It was meaningless to respond with force to a wasp that engaged in a hand-to-hand battle. It was like punching the bullets pouring out.

Or, a curse?  

It was not a situation to put a curse on each animal. It was impossible to activate a wide-area curse while drawing a huge magic circle in the air.  


Minjun made a quick decision.  


As his teeth sharpened, he chewed and shredded his own tongue. A few days ago, the magician of the Human Rights Alliance bit off his forearm, and the spell and principle were the same, but a powerful magic that could not be compared with that time was boiling.  

His severed tongue was immediately restored, but his magic remained. Blood and tongue melt in his mouth and burned him.  

Minjun tilted the shadow to make a gap and then blew out blood-colored fire with all his might.  


A flame storm of the same color as Lithiums flame reaction covered the swarm of insects. The difference from ordinary flames did not stop at the color. The fire moved from one worm to another, and from one worm to another, like a beast moving with intent.  

When the suffocating heat reached beyond the shadows, the princess was astonished. Minjun was protecting her, so she was holding on, but the situation outside was literally hell.  

The heat erupted. Because of the control order, the ground in the city center was empty, but the sky, which should have been nothing more, was covered with a violent river of fire.  

This is enough for the intestines to ripen!'  

Just because the outer skin was made of strong metal didn't mean that the flesh and body fluids inside were the same. The frictional heat generated by the instantaneous acceleration flight could be overwhelmed, but the story was different when heated continuously as it was now.  

Soon, their intestines would boil like broth in a casting pot. Minjun was not so suspicious.  



He didn't stop, not until he could see a swarm of bugs in intermittent "bullet flight" attacking with their bodies on fire.  

What, these bastards?!'  

Minjun extended his senses, paying close attention to the condition of the wasps. And, when he looked at each individual, he recognized the part that he did not notice because it was too small a living being.  

Even if it was a living thing the size of a thumb, there was nothing that had to be nested in it. vitality.  

Minjun sharpened his teeth. These are undead!'

In undead mammals, over time, their skin and flesh melt, leaving only the endoskeleton. It would eventually become a walking skeleton.  

So, which insect became an undead? Of course, what was inside rots before the exoskeleton.  

As time passed, only the shell remained, as opposed to mammals. It went without saying that the harder the outer skin is, the more it remained intact. Minjun understood why the insects, whose intestines were boiling, kept moving.  

They werent functioning in the first place! In a state where the internal organic matter was broken, the roles of sensory organs and motor organs were replaced by the magical power that filled them. As a result, the movement that pursued them was the same as when they were alive.  

Tung! Tung! Tutu!  

Minjun took in all the flames that didnt work. The red-hot metal undead crashed into the shadows with non-stop strikes. There was a sharp sound of metal clashing and sparks went off in succession. He clenched his teeth and looked down.  

The superpowers were just looking upwards, unable to even dare to touch them. He had intervened carelessly because it was a plate that would become minced meat at once. The swarm did not attack them. There were many other Stans, but they were only targeting the princess.  

I can't stand here forever.'  

Even if they were alive, they were troublesome disaster creatures, even undead. If Minjun was alone, he could handle it somehow, but it was not a situation where he could catch and destroy the princess while protecting her.  

I need a barrier right now.'

There was a shield huge enough to get one out of this offensive, a barrier that was activated by a magic circle that took time to build.  

=         !=  

Minjun put an ideological wave in Bradleys brain on the ground. Four times the promised pay was scheduled, so it was time to pay for the meal.  

Without waiting for an answer, Minjun gathered his magical energy and made a spell.  

There was a high-speed flight.  


There was the sound of a burst of air. An agent covered in shimmering shadows crosses the sky, hugging a bigger crocodile. After that  

Woo woo woo!  

A swarm of hornets like a black sand tidal wave chased after them. They couldnt keep flying like bullets. After folding the wings and performing a head-butting attack, they had to spread their wings for a while and fly normally. It was a one-on-one chase in the sky of Seoul.  


Like iron sand, every time one hit the shadow, it vibrated. Black magic distorted and shook all parts of his body. The princess also made a bizarre sound each time and dug into her arms.  

Of course, this was a completely unhelpful response in this situation.  

It would have been easier if I was alone!'  

Trying to protect the crocodile ended up being nonsense. He felt the weight of a well-placed blank check grow exponentially. After Jenkinson returned to Earth, it would be better for him to seek loan advice from a foreign bank.  

Tung! Tutong!  

There was a run, a collision, a run-and-run run followed. After that close chase  


The safest place in downtown Seoul. According to Minjun, there was a building with a more thorough defense system than that of an old dragon. It was a two-story shopping mall that he owned.  

After the Thought Wave had achieved reach, he promptly telepathized. Boss! Don't move in the store with Dong-cheol!'  

Minjun squeezed his strength and plunged down.

Fault! Finally, he set his feet on the roof of a building that was more than familiar and welcomed.  


The princess rolled over on the concrete floor as she slapped her hands violently. "Cut!"  

Ignoring the noise made by the abandoned princess, Minjun placed his hand on the roof floor. Then, the triggers that could draw out the strongest kind of barriers placed in this mall.  

This was the result of Minjuns own magic.  


A swarm of insects was flocking to the clear sky, which was originally supposed to have no colors other than blue and white, as densely covered as dark clouds. It was a contour that constantly shook and collapsed.  

The monster spread his jaws towards the rooftop where Minjun was standing. However, it was a spur-of-the-moment.  

Whoa! A much more dazzling and intense flash of light covered the perimeter of the building than at the time of The Barrier of Blessings that drove Edeline away.  

The barrier in which Minjun directly contacted the magic circle he had worked hard to create for a long time and injected magical power was inevitably different.  

There was a thick golden barrier s the shopping mall.  

Tung! Tutu! Tutu Tutu!  

The sound of metal crashing into the walls of a bomb shelter continued. It was like the struggle of a madman desperately knocking on a closed door.  

The sound did not stop for a long time after that.  


"Top ta t t t t t t t t q u!" An old elf in a wheelchair murmured at the screaming crocodile.  

"Look, this woman Maybe her vocal cords were hurt by her screaming too much? Youve been making strange noises ever since.  

Minjun, who was working on the core of the barrier in the office on the second floor, answered calmly. "That's the original voice."  

After barely saving her life and coming down to the second floor, the princess responded in a hysterical way and had been screaming in a language he couldnt understand. Her reaction was understandable when he thought about being attacked out of the blue, people being killed, and being chased so far, but listening to it made his ears hurt.  

"Uhhhhhhhhh! Its alright its alright its alright! Deong-cheol, who had come up with the elf, continued to mutter with his face contemplating. The appearance of the princess reminded me of a race with scales as well.  

However, she seemed to be much more tolerant than then, since she lacks her natural peer.'  

"Anyway, I'm sorry. Bringing these nasty things all the way here."  

He expected Lakefield and Deong-cheol to be in the mall, but there was no time to tell them to evacuate in advance. After she got close enough, she decided it was more dangerous to induce her to run away prematurely, so she sent her thoughts to stay inside.  

It was because it was safest to be next to Minjun in this situation. Lakefield told them not to worry. "Don't worry. It must have been because you vaguely thought you could do it all on your own."  

Indeed it was. "I have called the immigration office now. That swarm will be dealt with soon." The magician who turned tens of thousands of wasps into the undead didnt have the ability to control them all.

With this, the trick was to inject chemicals into the princess body. Even if one were to release it, it would show a movement that suited your purpose.

As evidence of that, the swarm of bugs did not give up and crashed into the barrier, wasting wasted energy.  

"Are others in the immigration office capable enough?" Lakefield, knowing that Minjun was the best agent among them, tilted his head. He wanted to see if something would change if reinforcements came.  

And then, he answered. "Those, undead."  

      Ah! Right. I understand."  

That meant that someone with the ability to pierce the weaknesses of the undead was coming. Minjun was an industry worker who could never enter.  

By the way" He asked while looking at the princess who had become the noisemaker.  

He spoke this simultaneously with both thought and voice. "=Do you understand what I mean? Now calm down a little.="  

However, the princesss excitement did not subside, as evidenced by the continuous screaming. "If words only work in one direction, what is this"  

He clicked his tongue. Olga, the interpreter, was dead, and Minjun didnt understand the Shutan language. He most likely didnt even get it before he was arrested by the commission.  

It was said that once a language is learned, it did not disappear even after amnestics. Every time the princess screamed, the sound of a steel structure collapsing resounded loudly. It was so resonant that the window trembled.  

In the meantime, even Minjuns nerves were getting tenser and tenser. "= Calm down, listen to me. There must be characters that we both know in common. Could you please tell me in writing? Have you had any contact' with anyone today?="  

He tried to figure out where the chemicals boiling in the princess had come from.  

Everything the princess ate and drank was strictly controlled. Its not that way.  

Also, at the site where the wasps attacked, he confirmed that the insect swarm did not attack the other Stans. This meant that he was not inhaling any material that had spread through the air.  

In that case, all those who moved with him would have been poisoned, and what reacted to the substance in the stanze should react the same to the attendant. In the end, it was highly likely that only the princess touched something.  

Lakefield, who was watching the scene carefully, slapped his hand. "Oh, yes! You too why are you going through this hardship right now?"  


"Deong-cheol. Go to the warehouse over there and get some of it."  

At this, the goblin quickly went to the storage room next door and brought what the elf mentioned. It was a familiar reaction, like his own home. Minjun sighed lightly as he looked at the ego fry pan that Deong-cheol held in his hand.  

And then, he said to Lakefield. "It's not that I didn't think of that."  

The elf then asked, as if finding this surprising, Really?  

"Isn't this alien noisy? However, knocking down the back of the head with a frying pan is not a fundamental solution. There is still one thing left to check"  

"No, what are you talking about now? Have you already forgotten the sound of the artificial intelligence in there promoting itself every time?"  

In fact, he had never held it in his hand after putting it there. On the other hand, Lakefield had borrowed it several times, saying he missed his hometown cuisine. Minjun never lent it to Cathy, but he would often lend it to others.  

"It's a shame that this frying pan makes a strange noise when it is put on fire, but it is actually a masterpiece with quite advanced features."  

"I know that, but"  

"Hey, did you forget that this product has psychosocial properties?"  


Then he remembered what the pervert had said to him.  

=        Also, dont worry about communication, as you can understand and interpret any language through non-contact mental communication! Ahhh!=

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