The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 71: The God of War (17)

Chapter 71: The God of War (17)

After Lin Dan went to the frontier secretly, the Lin family was in a mess for quite a while. The great empress didn't even dare to get sick. She quickly got up and get some food and sent someone to find her granddaughter along the way, fearing that she would encounter any danger. A complete family had now become a mess.

On the contrary, Aunt Shi and Lin Wan, who were driven out by the great empress, lived a comfortable life. The Lin family had many heirs, and all of them were skilled in literary and martial arts, quite promising. The child in Aunt Shi's belly was not so precious at all. When the baby was born, the Lin family would provide him the necessities, but nothing more. But now, the situation was completely different. All the good sons of the Lin family had died on the battlefield; only Lin Qing survived by luck. However, he was positioned to fight at the frontier, which was very dangerous. Therefore, the child in Aunt Shi's belly became an indispensable existence in the Lin family and must be well protected and raised up.

The night when the great empress received the devastating news, she sent someone to invite Aunt Shi back to the mansion. Aunt Shi said she was too weak to move, so she was unwilling to get on the carriage. The great empress understood her intention, so she went to pick her up in person the next day and apologized to her. For the sake of the child and the future of the Lin family, the great empress could bear anything.

Aunt Shi quitted the acting when the great empress came in person. She took Lin Wan and return to the mansion. After a few days, Lin Wan was found out to be pregnant, which made the great empress very angry. Only then did the people know that when Lin Wan and King Kang fell into the wilderness on the night, they spend the night together and got pregnant with a bastard child. What Ding Mujie had said to praise them before was just humiliating now. One of two was contemptible, and the other was frivolous. What a shameless couple.

The great empress was so furious that she felt dizzy and wanted to vomit blood, but she had to dispatch someone to send a message to King Kang. King Kang hadn't had a son since he got married for five years, so he was a little anxious. Although Lin Wan was of no use to him and the Lin family had been defeated, the child was the key to seize the throne. He couldn't refuse it, so he ordered someone to pick up Lin Wan with a sedan chair.

Lin Wan was more or less unwilling to accept that she couldn't have a grand wedding and might not become the imperial concubine in the future. But she felt relieved when she thought that as long as she was pregnant with King Kang's only child, she could depend on her son. Seeing that the Lin family was getting worse, she was delighted that she would have endless wealth in the future while she moved to the king's mansion. Apart from that, she was still imagining the miserable situation Lin Dan was enduring at the moment.

From her point of view, Lin Dan was extremely stupid to go to the frontier alone. Perhaps she had been raped and killed by some bandits. She wanted to tell the great empress, "It's better to find her bones instead of looking for her everywhere; that will be more efficient.".

Unfortunately, not long after she was complacent, a war report came from the frontier, saying that General Xue Zhao had died in the battle. At the critical moment, Lin Dan took the position of Xue Zhao and became the leading general of the central army. She would lead the Western army to defeat the Huns and regain the conquered Hetao area.

In the battlefield report, King Zhuang frequently requests to reward Lin Dan. He said that it was inappropriate to have a female general, but it turned out that he had the right judgment. Lin Dan was highly valued. Father, please give forgiveness. Then, he complimented the only female general again and wrote them clearly on the report.

King Zhuang's words reassured the emperor, but more importantly, Lin Dan's outstanding achievements by defeating the Huns' remnant and regaining back many villages and even cities made the emperor speechless. As long as she could fight, it's her freedom to do what she desires.

Since the emperor didn't oppose, the ministers didn't dare to say anything. The matter that Lin Dan became the leading general just passed quietly. As time went by, Lin Dan's battle achievements and prestige got higher and higher. She was known as the god of war. The Lin family, which was on the verge of collapse, gradually stood up again.

The great empress found out that her granddaughter was still alive, she felt relief. When she saw that the Lin family, which was about to be doomed, gradually returned to its former glory, the smile on her face appeared more frequent. Mrs. Lin, who had been sick for a long time, was slowly recovering. These days, she could help the great empress manage domestic affairs and no longer be immersed in the pain of losing her husband and son. All the servants who had thought of leaving the mansion were all at ease to serve their master.

Aunt Shi was probably the only one who was unhappy in the mansion. These days, she had been complacent of herself because of the baby in her belly. She often went to Mrs. Lin's room to "pay her a visit". In fact, she swaggered around and was planning to persuade the great empress to help her become the legal wife. They should be aware that Lin Qing was still fighting on the battlefield, and it was uncertain that he could be back alive. The baby in her belly was the most precious treasure of the Lin family. As the mother of the child, how could she be a concubine?

The great empress felt annoyed at the sight of her selfish face. With these few words, she was sent back, and she was told that there would never have this kind of people to be the legal wife in the Lin family. The legal wife would always be the legal wife, and the concubine would always be the concubine. How could she mess up the sense of superiority and inferiority?

Aunt Shi was so angry that she gritted her teeth. She hated the great empress and the people of the Lin mansion even more. She swore in her heart that she would revenge back one day. But she never thought that the chance of revenge would come so soon. One day, a servant she bribed gave her a message that General Lin was not killed in the battle but was shot by Lin Dan. In order to protect the reputation of Lin Dan, the whole Western army had sealed their mouth. They were not allowed to talk about this. They only say that General Lin was dead in battle, just like the other generals.

But Lin Dan couldn't get over it, so she wrote a letter to the great empress and admitted her crime. She also said that she would give an explanation to the entire family when she returned. After reading the letter, the great empress couldn't help crying and fainted on the bed unconsciously. Several servants hurried over to help her up, and they all saw the words on the letter. When the great empress regained consciousness, she ordered them not to spread the news, but they couldn't resist the greed of human nature. In the end, they still made a slip of the tongue.

Aunt Shi rubbed her hands excitedly and gave a large amount of silver to the servant. Then she wrote a letter to Lin Wan, asking her to find a way to deal with Lin Dan, in case that Mrs. Lin was too delighted that it covered her fame. Just as Lin Wan was worrying that she didn't have the chance to compete for King Kang's favor, she revealed the news to King Kang that night. The next day, the impeachment against Lin Dan for killing her father was spread all over the emperor's table. Many rumors were constantly told to his ears, which made him think ill of Lin Dan. Then he issued an imperial edict to summon Lin Dan and King Zhuang back to the imperial city.

Fortunately, King Zhuang was well prepared. He ordered his men to submit the joint letter from the officers and soldiers that recorded the truth of the matter. He also begged a wise person to help defend Lin Dan in front of the imperial palace.

The truth that she had planned to hide until her death spread like wildfire over a night. The great empress felt as if her heart was cut by a knife when she heard outsiders framing her granddaughter for being cruel and merciless. She didn't have time to punish the insider; she immediately put on the first-grade imperial dress and the imperial dragon head stick and went to the palace.

The great empress had saved the former emperor, and the empress insisted on breaking into the emperor's audience hall. The guard of the Imperial Army didn't dare to stop her, so they immediately sent someone to ask for his Majesty's permission. In the audience hall, the courtiers were divided into two factions, and they were quarreling fiercely. One faction scolded Lin Dan for killing her father; the crime was unpardonable. She must be called back to the capital and accused of her crime immediately; The other faction stood out to defend her, saying that she was forced to do so and excusable, so it was better to dismiss her charge.

The emperor's mind was in a mess. When he heard that the great empress was here, he let her in without hesitation. Whether Lin Dan was guilty or innocent, and forgivable or not. All he needed to do was to let the great empress, his closest relative, judge for him. If the courtiers wanted to argue, he would just allow them to argue with the great empress.

When the great empress walked into the hall with her imperial dragon head stick, the people from the two factions went quiet and looked at her with their gleaming eyes.

The great empress bowed to the emperor respectfully and said, "I heard all of your argument just now when I waited outside the palace. Why did Lin Dan kill her father? I think y'all have seen the specific situation described in the joint letter of King Zhuang and the other generals. It doesn't matter whether she is incompetent to be the daughter of her father or excusable. I'm not here to quarrel with y'all. I just want to tell you my opinion. "

The great empress cupped her hands to the courtiers and continued, "There is a dilemma between loyalty and filial piety. It has been said since ancient times. You are all courtiers, so you must have known what that means. However, in our family, this has been an everlasting dilemma. The choice between loyalty and filial piety is a personal choice, and I dare not interfere with it. But in our Lin family, if we put the devotion to our country and filial piety on the same scale, we will definitely choose to be loyal to the emperor and patriotism instead of filial piety. The Lin family's sons will leave their mother and go to the frontier to fight when they grew up. They will devote their life to the country and the emperor. They have never been filial for a day. Between their family and the country, they would choose to guard the country and give up their family. But it was also because of their choice; There are thousands of safe and peaceful small families. Can you say that their intention is wrong? Have you ever thought about how much they have sacrificed while you are living a peaceful life? For the victory of the Wei Kingdom and to prevent the Huns' cavalries from trampling our mountains and rivers, my son chose to die with emotions, and my granddaughter decided to kill her father. One of them died with a smile, and the other lived with pain and forever being haunted by that day. When I received the news, my heart was also broken, but I have never thought my granddaughter did the wrong thing. "

The great empress looked around at the courtiers and said firmly, "I believe that she has never regretted. Even if she was given another chance, she would still shoot the arrow because, in her heart, loyalty to the emperor, patriotism, and defending the country is more important than filial piety. If it weren't for her that arrow, the army's morale wouldn't have been as firm as a rock, and their fighting spirit wouldn't have been high. Even Wei couldn't have won the recent victory. When everyone impeached her, y'all must have thought that she had done something wrong. Y'all must assume that she should choose her parents and family among the emperor, country, parents, and family. Filial piety is the most important thing for y'all. Meanwhile, y'all desire to have a peaceful country. I don't dare to interfere with your viewpoint, but I can't agree with y'all. Our family's rule has been passed down for hundreds of years, and there is only a phase Be loyal to the emperor when living; die for the country. We only know we have a country to protect, but not a family. Is that wrong? "

The great empress slowly knelt down, and kowtowed with tears flowing all over her face, and said, "Our Lin family has been loyal to His Majesty for generations and have sacrificed their lives. All of us can be the witness for this. Your Majesty, please uphold justice!" Her sonorous and powerful voice echoed in the hall, making all the courtiers were embarrassed and didn't dare to look at the emperor's face.

In the court, who dared to mention their parents and family were far more important than the emperor and the state of the Wei Kingdom? The great empress' words certainly slapped the faces of all the officials who impeached Lin Dan, and the emperor was moved by her words.

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