The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 224: Isn't it a goal?

Chapter 224: Isn't it a goal?

What next?

Clark gave a pensive thought.

Now that he had found it, he couldnt just leave it here.

He shook his head, looked at the frozen Captain America, his eyes flashed, and his thermal vision appeared.

A few seconds later, he snapped Captain America out, pinning it under his arm.

For some reason, he looked at the current Captain America, suddenly thought of the popsicles with Charles when he was a child and they ate together.

Could not help but smile, he took Captain America, lifting each others shields, and walked toward the outside of the ship.

In Mikes house, Mike was preparing dinner, wiped off the water stains on his hands and took out his cell phone when he heard it ring.

Looking at the familiar number, Mike smiled faintly.

Hello, son.


Clark shouted, relieved.

He had run quite a distance to get through to this phone, and for fear of causing damage to the popsicle, he had to slow down and waste a lot of time.

Where are you?

Listening to the sound of the fierce wind coming from the phone, Mike frowned.

Near the North Pole, on an ice field in the Arctic Ocean. Clark spoke up and said, Ive found something and I need your help.

Near the North Pole?

Found something and need help?

Could it be a Kryptonian ship?

A thought flashed through Mikes mind and he said, Wait for me, Ill be there now.

After looking at Gwen, and finding that Gwen was playing at Johns house, a portal card appeared between Mikes fingers.

After opening the portal, he rushed in as the ice and snow hit Mikes face with the cold wind.

A few minutes later

A rotating golden portal appeared in the living room of Mikes house, and Mike stepped out first, followed by Clark who was carrying a human-shaped popsicle.

Father and son have not seen each other for a long time, although there are quite a few things to say, but looking at the frozen Captain America, decided to take care of this first.

Dad, leave it to you. Clark shook off the snowflakes on his body and handed Captain America over.

Mike frowned and said, You take him upstairs first, Ill make two phone calls.

Clark nodded, then looked at the surroundings stunned, looked at Mike in confusion and said, Is this our home?


Mike slapped his forehead and said, I forgot to tell you, we moved, the farm was given to Bob and the others to take care of, and this is in Queens.

Clark suddenly had a sense of loss.

He seemed really out of touch with his family.

He took Captain America, took the shield to the upper floor, found his room, and when he saw that the decoration inside was exactly the same as the room in the farm, the loss in his heart instantly disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face.

Put the frozen Captain America on the bed, he noticed a few red packets under the pillow, the smile on his face grew wider and wider.

Luckily, his dad hadnt forgotten him.

Putting the red envelopes away and placing them in the desk drawer, he got up and headed downstairs, unable to stop himself from smiling after seeing that Mike was holding his phone away from him, listening to the roar on his phone with a disgusted look on his face.

Youre full of crap.

When the roar in the phone weakened, Mike faintly said.

You hurry up and get ready, if anything goes wrong, I dont care.

The words fell, Mike directly hung up the phone.

Nick Fury happens to be in New York, he will come to pick up Captain America in a moment, but also need to first arrange to pick up Captain America after things, such as for Captain America thaw, deal with Captain America appear things and so on.

Speaking of thawing

I dont know if its possible to throw Captain America into the microwave.

An absurd thought flashed through Mikes mind and he couldnt help but laugh.

Mike hesitated with his phone and called Peggy Carter.

Peggy Carter has been waiting for more than half a century for this moment to meet with each other, has waited too long.

The call was answered, and Peggy Carters lazy voice rang out.

Mike? Why are you calling me at this hour? Three missing one?

Shortage of shit! All you think about all day is playing mahjong. Mike couldnt help but spit out, and as Peggy Carter muttered discontentedly about hanging up the phone, quickly said, I found Steve.

Steve? Which Steve?

Steve Rogers, hes still alive.

The words fell, there was a long silence on the other side of the phone, followed by the sound of excitement to the point of trembling, and the sound of something being knocked over.

Hes there? Is he okay?

At my house, hes had some problems, but hes alive.

Im coming over now! Peggy Carter said excitedly, No, wait, Ill clean up!

Yeah, give me ten minutes, Ill call you later.

With that, Peggy Carter hung up the phone and excitedly walked to her closet and started picking out her clothes.

Mike would never lie to her about something like this.

All she could think about now was Steves face.

After standing frozen for a few seconds looking at the clothes, she wiped the tears that had escaped at some point and began to dress herself.

She was going to meet Steve with her best side.

The result..

Dont talk about ten minutes. After waiting for half an hour, Mike didnt wait for Peggy Carters call. Instead, Nick Fury came to Mikes house first.

He still came alone, but this time drove the car into a business car.

When Mike opened the door to welcome him in, he first nodded to Clark aside, and then rushed straight upstairs.

Mike called John and asked them to watch Gwen for a while longer while he headed upstairs.

When arriving at Clarks room, Mike looked at Nick Fury, who was about to put his face to Steves and carefully distinguish the identity of the other man, and coughed softly.

Nick Fury turned his head, looked at the father and son in the doorway and said in surprise, Where did you find this?

Clark smiled and said, Just on the Arctic Ocean, a piece of ice field closer to Russia, your S.H.I.E.L.D. has set up a base nearby, isnt that what you found?

A base? The Arctic Ocean?

Nick Fury frowned and said, Our target of detection is not on the Arctic Ocean, but at the center of the North Pole, farther away.

Saying that, he took out his phone, pulled out the map, tapped on it, pointed to a red dot on the North Pole, and said, This is our target, see if its here.

Clark looked and his brow furrowed.

He found that Captain Americas place, and S.H.I.E.L.D.s target is not a place, S.H.I.E.L.D.s base is built in the middle of the two locations.

So, he got it backwards?

Looking at the red dot on the map, a thought sprang to Clarks mind.

What S.H.I.E.L.D. was looking for, could it be related to him?

He looked to Mike, who nodded and said to Nick Fury, Anything about your target?

No. Nick Fury shook his head and said, Still shipping equipment over there, havent started exploring yet.

The only thing we know for sure is that the ice there is 20,000 years old, and we dont know whats inside yet.

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