The Extra's Return

Chapter 125 Let's Blow Up

I touched the iron gate. My hand grazed the surface of the iron gate. What I felt were thin scratch marks on the surface of the iron gate.

Just like someone trying to solve a puzzle, I tried to translate the Beastman Marks engraved on the iron gate.

The thickness, length of each scratch, and various other details of the pattern gradually made sense to me. Every little detail difference could mean different words to read.

"Did the person who was thrown in here yesterday make a ruckus?"

"Hmm. If you say so, it reminds me that there was a bit of a commotion yesterday. But it was only for a moment. Anyway, I'm sure that person was restrained with a lot of Mana-blocking handcuffs."

If this beastmen had made a pattern like this, it seems that the beastman had tried to escape quite strongly. And of course, the beastman's strength was also very strong. If that wasn't the case, the beastman wouldn't have been able to scratch this iron gate with the power that was locked.

Although I had tried quite hard, I was not one hundred percent able to decipher all of this. But I happened to be able to understand the gist of this Beastman's Mark. Especially at the mention of Reine Rosewood's name.

The point is that this Beastman Mark contains a goodbye message to Reine.

Looks like there were words like inheritance and something like that. But for me, who had only learned about Beastman Marks by myself in my previous life, I couldn't interpret it.

I only learned through the few Beastmen I met on the battlefield. You can imagine a scene where many beastmen died and left their Beastman Marks on a small rock on the battlefield, and I saw many beastmen reading every Beastman Mark they found.

That's where I learned.

As I focused on diving into deciphering these Beastman Marks, I suddenly noticed the arrival of someone.


"Oh, Master, you're here!"

A voice suddenly came right beside my ear. The voice came from an invisible being. It was good that I had known of his presence beforehand, so I didn't jump in surprise. If I was an ordinary old man, I would have already had a heart attack.

The voice came from Nya Nu. He was coming from an intersection and came straight to me when he saw me.

He managed to be near me without Claude, Raiz, or Sharon realizing it. However, Sharon managed to sense something.

Maybe because she was a Magician, her sensitivity to Mana was also strong enough so that she could sense Nya Nu's presence, though not to the point where she was completely aware of Nya Nu's existence.

I mean, she seemed to be able to sense that something was approaching, but she did not actually know that it was Nya Nu.

Perhaps because she was closest to me from the start, without Sharon realizing it, she had already wrapped her arms around me, clearly frightened.

The reaction she had was the same as that of an ordinary woman in a haunted house.


She even swung her magic staff in the air continuously. The funny thing was that her magic staff almost hit Nya Nu. That made Nya Nu lower his body until Nya Nu was forced to walk closer to me by squatting.

Only after Nya Nu arrived right beside me did he whisper in my ear.



I looked at Sharon with a questioning gaze, and she also noticed my gaze and managed to regain her senses.

"S-sorry... I just felt something approaching..."

She said in a low voice.

Then she released her grip on my arm and stepped back.

While looking shy, she seemed to be chanting, but it was clear that she was not chanting, she was just moving her thin lips randomly.

After Sharon had moved a distance back, I asked Nya Nu, "How did you come to see me here?"

"Didn't you previously give me orders to explore this place, Master?"

"Is that so?"

I did remember giving him the order to explore the Master District, but I had forgotten that I had also given the order to explore the Mine Dungeon.

"H-how dare you, Masterrrrrr."

Nya Nu's voice trembled violently until his skeleton teeth rattled.

"By the way, who are these people with you?"

I squinted my eyes and said to myself. 'Doesn't your mood change too quickly?

"Due to certain circumstances, I had them lead me here. More importantly, can you tell me...?"

I intended to tell him to tell me about my previous orders in detail, but I forgot that Nya Nu was a chatty and talkative person. Without me giving any further orders, he already started talking.

"I have successfully explored the entire place in the Master's district and I am exploring this place as per your orders..."

That was the reason why he was able to meet me here.

Not stopping there, even though Nya Nu said that he was only exploring a safe place, he seemed to have managed to give good details about the Master district and this Mine Dungeon.

Nya Nu should already know the uncharted places inside this Mine Dungeon.

"So, you won't get lost if you enter this place, right?"

"Yes, although I have not explored all parts, I have explored most of them and I have memorized all the paths inside this Mine Dungeon, including the path to the Boss room."

Well, with the Intelligence stat he had, I believed him when he said he had memorized all the paths inside this Mine Dungeon.

"Then, what about the Master District, did you find anything inside the Master District, especially where the building belonging to the leader of the Nest of Slavery lives?"


The opening of a lengthy explanation was a laugh.

He laughed restrainedly, which indicated he was very confident.

"Although I did not dare to approach the room where the likely leader of the Nest of Slavery resides, I managed to find out where they keep their stockpile of weapons and other valuable items, Master."

"Is that so?"

"Take a look at this, Master." He sounded like he was showing off the items he had taken from their storage warehouse.

He was indeed trying to show off, but since he was still in camouflage mode, I couldn't see it. Even so, if he continued to make noise, there was a chance that he would be fully noticed by Sharon or even Claude and Raiz.

In that case, I wouldn't be able to explain how I could have a Lich's servant.

That's why I had to elbow Nya Nu to get him to shut up.

"How were you able to take all that without being detected? Is their storage warehouse unlocked?"

"Ugh! Their storage warehouse was locked, but I managed to get in after some soldiers entered the place to check their storage warehouse. Surprisingly, there was another room inside the storage shed that I couldn't enter. I thought that there might be more valuable items there, but that wasn't the case after I heard the soldiers' conversation."

Nya Nu continued to give his report. Even without me asking, he continued to ramble on. Finally, I stopped what he said because he said something that made me widen my eyes in surprise.

"What did you say?"

"Umm, which one?"

"The words of the soldiers regarding the secret room inside the storage warehouse."

"They said that inside there is their leader's favorite toy."

"And that is?"

"Fox race beastman?"

'Is that beastman what Ragnar refers to as Reine Rosewood, the person he serves? Ugh, I'm so confused. Well, I'd better get over there and rescue that beastman so that everything becomes clear.'

However, I didn't plan to go there right away.

First, I had to make some noise to shake up the Nest of Slavery first.

I asked Claude, "Give me the items you'll use to create the Dungeon Explosion phenomenon!"

This would be slightly different from my original plan, where I planned to trigger conflict between soldiers in the Master District, however, the result of this new plan would be much more shaking up the Nest of Slavery.

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