The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine

Chapter 33 - 33: The relationships among the people in your city are so complicated!

Chapter 33: Chapter 33: The relationships among the people in your city are so complicated!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Whenever there was a business opportunity, Huang Xiaolong would not let it slip by.

Immediately, Hong Quantao and Zou Shi respectfully led Huang Xiaolong and Su Xiaoman to the largest and most luxurious private room at the Emperor Grand Hotel.

This room was reserved for Hong Quantao only all year round, other people could not even hope to book it.

Hong Quantao’s so-called gathering was actually a high-end tea party where bosses from various industries in Binhai City came together for conversation and tea. Anyone with less than 50 million net worth would not be able to enter this circle. The conversation at the gathering generally revolved around the future development and policy direction of various major industries in Binhai City. Silently, they might decide business deals worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

“Divine Doctor, Miss Su, please come in.” Hong Quantao personally opened the door to the room.

Huang Xiaolong, holding Su Xiaoman’s hand, walked into the room.

The room was spacious, exquisitely decorated in a luxurious ancient Chinese style. Hunan embroidered screens and redwood furniture filled the room, and the air was perfumed with a tea aroma. The room was already nearly full with around twenty people.

As soon as Huang Xiaolong entered, everyone’s curious eyes glanced over.

They all wanted to see who could warrant such personal attention from Hong Quantao.

But after seeing Huang Xiaolong’s attire and noting his age, everyone was taken aback, their eyes full of disbelief.

Is it even possible?

A country bumpkin!

Hong Quantao and Zou Shi ran out only to bring back a country bumpkin!

What on earth is this all about?

The people in the room were undoubtedly the leading figures in various industries in Binhai. Under their gaze, Su Xiaoman felt a bit oppressive, her scalp tingling. Huang Xiaolong, on the other hand, remained calm and tranquil.

“Everyone, this is the Divine Doctor and his girlfriend… they are honored guests of Old Zou and myself…” Hong Quantao introduced solemnly, then turned to Huang Xiaolong. “Divine Doctor, there are too many people here, so I will not introduce everyone one by one. As conversation flows, everyone will naturally get familiar.”

Almost all the seats in the room were taken, and Hong Quantao felt embarrassed to ask someone to give up their seat for Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong, discerning the situation, nonchalantly said, “Then Xiaoman and I will just find an empty seat ourselves.” “Yes,” said Hong Quantao respectfully.

Upon hearing Hong Quantao’s introduction, everyone in the room understood.

Divine Doctor?

Damn it! It’s just a doctor!

Judging by his attire, he’s probably not even a doctor from a formal hospital, but a rural doctor! A barefoot doctor!

Even if such a doctor has some skills, possesses ancient prescriptions, and takes into account social status and background, such a person should not be mixed into this circle!

“Is Old Hong out of his mind?” said an elderly man with greying temples, somewhat dissatisfied.

“This is outrageous! Our gathering is a private one, Old Hong, what’s the meaning of inviting a rural doctor here?”

“Ha, ha… Hong, you, honestly, just let it go this time, don’t invite just anyone in front of us!”

Jeers and sneers echoed around the room.

Su Xiaoman kept her head down, embarrassed, not even daring to take a deep breath.

Huang Xiaolong, on the other hand, remained utterly serene. To him, the various comments directed at him were like breezes passing by, leaving no trace behind.

Hong Quantao and Zou Shi were somewhat infuriated, cursing in their hearts at those in the room who were blind, disrespectful, and revelling in schadenfreude…

However, Hong Quantao and Zou Shi could not react openly since those present were all influential figures. Offending any of them would not end well. They silently prayed that Huang Xiaolong, being such an exceptional and magnanimous person, would not take offence.

“Old Hong, just tell them how the Divine Doctor miraculously revived Captain Lin Jing later, let’s see what they have to say then,” Zou Shi whispered to Hong


“Hmm,” Hong Quantao nodded.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong, holding Su Xiaoman’s hand, came to a redwood sofa with just two vacant spots left.

“Sister Xiaoman, let’s sit here.” Huang Xiaolong had just started to sit down.

“Wait!” Suddenly, a cold snort echoed in Huang Xiaolong’s ear from the redwood sofa.

“Huh?” Huang Xiaolong glanced up.

This redwood sofa had five spots, three of which were already occupied.

Two men, one woman.

The two men, one young and one old. The elder, probably in his fifties or sixties, had a square-shaped face and emanated an intimidating aura even when he was not angry.

The younger man, about twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, had a very clean and scholarly bearing. However, his eyes are small, giving one a somewhat cunning impression.

As for the woman, she is a thirty-ish, well-dressed and heavily made-up woman. Her figure and skin are well-maintained, and she wears expensive jewelry, projecting a charming allure.

The charming woman leaned on the square-faced, imposing man and even intertwined her arm with his, clearly signifying an intimate relationship.

The voice rebuking Huang Xiaolong was the man in his mid-twenties.

“You can’t sit here,” the haughty man looked at Huang Xiaolong as if an emperor were glancing at a dirt-digging peasant.

“Why can’t I sit here?” Huang Xiaolong asked, expressing his dissatisfaction. “Because you are not worthy to sit next to us, is that reason enough?” the young man sneered.

Seeing this, the room’s occupants looked on eagerly, anticipating further strife.

The square-faced man was Chairman Qiu, the head of a large real estate company in Binhai City. His net worth was in billions and by any measure connections, assets, or cunning – he was regarded as the undisputed leader among all who were present in the room!

In Chairman Qiu’s eyes, people like Hong Quantao were insignificant, as trivial as foot soldiers.

“Chairman Qiu’s adopted son has become a tad too arrogant,” Hong Quantao and Zou Shi were a bit annoyed, but their evident awe of Chairman Qiu left them cautious about standing up for Huang Xiaolong just yet.

Chairman Qiu, a successful man himself, had amassed a considerable amount of wealth and thus was a prominent figure in Binhai. However, there was one significant flaw in his life – he was infertile!

That is to say, Chairman Qiu had no children of his own, something that he deeply regretted.

The man rebuking Huang Xiaolong was an adopted son Chairman Qiu had accepted years ago. This young man was a smooth operator and was very spoilt by Chairman Qiu.

And so, his arrogant personality was nurtured, making him infamous in the circles of rich young masters in Binhai.

“You disgusting fellow, go sit somewhere else, don’t come near me!” Chairman Qiu’s adopted son shooed Huang Xiaolong away with a wave of his hand, showing a clear contempt, then brushed off his shirt like it was stained with something dirty.

“Little Long, let’s go.” Su Xiaoman, rather resentful, tried to pull Huang Xiaolong towards the door.

“Uh… Wait…” Yet, Huang Xiaolong didn’t budge. Instead, he studied Chairman Qiu, his adopted son, and the gorgeous woman with meticulous care.

“This relationship is complicated…” Huang Xiaolong muttered to himself, then turned to Chairman Qiu and asked. “I would like to know, what exactly is the relationship between you three?”

“What right do you have to question us?” the adopted son, irritated, raised his


“Little Xu, stop being so offensive. They are, after all, Old Hong’s esteemed guests. Let’s be respectful. That’s enough, don’t say anymore,” Chairman Qiu, calm as a mountain, gently smiled. “Young man, this is my wife…” He patted the beautiful woman beside him, and then motioned towards his adopted son, “And this is my adopted son. Do you have any other questions?”

“Oh, you speak in such a convoluted manner; wife means wife and adopted son means adopted son.” Huang Xiaolong was confused, “Good heavens, the relationships among you city folks are so complicated…”

Huang Xiaolong pointed out the glamorous woman and Chairman Qiu’s adopted son. “My lord, your family situation is truly complex. Your adopted son was last night with your wife… Oh my! The city’s people play so deep! I’m learning so much, so much…” Huang Xiaolong went on and on!


Utter silence!

An eerie silence!

The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop!

The beautiful woman and Chairman Qiu’s adopted son were horrified. Sweating profusely, they exchanged a glance and both saw bone-chilling fear deep in each other’s eyes!

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