The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 190: My Responsibility; My Protection!

Chapter 190: My Responsibility; My Protection!

My Responsibility; My Protection! . . .

A number of the fallen enemies had sustained only superficial wounds, mere scratches on their skin, and yet these minor injuries had led to their demise, their veins freezing over.

The outcome exceeded Cha-Eun Xiao's expectations. He was well aware of the potency of his gelid power, recognizing that its effects varied depending on the target's cultivation level. Against those below the eighth level of the Grade of Diyuan, it was lethal, capable of instantly extinguishing their lives with a single touch.

However, when confronted by Tianyuan cultivators, its efficacy diminished, especially against stronger adversaries. In his battle with Liu Chang-Jun, who had been at a mere fifth level of the Grade of Tianyuan, Cha-Eun Xiao had been forced to launch continuous attacks to induce effects like freezing and paralysis. Complete immobilization had proven elusive, even with his considerable power.

For individuals like Ning Bi-Luo, Guan Zheng-Wen, and Master Sun of the royal house, all of whom stood as grandmasters within the Grade of Tianyuan, Cha-Eun Xiao harbored doubts about whether his gelid power could truly harm them. Though the most formidable among his pursuers boasted only half the cultivation prowess of Liu Chang-Jun, Cha-Eun Xiao's gelid power seemed to function perfectly against them. The sheer number of adversaries, however, posed a significant challenge. His concentration wavered as he attempted to protect Su Ye-Yue, thereby reducing the effectiveness of his power.

Yet despite the odds, the outcome was remarkably successful, and Cha-Eun Xiao attributed this unexpected triumph to the unique properties of the Sky Demonic Steel within his Demonic Weapons. When infused with his gelid qi and mingled with the enemies' blood, it wrought devastating havoc.

This revelation sparked the briefest moment of contemplation in Cha-Eun Xiao's mind, though it quickly gave way to the resurgence of his adversaries. With no time to further explore the implications of this newfound power, he refocused on the immediate threat.

The enemy closed in, their movements deliberate and synchronized. Three grandmaster-level cultivators within the Grade of Diyuan encircled Cha-Eun Xiao, forming a triangular formation. A lone Tianyuan cultivator joined them, adding further pressure. The remaining adversaries hovered at the periphery, their gazes fixated on the skirmish. Should anything appear amiss, they stood ready to intervene.

Aware that they were operating within the Kingdom of Chen, the intruders aimed to swiftly conclude the conflict, with little regard for martial world conventions. Should the battlefield become too confined to accommodate their coordinated assault, it would require additional time to subdue Cha-Eun Xiao.

Unperturbed, Cha-Eun Xiao calmly parried the onslaught of attacks, his radiant golden hand deflecting each strike with unwavering resolve. He comprehended his own limitations and remained confident that Su Ye-Yue, if prudent, could evade discovery. His primary objective was to engage the enemy and buy precious moments for her escape.

Cha-Eun Xiao had always held his own life in high regard. In his previous life as a dominator, he'd been isolated, caring only for those who obeyed him and readily abandoning those who defied him. He had been a fighter when necessary but knew when to make a strategic retreat, showing little concern for others.

However, this time was different. For Su Ye-Yue's sake, he had chosen to stake his own life, a decision that would have been unthinkable for the Xiao Monarch of his past life. Even though he knew pushing Su Ye-Yue to safety might cost him his life, he felt it was the right choice, a matter of responsibility.

In his mind, Cha-Eun Xiao reinforced this belief. "It is my responsibility. A man's responsibility," he declared. It might have seemed foolish to onlookers, but Cha-Eun Xiao found a sense of spiritual growth in this selfless act.

He contemplated the importance of responsibility in a man's life, understanding that it took precedence over life and death. This principle, he believed, was essential to maintain one's dignity as a human being and uphold the virtues of a true man.

Pride welled within him as he continued to defend against the relentless enemy attacks. He dodged, parried, and struck back with his Demonic Weapons, the black glow in his eyes intensifying with each strike.

The enemies, fearing the deadly consequences of the mysterious black glow, retreated whenever it appeared. The earlier deaths of their comrades had left a lasting impression, and they were determined not to share the same fate.

Though Cha-Eun Xiao sustained about seven more wounds, his flying needles claimed seven more lives. He had never employed the needles against the Tianyuan cultivators, knowing they were unlikely to be fatal. Instead, he chose to eliminate as many adversaries as possible before his own demise.

The relentless battle continued, with blood splattering across the mountain. Cha-Eun Xiao fought with the tenacity of a cornered beast, appearing on the brink of death yet persisting. His strength and resilience bewildered the enemies, who vacated his path whenever the black glow emanated from him.

These enemies, once disdainful of the 'guard' whose cultivation barely surpassed the Grade of Diyuan, were now awestruck by his prowess. They had initially believed the light blue glow surrounding him was a trick, but they soon discovered the truth. Even a grandmaster-level cultivator of the Grade of Diyuan should have succumbed to such attacks, yet Cha-Eun Xiao, despite sustaining seven minor wounds and damaging his own Jing and Mai, stood resolute.

He fought valiantly against the superior cultivators encircling him, resembling a cornered beast on the verge of death. His resilience and ferocity were nothing short of monstrous, earning both admiration and hatred from his adversaries. While they respected his strength, they also harbored intense enmity due to the lives he had claimed.

As the battle raged on, Cha-Eun Xiao faced increased challenges. The enemies were determined to end his life quickly, fearing becoming his next victim. Amidst the escalating chaos, a flying needle found its mark, piercing the eye of a Diyuan cultivator and entering his brain. The man's agonizing screams filled the air as he writhed in pain, clutching his wounded eye.

As the relentless battle unfolded, Cha-Eun Xiao found himself expending more and more of his energy. His ability to control his needles had waned, leaving him unable to call them back at will.

"Got you!" Three powerful palms struck Cha-Eun Xiao simultaneously, sending him reeling. He stumbled, resembling a kite with a broken string as he was propelled through the air. His vision blurred, and a sense of regret gnawed at him.

"These ants... If I were in perfect condition, I could annihilate them all with ease. Yet now, I am at their mercy, unable to retaliate," Cha-Eun Xiao lamented. He felt frustration at his inability to vanquish these adversaries.

"If only their numbers were halved, I could escape after dispatching a significant portion of them. But their sheer quantity is overwhelming. Am I destined to meet my end here, after the arduous journey of rebirth?" he wondered, despair flickering within him.

Struggling to regain his composure, Cha-Eun Xiao stood up, blood seeping from his mouth. A thought crossed his mind: "If I were given the chance to make that choice again, would I abandon Su Ye-Yue and save myself? After all, they're after her, not me. With a 90 percent chance of survival, I could escape unscathed."

However, he couldn't help but mock himself. "If I abandoned her and fled, what kind of man would I be? Would I still deserve to be called human?"

As he contemplated his past actions and the significance of responsibility, a smile crept across Cha-Eun Xiao's face. "Hey, hey, hey... If only I had treated that girl in my previous life as I do Su Ye-Yue now. Perhaps she wouldn't have suffered so. How did I fail to grasp the essence of being a real man and the importance of responsibility? It seems the Xiao Monarch was nothing more than a weak individual."

Lost in introspection, Cha-Eun Xiao's thoughts left him feeling slightly dizzy. He casually waved his hand, and the black glow of his Demonic Weapons reappeared. Two needles materialized in his grasp, and he abandoned the pretense of hiding their secrets.

This time, everyone present could see the needles clearly, yet their threat remained undiminished, even intensifying. As those who had been closing in on him witnessed the needles in his hands, a hush fell over them. Their eyes conveyed a mixture of emotions, including awe and trepidation.

"Come on, all of you," Cha-Eun Xiao invited with a smile. "Let me claim a few more lives before I meet my end in hell."

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