The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 176: I Am Pissed!

Chapter 176: I Am Pissed!

I Am Pissed! . . .

Song Jue's countenance underwent a dramatic transformation, his face contorted with emotion, and it appeared as if tears welled up in his eyes. However, the gaze that met Cha Nan-Tian's was akin to encountering an apparition—a surreal and unexpected sight.

In the tumultuous moment that followed, both men were consumed by sheer astonishment.

"Why does this face seem so familiar..." Cha Nan-Tian's thoughts raced, struggling to place the visage before him.

Meanwhile, Song Jue was ensnared by his own stunned realization. His internal dialogue was a frantic whirlwind.

"Big brother! Cha Nan-Tian! This is an absolute disaster! An accident has befallen my meticulously crafted plan! My impeccable stratagem has encountered a calamity!" Song Jue was in the throes of disbelief.

He had never fathomed that his masquerade as his "ailing" nephew would unravel in the presence of his elder brother.

Inwardly, he bemoaned his dreadful misfortune. He couldn't fathom the terrible luck that had befallen him.

As the initial shock waned, Cha Nan-Tian rapidly regained his composure. His eyes narrowed to slits, emitting an icy, penetrating glare.

Cha Nan-Tian possessed a keen intellect, and though he hadn't entirely pieced together the puzzle, he discerned that someone had manipulated the situation. Crucially, he harbored a growing conviction that his son, Cha-Eun Xiao, remained unharmed.

Otherwise, Song Jue would not be behaving with such bizarre nonchalance, masquerading as his "ailing" nephew in this peculiar charade.

Seething with barely contained rage, Cha Nan-Tian ground his teeth as he observed Song Jue's posture.

"Is this pretense to your liking?" Cha Nan-Tian's voice was laced with venom as he fixed his gaze upon Song Jue.

"Big... big br... brother," stammered Song Jue, utterly at a loss for words, his mind a whirlwind of confusion.

"Do you find pleasure in deceiving me?" Cha Nan-Tian's countenance grew even colder.

"I... I..." Song Jue's brow was beaded with sweat, and he frantically darted his gaze around the room, his thoughts racing. "Where is that troublesome boy? Why is he not here to bear the brunt of his father's wrath on my behalf? I... I want to weep..."

Cha Nan-Tian's voice boomed, cutting through Song Jue's frantic musings. "What has transpired? Explain yourself!" His voice was deep and forceful, teeth gritted in anger.

Song Jue hastily rose, his words a jumbled mess. "Big brother... big..."

But he faltered, unable to articulate a coherent sentence.

Had anyone else been privy to this spectacle, it would have been etched into their memory forever. However, the room contained only the two of them.

"Since you've been feigning this ailment, kindly continue lying down," Cha Nan-Tian declared, his voice heavy with disdain. He raised his foot and pressed it firmly against Song Jue's abdomen, a ruthless reminder of the consequences of deceit.

"Song Jue, look at the chaos you've wrought! Well done!" Cha Nan-Tian's words dripped with sarcasm.

Song Jue, ensnared beneath the quilt, could barely move an inch. His grimace of agony was met with little sympathy.

"My dear older brother, allow me to explain... The truth is..." Song Jue began, a desperate plea in his eyes.

"Old? Do you consider me old now?" Cha Nan-Tian retorted, his anger unabated. "You deceitful, profligate charlatan!"

Song Jue's explanation was cut short as Cha Nan-Tian erupted in fury, delivering a devastating blow with his fist.


The impact reverberated through the room, and Song Jue's agonized cry filled the air as one of his eyes swelled and darkened.

"Brother, you..." His voice wavered, the pain almost too much to bear.

A deafening thud echoed once more through the room, as Cha Nan-Tian's fist landed on Song Jue with unrestrained fury.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack! You wretch! You scoundrel! You..." Cha Nan-Tian's rage was palpable. He had been on the brink of despair, tormented by the contents of Song Jue's letter, which had pushed him to the edge. Over a harrowing journey spanning 2300 miles, he had relentlessly forged ahead without pause. This remarkable feat, which would have taken the average person more than a year, was accomplished in a mere seven days. During his arduous journey, he had braved over a hundred assassination attempts, leaving a trail of bloodshed in his wake.

How could he not be infuriated?

Compounded by the fact that his son was conspicuously absent, leaving only Song Jue cloaked beneath a quilt, Cha Nan-Tian's fury reached its zenith.

He pummeled Song Jue mercilessly, venting his pent-up frustration. Lifting him as though he were a lifeless fish, he demanded answers. "Speak! What in the world has transpired? Why have you unleashed such chaos? Are you even aware of the dire consequences your actions could entail?"

Song Jue, battered and bruised, groaned, entreating, "Brother, please... Please lower me down... I... I can hardly breathe..."

After much effort, Song Jue recounted the entire sequence of events. Cha Nan-Tian, mouth agape, listened in stunned disbelief. He couldn't fathom that his own beloved son had orchestrated such mayhem in such a short span of time, concocting an elaborate and colossal fabrication.

Overwhelmed by the revelations, Cha Nan-Tian looked at Song Jue, speechless.

In a bitter tone, Song Jue implored, "Big brother, you must understand, this wasn't my doing..."

Although Song Jue attempted to absolve himself, his words only served to stoke Cha Nan-Tian's anger. His fury rekindled, Cha Nan-Tian launched another assault on Song Jue, bellowing, "Not your doing? I won't hold you accountable, you say? Then who should I hold responsible?"

Song Jue lamented, "Oh God, oh no... I'm nothing more than a scapegoat..."

His pitiable plea further enflamed Cha Nan-Tian's rage, resulting in another vicious beating. "A scapegoat, you say? I don't blame you? Is that so?"

Amid the tumult, the sounds of commotion outside the room grew louder.

The Northern Army's bloodguards had stormed into the house, and their leader was berating the thirty bloodguards who had been stationed there. "You wretched lot! Your duty was to protect the young lord! Look at the fine job you've done! You bunch of miscreants! How can you live with yourselves while our young lord is in such a state?"

The thirty bloodguards hung their heads in shame, feeling the weight of their failure. Their compatriots, returning from the north, glared at them with a burning desire to exact retribution.

Inside the room, Cha Nan-Tian was acutely aware of the clamor. His face flushed with embarrassment as he fought the urge to curse profusely, "Damn it!"

The footsteps outside approached, and more soldiers from the Northern Army, who had been on vacation, filed into the house. They assembled in the courtyard, standing in orderly rows, awaiting their general's command.

"General! What are your orders? We stand ready to receive them!" their leader declared, addressing Cha Nan-Tian with respect.

"As long as you give the order, we'll go anywhere and do anything! Be it the mountain of knives or the sea of fire, we're ready!"

"We don't give a damn about the Right Minister or any of the others! We've loathed them for ages!"

"Please, General, just give the order!"

The soldiers fervently declared their loyalty.

Turning his gaze to Song Jue, Cha Nan-Tian couldn't contain his frustration. "Look at what you've gotten me into! Tell me, what should I do now?"

Song Jue, clearly agitated, mumbled, "I swear to God, I had no idea it would come to this..."

Cha Nan-Tian's anger flared. He barked in a hushed tone, "You had no idea? Then enlighten me! What do you know? You scoundrel! I should've known that if Xiao Xiao was genuinely in danger, you'd lose your mind before I could return! Yet you saw fit to send me a letter! I half-expected to find your lifeless body upon my return! Now you're doing just fine, while everyone else is in a state of panic! You foolish imbecile! You've got no brains! Did a dog eat your brain or something?"

Song Jue bowed his head in remorse. "I truly didn't know..."

Cha Nan-Tian let out a deep sigh, pushing Song Jue with his finger in frustration. He scolded, "My good son has been led astray by you!"

Song Jue lifted his head, pleading, "Brother, you can't say that... Please, be reasonable... Your younger son is truly cunning and crafty... I'm the one who's been led astray..."

Cha Nan-Tian's fury escalated. He pointed a trembling finger at Song Jue. "You... You... You rascal! I'm not finished with you! Just wait, and I'll have words with you again..."

Song Jue lamented, "Not finished yet? I've been beaten to the point where my own mother wouldn't recognize me... How can you have more words with me? I'm completely wronged, suffering at the hands of you and your son... The younger one is shameless, and the older one is a monster. Why am I so unlucky?"

Cha Nan-Tian sighed, feeling conflicted. He had a multitude of soldiers awaiting his orders outside. He addressed them, "Brothers, return to your posts and await further instructions after I've assessed my son's condition. I believe I've returned in time, and there may be a chance to cure him. Let me work on it for now. You've all done well, and you've had a long day, my brothers."

It was the first time the renowned war god had ever lied. But he had no other recourse, as it was all due to the actions of his son and sworn brother.

The soldiers, elated by the prospect of Cha-Eun Xiao's recovery, chorused their approval. "Let us see him and express our concerns!"

Cha Nan-Tian, anxious to maintain the facade, hastily dissuaded them. "No, no, no... I'm working on it right now. Just wait. Let me ensure he remains stable..."

The soldiers, recognizing their impetuosity, felt ashamed. "You're right. We've been too hasty... We deserved your admonishment, Commander."

With a collective sense of remorse, they fell silent, and the room grew deathly quiet. Not even the faintest sound disturbed the stillness.

Within the room, Cha Nan-Tian wiped sweat from his brow. Despite his lingering anger, he sank into a chair. He couldn't help but take one final swipe at Song Jue, kicking him forcefully and snapping, "Look at what you've done to me!"

Song Jue yelped in pain, clutching his aching posterior. Feeling unjustly treated, he retorted, "Can't you stop already? Your son orchestrated all of this! Why don't you kick him? You're only bullying the weak!"

Cha Nan-Tian seethed. He was perilously close to subjecting Song Jue to yet another beating. His voice dripping with irritation, he exclaimed, "When that little rascal returns home, I'll show you both what real punishment looks like! If I can't teach you two the importance of behaving properly, then my entire existence will have been in vain!"

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