The Era of Gods

Chapter 135: Transcendent Two-Headed Ogre Mage

Chapter 135: Chapter 135: Transcendent Two-Headed Ogre Mage

Translator: 549690339

Li Xiangyang, with unwillingness written all over his face, looked down upon the plane. By now, his Clan had been utterly defeated under the enemy’s offensive.

The Central Army’s Minotaur legions were thrown into utter disarray by thirteen transcendent Supreme Nagas, and both flanks were already at a disadvantage. With the addition of two Whale-Riding Knights on each side, the flanks mainly composed of Hyenaman cannon fodder collapsed outright.

The Minotaurs, with their thick skin and heavy armor, could still withstand some punishment, but the Hyenamen were crushed into a mash on the spot when swept over by the more than ten-meter-tall Supreme Nagas, dying particularly gruesomely.

The defeat was certain, and even if he didn’t want to admit it, there was nothing he could do. Watching Supreme Naga after Supreme Naga rampage through his ranks as if unchallenged, he was filled with unwillingness; suddenly, he issued a Divine-mandate, ordering the ballistas that had arrived to unfold.

Although lacking transcendent troops, these ballistas were immensely powerful, capable of inflicting fatal damage on transcendent troops.

A transcendent Supreme Naga, seeing this, used its strong and hefty serpentine tail to knock away several nearby Minotaurs and quickly charged at the ballistas.

Ready, fire!

The strings of a dozen ballistas snapped fiercely, blurring into shadows, and the large armor-piercing arrows on the bed crossbows disappeared in a flash, with a loud whizzing sound, so fast that not even their afterimages could be seen.

Then, the Supreme Naga charging at the ballistas suddenly arched backward sharply, its body nearly touching the ground as it completed a large circle backward, before waveringly regaining its stance.


Damn it!”

Damn it, are we doing ‘Straw Boats Borrowing Arrows’?”

When Li Xiangyang realized the state of the Supreme Naga, his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

The expletives that followed came from the observers witnessing the battle; they all stared wide-eyed at the towering figure within the plane, swaying back and forth as if about to fall at any moment, yet stubbornly not collapsing.

At that moment, the transcendent Supreme Naga looked like a porcupine, its chest bristling with large armor-piercing crossbow bolts, blood streaming down from the exposed tails of the arrows, appearing as though its entire body was bleeding profusely due to the countless hits.

Eighteen ballistas, each armed with fifteen two-meter-long armor-piercing fine steel crossbow arrows, over eighty percent, or more than two hundred arrows, hit their mark, with no less than ten striking the head alone.

What does this signify?

… Lin Xiao momentarily didn’t know how to describe it and after some thought, squeezed out the allusion of ‘Straw Boats Borrowing Arrows.’

However, despite such terrifying injuries, the fact that it hadn’t instantly died, that it could still stand, indicated an extraordinarily aberrant level of vitality.

This was no mere show of stubbornness on the brink of death, it was truly still alive. Lin Xiao could see it, and so could the many observers, which was why they couldn’t help but exclaim in astonishment.

Talent – nominator’s Body: Beings with this talent are incredibly powerful; Constitution +3, Strength +3, they will remove all their own weaknesses, become immune to fatal and mortal effects, greatly mitigate negative statuses and damage from spells, reduce a certain degree of physical damage, and possess very strong regenerative capabilities and vitality.

Such a talent comparable to a BUG, coupled with the transcendent life’s powerful Constitution, meant that not dying even after over two hundred piercing arrows hit, this domineering feature immediately made Li Xiangyang lose the will to fight, choosing to surrender.

The battle was over, but the discussions among the many observers continued.

Well, to be exact, it was more like a scramble that had just begun after the conclusion of the fight.

As widely experienced observers, they could guess Lin Xiao’s situation with just a bit of information.

For instance, the Supreme Nagas were a newly created species rather than an existing race, the Supreme Nagas had already become a high-tier race, the fact that he had acquired the Creationist title, and so on.

Having the title of Creationist wasn’t particularly remarkable for them since human civilization boasts numerous talents that emerge each year. There were others like him who had created new races, and the title of Creationist didn’t necessarily require creating new species; there were other methods.

Lin Xiao possessing a Creationist title at a high school stage was merely an additional credit; what really made many observers, seasoned by witnessing countless talents, interested was the strength and potential of the Supreme Nagas.

Having potential alone can only earn goodwill, but if part of that potential has already been transformed into strength, then its value surpasses any who simply have potential with no strength, or have great strength but little subsequent potential.

Even though everyone knows that fully harnessing that potential would be earth-shattering.

So, when Lin Xiao just emerged from the virtual plane and was still disoriented, he received several private chat invitations.

The senders directly identified themselves as observers from various colleges, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly, he had an idea.

But he didn’t respond immediately because, at that moment, everyone in the hall was shocked to see him and Li Xiangyang emerge from the virtual plane and suddenly switch places.

Lin Xiao, holding onto the silver armrest of his seat, was somewhat surprised himself since normally the rules dictated best two out of three, and he had only won one game so far; there should have been another win required before a switch.

The only possibility for the current situation was that Li Xiangyang believed he was completely no match and had completely conceded.

If I’m not mistaken, they should have fought only once. How come they’ve switched positions already?”

Could it be a glitch?”

The people who said this didn’t even believe it themselves, but apart from that reason, they really couldn’t think of another.

Or rather, they did think of the real reason, but didn’t dare to believe it and preferred not to.

Especially another contestant named Huo Yaji was almost panicking. He hurriedly sent a private message to Li Xiangyang, asking:

Xiangyang, what’s going on with you guys?

Li Xiangyang remained silent for a long time before speaking in a low and powerless voice:

It’s just as you see, I lost.

He paused for a moment, and then continued:

If you’re asking me what to do, my advice is not to challenge him, you can’t beat him, there’s no chance at all.”

Huo Yaji was stunned for a moment, and asked in a lowered voice:

But everyone knows we want to challenge him to prove our strength, if we don’t even dare to challenge, our reputation will surely be greatly diminished in the eyes of the instructors and observers.”

Hehe, if someone is more skilled than you, it’s wise to admit defeat. Sometimes, making the prudent choice is also a merit. Don’t worry, the observers are well aware of his strength, no one will laugh at you for not daring to challenge him.”

Huo Yaji wanted to ask more, but seeing his companion’s dejected look, he decided not to inquire further.

Looking up, he glimpsed Lin Xiao who just happened to look over. Lin Xiao grinned, showing his neat, white teeth and said:

Didn’t you say you wanted to challenge me? I’m waiting!

Huo Yaji opened his mouth, then noticed many people around him were watching, putting him in a difficult position to either advance or retreat.

His companion’s discouragement and advice made him consider beating a retreat, but the expectant gazes of the crowd prevented him from voicing his withdrawal. To speak now would bring the laughter of everyone upon him.

Nobody would care how strong your opponent was, they would only say you were too timid to even issue a challenge, all you do is boast….

Wait, winning or losing, that has nothing to do with others, right….

A spark of realization flashed in his mind, and as he pondered, his thoughts became clearer. Soon he burst into laughter and mumbled to himself:

I’ve let rage cloud my judgment, why should I do something pointless just because of what others think? Besides, if the instructor chose to exchange us for him because they see potential in him, that has nothing to do with him. Why should I specifically target him?”

Huo Yaji had earned his place as one of the elites in the Summer Camp, not only because of his background but because he was extremely capable. He quickly understood the essence of the matter.

Of course, the key point was that he couldn’t beat him. If he could, he definitely wouldn’t hesitate to challenge Lin Xiao and teach him a lesson.

Since he couldn’t win, he very wisely chose to back down, gesturing a cupped-hand salute to Lin Xiao and said earnestly:

My ability is not much different from Li Xiangyang’s, and since you have made Brother Xiangyang willingly concede with full conviction, I am naturally not your match. We have no quarrels between us, so let us end this here.”

Lin Xiao was somewhat surprised, nodding slightly after a moment:

That would be for the best.

And so, the matter between them was put to rest.

But those around who were keen on seeing a commotion were very disappointed. Immediately, someone mockingly whispered:

Tsk, I thought they were all that, but they’re just chickens. I don’t think you guys should even stay up there anymore, lest….”

The voice abruptly ceased as the person stared wide-eyed at Huo Yaji, who emotionlessly said:

You talk too much, if you look down on me that much, then let’s have a go.

Even though Huo Yaji was Silver Level and the other was Bronze Level, in the division of the top-middle-lower-elite tiers among the various teams, they were both on the same tier, so the man could not refuse Huo Yaji’s challenge.

Challenged by someone of a higher tier, he regretted why he had to be so mouthy, and what made him most desperate was the indifferent look from Li Xiangyang sending chills from the other side.

Lin Xiao chuckled, the person with a loose tongue was now tasting the bitter consequences. Under the best two out of three rules, with both Huo Yaji and Li Xiangyang issuing challenges, he was unlikely to win and was basically out of the competition.

Having witnessed this example, others who had wanted to mock hastily held their tongues. They might still have contempt in their hearts, but they dared not show it.

I thought they were all so capable, just a bunch of cowards!

Tang Ling withdrew her gaze somewhat disappointedly, careful not to let the two men notice.

Surveying the surroundings, Lin Xiao made eye contact with each person confidently, his eyes showing no sign of fear.

Scanning the Ancient City, the strongest student from Yunmengxing Province nodded and smiled at him, a significant change in attitude from before.

Upon seeing Lin Xu, this fellow clansman looked extremely surprised, his eyes sparkling with inquisitive meaning. Lin Xiao responded with a light smile, gesturing ‘later’ with his hand.

When Lin Xiao’s gaze fell upon Shen Yuexin, the pretty auntie blinked her large eyes, though surprise was still evident in her expression.

Finally, as he swept his gaze over the highest Gold Tier, it was clear they were… slightly surprised.

Just a little surprised, not shocked, and they didn’t care too much, especially certain individuals.

Indeed, those few who had seemed to look down on all present except for them and Wu Zhonglin, these geniuses from who knows where. Even Qin Fengyan, despite being in the same team, hadn’t been seen mingling with anyone else. It was obvious from their demeanour that, in their eyes, everyone else was garbage.

Just then, his gaze coincidentally met with the black-haired young man seated on the central Golden Throne amidst the hundred thrones of the Gold Tier. The young man smiled warmly at him.

His smile was comforting, genuinely pleasant.

Lin Xiao could feel that it wasn’t fake, nor was there any need to pretend.

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