The Era of Gods

Chapter 117 - 117 The Evolutionary Direction Speculations of Naga

Chapter 117: Chapter 117 The Evolutionary Direction Speculations of Naga

Translator: 549690339

Setting aside the matter of his true name for the moment, Lin Xiao excitedly rubbed his hands and pulled out a card from the Creation Rubik’s Cube that radiated intense crystal light.

Yes, after merging many cards and the energies from the decomposition of seven Relic Shards, he had obtained the first Ancient Quality Five-Star Card in his life that transcended the Golden Mythical Quality.

Five-Star Environmental Card—Divine Domain Heaven (Ancient): Infuse into the Divine Realm, transforming it into Heaven.

Effect One: Gain different effects based on the Divine Realm’s terrain.

Effect Two: Reproduction speed of all creatures within the Divine Realm +100%, survival rate +100%, lifespan +20.

Effect Three: Energy intensity within the Divine Realm +1, capable of birthing Transcendent creatures.

Effect Four: Naturally nurture one Nature Spirit every year.

Note: Divine Domain Heaven can perfectly merge into the Divine Realm without affecting its stability and does not occupy a Divine Realm Card slot.

Evaluation: This is the heaven that all creatures dream of, suitable for the survival of life anywhere.

Just by glimpsing this new card, Lin Xiao knew its effects were stronger than those few Ancient Cards he had seen on the trading platform. He could also affirm that the limit for Five-Star Cards was indeed the Ancient Quality.

There might be cards of a higher quality, but those would belong to a higher tier. The cap for Fifth-Level Cards is the Ancient Quality.

This card was clearly a whole level higher in quality than the previous four cards he had seen; if there were even higher-quality cards, they would definitely reach that level.

Regardless, the emergence of this card validated his guess. The Creative Power from the dismantled Creation Rubik’s Cube indeed came in two types, with distinct effects.

The energy derived from the decomposition of ordinary cards or items was the regular Creative Power, whereas breaking down Ancient Treasures yielded Creation Energy infused with the power of miracles.

Holding this card, Lin Xiao naturally understood its specific effects.

Effect One means that depending on different Divine Realm terrains, you could get various effects—for example, a fertile and abundant land from plains, a lush primeval forest from mountains, with random veins of minerals and metals due to the infusion of various ores. This was pretty overpowered.

If it’s a waterscape, then it naturally creates a high-quality marine environment abundant in nutrition, lush with aquatic plants, and rich in microorganisms and other nutrients.

This first effect would contain the best environment of any terrain on earth. With this, Lin Xiao could forgo merging any other environmental cards. And as the Divine Realm expanded, the newly added Divine Realm land would automatically gain the coverage of this effect after a certain period.

The second effect was easier to comprehend, akin to an enhanced version of the previously merged Breeding Card.

The reproduction effects were lessened, but it granted an additional twenty years of permanent lifespan—an unquestionable enhancement.

Effect Three was even more overpowered, meaning that the energy intensity in the Divine Realm had increased, raising the upper limit of the strength of the creatures within, allowing the emergence of transcendent beings that surpassed the Fifth Level, reaching Sixth and Seventh Levels. Normally, this was achievable only by college students and rarely seen at the high school stage.

Effect Four stemmed from the merged three-star legendary Flower Fairy Card, which naturally nurtured a Nature Spirit every year.

A Nature Spirit is a general term that includes Flower Fairies, little fairy girls, Elemental Sprites, small imps, etc., all naturally nurtured spirits with quite magical abilities.

Spending seven hundred million Faith Value for this Heaven Card, Lin Xiao felt it was incredibly worthwhile.

Without the slightest hesitation, he flicked the crystal card between his fingers and silently incanted,


Now, merge it into the Divine Realm immediately.

The Divine Domain Heaven Card’s special effect could disregard the stability and slot limitations of the Divine Realm, perfectly merging into it, akin to fusing an additional card.

As this Heaven Card shattered into a sky full of crystalline light that dissipated, Lin Xiao, who was inside the Divine Realm, immediately felt the entire Divine Realm changing.

A ceaseless flow of mysterious energy spread out, and a hint of pure energy spontaneously emerged within the entire Divine Realm, growing rapidly, with both the land and the sea of the Divine Realm undergoing tremendous changes.

The already fertile land became even more so under the influence of the mysterious energy, nearly squeezing out black oil when kneaded, causing the grass to grow wildly and become tender and delicious. The trees grew visibly fast, their leaves lush and radiant with life, as various flowers bloomed brightly, and insects became more active.

In the ocean, microorganisms reproduced madly, and various sea grasses and corals spread uncontrollably in every direction, reaching the edges of the Divine Realm and covering the ocean floor.

In the middle of the sea, amidst a patch of lush sea grass and coral where dark energies converged, tiny particles of sand moved subtly, and a little turtle with a green back broke free from its eggshell and staggered out, taking its first breath and attracting an endless stream of energy.

The Fishman and Naga were dumbfounded by the unexpected changes within the Divine Realm. After a moment of shock, they knelt down and chanted the Creator’s divine name. Lin Xiao could clearly feel the shift in Faith within the Divine Realm.

The Fishmen and Naga did not show any immediate changes, but it was foreseeable that as the energy intensity of the Divine Realm rose, they would gradually enjoy the benefits of the Divine Domain Heaven Card.

The greatest benefit was the increase in lifespan.

It should be noted that the average lifespan of a Fishman was just twenty years, and even with advancement, there were limits. Now, their lifespans were doubled directly, which meant that each believer could provide at least two hundred percent more Faith Value to Lin Xiao.

Meanwhile, as the strength of Divine Realm energy increased, they found it easier to enhance their power and advance in rank, not just their professional level but also their life level, allowing ordinary Fishmen to more easily rise to become Fishman warriors.

Fusing this Ancient Godly Card might not immediately enhance Lin Xiao’s strength, but it could be foreseen that from then on, the development speed of his Divine Realm would explode, growing stronger year by year.

And moreover…

Lin Xiao extended his right hand, where countless stars gathered in his palm, slowly coalescing into a cracked Gold Balance.

His gaze flickered as he looked at the fractured Top-tier Heirloom ‘Scales of Judgement of Fate,’ his hesitation in his eyes slowly turning into resolve.

The miraculous power contained within the true Creative Energy obtained from disassembling the relic shards opened his eyes wide, and at the same time, sparked certain thoughts, or rather, ambitions, he had never considered before.

If seven powerless Relic Shards could create one Ancient Miracle Card, then what about disassembling a Rank 3 Top-tier Heirloom?

The quality of these seven shards is most likely Rank 1 Ancient Treasure, with the power contained inside a Rank 3 Top-tier Heirloom being more than ten times that of Rank 1. If disassembled, he would gain a vast amount of Creation Energy, equivalent to at least ten times or even more than twenty times the Creation Energy from before, with just one having the potential to create a Divine Domain Heaven Card. Ten could create ten cards, or several even more powerful Ancient Cards, which for him right now were much more valuable than an Ancient Treasure he might not even be able to use before becoming a True God.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

An item that might not be usable for a long time gathering dust in storage— well, it had been gathering dust before, and indeed it couldn’t be sold, but now that there is a better use for it, he might as well quickly increase his strength.

Thus, Lin Xiao made up his mind to throw the Top-tier Heirloom ‘Scales of Judgement of Fate’ that had been sitting in storage into the Creation Rubik’s Cube.

With a thought, the Creation Rubik’s Cube trembled slightly, and a surge of Creative Energy far more powerful than that from disassembling the seven relic shards flooded out, while the Fate Judgment Balance’s golden light dimmed and it shrank a little.

As the Creation Rubik’s Cube slowly turned, wisps of golden mist drifted from the Gold Balance, which continued to shrink, becoming smaller and smaller, while the Creation Energy grew more and more, quickly exceeding ten times the amount he had anticipated.

When the miniature Scales of Judgement of Fate, now only the size of a fingertip, completely disappeared, two entwined golden light spots appeared where the Balance had vanished.

“Destiny, Judgement!”

These were the physical manifestations of the two rules contained within the Scales of Judgement of Fate, destiny and judgment. Lin Xiao pondered for a moment, decided not to disassemble these two spots, and kept them, storing them within the Creation Rubik’s Cube along with that strand of the Power of Fate he had obtained before.

Without having become a Demigod and without Divine Power, these things could only be preserved within the Creation Rubik’s Cube; once outside, they would dissipate into the heavens and earth within minutes.

Perhaps in the future, once he’s a Demigod, he might be able to consume Divine Power and attempt to comprehend these two powerful domains of Godhood with the help of these two manifest rules.

He can’t say for sure he’ll be able to comprehend them, but at least there’s a chance.

As for judgment, that’s manageable, but the domain of destiny…

No explanation needed; the word destiny explains it all.

First storing these two entities deep within the Creation Rubik’s Cube, Lin Xiao’s gaze fell on the Creative Energy in the Magic Cube Space, which was now a full thirty-four times stronger than before, and couldn’t help but break into a grin.

If the Creation Energy obtained from disassembling those seven relic shards was set as one unit, then the Scales of Judgement of Fate had been disassembled into thirty-four units of Creative Energy.

Such an immense amount of Creative Energy…

He was somewhat troubled because he had no cards to fuse.

The Bloody Gladiator Arena card was quite nice, and using it for strengthening and advancing was not out of the question, but he didn’t have any cards to fuse with it at the moment, and just enhancing this card seemed like a waste.

So, a happy trouble now plagued him: he had enough Evolution Energy but no base material to reinforce.

“Wait a minute!”

Lin Xiao, tilting his head, looked at the huge screen in front of him which showed a Fishman in his Divine Realm alone killing a Lobster Man and now praying before the Lobster Man’s corpse, an idea rapidly surfacing in his mind.

If there was no suitable base material for synthesis and enhancement, might he consider using his own Clan?

Like the Fishmen, or the Naga.

Could the miracles produced by Creation Energy affect his Clan members?

If so, what kind of miraculous transformation would occur?

No sooner had the thought occurred than he became uncontrollable, driven by an intense curiosity. With a flick of his hand, a card of illusions emerged and rapidly solidified into a tangible form, with the likeness of a Fishman quickly crystallizing on it.

For safety’s sake, it was best to experiment with Grey Mist Fish People first; if successful, he could then use Black Scale Naga to modify.

He reached out, and the integrated Gray Fog Fishman Card appeared in his hand.

Don’t underestimate just a small card, but

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