The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 537: Paving The Way With The Blood Of Gods

Chapter 537: Paving The Way With The Blood Of Gods

"Why am I the one escorting her?" Wang Xuan muttered to himself. He had self-awareness, he was indeed strong now, but the gap was obvious when compared to this white-haired woman. Even Shang Yi, turned around and fled upon seeing the beings, showing no intention of fighting to the death.  

"My body is injured, and my strength is inadequate. I'm afraid I might delay elder's important matters," Wang Xuan said.  

"You're too modest. With the decline of mythology, the realm of transcendence has plummeted all over the world. Many people have died because of it, unable to withstand such drastic changes. Although you were deprived of your foundation, your level hasn't dropped significantly. This alone is enough to explain the problem," the white-haired woman said, her eyes showing two beams of enthusiasm, seemingly quite expectant.  

What she said was a fact. The current transcendents were very pitiful, no less than having experienced the most serious bloodbath.  

Many immortals died tragically in the drastic changes of the environment, and even the mighty gods were perishing, falling from heaven to hell in a single day.  

"The place I want to go to is very special. The inherent cultivation, the Dao fruits preserved in this world, may not be useful," said the white-haired woman as she pointed out the crux of the problem.  

"If elder can save her, I'm willing to accompany you on this trip," Wang Xuan said. Now he had no choice. If he delayed any longer, Celestial Sword Maiden would undoubtedly die.  

"Let me try to reignite the Transcendent Fire," the white-haired woman said solemnly. She waved her wide sleeves, dispersing the pond-sized remnants, revealing some meteorite fragments that hadn't been completely burned and still contained mysterious power.  

She gathered the meteorite fragments together, sprinkled a few drops of her own blood essence, then her forehead glowed, reproducing the residual fragments of the supreme rules. With a sound, she ignited the blood essence and dropped it onto the meteorite fragments.  

A faint flame rose up, ignited, radiating a noticeable transcendent power. Although the flame was very weak, it still illuminated the world within the bottle.  

"I… feel like there's less dust in my heart, it’s brighter than before," the mechanical bear spoke first, instinctively feeling that this light made it happy and joyful.  

Jiang Qingyao underwent changes, the bones torn by the sword light, the shattered organs, and the fragmented spirit were all nourished by the Heavenly Herb, silver substance, and Spiritual Blood.  

This place seemed to revive mythology, and those miraculous objects once again had the effect of resurrection. They were able to pull back those whose bodies had turned cold.  

However, as her vitality increased, the positive changes slowed down slightly. This could be understood. After all, this wasn't a return from the transcendental world, it was the residual light of mythology reshaped by the white-haired woman.  

"I have only half a day of life. After I die, the remaining fire can continue to burn for half a day. If she hasn't awakened by then, she can only rely on the Life Essence Furnace," said the woman, informing them.  

"If elder successfully reaches her destination and survives, will this flame continue to burn?" Wang Xuan asked. If that were the case, he really had to do his best to escort her.  

The white-haired woman shook her head and said, "You're overthinking it. I don't want to deceive you. Even if I'm alive, this flame can only burn for one more night."  

The more she said, the more trustworthy Wang Xuan felt towards her. One more night was worth his effort to escort her on this journey.  

At that moment, Wang Xuan's bones cracked, slowly reconnecting. His spirit emitted light, cutting off the decayed aura. His condition was improving.  

In his body, a healing secret technique recorded in the supreme scripture came into play. After a slight operation, his whole body lit up, and his spirit resonated.  

He tried to use this secret technique to guide the flow of transcendental power for Jiang Qingyao. However, he found that its effect wasn't significant, mainly because her origin was torn apart.  

Running this supreme scripture was not as effective as nourishing with Heavenly Herb and Spiritual Blood. She needed to be quietly nurtured, which required time to slowly heal her origin and restore the fractured Life Soil.  

"We should hit the road. I don't have much time left," said the white-haired woman, reminding them. She only had less than half a day, took a last look at the place, then looked up at the world outside the bottle.  

With the support of residual fragments of the supreme rules, she saw through the spaceship outside the bottle, looked at the starry sky, feeling somewhat nostalgic, then resolutely turned around. She was leaving this world!  

Wang Xuan followed her on the road, walking towards the area where the remnants of the fire no longer radiated, and after walking for a while, entered the twisted space. On the way, she collected the crimson blood on the ground, some of which were hers, and some were left by others.  

Entering the twisted space, Wang Xuan's perception became abnormal, as if it was distorted. He was hearing various strange sounds and seeing many inexplicable sights.  

"Keep calm, ignore the external scenes. Everything is false, only the path under your feet is real. We're about to embark on a secret path," said the white-haired woman, reminding solemnly.  

In the twisted time and space, various monsters appeared vaguely, even they were distorted, some as thin as sheets of paper, some as huge as meteorites. When they moved, their pupils were like meteorites streaking across the night sky.  

There were also some plants, a single blade of grass was as vast as a large meteorite, its roots piercing through the planets, and strange fish swimming through the darkness of the vast universe.  

The whole scenery was bizarre. Many demonic sounds that were reciting scriptures, and various creatures' conversations, echoed all over.  

Wang Xuan felt that there was no scripture more suitable for this place than the one recorded on the yellowed page, although he jokingly called it the ‘Mental Illness Great Method’, but it had a great origin.  

It actually emphasizes the principle of ‘only me, only truth, only one’, profound and unpredictable. Even the former second treasure, the Celestial Mirror, was refined based on this scripture.  

Ahead, a visible road appeared in the twisted space, paved with fragments of transcendental meteorites, one after another, not touching each other, leading to the endless void. But now they no longer emitted transcendent radiation, because the so-called transcendent material had almost disappeared in the face of the great correction of the universe.  

These meteorite fragments and the material burned by the fire pit in the past are of the same origin, but they’ve paved a road. Where did it connect to?  

"This is a path we and others have painstakingly located and opened, paving the way with transcendent meteorites. We once risked our lives to reach the end, but still couldn't open the final road, and could only return empty-handed," the white-haired woman sighed, very unwilling.  

She told Wang Xuan that this path was not dangerous, only when approaching the destination would there be abnormalities in one's own Dao.  

It was dim and profound around them, as if they had entered deep space. The nearby space was still distorted, various monsters, and strange blurry scenes appeared.  

"Nowadays are different from the past. With the decay of mythology, perhaps there is a glimmer of hope at the end of this road, and I will try again for the last time," the woman said. Obviously, even she herself had no confidence. It was just the last struggle in her life journey, hoping to step into a new world. Success meant survival. Failure meant there was no return, and one would die at the end of the road.  

"What about the other five elders? Will they come back? Don't they want to give it a try one last time? Joining forces is always better than relying on one's own strength," Wang Xuan asked.  

"They won't come back. They have long given up on this road. They will die outside. It's almost time for them. Under such a big commotion, perhaps they have already withered and fallen," she said calmly. At her level, after countless years, she would not feel empathy or sadness even if her friends died.  

In fact, she had gained a lot and lost too much along the way. In the mortal realm and the Immortal Realm, those people and those things had become ripples in her memory, quietly flowing away.  


Somewhere in the universe, Shang Yi, holding the Ascension Banner, roared angrily and fiercely swung it, causing his inner landscape to explode. Coupled with the power of treasures and the collapse of space.  

In this era, where the residuals of rules were becoming increasingly difficult to emerge, those three men and two women were indeed severely injured. They were supposed to die today, and using their abilities consecutively was already their last resort.  


In this area, an earth-shattering explosion occurred, and the blood of the supreme immortals splattered everywhere!  

In the distance, the shadow couple, the two ancestors of the Superlative Palace, and the Imperial Palace of Gouchen, along with the experts of Buddhism and Daoism sects, were rushing at high speed, getting closer to the place where Wang Xuan disappeared.  

Holding treasures of their own, the peerless transcendents separated and acted. Initially, the shadow couple were traveling on the Roaming Ark, but after the collapse of the Great Barriers and the complete extinction of the Immortal Realm, they had to rush halfway to the nearest planet that had life on it and board a spaceship.  

In the era of complete decay of transcendence, although they had accumulated enough transcendent materials in advance and possessed treasures, they dared not squander them casually.  

Even though they were powerful, they had to prepare for the transcendent winter. This era was destined to be difficult. As time passed, even with treasures in hand, they might lose their cultivation level.  

"Where is he? Wang Xuan!" The shadow couple were anxious, standing on the spaceship, scanning the blood-stained battlefield, but they didn't find the person they wanted to see.  

"Shang Yi, I'll kill you!" they shouted. They regarded Wang Xuan as their own, feeling extremely distressed at that moment, realizing that they were too late.  

"On the other side, Fang Yuzhu and the peerless transcendents in the Pool of Life were chasing after Shang Yi together. They have killed him three times, but he resurrected each time using techniques like the Golden Silkworm Breaking Shell and the Divine Butterfly Ascension Technique. Now, with the sudden collapse of mythology and the extinction of transcendence, he should have no means of resurrection, right?" said Demon Lord’s mother.  

"I hope we can kill him, but I'm afraid he will flee with all his heart, making it difficult for us to intercept him," replied Demon Lord’s father.  

Shortly after, they received signals from other spaceships. There had been a massive explosion of a mother ship in the distance. It was suspected to have been triggered by Shang Yi holding the Ascension Banner.  

"Let's go check it out!" shouted Demon Lord’s father. They quickly set sail and left the area.


Wang Xuan and the white-haired woman set out. Upon closer inspection on the path, they were all stained with blood, leading to the outer reaches of the universe.  

"Whose blood is this?" asked Wang Xuan. He was somewhat surprised. It was a blood-stained road.  

"It's mine and the blood of a few others," the woman said. The light appeared on her forehead, and fragments of the supreme rules emerged. With a flick, she ignited the blood, causing the transcendent meteorite fragments to burn.  

They leaped, traversing the void, and each time landed on a stone slab polished by these transcendent meteorite fragments. The blood and the flames, reflecting their figures as they quickly rushed forward.  

Undoubtedly, it was the Transcendent Fire and the last path of transcendent radiation in the present world. The white-haired woman was pursuing her final dream on the day of judgment.  

Around them, it was dark and profound, as if they were in the vast universe. The space was still distorted, and various abnormal scenes appeared from time to time, disturbing their minds.  

Wang Xuan saw huge withered leaves falling in the distorted and deformed universe, crushing a planet that had life on it. There were also wreckage of spaceships floating around, and the huge footprints of mysterious creatures crushing a piece of the starry sky, but their full form was invisible.  

"Elder, after the collapse of mythology, is this the only path left to continue pursuing transcendence?" Wang Xuan asked along the way.  

"For me, this is the only path left. For others, although desperate, there are other paths they can try," replied the woman.  

"What other paths are there?" Wang Xuan became spirited. The future was inevitable, and if he could learn some secrets from a supreme expert, it would undoubtedly save him from many detours.  

"One of the paths involves tracing the traces left by the Transcendent Sea, making efforts to locate the final place of disappearance. You can also try to follow the path of life and death torn open by the residuals of the Transcendental Sea," said the woman.  

"Another path leads to the origin of the Heavenly Herb, breaking through the highest spiritual realm. Perhaps there is an opportunity, but no one has succeeded." She then continued saying, "In addition, going to the universe where certain evil spirits originally resided is also an option. However, even the evil spirits themselves cannot return and I only have this path of transcendent meteorite to follow."  

She actually mentioned four paths at once! Wang Xuan was distracted.

Were these paths the only remaining ways to find the truth?  

"Elder, why can't you take the other three paths? What is the origin of you and the other five?" He couldn't help but ask this question.  

"We were also once peerless transcendents, whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, each of us merged with a Great Barrier, which could be considered as an alternative way of integration. We merged with the supreme rules, gaining extraordinary power. However, at the moment when the Immortal Realm extinguished and the Great Barrier collapsed, it was almost the time of our death. So, today, we are about to perish," said the woman. She didn't hide anything from Wang Xuan, revealing the truth. Wang Xuan was shaken. He never imagined that the six of them had such origins!  

"We're almost there," the woman said. Half a day later, they approached their destination along the path paved with blood-stained transcendent meteorite fragments.  

Along the way, the woman ignited the last Transcendent Fire. She sighed, "I have a premonition that I will ultimately perish. I will die at the end. This flame can burn for a day. If I die tragically, you should immediately return along the original path and you will be able to return to the mortal realm."

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