The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 301 - 301 Not the best time (1)

301 Not the best time (1)

“Edgar! Crap,” Alfred winced from sitting up too quickly.

Alessandra went to his side to help him lay back down.

Edgar stopped walking and ran his hand through his hair. Alfred would make his wounds worse again to stop him from leaving. “Why are you protecting her now?” He asked, needing to know the answer.

“I am not. I almost died today and someone I promised would not die has perished. I would love to converse with your mother before you sever all ties with her. That is why I want to leave it till morning,” said Alfred.

“He won’t be able to travel tomorrow or the day after that,” Robert spoke up because he was overhearing the conversation. “You must stay in bed, take the medicine I have provided, and frequently clean the wounds. If you want to use your arm in the future, you must stay in bed.”

“You are not going anywhere, Alfred. I will tie you to the bed if needed. You are not to be anywhere near my mother. That is if she is still alive after I have dealt with her,” Edgar said, pacing back and forth as he thought of how he would deal with his mother.

Alfred sighed. This was exactly what he wanted to avoid. He warned Priscilla this would happen and now she buried herself. He hoped that by some miracle she was not the one to attack him. All his efforts to have Edgar build a relationship with his mother were now gone.

“Edgar, you cannot harm your mother. You will rile up her side of the family and-”

“When will either of you learn that I do not care? She started this by going after a man she should feel indebted to. Should any of those people I rarely see step to my gates I shall strike them down. How do you expect me not to retaliate when I care for you, Alfred? Have I not shown over the years that I will ruin anyone for you?” Edgar asked.


“I know how much you care. I simply do not want you to go there now when you cannot think straight. I wish for you to calm down and go in the morning. I am not protecting your mother, Edgar. She needs to pay for what happened to Timothy if she is behind all of this. I do not want you going there while you are consumed by anger. Alessandra,” Alfred said, looking to her for help.

“Edgar, it is late for you to travel all the way there. Everyone is shaken up about Alfred and now they must learn of Timothy. I want everyone involved to be punished but we should take a moment to be by Alfred’s side and give Timothy a proper send-off. In the morning, you should visit your mother. You’ve been too worried about Alfred to leave his side now,” Alessandra said, taking hold of Edgar’s hand in case her words weren’t enough.

Edgar looked back and forth between Alessandra and Alfred then said, “I will stay by your side tonight, Alfred. However, your words will not stop me from going to my mother as soon as the sun rises.”

“I will not stop you. Now,” Alfred patted the stop beside him. “Have a seat. Both of you.”

Alfred meant it when he said he wanted Edgar closer. After countless years of raising Edgar, in the moments he thought he might die today, Alfred didn’t feel like he spent enough time with Edgar which should be impossible. Perhaps there were things he needed to say to Edgar before he passed. Like he was proud of the young man Edgar turned out to be when he was not torturing others.


“Alfred, if you are going to give me some heartfelt speech save it,” Edgar said as he sat down on the bed just like Alfred wanted. “You are going to live for many more years so save whatever you have to say for a better moment. Not now when it feels like death is still in the air.”

“I see. Then I shall do that,” Alfred replied, leaning back against his pillow. “Would it be too much to ask for one of you to bring me a new cup of tea? One that is worth drinking. Have the two of you had dinner? It is well past the time for it.”

If not for Alfred’s current wounds, Edgar would flick Alfred for thinking about the timing of dinner when he was in this state.

“We ate a moment ago. Dinner wasn’t on our minds when a member of our family was missing. I will get the tea for you and a book for you to read,” Alessandra said, getting up from the bed. It was the perfect way to give the two some privacy.

As she walked to the door, the doctor was right behind her leaving with his belongings. Alessandra closed the door behind her so no one could disrupt the two. She wished to spend time with Alfred but Edgar and Alfred had a deeper bond with each other. They needed a moment to let out their feelings without anyone present.

“Are you alright, Edgar?” Alfred asked now that the two of them were alone.

“I am not the injured one,” Edgar answered.

“I am hurt physically but I fear you are hurting emotionally. As blunt as you can be, there are times when you do not say what is on your mind and it upsets me. I do not like being the reason for your pain. My job was to keep you happy,” said Alfred.

“You’ve put your life on the line for someone who does not share the same blood as you. Devote your life to me for more than you needed to. I do not have enough wealth to repay you for your loyalty,” Edgar spoke with his head lowered. He could not meet Alfred’s eyes at the moment.

“There is nothing that needs to be repaid. I made the choice to stay by your side not expecting money in return from you. Seeing the young boy I met many years ago grow up before my eyes were always more than enough. Do not feel guilty for what has happened today, Edgar. It is a matter between your mother and me,” Alfred replied.

“Hmm. My grandmother won’t be too happy if she learns of your state. She might strangle my mother and then smack you for worrying her. I am starting to believe that there is something more to the relationship you two have.”

Alfred chuckled, picturing how Rose would react. “There is nothing between us. Just a mutual understanding that we wish for you to be happy. When you prepare Timothy’s burial, I wish to be present. Even if I have to look out a window.”

“Very well.”

“Edgar-” Alfred paused, wide-eyed from the sudden embrace from Edgar. It took him back to a memory of a young Edgar hugging him in the darkness of his room after he found him crying.

“It is good to have you back,” Edgar said, his anger vanishing for the moment just as it did each time he was near Alfred.

Alfred bit his lip, patting Edgar’s back as he held back his tears.

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