The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 296 - 296 Loss (2)

296 Loss (2)

“Sally, where is Edgar and why didn’t Alfred return with you?” Alessandra asked.

Many hours ago Sally had come to her with an expression that said something was wrong but Sally would only respond that everything was alright. Edgar left home without offering her a goodbye which added to her suspicion they were leaving her out of something.

“The Duke will return with Alfred shortly so there is nothing to worry about. It will all be fine,” Sally replied. She wanted to tell Alessandra that Alfred was missing but she knew Alessandra would want to go out and find him. The weather wasn’t the best for Alessandra to join the search and she would bet all the money she had that Edgar would be furious.

“I can tell that you are lying, Sally. You are not good at it. If something is wrong with my husband or Alfred, I need to know. Your behavior already makes me feel nervous. Did something happen on your trip with Alfred? Did he come and get Alfred? Please,” Alessandra begged Sally to give her an answer.

Sally bit her lip. Her concern for Alfred was already too much for her to bear alone and she needed someone to speak with. She could deal with Edgar getting angry with her later. It wasn’t like he said she could not tell Alessandra.

“Alfred never came to pick me up and judging by the Duke not back with him yet, he is missing,” said Sally.

“What?” Alessandra exclaimed. She knew what she was being left out of involved Alfred but she didn’t think he was missing. “Why would you or anyone else keep this from me?” She asked, hurt by being left out of such an important matter and concerned for Alfred’s safety.

“I didn’t want you to go out and try looking for him!”

“I know that I am no use out there but I would love to be informed that someone I care for is missing. No,” Alessandra took a deep breath to release her anger. She was frustrated from not being informed but it would not help anyone if she blew up at Sally. “I am going downstairs to wait for them.”


Alessandra took the kitten off her lap and stood up from the chair she was sitting on inside the room she turned into her painting room. It was hours since she last saw Edgar and knowing how much he cared for Alfred, he would not return until Alfred was safe and sound home.

She worried for both of them. The weather would be difficult for the two and now that it was nearing night, Edgar might not find Alfred if he didn’t already.

Alessandra hurried down the stairs, ignoring the strange looks she received from the maids who did not have the slightest clue what was happening. She went straight to the window by the front door to see when anyone was returning.

“I will get you a seat,” Sally said, using this as an excuse to step away from Alessandra to calm down her emotions. Alessandra was taking this far better than she expected her to but Sally didn’t know if this was good.

Sally went for the chair Alfred would normally sit in when waiting for Alessandra or Edgar to return home. She returned to Alessandra still standing by the window and placed the chair behind her. “You should sit down, Duchess. Would you like me to bring you something to eat or drink?” She asked.

“No,” Alessandra shook her head. She wouldn’t be able to eat while Alfred and Edgar were still out there. She sat down in the chair to save her energy for when Edgar would return with Alfred. She failed to believe that Edgar would not find Alfred and bring him home. She prayed that he would bring Alfred home. “Bring a chair for yourself and sit with me,” she said.

Once she calmed her thoughts, Alessandra noted that Sally would also need to be comforted as she was also concerned for Alfred. Alfred’s absence had been weighing Sally’s mind for quite some time now and Sally was forced to hold back the emotions she felt to not alert Alessandra of what was happening with Alfred.

Sally returned with a chair and placed it behind Alessandra.

“Come closer, Sally. There is no need for the distance between us at a time like this,” said Alessandra.

Sally lifted her chair and placed it right beside Alessandra’s. As soon as she sat down, Sally jolted because Alessandra suddenly took hold of her right hand.

“He will be alright,” Alessandra said to reassure Sally. She lowered her head due to her voice coming out shaky. It was not as confident as she wanted it to be. She was afraid. Afraid to lose someone who became the father figure she always wanted in her life and afraid of how Edgar would handle losing Alfred.

Sally squeezed Alessandra’s hand. For the first time since she returned, she let the tears escape her eyes instead of fighting against them. She used her left hand to wipe them away.

Alessandra and Sally continued to sit by the window even when the sky became dark and it was hard to see out to the gates. Sally was leaning against Alessandra’s shoulder with swollen eyes after crying. Alessandra wished for Edgar to find Alfred but at this point, she wished Edgar would return before something would happen to him too.

“What on earth,” Alessandra muttered when something soft brushed by her feet. She looked down to find the white kitten had come to pay her a visit. “Are you hungry?”

“Food?” Sally jumped up, startling both Alessandra and the kitten who ran away. “Are you hungry now?”

“The kittens might be. You can feed them and go to bed. You are tired Sally. I will send for you the moment news comes to us or someone returns,” said Alessandra.

Sally tried her best to rub the sleep out of her eyes. “I am not sleepy. I will feed them and return with something light for you to eat. You must eat something so that when they return you have the strength to help where needed. Excuse me,” she said, getting up to go to the kitchen.

Alessandra stayed quiet instead of rejecting the offer of food. Sally was right that she needed to have the energy to help when everyone would return. Edgar was bound to be tired so she would have to step up as Duchess to make decisions. As soon as Edgar returned, she would send him to bed and take over.

“You are being nice,” Alessandra said to the white kitten who came back to play with her. “Do you sense that something is wrong? Everyone will be back soon.”

Alesandra looked back out the window and though it was dark, she could see that the gate looked like it had opened. She quickly stood from her seat and went to open the front door to see who was returning. Alessandra stepped outside, ignoring the snow and the cold air, squinting her eyes to see what was heading toward the house.

“Why is there a cart?” She asked out loud as a cart being pulled by a horse neared the house. One of Edgar’s men was at the back of it looking down at something while someone she didn’t know steered the cart. “What is going on?” She inquired when the carriage came to a stop at the bottom of the steps.

“Duchess! It is Alfred and he is gravely injured,” the guard informed her.

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