The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 282 - 282 Clue (1)

282 Clue (1)

“Since Simon invited you along to this party, he must really like you. We don’t really let outsiders into our home but Simon vouched for you. Do we need to start picking out outfits for a wedding?”

“That’s too much. I have not even thought about a wedding yet. I am enjoying getting to know Simon,” Kate replied to the host of the party. She wanted to say she already had her wedding dress picked out but was trying to come off as if she wasn’t crazy about marriage.

If for some reason Simon was foolish enough to not marry her, Kate would play it off like she was never interested from the very beginning. However, there was a high chance she would wed Simon. It was normal that after a few times attending parties together, a ring would soon follow.

“Still, you wouldn’t mind settling down with him right? If you do marry Simon, your family will be hitting a gold mine. First, your sister marries Edgar Collins now you are with Simon,” said Veronica Ray, the host of the party. “What is Edgar Collins like? I never had the chance to speak with him to know what he is really like.”

Kate forced a smile, annoyed with Edgar and Alessandra becoming the topic of conversation once again. Whenever anyone stopped talking about her and Simon they would bring up Alessandra or Edgar, wanting to find out more about the couple. “He is just like you heard,” she replied.

“It must be odd having him as a brother-in-law. What is your relationship like with him?” Victoria asked. She would love to get closer to the Duke through Kate. Her husband had good investment ideas and wanted someone as wealthy as Edgar to be in on the plan.

“I am still getting to know him. He doesn’t warm up to everyone easily and he has been spending time with my sister,” said Kate.

“Are the rumors that he killed your father true?” Victoria asked.

“Yes. Which makes talking about him and trying to get to know him hard. I am being cordial for the sake of my sister. I cannot forgive Edgar for killing my father but I am trying for Alessandra. She did not get to come to the funeral since she was out of town,” Kate said, pretending to be sad for Alessandra.


“Oh, dear. You shouldn’t be in the middle of all of this. I hope the Duchess will have a conversation with you and your husband so-”

A loud thud interrupted the conversation.

Victoria sighed, already knowing what it was. “Kyle! I swear if you damaged anything you will pay for the repairs. Excuse me, Kate. Why do you have to body slam people everywhere you go?”

‘She’s too nosy,’ Kate thought. The only things she liked about Victoria were her home, dress, and the fact she was kissing up to her since would most likely be Simon’s wife.

Kate left the spot by the window, moving in case Victoria would want to speak with her again. Kate wasn’t in the mood to continue talking about Alessandra or Edgar. She missed the days when people wouldn’t talk about Alessandra or if they did, they would talk about her mask.

‘I’m competing with her again,’ Kate thought, quickly becoming angry with herself for admitting to being in competition with Alessandra in the past. ‘I was always the pretty one. The one everyone should talk about but now all they want to talk about is Alessandra all because Edgar married her.’

Kate didn’t like being second to anyone and worst of all Alessandra. She regretted not ruining both sides of Alessandra’s face to make it so disgusting that Edgar would not have ever looked at her. A little bit more and she would have set Alessandra on fire. ‘If only her filthy mother would have run away with Alessandra,’ she thought.

“Kyle! Put Simon down!”

Kate started to pay attention to the boring party now that Simon’s name was called. She looked right in time to see the man Kyle tackling Simon like a wild animal. Kate saw red from the action. She would not marry Simon if he were to have a permanent injury. Then again, no one else would want to marry him and his wealth would be in her hands. And attention would be on her for taking care of him.

Kate rushed to where Simon was on the floor laughing at what Kyle did. “Are you alright, Simon? That looked like it hurt,” she said. From the way he was sitting on the floor, she could see a red mark on his chest. “There is a mark there,” she reached out to touch it but Simon grabbed her hand.

“People will talk if you touch me there. I don’t want to ruin your reputation. I am alright but thank you for being concerned. Kyle has a habit of trying to prove how he can knock someone off their feet. You didn’t win Kyle. You surprised me with your attack,” Simon said as he stood up.

“Just because it is a common thing he does shouldn’t overlook the fact you could have broken something. I thought this was a party where only people with class were invited but it seems like I was wrong. Who-”

“Kate!” Simon exclaimed to stop her before she could go off on a tangent insulting Kyle. “I am used to Kyle so it does not bother me. Your comments were not needed. You should apologize to him. You don’t need to be rude to defend someone.”

Kate felt the need to roll her eyes. This Kyle person was acting like a wild animal but yet she needed to apologize? Was Simon crazy? The man was too nice for her liking. Kate bit her lip before smiling to please Simon. “I am sorry Kyle. I was just concerned for Simon and my anger got the best of me.”

“It’s fine,” Kyle replied, not hurt by Kate’s comments. He’d been chewed up by Victoria for most of the party and Kate’s words weren’t that bad. “I’m kind of jealous of Simon. You got this sweet little thing to turn into an attack dog for you. Makes me want to steal her away from you,” Kyle said, giving Kate a look over.

‘As If I would ever want you,’ Kate thought. Just from Kyle’s clothes and his behavior, she could tell he was a nobody. Just the delinquent son from a family with an average amount of money who didn’t know how to act in public. She had seen better-looking farmers than him too.

Simon couldn’t disagree with Kyle that he was lucky to have Kate. He didn’t enjoy the way Kyle was staring at Kate when Kate was here as his date. “Kyle, you should avert your eyes before you find yourself on the floor. It’s getting late, Kate. It’s time I take you home before your mother gets worried.”

Kate’s eyes lit up as the awaited moment was here. Now was the time for her to work her magic and go home with Simon. It seemed like Kyle was useful for something after all. Kate briefly glanced at Kyle as Simon took hold of her hand. She froze for a moment, terrified by the look in Kyle’s eyes that quickly disappeared when he realized she was scared.

Kate was more than happy to be leaving with Simon right now. In the future, she would convince Simon to stay far away from Kyle who was nothing but trouble, and Victoria who was a terrible host.

“Are you alright Kate?” Simon asked as he noticed how shaken up she appeared to be.

“What?” Kate asked, looking up at Simon. The fear inside of her disappearing not that she was looking at Simon. “I am fine,” she replied.

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