The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 268 - 268 Rafael (2)

268 Rafael (2)

Alessandra and Edgar departed the moment they entered the palace as a maid came out to take her to where the other women had gathered. Edgar and Refael walked around in search of Tobias.

“So, you are married now? Is this some sort of miracle or love at first sight which would also be a miracle for you,” said Rafael. He had not believed the news of Edgar’s marriage until Tobias wrote a letter confirming it. “Congratulations by the way. I would apologize for not attending but I was not sent an invitation.”

“No one was. It does not matter how I came to be married. All that matters is that I am married. Should we ever care to do a proper wedding you will receive an invitation or you should finally grow some balls and marry the maid you have been having trouble with we can all attend a wedding,” said Edgar.

“It is complicated. More complicated than going out on a battlefield.”

Edgar chuckled, pitying Rafael’s current state. He was the quiet one of the group and liked to keep to himself so there was no surprise he was having trouble with a woman.

They met at the school Priscilla had sent Edgar to when he was young. Unlike Edgar being sent there so his mother could enjoy her life, Rafael was sent there because his mother wanted him to come out of his shell and make friends with other young boys. After Rafael aided Edgar in breaking out of the school to return home they had been friends.

‘”It will get better or not,” said Edgar. “It is amusing to hear that you are trying to woe a woman.”

“As amusing as you getting married? I hear you killed your wife’s father and punched Daniel for her. Dominic writes to me. I have no interest in spying on you,” Rafael said to let Edgar know it was the other two men who were sending around information about his love life. “I hear you have become a sucker for your wife. The great Edgar has become the new Tobias.”

“I hear you are sulking around your house trying to get your maid to like you. You are mistaking the person who is the sucker. You are the one meant to claim that title,” Edgar replied. He was not that much of a sucker compared to Rafael.”


“You two,” Tobias said, bringing the attention of the two men to himself since they were so deep in their conversation they hadn’t noticed him standing before them. “Are you two really trying to see who is the bigger sucker?”

“No,” Edgar and Rafael replied in perfect harmony.

“The position of the biggest sucker goes to you,” said Edgar.

Rafael ended it by saying, “We are trying to decide who is second.”

Tobias felt the need to toss the two out of his palace. Why the hell was he the biggest sucker considering all that Edgar was doing for Alessandra lately? “See this,” he pointed at Edgar and Rafael standing together. “I am not a fan of you two being together. Rafael is the innocent one in the group but whenever you are around Edgar, you become this little shady shit. I don’t need Edgar corrupting you. Side note, why does it seem like there is a different energy with Edgar today? Did something good happen?”

“Perhaps. Mind your business. I take it you might have received a message from Grant about me,” Edgar said, knowing the man wouldn’t let it slide how Alessandra had cut him off.

Tobias sent Edgar a suspicious look. He received a letter in the middle of the night from Grant and from the way the letter was written the man was furious. “What did you say to piss him off?” He asked. After Grant was pushing the stupid idea for him to marry Linda, Tobias didn’t care for his presence and was glad Edgar somehow pissed him off.

“Not me. Alessandra interrupted him.”

“That man and his stupid views,” Tobias shook his head. “I remember the time he told Hazel to keep quiet when we were talking about politics in the kingdom. A woman doesn’t need to speak of politics,” Tobias repeated Grant’s words. It would be the second time he felt like killing the man. No one was to disrespect his wife, his queen in front of him. He only let it pass because Hazel asked him not to do anything as she was used to the way Grant spoke.

“I wouldn’t mind if that old man catches a heart attack and dies. He is one of the people keeping a lot of those outdated values on women alive. I’ve found out he’s the one leading the conversation about Hazel not having an heir yet. Trying to keep him on my side is over with. I’d love to get rid of him without his son and grandson ever finding out it was me,” Tobias said as Grant had been getting on his nerves too much lately.

“I never understood why you cared to keep his loyalty when the number of men in his possession has dwindled over the years. His grandsons do not share his views and they quite frankly do not like their grandfather. They will stay out of a fight should Grant try to go against the throne but I would bring my men to help you,” said Rafael.

Over the years, he had many men join his side. Those that fought alongside him for this kingdom and those that surrendered he had given them a chance to join his side. He spent more time out fighting than at home but whenever he returned home, it would be with a new group of men pledging their loyalty to Rafael.

“I will only join the fight if the two of you will focus on my current enemy. I am acquiring the outline of William’s home to know how I want to get in and what ways he can get out. I want him dead by the end of the week,” Edgar declared. Filth like William shouldn’t be left alive when he was obsessed with Alessandra. “One other thing, have you taken care of what I sent you?”

“You mean the notice of the Duchess not receiving her inheritance? I’ve sent it to the court so it will be dealt with faster. It won’t be long before they pay the Baroness a visit.”

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