The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 265 - 265 New butler (1)

265 New butler (1)

Alessandra shifted in the bed, rolling on her side while she continued to sleep but the lack of Edgar’s arms around her as they were every morning woke her up. She opened her eyes, looking to the side of the bed where Edgar normally slept, and found it empty.

Alessandra sat up, rubbing her face to get rid of the tiredness. “Oh,” she noticed her exposed chest, and right away the events of last night came rushing back to her. She pulled the sheet up to cover her chest. She looked around the room for Edgar and started to wonder if he had left her all alone but the sound of water splashing in the bathroom calmed her.

“I should get a night before he comes out. Oww,” Alessandra groaned when she tried to leave the bed. She felt sore between her legs which was surprising considering it wasn’t like this when she finally went to bed. It wasn’t unbearable but she could not get off of the bed at the moment.

Alessandra sighed, laying back against the bed to wait for Edgar to come out to hand her a dress. “I can’t believe I did all of that,” she gripped the sheets stunned by what she had done with Edgar last night. She wanted to crawl into a hole and die as Edgar would never let her forget last night.

Alessandra looked to her left when the bathroom door opened. Edgar walked out with his hair dripping wet and a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Good morning,” he greeted her.

“Good morning. What time is it?” She asked. Alessandra looked out their bedroom window seeing it was bright out.

“Breakfast has passed. It is probably nearing ten right now. Are you alright?” Edgar questioned as it was normal she would most likely feel sore. He could admit he might have overdone it at the moment when it was her first time.

“I feel sore but it is not that bad. I will just stay here for a while. Are we still going to the palace?”


“How is that on your mind now?” Edgar asked as he sat down on the bed. “A message came from the palace since Hazel did not give you all the details last night. You are meant to be there at one. Judging by your current state, I doubt you will be good to attend.”

“I will. I do not want to miss this opportunity to find young women to invite to my party. I will be fine as long as I stay in bed until then,” Alessandra said, determined to attend. If it was hard for her to move after twelve she would stay at home.

“Sure. A good soak in the bath might soothe your body. You will stay in this room until I think you are alright. Let me see,” Edgar said, trying to pull down the sheet but Alessandra would not let him and looked at him in horror. “I saw all of you last night. There is no reason for you to be shy now. I would let you see me stark naked.”

“Well, I am not like you. I do not need you to look down there,” Alessandra continued to grip the sheet.

“You are aware my mouth was there at some-” Edgar’s words were silenced by Alessandra lunging forward to cover his mouth with her hands.

“Can you not be you for just a second?” She asked. Alessandra removed her hands after feeling him lick her.

“No. I would not be the man you fell in love with if I act differently. Fine, I will not look. I take it you do not want Sally to see you like this so I will bring breakfast for you. Consider it my way of apologizing for the state you are in now,” said Edgar. He got up from the bed to change into casual clothes.

Alessandra relaxed now that he was away from the bed. The more their activities played in her mind, she realized the sheet she was covering herself with now was different from the one on the bed last night. “Did you change the sheet while I was asleep? Why?”

“Because you bled and there were other fluids you should not be wrapped up in. I took care of the sheets so you do not need to be embarrassed about a maid stumbling across it.”

“You seem to be well prepared. I take it this was not your first time helping someone in the morning?” Alessandra asked, not jealous but just curious.

“It is common sense,” Edgar replied from inside the closet. “I have never slept with someone who was not experienced. Until now obviously. There was said to be some sort of long-lasting connection for women with the person they made love to for the first time. I hardly believe it but just in case, I would rather not be connected to anyone. You, I don’t mind.”

“How sweet,” Alessandra sarcastically said.

“Do not step a foot out of bed, Alessandra. I will bring your breakfast and lift you into the bathroom,” Edgar said as he returned from the closet dressed in shorts and a half-unbuttoned shirt.

“I wonder how long your being nice to me will last.”

Edgar found that to be odd for her to say. “I am always nice to you.”

“I mean without you teasing me in between,” Alessandra corrected her words. “I shouldn’t waste you trying to make up for my current state. I would like a book brought back with you along with breakfast. And if you could, please find the kittens to bring to me. I have not seen them for a while.”

Edgar was starting to regret all of this. She was shifting him from a Duke to a butler. He could hardly wait for this to pass and torture her again. “Right away,” he replied.

Edgar left the room to get what she wanted. Unlike yesterday, the second floor had maids passing by him which confirmed Alfred had stopped all of them from going to the second floor when he had returned home with Alessandra.

“Where is that sly fox?” Edgar muttered. “Speak of the devil,” he said when he reached the stairs and found Alfred walking up them.

“Good morning, Edgar. Did you sleep well last night? The party must have tired you out since you and Alessandra missed breakfast. Should I have the cook start to prepare it now?” Alfred asked, unable to get rid of the smile on his lips. He had the pleasure of spotting Edgar tossing out a sheet and knew what it meant. He would almost have the little Edgar he wanted to take care of. The Edgar he raised was starting to get boring and insufferable.

“I want to have a word with you, Alfred. It will wipe that smile right off your face. I have been thinking for a while that it is time a new butler should be hired to take after-”

“Edgar, I have let the jokes about my age slide for the last few months. I am still fit to run this house as a butler. I am faster than any young person you can hire. There is no need for anyone to be hired,” said Alfred. Only he could take care of Edgar’s home. What would he do if he were not to be by Edgar’s side?

Edgar continued to walk down the stairs with Alfred by his side, trying to think of the best way to break his plan to Alfred without breaking his fragile heart. “You’re fired, Alfred,” he went with in the end. “It is nothing you can argue against. After today, you will no longer be the butler and I shall start searching for a replacement.”

Alfred stood still before they reached the first floor. He could not believe that Edgar would fire him when there was so much more he could offer to this home. “Edgar, I do not want to leave this job. I have been by your side for years taking care of you and this house. It is what makes me happy. What am I to do if I am not here?”

“I never said you were leaving. I just said you were fired. Alfred, it is as you said that you have been by my side taking care of me for as long as I can remember. I view you as a father more than a butler. There is still more left for you to give but you are in fact getting older and I’d prefer you get to rest now that I am not in need of you watching over me. I want you to be here as my family, not my butler,” Edgar confessed.

It had been on his mind for many years and he had brought it up to Alfred each time but the man had always been stubborn. Now he was putting his foot down and ending Alfred’s days as a butler.

“I would rather my children grow up calling you grandfather than viewing you as the butler. Are you crying?” Edgar asked, taken aback by Alfred’s eyes watering. Who knew such simple words would make the man cry? In less than twenty-four hours he made two people cry. He was on track to beat his record. “I have not seen you cry since the time I accidentally threw salt in your eyes.”

“That was not an accident, Edgar. You aimed it right at me. Very well,” Alfred changed his mind. “I shall resign as your butler. Just know my new title means I can meddle in your life more.”

“Do as you want, Alfred. Welcome to the family officially. Shall I have your last name changed?” Edgar wondered. It wouldn’t be hard to do.

“No thank you,” Alfred turned it down. “The Collins are too much for me to handle.”

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