The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 223

223 On her husband’s side (3)

Crystal was appalled to be called disgusting by Alessandra when she and Edgar were in the wrong. “To call someone disgusting is a bit too far and you are not in the right to insult me when my husband is in pain. Step aside.”

“No. You are not going to slap him again. You are lucky to have gotten away with the first one. Instead of standing here, you should be with your husband,” Alessandra replied.

“Ha!” Crystal ran her hands through her hair out of frustration. “This is why not just anyone should be let into the family.”

“You are judging me for being a part of this family but not how disgusting your husband is-”

“Stop saying that word!” Crystal yelled. She was here to make Edgar apologize and to cause whatever harm she could to his face.

“Why? You don’t like hearing the truth. I am glad to see that your smiles weren’t genuine. Not that I believed you liked me. I could see the annoyance and anger because I now create a problem for a house you were never going to get. We do not care for each other so let’s end this conversation here. You should step aside,” Alessandra ordered Crystal.

“Not after I have dealt with your husband,” Crystal said as she raised her hand to slap Edgar. Since Alessandra would not move, Crystal took it upon herself to try pushing past the woman. “Ah!” She gasped when she found herself falling onto the cold floor. “Are you crazy?” She glared up at the culprit who pushed her.

“For not slapping you? Yes,” Alessandra replied. Her hand shook from anger, desperately wanting to slap Crystal for her behavior but she held back even though she did not want Edgar to have to take the slap and move on. “Do not make me change my mind.”

“I will tell everyone about this-”


“And I will tell them you slapped my husband. If they agree with you putting your hand on a man, I will know to avoid them in the future. How would you like it if I walked up to your husband and slapped him for whatever he said about me? According to your logic, I should take my frustration out on you. I have a lot of built-up anger so tell me. Do you want to be slapped by me?” Alessandra asked.

Crystal gritted her teeth and shifted her gaze from Alessandra to the man entertained by all of this. They certainly deserved each other because of their behavior. Why did she have to now deal with her husband’s face while Edgar got to walk away without a scratch? The moment they get home Daniel would take his anger out on her. Yell at her as he wanted to do to Edgar but he could not.

Frustrated, Crystal got to her feet.”Why should I be slapped by someone who has to hide her face?”

“That is the best you could come up with? I could take my mask and slap you. I do not want to carry on this pointless conversation with you. Edgar and I are going to walk right past you but you are not going to lay a hand on him. I have held back enough but if you lay a hand on my husband again I will have no choice but to retaliate.”

“You,” Crystal raised her hand but this time she intended on slapping Alessandra for being rude and standing in her way.

Alessandra tried to stop Crystal but Edgar beat her to it by holding onto Crystal’s hand.

Crystal tried to pull her hand away from Edgar’s grasp but his grip was too strong. “Release me. You cannot handle me like this. I’m going to,” Crystal bit her lip as she realized there was no one for her to call upon.

“Trying to harm my wife is where I draw the line. I will ignore all morals and end you right now. I have already settled down from your stupid husband. Do not rile me up again,” Edgar said and then roughly shoved Crystal back. He used this space between them to take Alessandra’s hand and head back to where everyone was.

Alessandra looked back as they walked to make sure Crystal would not be foolish enough to try something. “I should have slapped her for harming you. Are you upset that I did not defend you?” Alessandra looked to her side at Edgar and saw him smiling.

“I’ve told you before that I do not want you to get your hands dirty whether it be killing someone or a mere slap. She would run out with a red cheek and cry a different story to everyone else. It would create more animosity between the Carsons and Collins family. I don’t care to have either side bickering in my ear,” Edgar replied.

Alessandra chuckled, finding it funny that Edgar did not care about peace but the fact he did not want to hear people arguing in his ears. Quite funny for a man who just punched another in his face. This action will have a lot of people questioning him.

“What do you find funny?” Edgar asked.

“Your logic. Here we go,” Alessandra took a deep breath when the party hall came into view. She could hear heels stomping behind her so she looked around to find Crystal march right past them. It was either she had given up or was going to tell a different story as Edgar said.

Maxine approached the couple and gave them a thumbs up. “I have not been to a more entertaining party since it was found that a priest was sleeping with a married woman. And to think I almost did not make it tonight and I would have missed the drama. Daniel has left with his parents to see a doctor. Now there’s a debate about what was said.”

“A debate? Why?”

“Well, everyone heard what got Edgar riled up and a few people were questioning if the reaction was needed. Those opposed to Edgar’s actions are from the Carson side and a few men have no respect for their wives. In true Rose Collins fashion, they were kicked out of the party. Everyone left is on your side Duchess,” Maxine reassured Alessandra. “What a way to be introduced to a family. I hope something else happens.”

“Maxine, if knowledge is correct you are meant to be entertaining a certain young Lord. Why isn’t he here tonight as your date?” Edgar asked as the topic would get her riled up and leave them.

Maxine was good friends with the young Lord so naturally, her mother thought it would be best to push for Maxine to marry someone she was familiar with. The thought of marrying someone she cherished as a friend made Maxine feel weird so she avoided interactions with him.

“Stop while you are ahead or I will punch you. I still remember the technique you gave me to hurt someone. Wham!” Maxine pretended to knock out someone.

“Maxine,” Rose called from behind the young woman. “Your mother is looking for you and I would hope you have no intentions of using whatever Edgar taught you. I will not stand for anyone else being punched tonight. Go on.”

“Right away,” Maxine excused herself.

Rose looked at the young couple and sighed. Now that a few of the guests with opinions she did not care for had left, the party could go on but she could not get rid of the tension and awkwardness. “Have you settled down now Edgar? Did you hurt yourself?”

“Of course not,” Edgar replied a bit insulted they thought he could have been hurt when dealing with someone as weak as Daniel.

“Good. I will have to inform my sister why her grandson was punched today. I hope they do not bombard her with this mess when she is already not feeling well. Daniel was clearly in the wrong. I would have knocked you upside your head if you had let him get away with saying that. Wait,” Rose stepped forward and touched Edgar’s cheek when she noticed a redness.

Only aware of the fact Alessandra had gone with Edgar to the bathroom, Rose looked at Alessandra as the culprit. “You!” She exclaimed. Rose started to love Alessandra but she loved her grandson even more. No one should ever lay their hands upon him.

Before Rose could direct her fury at the wrong person Alessandra cleared it up quickly by saying, “It was Crystal who slapped him in retaliation for him punching- grandmother? Where is she going?” Alessandra asked Edgar when Rose abruptly left them.

Edgar rested his hands in his pockets, ready to watch the brewing entertainment. His grandmother would often joke about hitting him for the things he did as a child or she would have pinched his hand but she had never allowed anyone to lay a hand on her precious grandson.

The loud sound of a slap echoing in the room followed by dead silence did not surprise him.

“Crystal just found herself banned from this house,” Edgar stated.

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