The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 216

216 Dynamic Duo (4)

“Where are you going, Edgar?”

“Alfred, I know that you must miss me after being away all night long but please leave me alone. I am starting to find you to be as annoying as my mother. You should be aware that what happens in my marriage only concerns me and my wife. Go tend to flowers or whatever it is you have been doing to enjoy your last day here,” Edgar shooed Alfred away like an annoying little fly.

“No, I would like to apologize for forcing things to happen between you and the Duchess. I should have learned from what happened the first time. Is that what angered the Duchess?” Alfred rubbed his sweaty hands as he was afraid he had offended Alessandra.

“If only you and my grandmother could have thought about that before you meddle in our business. You are well aware of Alessandra’s personality to know there are certain games that I would not pull with her. There is no use in bothering me about it. Alessandra and I will figure this out and go back to normal,” Edgar said, then placed his cup in front of his mouth to hide the small smile he could not resist.

“I should offer my sincere apologies to the Duchess. I don’t want her last day to be like this.”

“No, I will have a conversation with her. She has directed her anger at me after all. Finish enjoying your vacation,” Edgar touched Alfred’s shoulder as he passed by. He was tempted to grip to cause more pain to what Alfred was already feeling.

Edgar felt as if he had a doll resembling Alfred in his hands and a needle pointed toward it. One single prick from the needle and Alfred would crumble. Alfred should be thankful that Edgar wished to have him around for the rest of his life.

“Before you go, your grandmother will be holding a gathering for all the family in town before we all have to leave tonight. It will go on with or without you but just know that the Duchess wanted to meet many of your relatives. It would be good for her to end the trip on a high note surrounded by her new family,” Alfred informed Edgar.

After Alessandra had decided to skip out on the party, Rose had come up with the idea to take the party to her house so that Alessandra wouldn’t have to worry about petty arguments or cattiness. Alfred and Rose had started to plan it while Edgar and Alessandra were busy shopping.


“I will see if she is up for it. Goodbye Alfred.”

“What have we done, lady Collins?” Alfred sighed. For the first time in many years, his back started to ache once again because of how stressed he was now. “I should put on some tea for everyone to relax. Tea solves everything.”

Meanwhile, Edgar hummed a tune as he walked upstairs to find Alessandra. Nothing excited him more than seeing other people sweat and right now, Alfred could water the plants with how much he had been sweating. Edgar expected Alfred to remain suspicious but whatever conversation Alfred had with Alessandra had erased any suspicion.

Edgar opened the bedroom door, welcomed by the sight of Alessandra standing by the bed with her dresses which were previously packed in the closet. He closed the door behind him in case Alfred was nosy enough to follow him here and approached Alessandra by the bed. “It is not time for us to pack up yet and someone will be tasked with it,” he said.

“That’s alright. I have nothing to do until the plan is over. Is Alfred still worried? I feel a bit guilty for making him so concerned.”

“He deserves it for plotting with my grandmother. He should always be on my side,” said Edgar.

“Wait a minute,” Alessandra said as she realized something. “Don’t tell me you are more upset about the fact Alfred plotted with your grandmother instead of being loyal to you than the fact they were meddling in our relationship? When you say Alfred only belongs to you, you truly meant it,” she muttered.

This was all Edgar’s way of getting back at Alfred for not informing him of his grandmother’s plans.

“The only people he should plot with is us. I have made the rash decision not to tell Alfred we were joking around to fool him.”

“We cannot do that,” Alessandra disagreed with the idea. It was evident Alfred felt bad. To make him think it was real was pushing the limit. “It was only meant to be a lesson for them to leave us alone. Not for him to blame himself forever. I will tell him.”

“You are no fun,” Edgar shook his head. “By the way, my grandmother is holding a gathering for my family members. It would be around the time we are meant to head back to Lockwood so if you want, we can have everything packed up, go there for a while, and then head straight home. You don’t have to force yourself to meet with anyone.”

Alessandra’s face lit up at the news. She had been waiting to meet more of his family. “I want to go. It’s a shame an entire evening was wasted yesterday.”

“Was it wasted? I’d say it was time well spent. Do you need my help to help remind you of yesterday? It would certainly show them that we are on good terms if they hear your voice,” Edgar said as he twirled the top button of her dress to tease her.

“N-No,” Alessandra pushed Edgar away. “Not everyone has no shame like you. I would never be able to face Alfred and everyone else. Please tell him we were only joking or I will. Think about his heart.”

“I am thinking about it. I am thinking about how I will crush it. It’s good to mess with Alfred once in a while. All that matters is him knowing we are back on good terms. If we tell him it was a joke, he will tell my grandmother and she will continue to plot us being together to produce the great-grandchildren she so desperately wants. We should find her a small animal to take care of before we leave,” Edgar proposed.

“Once your grandmother knows we did not like it, she will not do it again. I will speak to her about it. Now,” Alessandra patted his chest. “Please release Alfred of his stress and send Sally up. I need to pick out a dress to wear tonight. Now,” she ordered him after he wouldn’t move.

“Fine,” Edgar gave in, turning around and going back downstairs to find Alfred.

Edgar exited the bedroom and went back downstairs to look for Alfred. He followed the scent of tea knowing it had to be Alfred. “Alfred,” he called out to the distracted man in the kitchen and leaned up against a counter.

“Edgar, did things go well?” Alfred asked.

“Yes, it did. Everything is back to normal so you can relax now. Alessandra doesn’t want to be reminded of last night so don’t bring it up in the future. Act like it never happened,” Edgar said with a smile that widened more as the lies left his mouth.

He was not like Alessandra to ruin the fun. Once he started a game, he had to commit to it. He’d bet two of his homes that Alfred won’t be plotting with his grandmother in the future.

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