The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 213

213 Dynamic duo (1)

Edgar pulled Alessandra up from the ground and onto his lap, mindful not to let her squeeze his precious goods. “Are you taking joy in seeing your husband flustered?”

“Yes. It is not every day I get to see you blush, Edgar. I have to cherish the moment forever or perhaps, now that I know what makes you blush I will do it more often. Is it alright to leave it like this? You stopped me,” Alessandra said, referring to his situation right below her buttocks.

“I will take care of it myself. If I allow you to do as you please the night will end much differently than I anticipated it to. Maybe you would like it if I stop holding back?” He questioned as he buried his head in her neck and took in the faint scent of sweat and the soap she had used a while ago.

Edgar pulled Alessandra up so that she was more seated on his abdomen which gave him enough space to grab his member and started to stroke it. It would have been better if he could have finished with Alessandra’s help but he saw her as disobedient enough to try licking him again.

“No. As you said I wouldn’t want Alfred and Rose to take joy in thinking something happened between us thanks to their plotting. I don’t know how they would even find out something happened. If I were to become pregnant would they have thought it would have been because of tonight? I think we should just get your grandmother and Alfred a pet,” Alessandra said then blushed as she realized what Edgar was doing behind her.

She tried to think of other things to take her mind off of it. Eventually, his movement stopped so she wondered if he had finished.

“Oww,” she jumped after he bit her neck. “Why did you bite me?”

Edgar pulled away from her chest to look at her face and said, “Because you became silent and it means you are overthinking something. Go up on the bed for a moment. I have to take care of something. Are you hungry?”

“No,” Alessandra shook her head. “Maybe in an hour or so we can warm up the food. If you are hungry, I don’t mind eating now with you.”


Alessandra got off of Edgar’s lap and crawled unto the bed to lie down while Edgar stood up and walked into the bathroom. Alessandra looked out the closed window at the rain falling outside and listened closely to the sound of it hitting against the window and roof.

Strangely, she was going to miss the unusual weather here. The rain would have them going back inside if they were without an umbrella. Tomorrow night they would have to travel back to Lockwood. Back to whatever mess had stirred up while they were away.

Alessandra wished to stay at least one more day to spend more time with Rose but knew not to ask as Edgar had priorities back home and did not wish for him to have to change up anything because of her. This house would always be special to her because it was where she took off her mask for someone after so many years and she shared her first kiss with Edgar here.

“Things are going too peacefully right now,” Alessandra muttered, suddenly fearing there would soon be something to shatter the peace and send her back to the reality of her life being a mess. As long as Kate and Katrina hated her, plus family members like her uncle now wanted something from her, life would not be peaceful.

The bed sunk in behind her as Edgar returned and laid down with her. “Are you overthinking again, Alessandra? I hope you are not regretting what happened tonight. I have no way of turning around time.”

“No, I was thinking that our life is too peaceful right now. Once we return to Lockwood, there will always be something to deal with. Most likely because of me,” Alessandra replied.

“You are free to stay in this house instead of going back to Lockwood with me.”

Alessandra found it to be a kind gesture but she could not accept it. “How would it look for you to return without your wife?”

Edgar placed his hand on her waist and pulled her back against his bare chest. “I do not care how it would look to others. You can have a better life here than in Lockwood. I would visit regularly to see you.”

“No, it is too much of a hassle for the two of us and I cannot keep running away from my past. I would miss Erin and Hazel’s company. I-Haven’t you had enough, Edgar?” Alessandra switched the topic as Edgar’s hand had found its way to cup her breast.

“I am merely soothing the pain I might have caused,” Edgar cheekily replied. She should blame it on her breast for being so alluring.

Alessandra looked over her shoulder at Edgar and said, “There is no pain now therefore you can remove your hand.”

“I’m afraid you will have to get used to my hand being here. I am certain you do not dislike it as I have drilled into my memory the sweet face you made each time I-”

“Please forget about that,” Alessandra blushed. She wished Edgar had not been looking at her at that time because now he had something to tease her about. She could tease Edgar about him blushing earlier but it would not affect him the same way.

“Certainly not. It is a beautiful moment I want to picture again and again. If only I could show you how you looked. Should we add a giant mirror to our bedroom?” Edgar suggested as ideas flooded his mind. So much fun they could have if she said yes.

“No,” Alessandra shot down the idea.

“That is alright,” he kissed the back of her neck. “There is still the bathroom mirror which may come in handy. I guarantee everyone will magically return tomorrow morning. Should we have a little fun to teach them to stop meddling?”

“Yes. What do you have in mind?”

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