The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 195

195 The mask comes off (1)

“Edgar, why do you look so moody? More than normal that is,” Alfred had to correct himself.

“He’s dreading what I will make him do for an entire hour today. Edgar Collins lost a bet with me,” Alessandra informed everyone at the table. It was hard not to tell the world that she beat her perfect husband.

“You lost? That’s surprising,” Alfred commented. He wondered if Edgar lost to make Alessandra happy. Alfred expected that having Alessandra be under Edgar’s command for an hour was not something Edgar would let fly by. “What do you plan to make him do today?”

Alessandra looked at the large clock standing in the dining room. “You will know what it is in three minutes. It is something you can look forward to. So can Caleb and Sally.”

‘I don’t want to be dragged into this,’ Sally thought. She snuck a glance at the Duke and found him to be frowning. ‘Honestly, he should be worried. After the many times he teased Alessandra it was her time to get back at him. Judging from the smile on her face, something big seems to be planned.’

“Today will be an eventful day,” said Alfred.

“It is only for an hour that I will listen to her. If any of you try giving her foolish ideas I will make your lives hell afterward,” Edgar warned the trio.

“He won’t,” Alessandra reassured everyone. “What I have in mind is not as bad as you think. It is something nice.”

“Hmm,” Edgar replied.


There was a lot of regret for easily giving up his chance to have her under his command for an hour. However, he had to admit this was something he did daily. Edgar would always find some way to get Alessandra into the palm of his hands to have some with her. He could let her have this one moment.

“We should have some rules,” Alessandra turned to her right to face the grumpy man.

“You are enjoying this way too much,” Edgar muttered. There was no need for rules in his opinion as he was not petty or childish to not do what she wanted because he disliked it. If he had won, she would have done as he requested.

“How about this? Since I kind of changed up the game last night to have you end it, if you succeed with doing everything I say for an hour, I will be under your command for fifteen minutes,” Alessandra proposed a fair deal.

“Thirty minutes.”

“I cannot believe I am being generous with you and you are trying to bargain for more time. Ten minutes or the deal is off,” Alessandra said in a firm tone. She would not allow Edgar to get any more than this. She was tempted to call off the entire deal because of his trying to bargain with her.

“Fine. What are these rules you wish for me to follow? Honestly, there should be no other rule than me having to listen to you.”

“You have to do as I say up to the very last second of the hour. No stopping at fifty minutes. You cannot disappear from my sight to try and waste minutes. Whatever minutes you waste, will continue after the clock hits nine. It’s now eight o’clock so it starts now,” Alessandra excitedly clapped her hands. “Your first order is to be nice to everyone.,”

“Easy,” Edgar smiled, feeling better about this loss just from her first task alone. “I am always nice to everyone. You look nice today, Alfred. Is that the shirt you forced me to buy for your last holiday?”

Alfred touched the precious shirt he cherished. “I told you it would look dashing on me. It was money well spent.”

“Yes. Money well spent out of my pockets. It was honestly not that expensive so I did not see why you could not have bought it yourself. Anyone would think I do not pay my butler enough,” Edgar quickly changed from being sweet. He could not help it.

“You are a man who does not care about anyone’s opinions so who cares what they think about how much I am paid? Does this seem like a nice conversation to you, Alessandra?” Alfred pointed out, hoping to get Edgar in trouble.

“It is not,” Alessandra agreed with Alfred. “Try again.”

“The shirt I bought for you looks lovely, you cunning fox. Caleb, you’re reliable and skilled. Sally, you are-well I hardly know you,” Edgar stated to get all the compliments out the way so they could move on to what Alessandra had planned.

“Thank you, sir!” Caleb beamed, appreciating the compliment.

Sally continued to eat, not bothered by his words as it was true they hardly knew each other. She spent time with Alessandra and ran away whenever Edgar came around. Frankly, she knew he must think she gave Alessandra bad advice.

“What about me? Don’t I get a nice compliment too? One that doesn’t seem like you had to struggle for it? Try again to say what you feel about all of us. Open up that cold, hard, depressing heart you have,” Alessandra said and poked his chest.

Edgar glared at Alessandra for the unnecessary insult she had to throw in. “As my wife, thank you for that. Let’s see,” Edgar sighed. “All of you bring annoyance to my life but I enjoy having you around. From Alfred taking care of me for many years, Caleb remaining loyal to me, Sally choosing to stay with Alessandra, and Alessandra for bringing warmth into my life. I don’t say it a lot because I believe my actions show it but I do care for you. All of you in different ways. Does that satisfy you?”

Alessandra nodded her head. “It does. Now, moving on to the next phase we have to go upstairs to our room so goodbye for now everyone,” she sat up from her seat. Alessandra walked ahead without waiting for Edgar as there was something she needed to mentally prepare for.

Edgar became interested in why they would need to go to their bedroom after he had stated nothing sexual would happen. If she wished to change that tiny little detail then so be it.

“Your wife has control of you for an hour. I don’t know how much sound travels in this house so do you wish for everyone to go outside?” Caleb winked at Edgar. He thought Edgar could do with a little morning sex to help more relaxed.

“Get out of my business,” Edgar said as he stood up to follow after Alessandra. This world would freeze over now if Alessandra did anything near what manwhore Caleb had in mind. He figured she was done teasing him in front of the others and wanted to do it in private.

Edgar took his sweet time walking back to the bedroom to waste time as he could not miss the opportunity to be petty and watch Alessandra be upset. She should blame herself for how amusing her face was whenever she was annoyed.

“I know what you did,” Alessandra said to him the moment he stepped through the door she left open. “But I am not even going to get angry with you. We’re going to have a serious talk. I order you to sit still while I talk. Come here,” she patted a spot on the bed beside her.

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