The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 188

188 Date (2)

“When you said you would take care of it, I didn’t think you meant to have no one around,” Alessandra said as she entered the large building named the firefly and found no one aside from the workers.

Time had long passed since they were drenched in the rain and by some luck, neither one of them was affected by it. As Alfred suggested, they both got dressed in fine clothes and left to eat dinner alone while everyone else remained at home.

“How were you able to pull this off?” Alessandra asked. There was no doubt in her mind it must have cost a lot for the owner to reserve the night for only her and Edgar.

“Money talks and the owner is the grandson of a close friend of my grandmother so she was able to pull this off for us on short notice. You do not have to worry about anyone staring at your mask. Not even the workers as they have been told not to,” said Edgar.

“Still this must have cost you too much money,” Alessandra looked up at the shiny roof which was decorated with mirrors. She had never seen anything like this before.

“Thank you, Edgar. This is wonderful, Edgar. Those are two examples of what I would like to hear from you right now. When will you learn that money is never an issue for us? I have saved plenty over the years and I will continue to make more than we can spend in the future. Stop worrying about it and enjoy yourself,” Edgar advised her.

He wanted to add the fact he was not poor like her father but then decided to bite his tongue to avoid her thinking about her father being buried today.

“I appreciate you doing this,” Alessandra thanked him. Sometimes it was not easy for her to remember that Edgar had this endless wealth. Perhaps it might be because she was not going around spending it to be accustomed to doing things without thinking about the price.

“I am deserving of a kiss on the cheek for this,” Edgar tapped his cheek with his finger.


“Why must you always try to get a kiss out of me? By the way, I know this was Alfred’s idea. If anyone deserves a kiss, it is him.”

“Fucking Alfred,” Edgar muttered. Why would he expose to Alessandra that he was the one to think of this? If he had to give out an award for cock blocker of the year, Alfred was certain to get it. “Alfred wasn’t the one to clear out an entire building for you.”

“Yes but if he had not given you the idea, we would be home. Give up Edgar. I am not kissing you because you requested it. You should wait for me to do it myself,” Alessandra said but quickly regretted these words. “Nevermind. Kissing is supposed to be off-limits until I am ready.”

“It is kissing on the lips that is off-limits. Do not try to add rules to this when I am being more than patient,” said Edgar.

“Good evening, Duke and Duchess Collins. It is a pleasure to have you here at the firefly. I will be the one taking care of you tonight,” an average-height bald man greeted them.

“Why is it called the firefly?” Alessandra inquired. It was such a unique name to be given to a place to eat.

“During certain times of the year, many fireflies are spotted outside of this building. It used to be home at one point but the owner decided to renovate it into a spectacular tavern for customers. Sometimes we turn off the lights, open doors, and windows, to allow the tiny creatures to put on a show,” Hayden, their hostess for the night explained. “Please visit us again when they are present.”

Alessandra thought the sight would be beautiful but she wouldn’t feel comfortable sitting around to eat while there were bugs flying around. Instead of bringing down the man’s excitement about the fireflies she smiled.

“This way to your table,” Hayden pointed in the direction they needed to go then clapped his hands for all the other workers to get busy. They were given a lengthy talk about the two guests and warned not to make any mistakes.

“Did it hurt?” Edgar asked as they walked further inside to go to their table.

Alessandra looked to her side confused as to what he meant. “What?” She asked.

“The fake smile,” he replied.

“Oh,” Alessandra blushed, slightly embarrassed Edgar had seen right through it. “I did not want to ruin his joy. He seems to enjoy the sight of fireflies inside.”

“You’re allowed to not like something even though we are here. Quite frankly I am also glad we came when there aren’t any of them present. I might have been tempted to squash one on the table and watch the workers pass out,” Edgar chuckled.

Alessandra could only shake her head at his evil plan. “That would be too cruel. They might ban you from ever stepping foot in this place.”

“Depending on how the night goes that might not be a bad thing. I don’t believe I have complimented you as yet but your dress looks beautiful,” he commented on the emerald dress Sally picked for the night. “It is good to know I am getting my money’s worth with that dressmaker. She has yet to present me with the nightwear she spoke so fondly of. I was expecting a crate of them.”

Alessandra looked back at where their host was walking behind them to make sure they were going in the right direction. She could not have been more satisfied to see he had put some space between them to offer privacy. “Please do not speak of such things in public and if Erin ever brings any of those to me, I will send them back. If you love them so much then you wear them but I will not.”

Alessandra bit her lip to hold back laughing at the image of Edgar in one of her night dresses. His muscular body would never be able to get the dress to go past his shoulders.

“This is your table,” Hayden walked ahead of Edgar and Alessandra. “For your first time here we have decorated it with candles and roses for the lady.”

“What about me?” Edgar stared at the man. “It is also my first time here. Am I not to be gifted something?”

Hayden felt a cold sweat cover his body. Normally it was only the lady given something. What could the Duke possibly want? “ see...”

“He’s toying with you,” Alessandra said to rid the man of being trapped in Edgar’s games.

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