The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military

Chapter 186: Fierce Battle in the Southeast (4)

The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military (186)

Translator: ChubbyCheeks

59 Fierce Battle in the Southeast (4)

While Iron was busy catching the attention of the manticore, the rangers worked hard and finished their mission before shaking off the monsters running after them from the rear.

The rangers looked back in satisfaction as they rode the drakes and headed to the place where their Commander was waiting.

“We’ve returned from our mission. We were able to rob the logistic supplies of three monster corps and successfully created disturbance in two of their rear units. I believe we have delayed at least a day or two from our expected date of the monsters’ gathering.”

Iron nodded in satisfaction after hearing the report of the Ranger Captain.

“Good. This time, we were able to give them a light jab.”

It might only be a light skirmish but it was very good for their army’s morale to gain victory right at the beginning.

“I believe we’ve gained several days of preparation too.”

“That seems to be the case, yes.”

“I don’t think Ariel will encounter any problems on her return… the only thing that’s left for us to do is to prepare for an all-out war.”

Iron mumbled as he looked at the map while riding on top of a drake.

The Southeast, which was previously divided into three factions, was now facing a precipice that would either lead to a disaster or a salvation.

The monster corps had sneakily advanced towards the giant worms’ territory while digging through the gaps in Iron’s Mobile Field Army. Because of this, the previous status quo between the forces had been scrapped and turned meaningless, forcing the entire Southeast to face big changes.

However, these changes had been quickly forced into a short delay.

“With the shot that we dealt with, the manticore will not recklessly charge forward.”

“Yes. Their rear has been cleanly robbed by us so they would have to be careful for a while.”

Iron grinned at Nyx Cole’s answer.

The manticore did not expect that they were capable of setting up these meticulous moves on the board they called battlefield. That was the reason why the army was able to deal a heavy blow to the monster corps with just this one shot.

The damage that the monster corps had received from the heavy jab that the army had given them would stop them from recklessly moving against them for a short while. And Iron would take that time to make up for the Mobile Field Army’s shortcomings while preparing themselves for an all-out war.

It was difficult to expect that the battle would only happen in one place especially in battles at the field army scale. It would be safe for Iron to consider the entire Southeast as their battlefield. So, he had to approach this battle in a way that the divisions under the Command’s direct control would be able to assist each corps and keep in check every place where they were assigned to.

“The rangers will have a lot to do in the future.”

“Please give us your orders.”

Iron nodded lightly at Nyx Cole’s reliable answer.

Although Iron was the one who drew attention, the rangers and Nyx Cole were the ones who excellently created a disturbance in the rear. Right now, it was already safe for him to assume that the rangers had already risen above a certain level that could not be ignored. Although they were still lacking compared to the rangers in the Northeast, they had still grown enough that he could entrust them with important missions.

“Once the all-out war begins, I will entrust the task of creating a disturbance to our enemies’ rear to the rangers.”

“Yes, sir!”

“You did not receive any significant damage today thanks to the enemy’s carelessness, but it will be different in the future. That’s why… you have to make survival your top priority before you take any action. We don’t have to exert ourselves to the limit like our enemies.”

“…I understand.”

Nyx Cole bowed his head after hearing Iron’s words.

Seeing him react like this made Iron nod his head in satisfaction as he continued to give orders to the rangers.

From this point on, the rangers would have to continue working hard. They were tasked with a lot of important missions to the point that one could consider them as the core of this battle.

Cut off the enemies supply, disperse the enemies’ formations and eventually slow down the enemies’ advance. These were the things that the rangers needed to do. And these were all on top of their original reconnaissance mission.

No matter how much they were considered as a special force under the Command’s direct control, they still were given too many missions. However, no one could complain. Even the other divisions were also forced to take on plenty of difficult missions.

“It’s neat.”

Looking down from the drake, he could see what the storm troops and the other divisions under the Commands’ direct control had done to the monsters’ camp. The buildings that had collapsed under the onslaught of the artillery fire and the corpses of the monsters killed by the storm troops were all neatly organized.

Iron smiled in satisfaction after seeing how they had dealt with and organized the monster units along their return route.

“I can really trust them now.”

Iron mumbled to himself as they headed back to Command.

According to the reports, a large herd of water buffaloes came and attacked Command. However, it seemed like they did not receive any significant damage at all from what Iron could see. In fact, they were even boasting an extremely neat and tidy appearance to the point that it looked like it was artificial.

Iron realized just now that the landscape was a result of the magic unit’s hard work. He couldn’t help but smile deeply.

“The Commander has returned! Everyone, salute!”

All of the divisions under Command’s direct control that had returned to Command gave a salute to Iron, who was coming down from the drake. Their salute remained until Iron accepted their salute.

“It seems like everyone has done well on their missions. That’s great.”

The corners of the lips of everyone present twitched at Iron’s compliment. They smiled without realizing it after receiving Iron’s praise. After all, Iron was known to be stingy with praise.

“How about the 22nd Corps?”

“They’re maintaining the frontline that had been pushed back.”

Iron nodded his head after hearing Faulden’s report. Then, he issued an order.

“Tell them to retreat slowly once they see enemies.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Do you think we can connect with the Southern Command right now?”

This time, he slightly turned towards Carl and asked him.

“It’s still a bit difficult. However, we will be able to take enough measures and make sure that military supplies can move without any difficulties within two days.”

“Good. From this point on, you should prepare for an all-out war. Gather all of the commanding officers as well as the corps commanders in the Commander’s office. Without any exception.”

Iron had called for the last commander-level meeting before the war against the monsters. That was the reason why they could not allow any exceptions. Everyone, from the leaders of the divisions under the direct control of Command down to all of the corps commanders, should be present.

The commanding officers began to arrive at Command one after the other. The first to arrive among the corps commanders was Saeriden, followed by Cardro, then Ariel. Once all of the commanding officers had arrived at Command, they immediately headed to the Commander’s Office. Everyone walked briskly, they had no time to waste. After all, they still needed to go and prepare for battle right after the meeting had ended since the war was just right around the corner.

“The time has finally come for us to devour and swallow the entire Southeast. Unfortunately, we’re not fully prepared yet but I believe that we have met the minimum conditions to gain victory.”

All of the commanding officers’ expressions brightened at Iron’s words.

“Right now, what we need to do is to minimize the damage that we will incur. And for that to happen, we would need to ask the other armies for support.”

Everyone nodded heavily.

They weren’t asking for support because they couldn’t win with their own power. They were only asking for support to minimize the damage that they would receive.

Iron shut his mouth for a while after letting the commanding officers know of this fact. He looked around the people gathered in his Commander’s office.

“I’m sure some of you are disappointed.”

All of the people present shut their mouths at his words.

They might not show it on their expressions but Iron believed that some of them thought that it was because he did not believe in them.

So, Iron opened his mouth again for those people.

“Ariel, Cardro, Saeriden.”

“Yes, sir!”

The people Iron called out stepped forward one after the other.

“I have temporarily appointed you as corps commander before. With my authority, you will be appointed as temporary corps commanders during this war.”

Everyone’s eyes widened at Iron’s words.

“You will serve as the temporary corps commanders during the war. Your official appointment will be done after we finish this fight.”

The expressions of the three people, who were appointed as official corps commanders during the war, had hardened at Iron’s words.

Temporary corps commander. It was a position that was only given during war and was commonly returned after the war. But Iron told them that he would officially appoint them after the war. This meant that he believed that they would all be active enough in this war to the point that they could become official corps commanders with just this war alone.

The same was true for the others. Although they weren’t at the level of a corps commander, they were still temporarily appointed to a position that was at the 2-star major general-level and were told that they would be officially appointed after the war.

The Commander’s office fell into a moment of silence after Iron temporarily raised the ranks of all the commanding officers.

“I have no doubt that you will be able to grow into a level that would suit your position once this war ends. I have done it. So, my soldiers should be able to do it too.”

Iron spoke calmly as he looked at the commanding officers.

Iron was someone who proudly reached the level suitable for his position as the Commander of the Mobile Field Army through his own efforts alone. His merits and contributions couldn’t be ignored at all that they ended up appointing him to this position. However, he still persevered until his force and strength was worthy of the title, Commander of the Mobile Field Army, that was given to him.

Basically, he was telling his men that he believed in them and what they were capable of. Just like what he did, he trusted that they would also step up and achieve greater things.

“Can you do it?”

The commanding officers, who turned mute earlier, answered all at once at Iron’s question.

“Yes, sir! We can do it!”

“Good. Let’s show the Empire how strong we are through this war!”

“Yes, sir!”

The commanding officers answered loudly.

This was their last meeting before the all-out war began. Instructing his commanding officers down to the very detail of their job after they had accumulated some experience on their own would just be poison to their morale and confidence. The job of a Mobile Field Army Commander did not only include instructing his men, it also included telling them that he believed them as he entrusted important missions to them. This was the reason why Iron did not say much during the meeting and only showed them that he believed in them.

After dealing with his men, Iron immediately went to ask support from the other Commands. He wanted to contact all of the Commands with the Southern and Eastern Commands exceptiojn. After all, they were still under a lot of pressure.

I think it will be a bit hard for us.

“Is there something going on in the West?”

The birdmen and large-scale units of aerial monsters have begun to move.

Iron nodded heavily at the words of the Western Commander.

“Can you still handle it?”

It’s a bit hard for us to handle right now.

“What about the Divine Nation Alliance?”

Iron thought that they could ask help from them since their common enemy was the birdmen, but that did not seem to be the case at all.

I don’t know. But one thing’s for sure, I don’t think they are going to help us.

“The Divine Nation Alliance… Aren’t they doing well these days?”

I think they have trouble inside.

The Western Command0 was not aware of the exact details of what was going on inside the Alliance but they could infer that something equivalent to a civil war was about to start among their ranks. This meant that the Western Army had to deal with the birdmen and the aerial monster alliance alone.

But the Western Command was already half-broken and they could not handle their enemies alone. So, they had to receive help from someone else.

“Then, it seems like you’ll have to get help from the Central Army.”

Hearing Iron’s words, the Western Commander spoke apologetically.

We’re probably going to do that. I feel a bit sorry for you.

“No, you shouldn’t be. We each have our own reasons… Then, are you going to ask for help from the Leonhardts and the Northern Army?”

No. We can’t reach that far.

Iron nodded lightly at the words of the Western Commander. At the very least, they still haven’t reached the worst situation possible.

I feel apologetic towards you.

“Don’t be. It’s only natural that you get help especially with the birdmen trying to attack you this hard. Don’t worry about us.”

…Thanks. I will definitely go and help you once things get better on my side.

After confirming from the Western Commander that he would not be able to expect help from them and the Central Army, Iron immediately contacted the Northeastern Command.

However, the moment the video, directly connecting him to the Northeastern Commander, connected, he saw two familiar figures. One was the Northeastern Commander and the other was the Northern Commander.

“Why are the two of you together?”

Iron looked at them strangely but Jayden Wicks, the Northern Commander, just turned to look at him solemnly.

Are you going to ask for support?


Iron’s answer made the expressions on both the commanders’ faces turn dark.

Seeing their expressions, Iron suddenly had a bad hunch.

‘Asking for support… seems impossible.’

He asked the two commanders the moment this thought flashed in his head.

“What’s the matter?”

Crimson’s mouth opened heavily at his question.

Something has happened beyond the mountain ranges.

Iron’s expression hardened.

“…Is the situation serious?”

I believe we might need to mobilize the entire Northern and Northeastern Armies.

“What in the world happened?”

Crimson went silent for a moment before slowly opening his mouth to answer Iron’s question.

The Frost Giants are awakening.


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