The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 400: Star, Arcadia (12)

Chapter 400: Star, Arcadia (12)

Divine Class demotion was a very sensitive issue for Celestials who had achieved <Exuviation> and <Transcendence>. After all, their Divine Classes were their badges. The destruction of some of their churches couldn’t drastically affect one of the Eighty-Eight Star Signs, but their position made them more sensitive to the slightest change in their Divine Class.

Besides, every Celestial’s worst nightmare was the addition of the word ‘defeat’ to their new <Myths>, which were spreading everywhere. No place in the world worshiped a losing Celestial. Even if there were, they would only worship Celestials destined to overcome tribulations and emerge victorious someday. In other words, only a victory could justify one’s prior defeats.

That was why one’s Divine Class was taxed if they failed to win after suffering losses. This would in turn make their followers leave them in search of other Celestials who could protect them, slowing down the circulation of their <Myths>. It also deteriorated the quality of their Faith, speeding up their downfall.

A Celestial suffering such a fate would eventually be completely forgotten and go missing. With the news about his incompetence starting to spread among his followers in Arcadia, ‘Ursa Major’ found himself in that situation.

―Over a hundred churches have already been burned down along with the cities they were in!

―All the places that are related to ‘Ursa Major’ are under attack. The clergy of the ‘Ursa Major’ are moonlight-flitting. His followers have also stopped visiting the churches out of concern for their safety.

―Meanwhile, ‘Ursa Major’ still hasn’t found any clues that could lead him to the perpetrator, let alone capture them.

―The Star Order and Imperial Family can’t do anything because ‘Ursa Major’ is an idiot!

Rumors started to spread like wildfire and snowballed until they got out of the Star Order’s control. The current assessment of ‘Ursa Major’ could be summarized into two words.


As the ones who had taken the most damage, the people of Eos’ assessment of ‘Ursa Major’ became harsher.


A stereotype was created about how detrimental it was to be involved with ‘Ursa Major,’ bringing him to the verge of Soul Degradation.

* * *

[The Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ begs the terrorist to stop! He yells that he would like to negotiate and would be willing to give everything the terrorist wants!]

‘Ursa Major’ was screaming again, only far more desperate this time. After all, one of his four favorite cathedrals was now on fire. The magnificently decorated building crumbled down as he yelled.

“It’s burning down quite efficiently.” Chang-Sun laughed inside the inferno swallowing up the cathedral. He was still wearing the iron mask that almost everyone in Arcadia knew about now.

[The Divine Class of the Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ is deteriorating even more quickly!]

[The Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ writhes in pain!]

[The Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ sheds tears of blood as he screams that he is going to rip the terrorist into shreds!]


As Chang-Sun heard the scream that seemed to belong to ‘Ursa Major,’ he felt his mana circling inside him. He smiled in contentment. ‘This body’s mana circulation seems to be equal to what I had on Earth now.’

In only a few days, he had transformed his mana hall, which was nothing but ordinary mana storage, into a [Magic Circuit] and then a [Integrated Magic Circuit], increasing the efficiency of his mana circulation. He continued metamorphosing after that, turning the once scrawny priest with a pot belly into a muscular being.

He hadn’t reached the level of Overlords yet, but it was safe to assume that he was strong enough to be a Duke. He wouldn’t have a big problem if he used a couple of the Authorities of ‘Divine Twilight’ in times of emergency.

Although Chang-Sun was the one who possessed this body, the change it went through was still miraculously fast due to the benefits he gained from burning down the churches of ‘Ursa Major.’ Taking out the paladins and inquisitors who tried their utmost best to protect the churches naturally trained him.

‘I also practiced the technique of ‘Canis Major.’’

[Colossal Hound’s Claw Mark]

A combat technique of the Celestial ‘Canis Major.’ The hound of the great heroes Orion and Actaeon invented this killing blow to kill his prey more easily.

· Type: Skill.

· Effect: Killing Blow. Unrelenting Offensive.

The technique was similar but a cruder version of [Dream-Eating Beast]. Still, it was quite a good ability to practice.

[The Celestial ‘Canis Major’ pays the Planet ‘Eos’ a visit after hearing the rumor about his traces being found in the ruined churches of the Celestial ‘Urus Major’!]

[The Celestial ‘Canis Major’ is shocked by the trace that the terrorist left!]

[The Celestial ‘Canis Major’ is unaware of how the terrorist obtained his technique but is greatly interested in them due to their deep understanding of it!]


[The Celestial ‘Canis Major’ happily watches the work of his impersonator!]

[The Celestial ‘Urus Major’ bares his fangs upon seeing the Celestial ‘Canis Major’!]

[The Celestial ‘Canis Major’ scoffs quietly and roots for the terrorist!]

‘‘Canis Major’ also took the bait,’ Chang-Sun thought.

As ‘Urus Major’ glared at Chang-Sun, ‘Canis Major’ blessed Chang-Sun for making a mess out of the territories of ‘Ursa Major.’


A god’s thunderous voice echoed as Chang-Sun walked out of the cathedral.


Immense Spiritual Pressure fell upon one of the biggest cities in Eos, evicting its close to a million citizens. Over ten thousand paladins and soldiers of ‘Ursa Major’ then filled the streets, surrounding the blazing cathedral.

‘Finally,’ Chang-Sun thought.

In truth, it was a miracle that he managed to conduct so many terrorist attacks without getting caught. However, he seemed to have run out of luck now. He wasn’t disappointed, though, since he was already expecting to run into the people of ‘Ursa Major’ sooner or later. He only needed time to be physically fit before going up against them. Now that his body was useful enough, he no longer had any reason to shy away from combat.

‘Although my senses have become dull, I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t notice him deploying his people. He’s quite good.’ Chang-Sun evaluated ‘Ursa Major’ minisculely higher.

『You’re the root of all this disaster!』

The soldiers’ leader was in the center of the cathedral’s empty front yard. The middle-aged man was sitting on a white horse with a silky mane, wearing radiant armor and exuding divine elegance. He seemed to be the apostle of ‘Ursa Major.’

However, Chang-Sun could sense a Divine Class within the man. Unable to hold back his anger, it seemed ‘Ursa Major’ had possessed his apostle to take matters into his own hands. That was why the apostle was speaking in a Divine Voice.

『I see you’re here as well, Sirius. I’ll hold you accountable later too.』

Sirius was the real name of ‘Canis Major.’

[The Celestial ‘Canis Major’ scoffs and says that it is quite ludicrous for an idiot like the Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ to look for him when he got betrayed because he couldn’t keep his own priest in check!]

『How dare you! Did you think I wouldn’t know that you’ve been regularly sending spies to my order for quite some time now to look for an opportunity like this?』

‘Ursa Major’ Alioth didn’t hide his fury.

‘So that’s how they made sense of my transformation. Well, maybe Sirius really has been sending spies over,’ Chang-Sun thought.

Whatever the case was, the two Star Signs were about to enter into a conflict, which was good news for him. Sirius had quite an extraordinary temper too. He likely wasn’t even planning on punishing Chang-Sun for impersonating him.

『I’ll tear you limb from limb! What are you doing, my children? Punish him!』Alioth roared, thinking Sirius was scheming again.

The sound of a horn echoed, signaling the start of combat. The paladins made their war horses charge toward Chang-Sun. Hundreds of big and small magic circles appeared and spun in the air.

[The Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ blesses his paladins and soldiers as he initiates a large-scale attack!]

Lightning bolts struck down as the paladins and soldiers fired volleys of flaming arrows. At the same time, a layer of ice covered the ground, followed by soaring thorns.

[The Celestial ‘Canis Major’ observes you to determine if you are skilled enough to impersonate his priests.]

[The Celestial ‘Canis Major’ says he will appoint you as his priest if your performance is good enough.]

‘Bullshit.’ Chang-Sun scoffed quietly as he sprang toward Alioth. His runes blocked the numerous magic attacks raining down on him.

[A Protection Rune has been activated, deflecting all the magic spells away!]

Boom, boom, boom!


“Stop him!”

“Don’t let him approach our Guardian!”

The paladins raised their swords and swung them down at Chang-Sun’s head. In retaliation, Chang-Sun grabbed the vanguard paladin’s greatsword, which was exuding brilliant divine energy, with ease. Confident that he could kill Chang-Sun, the paladin was noticeably taken aback when his attack was blocked. Chang-Sun pulled the greatsword toward him, making the paladin fall off his horse.



Keough!” The paladin gasped, the strong impact he felt as he hit the ground causing the air in his lungs to escape.

By the time the paladin had stood up and pulled himself together, Chang-Sun had already swung his greatsword toward him.


The blade cleaved through the paladin’s head and his war horse’s body. As blood spurted out like a fountain, Chang-Sun ran above the other paladins.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


“Wh-what in the world—!”


Arrrghhhh! Get him somehow!”

Chang-Sun used the war horses and paladins as a foothold. He stomped on the horses’ heads and the paladins’ backs as he ran forward, leaving behind war horses with shattered heads and paladins with broken spines. In a flash, the formation of the paladins charging toward Chang-Sun crumbled down.

“You rat bastard!”

Some tried to swing their swords upward to get Chang-Sun somehow, but he simply somersaulted to dodge their attacks. He was so nimble that he looked weightless.

The paladins ended up hitting their colleagues instead, worsening the damage they sustained. Eventually, Chang-Sun easily killed even the paladin who believed that they would drive him to the brink of death.


Chang-Sun arrived before Alioth’s apostle in no time.

『I’m going to kill you—!』

Alioth was a little late in drawing up his divine power, not expecting Chang-Sun to break through thousands of his soldiers’ defenses this quickly.

“Have you ever heard of half-split death[1]?” Chang-Sun sneered at Alioth for failing to abandon his pride despite how far his Soul Degradation had progressed.


Chang-Sun fiercely swung his greatsword downward. A line of blood was drawn from the apostle’s helmet to his groin, killing him before he could even use his sword.

[The Ursa Major King, the apostle of the Celestial ‘Ursa Major,’ has died!]

[Sustaining great damage forcibly terminated the Channeling, disconnecting the Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ from his apostle.]

[The Divine Class of the Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ has started to crumble down.]

[The Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ screams! He feels as if his soul is being ripped apart!]

The deterioration of Alioth’s Divine Class put him in quite a precarious state, and losing his apostle, which could be considered a part of his soul, brought him irreversible damage. He could no longer escape from Soul Degradation.

One of the great Eighty-Eight Star Signs was about to plummet to the ground.

“Our G-Guardian!”

“Th-th-the Ursa Major King has been k-killed!”

“We have to bring that bastard down! Kill him!”

Chaos engulfed Alioth’s clergy. They would suffer the biggest damage if their Guardian plummeted from <Heaven> since all the years they spent training would be rendered meaningless. They had to get the enemy in front of them before that happened.

“Catch me if you can.” Chang-Sun smiled coldly, leisurely activating a new rune.

[A Teleportation Rune has been activated! Exiting the area!]


A pool of brilliant light spread. Chang-Sun then disappeared, leaving behind the Ursa Major King’s half-split corpse on the ground.




Alioth’s clergy froze up, failing to understand what just happened.

[The Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ screams at the top of his lungs as his eyes turn bloodshot! He asks the terrorist where he is going!]

The message brought the clergy back to their senses.

“F-find him! G-go!”

“He couldn’t have gotten that far because of the barrier! T-track him down!”

With their surprise attack now useless, the clergy screamed and ran around. However, they instinctively knew that they could never find Chang-Sun on their own.

[The Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ frantically screams!]

[The Soul Degradation of the Celestial ‘Ursa Major’ has started.]


[The Celestial ‘Canis Major’ is laughing and rolling on the floor. He is having so much fun!]

1. It’s a Korean meme that started from an error in a fan-translated comic. The protagonist of the comic asked his opponent to be split in half and die in the fan translation. Since it is rare for the protagonist to say that directly, people found it somewhat funny and turned it into a meme. ?

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