The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 346: Star, the Reunion (3)

Chapter 346: Star, the Reunion (3)

[Lee Chang-Sun]

Divine Name: Divine Twilight

Appellation: Ksitigarbha King

Title: Jigwi Light Incarnation

Divine Level: Civilization Celestial

Divine Rank: Fiendishness, Cataclysm

Faction: Underworld

Class: Kvasir

Level: 142

Strength: 1,332 (+260) (+666)

Agility: 1,450 (+310) (+666)

Acquired Orders

White Tiger Clan Lv.4

Crna Ruka Lv.2

Acquired Skills

Expert-Level Trap Installation Lv.Max

Blood Toxin Lv.Max

Tiger Prowl Lv.Max

Tiger Kill Lv.Max

Tiger Disaster Lv.Max

Windstalking Tiger Lv.Max

Rune Research Lv.Max

Acquired Effects

Triple Samadhi Fire Lv.3

Thousand Toxin Immunity Lv.2

Divine Lightning Body Lv.1

Thousand-Weapon Commander Lv.1

Acquired Authorities

Soul Exploitation Lv.4

Execution Sword Lv.3

Perfect Marksmanship Lv.5

Kalokagathia Lv.6

Special Note: You have successfully recovered your Divine Name by restoring your Divine Class. As you have regained all your original stat points, there is a high chance for your Divine Level to increase during your fourth and fifth class acquisitions. You currently have exclusive ownership of the Faith from Earth.

Additional Stat Points: 210


A screen appeared in front of Chang-Sun, indicating all the great accomplishments he had achieved in the past year, but it was so long that reading all of it was quite difficult. His stat points such as Strength, Agility, HP, and Mana were already over four digits each, but they were actually closer to two thousand with the additional increases from the blessings he had. The part about ‘+666’ seemed to be the result of Chang-Sun’s egos merging.

‘That’s not even factoring in my Skills and Authorities.’

Most of his Skills were already at maximum level. Despite the fact that most Celestials had difficulty acquiring more than five Authorities, Chang-Sun had almost twenty.

He had received Authorities from Celestials such as Pabilsag and Jörmunagndr. There was also the Inverted Pentagram that ‘Divine Twilight’ originally had. Additionally, he had acquired a lot of Authorities from the monster and demonic Celestials of <Purple Star Astrology> that he had captured using the [Execution Sword]. In fact, Chang-Sun had so many Authorities that there were several he did not even use, and others he had replaced with similar Authorities.

Putting all his focus into his [Gnostic Eye], he looked through the list of Skills that were at their maximum levels; that way, he could see the Skills he had to merge by force.

[You have selected the Skills ‘Tiger Prowl’, ‘Tiger Kill’, ‘Tiger Disaster’, and ‘Windstalking Tiger‘, classifying them under one Category!

Chang-Sun started with the Skills Heoju had left behind.

[You have classified the Skills ‘Rune Research’ and ‘Rune Creation’ under one Category!]

Next was his Class Skills that were similar to each other.

[You have classified the Skills ‘Expert-Level Trap Installation’, ‘Blood Toxin’, ‘Bloodshed’, ‘Dust Devil’, and ‘Fiery Lightning Bolt’ under one Category!]

Those Skills could be used together, so he had been using them as if they were one Skill.

He classified the Skills into three major Categories: White Tiger, Class Skills, and Miscellaneous; then, he started merging them.

[Attempting to merge the selected Skills under the created Categories!]

[Your attempt exceeds your authorization!]

[The system canceled your attempt by force!]

[Your ‘Gnostic Eye’ activates, applying the powers of omniscience and omnipotence.]

[You have hacked the system using your power of omniscience, temporarily increasing your authorization!]

[You have reinitiated the merging process using your power of omnipotence!]

[You have successfully merged the selected Skills under the created Categories with your authorization!]

[You have merged all your Skills under the Category ‘White Tiger’ into the Authority ‘Dream-Eating Beast’!]

[The level of the Authority ‘Dream-Eating Beast’ has increased.]

[The level of the Authority ‘Dream-Eating Beast’ has increased.]

[The current level of the Authority ‘Dream-Eating Beast’ is 6.]

[Your existing mastery has been applied to the Authority ‘Dream-Eating Beast’, revealing the Divine Authority aspect of the Authority.]

[The Authority ‘Dream-Eating Beast’ has been linked to your Divine Rank ‘Fiendishness’!]

[You have merged all your Skills under the Category ‘Class Skills’ into the Authority ‘Rune Magic’!]

[The Authority ‘Rune Magic’ has become a part of your ‘Gnostic Eye’, increasing its effectiveness!]

[Your Intelligence has increased.]

[You have merged all your Skills under the Category ‘Miscellaneous’ into the Authority ‘Blood Law’!]

[The level of the Authority ‘Blood Law’ has increased.]

[Your Acquired Skill section has become blank!]

[Your Acquired Skill section has been shut down.]

Chang-Sun would become a Planet Celestial, and he would eventually reach the seat of a Celestial King. In that case, he would not particularly need his Skills, so it was better to upgrade his Authorities by merging the Skills into them. The next thing he had to edit was…

‘My Authorities.’

Chang-Sun intended to make changes to his three groups of Authorities this time too: His Inverted Pentagram, the Authorities that he had received as bonus rewards from other Celestials, and the Authorities of the sealed demonic and monster Celestials.

‘My original Inverted Pentagram is basically a failure. Despite its usefulness, its limits are evident.’

The biggest problem was that he had been unable to develop his Inverted Pentagram any further.

‘So, I need to alter the Inverted Pentagram’s framework to unlock their Divine Authority aspects.’

Chang-Sun had to use this opportunity to combine his Inverted Pentagram Authorities into one. [Storm Era] originated from Ithaca’s <Starlight>. [Despising Weakness] was Chang-Sun’s ultimate technique. [Blood Law] was used to assist him in battles. [Landslide] allowed him to unleash a multi-attack. [False Belief] was his defensive technique. Since those Authorities had different origins and purposes, combining them would not be easy, but Chang-Sun had long since thought about which Authority could serve as the foundation for merging them.

‘...I just need to make [False Belief] the central point of these Authorities.’

Chang-Sun had already converted a lot of [Bestla’s Poem] into runes and engraved them on himself. Gnosis would help him more than anything else in the future, and he had become aware of the fact that gnosis originated from runes. Thus, he needed to link the other Authorities with [False Belief] as their center.

[The four Authorities have been disintegrated and converted into runes!]

[All the necessary rune letters have also been applied to ‘Bestla’s Poem’, enhancing the effectiveness of the Authority ‘False Belief’.]

[The level of the Authority ‘False Belief’ has increased.]

[The level of the Authority ‘False Belief’ has increased.]

[All the Authorities that symbolize the Celestial ‘Divine Twilight’ have been successfully merged.]

[The Authority ‘False Belief’ has acquired the potential to become a Divine Authority!]

[The Authority ‘False Belief’ has been linked with your Divine Rank ‘Cataclysm’!]

[Dream-Eating Beast] and [False Belief] had both gained the potential to become Divine Authorities. In other words, Chang-Sun had turned his Divine Ranks into his Authorities. They would serve as Chang-Sun’s stepping stones to rise higher.

‘Bonus reward Authorities…will center around [Kalokagathia].’

Since [Dream-Eating Beast] was his combat technique and [False Belief] was about enhancing his physical ability, the next one would focus on his mind.

[Attempting to merge your bonus reward Authorities with the Authority ‘Kalokagathia’ as their center!]

[Caution! Your bonus reward Authorities have original owners. If you attempt to merge these Authorities, not only will your Channelings to the original owners be terminated; their blessings will also disappear. There is a chance that the Effects of the Authorities will disappear. Do you wish to proceed?]

Chang-Sun’s bonus reward Authorities had been granted by Celestials who wanted to make him their apostle, so combining them could be interpreted as a provocation by those Celestials. However, he did not care one bit. After having plummeted, Chang-Sun had been in need of their power, but he had already finished recovering his Divine Class. Thus there was no need to be swayed by those Celestials. Besides, all the Celestials who would side with Chang-Sun were now in the <Anti-Star Alliance>, so he no longer needed to leave those Authorities in their original form.

‘I finished analyzing the Authorities anyway.’

For the past half year, Chang-Sun and Simon Magus had put their heads together and analyzed every detail of the Authorities, so analyzing them any further was meaningless.

[You have chosen to proceed!]

[The Channeling to the Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ has been terminated!]

[The Authority ‘Perfect Marksmanship’ has been disintegrated, and its Effects have been integrated into the Authority ‘Kalokagathia’ as the Effect of ‘Guaranteed Strike’.]

[The Channeling to the Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ has been terminated!]

[The Authority ‘Mamushi Eye’ has been disintegrated, and its Effects have been integrated into the Authority ‘Kalokagathia’ as the Effect of ‘Capture’.]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ is greatly shocked by your choice!]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ whines and asks her mother to dissuade you, grabbing her mother’s leg.]

[The Celestial ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’ lets out a long yawn, saying your choice is understandable.]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ falls into deep sorrow.]

[A total of 16 Authorities have been merged!]

[The Authority 'Kalokagathia’ has changed to an unrecognizable degree, transforming in accordance with your accomplishments.]

[Congratulations! The Authority ‘Kalokagathia’ has changed into the Authority ‘Kalos Kagathos’.]

[The Authority ‘Kalos Kagthos’ has acquired the potential to become a Divine Authority!]

[Kalos Kagathos]

The title for those who have fully awakened to their Arete[1] by equally harboring noble virtue and elegant beauty.

“With their unyielding and upright spirit, no tribulations in the world can make them succumb.”

· Level: 6

· Type: Authority.

· Effects: Indomitable Spirit. Mental Debuff Immunity. Authority Increase.

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ is surprised to see how her bonus reward has changed!]

[The Authority ‘Kalos Kagathos’ is active!]

‘Lastly, I’ll go through the Authorities I extorted through the [Execution Sword]. All these…’ Chang-Sun thought, smiling coldly as he read the list of the Authorities he had taken from Xue Yong, Heoju, and the Emperor’s Seat. ‘ well as [Soul Exploitation], will be merged with the [Execution Sword].’

Chang-Sun would turn the special Authorities he had received from Thanatos, the King of the Underworld, into his own.

‘By doing so…’ Chang-Sun thought, his [Gnostic Eye] blazing more fiercely than ever. ‘...I’ll be able to display the real [Execution Sword].’

Chang-Sun brought his right hand to his left chest. With his fist clenched, he started to pull out something.


Up until that moment, there had been nothing in his right hand, but the handle of a sword soon materialized. The sword slowly emerged from Chang-Sun’s chest, gradually revealing its deep red blade; it was Laevateinn. The divine sword that Chang-Sun had inherited from Surtr after becoming the king of <Muspelheim> had finally materialized!

[All the Authorities you extorted have merged with the Authority ‘Execution Sword’, materializing into the form of ‘Laevateinn’!]

[Laevateinn] did not have a fixed form, so the moment Chang-Sun lost his focus, it moved as if it would escape from Chang-Sun's grasp. However, he pulled the sword back with great force and integrated it with the [Twilight Spear].


The fire of [Laevateinn] permeated the [Twilight Spear], heating the spearhead up.


[You have not only fully awakened a divine relic, but also successfully granted it new power!]

[The fire of <Muspelheim> begins to move.]

[A new property has been added to the Divine Ground ‘Twilight-Setting Battlefield in Fire’, readjusting the grade of the Divine Ground.]

[The fire of the Divine Ground has changed into the fire of an <Extinct> plane.]

[The battlefield of the Divine Ground has changed into the terrain of an <Extinct> plane.]

[The properties of the <Extinct> Plane <Muspelheim> have been revealed.]

[<Muspelheim> has opened!]


The fire that had begun blazing more fiercely in accordance with Chang-Sun’s transformation began to shine radiantly in five colors. It was similar to the fire of <Muspelheim> that he had seen in the ‘Wuthering Stone Desert’, but it was also somewhat different.

―Finally. One of Bestla’s legacies has finally been recovered fully…

Odin muttered to himself, overwhelmed with emotions.

Not paying attention to Odin, Chang-Sun realized that something inside him had changed completely. ‘I feel lighter.’

The Channelings to the Celestials had been restricting Chang-Sun’s soul in some ways, but he was now free from them. In addition, he had organized his Skills and Authorities, which had been making his <Myths> messy, into three categories, clearing the obstructions in his soul. On top of that, he had unlocked the seed of <Muspelheim> to the fullest extent; that symbolized Chang-Sun’s first step toward becoming a Giant Celestial King, which no one after Bestla had been able to succeed in doing.


As particles drifted down from him, Chang-Sun fiercely thrust the [Twilight Spear] forward.

[You have <Molted> for the last time!]


The spear turned into a unique ray of light. Its front was enveloped in fire, while its rear was covered in white lightning; it harnessed the power that Chang-Sun had approximately managed to learn as he sealed Sangwon. Chang-Sun called the new power Flashstrike. At that moment, the flow of time in his perception synchronized with the real world, and…

Chang-Sun’s spear was right in front of Richardus’ chest.

“…What?!” Richardus exclaimed in shock.

From Richardus’ perspective, it looked as if Chang-Sun had changed completely in the blink of an eye and was now using Flashstrike; he could not help but be startled. As he was unable to dodge it or block it, a siren went off in his head. In an effort to come up with a countermeasure, he bit his lower lip and activated [Mountain-Crushing Supremacy] and [Sea Change] to the fullest extent, trying to stomp downward.

“Pierce him.”

However, Chang-Sun was quicker and recited an incantation with [Wordwielding], ‘reversing’ cause and effect; the destined outcome he thus created was a bullseye. His Flashstrike pierced Richardus’ chest, creating a hole the size of a human head.


“Keough…!” Richardus coughed up blood as new messages appeared behind him.

[Updating the information of the Player ‘Lee Chang-Sun’!]

[Lee Chang-Sun]

Divine Name: Divine Twilight

Appellation: Ksitigarbha King, Muspelheim King (New!)

Title: Jigwi Light Incarnation

Divine Level: Civilization Celestial

Divine Rank: Fiendishness, Cataclysm

Faction: Underworld, Muspelheim (New!)

Class: Kvasir

Level: 142

Strength: 1,332 (+260) (+666)

Agility: 1,450 (+310) (+666)

Acquired Orders

White Tiger Clan Lv.4

Crna Ruka Lv.2

Acquired Effects

Triple Samahdi Fire Lv.3

Thousand Toxin Immunity Lv.2

Divine Lightning Body Lv.1

Thousand-Weapon Commander Lv.1

Acquired Authorities

Execution Sword Lv.4

Kalos Kagathos Lv.6

Dream-Eating Beast Lv.6

False Belief Lv.5

Gnostic Eye Lv.1

Special Note: You have successfully restored the fallen ‘Muspelheim’, so the blessing of a Giant King shall always be with you.

Additional Stat Points: 210

1. This means potential in ancient Greek. ☜

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