The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 302: Star, the United Army (2)

Chapter 302: Star, the United Army (2)


[Balmung] and [Nothung] clashed once again.

[‘Balmung’ thirsts for more blood!]

[Balmung] desperately wanted to drink Heoju’s blood, and thus closed in on Heoju with its hideous fangs and tried to nullify Heoju’s counterattacks. However, its attempt did not work out the way it wanted, causing the blade to throw a tantrum.

[‘Nothung’ is reluctant to fight against its old comrade!]

In contrast, [Nothung] refused to harm Chang-Sun, but Heoju quelled its defiance by force, and [Balmung] kept slamming against [Nothung]. In the end, [Nothung] had to fight back in order to survive.


As the two blades collided with each other, [Balmung] slid across the top of [Nothung] and tried to create explosions that would crack its surface. Thus, [Nothung] did nott stay quiet any longer.

[‘Nothung’ is looking for a way to kill a Celestial!]

[Nothung] was known as the ‘god-slayer sword’, a title it had earned because Chang-Sun had killed countless Celestials and absorbed their grudges; thus, it specialized in killing Celestials.


One of the four slayer swords that were previously owned by ‘Divine Twilight’. ‘Divine Twilight’ killed countless Celestials with this sword, causing it to contain the many grudges of the deceased. Those grudges hold spiritual power, causing the blade to constantly unleash curses upon its enemies in order to lead them to the same miserable fate. The sword specializes in demolishing Divine Class and <Myth>; its Effects grant it great power to kill Celestials.

· Type: Two-handed sword.

· Grade: Relic.

· Effect: Divine Class Demolition. <Myth> Detriment. Celestialcide Curse.

The dead Celestials’ grudges contained within [Nothung] inflicted curses on other Celestials. The dead Celestials wanted others to meet the same miserable end they had, and their desires thus became shackles that would weigh other Celestials down. When [Nothung] released its power…


…all the grudges [Nothung] had been holding back to protect Chang-Sun were released at once.


―No way…?

―No, that guy had a higher Divine Class than him.

―What are you talking about? How can you not recognize your own enemy?!

―Twilight! It’s Twilight!

―Twilight!!! Finally! Finally, we meet!


The deceased Celestials recognized Chang-Sun right away. Most of their awareness had faded away, so many of them only repeated the same word over and over. Nevertheless, they were able to immediately remember Chang-Sun, their killer. Their grudges were amplified hundreds of times over, and they growled loudly, seemingly intending to devour Chang-Sun right away. The dead Celestials’ murderous intent and hostility were so vivid that Chang-Sun’s skin stung, even though he was being protected by the storm of his Class.

Of course, all their grudges powered up Heoju greatly, and he spoke.

『Can you see it, Twilight? You said you’d take this sword back, but it seems that won’t be easy. The guys you’ve killed up until this point will try to kill you by any means necessary.』

―Kill him!

―Kill! Kill! Kill!

―We’ll break every bone in your body and gnaw every last scrap of flesh. Just as you did, we’ll slaughter you and feed your corpse to crows.

―I begged you to spare me because I had a fiancee who was waiting for my return, but you didn’t even pretend to listen and killed me. Why?! Why in the world…?!


『I think you won’t die an easy death.』

Heoju smirked.

Of course, the dead Celestials’ hostility did not really faze Chang-Sun. He replied, “I think it would be better for you to get acquainted with them before you worry about me.” In other words, he was implying that Heoju would soon join them.

Feeling gravely insulted, Heoju frowned and prepared to unleash his fury immediately, but…

Clang, clang, clang―!

…Chang-Sun pushed away Heoju by putting more power behind [Balmung]. Dozens of sword attacks were exchanged in a flash, and Heoju stumbled a few steps backward.

Boom! Boom! Boooom―!

Whenever they collided, it created a noise that resembled a cannon firing. Every sword attack Chang-Sun used was based on [Black Mountain King’s Claws], the Skill—no, the Authority[1]—created for the sole purpose of killing Heoju and Munseong.

[The Skill ‘Black Mountain King’s Claws’ has been activated!]

[The first claw has been fired.]

[The second claw…]

[The fifth claw flies through the air. The attack sequence has concluded; reinitiating the sequence by firing the first claw.]

[Dozens of claws have been fired, crossing one another’s paths.]

[The Skill ‘Black Mountain King’s Claws’ has leveled up!]

[The Skill ‘Black Mountain King’s Claws’ has reached its maximum level. A higher-level skill has been created.]

[A hidden aspect of the Skill ‘Black Mountain King’s Claws’ is being revealed.]

[Congratulations! The Authority ‘Black Tiger Celestial’s Claws’ has been created.]

The more [Black Mountain King’s Claws] was used, the more its damage was amplified. When the fifth and last claw was unleashed, its strike was already as strong as an Authority. However, its original limits were now gone after the Skill became an Authority in its own right. Thus, the number of times Chang-Sun used [Black Mountain King’s Claws] no longer mattered. Its overall damage also increased drastically, causing each attack made using the Authority to be as strong as—no, stronger than the original [Black Mountain King’s Fifth Claw].

That was what [Black Tiger Celestial’s Claws] was.

[Black Tiger Celestial’s Claws]

A tiger Celestial disappeared because he had no followers to offer him Faith and no one who remembered him. He left this legacy to hunt his and his clan’s enemy.

“A beast with these complete claws shall command the world.”

· Skill level: 1

· Type: Active. Counter. Authority.

· Effect: Massive Bleeding. Stacking Damage. Spatial Rupture.

『You…! When in the world did you get this?!』

Heoju’s eyes widened after he recognized [Black Tiger Celestial’s Claws], because it was related to the history he had been hiding even from his fellow <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials.

“Oh? It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I guess you didn’t want anyone finding out you were a mere copycat,” Chang-Sun retorted, sneering at Heoju.

Killing Chang-Sun with the deceased Celestials’ grudges contained in [Nothung]? Nonsense! Chang-Sun could say that with confidence. No matter how many grudges [Nothung] held, the one contained in Chang-Sun’s new Authority could never be taken lightly.

―You… You’re a fool.

The storm of Chang-Sun’s Class that swirled around him coalesced into a single mass and took the form of an enormous tiger. In contrast to Heoju, whose fur was snow-white, this tiger’s fur was black from top to bottom. The tiger Celestial had an unapproachable dignity that could not be matched even by dozens of ordinary tigers. With a snarl of deep fury, the tiger Celestial looked down at Heoju.

『H-How did you…!』

―Your family members and relatives loved you, but you bit into their necks and swallowed their hearts to become strong. But is this pathetic end truly what you wanted?


* * *

No one else other than Heoju remembered his past—no, even he himself wanted to forget about his old memories. He had been a scrawny young member of a tiger clan. In such tiger clans, physical size was equivalent to power, and power was synonymous with rank. Thus, Heoju, who had been unusually small by his clan’s standards, had always fallen behind. He had been weak, and his judgment had been dull.

“Why…! Why am I so weak? Why…!”

Heoju had hated himself. Just like his family members, relatives, and other clan members, he had wanted to speed across a vast plain with his four legs and rule over the jungle. Despite his strong desire, he had been unable to, and always had to stay behind because it was too dangerous for him.

Of course, it was not as if his clan members had ostracized or looked down on Heoju. In fact, it was the opposite. They had thought of Heoju as someone to protect, so he had always been the first one to receive food when they returned from their hunt. If Heoju seemed unwell, they had given him the warmest spot in the cave and helped him get sunlight.

However, their considerate care had ended up hurting the young Heoju, who was far too proud for his own good. At the time, their clan, which was called Hojeong[2], had been worshiped and respected by numerous people. Some people had actually considered the clan’s members gods, and Heoju had also wanted to become like them. Heoju had wanted to be worshiped and respected, standing taller than any other.

“I… I want to have power too…!”

It would have been good if his thirst for power became his motivation to grow. Unfortunately, that thirst had turned into an inferiority complex, eating away at him.

“If only I had power!”

Heoju’s inferiority complex had worsened over time and overwhelmed him, driving him to cross a line. In the end, he had found a way to gain more power with ease—predation. His clan members looked like tigers, but they had become elemental spirits after earning the status of Celestials due to the Faith they had received. In other words… Heoju could gain the power he lacked by devouring his clan members.

That was when Heoju had started committing immoral sins. Eventually, his clan members who headed out to take care of business stopped returning. The clan members who slept soundly in their cave often failed to wake up the next day.

And eventually… Only two members were left in the clan.

―I should have realized then that a tumor was growing within the clan.


The old clan leader, who had even lost his name, became furious as he watched the traitor.

―If the tumor that ate away all my clan members had turned out fine, becoming a real tiger and an absolute being that ruled universes, I wouldn’t have been this angry.

The grudge the black tiger emanated obscured that of [Nothung] little by little. The dead Celestials were screaming something, but no sound could be heard. Just as the other animals on a mountain range fell silent in the face of its king’s fury, no one else could hold their head up.

―But in my eyes, you’re just a kitty-cat who always covets other people’s belongings and looks for opportunities to steal them.

While mastering [Black Mountain King’s Claws] little by little, Chang-Sun had been able to feel the depths of the black tiger Celestial’s grudge against Heoju. At the same time, the black tiger Celestial had felt sad about the tragic choices Heoju made. The moment [Black Tiger Celestial’s Claws] was created, allowing Chang-Sun to release that grudge into the outside world…


…Chang-Sun was able to use the black tiger Celestial’s power as if it were his own, channeling it into a swing of his sword. His every step was as powerful as the black tiger’s, and each move resembled the black tiger’s claw strikes. Now was the time to reveal how vicious the black tiger’s jaws could truly be.

―Just as you did, I’ll bite your head off and crush your heart here and now, and take revenge for the clan members! I’ve been a pathetic leader, so this memorial ceremony is the only thing I can do for them!



Heoju was pushed back once again as Chang-Sun struck him. His eyes were bloodshot, and he was covered in scars.

Just as the description stated, [Black Tiger Celestial’s Claws] was a counter-type Authority that was specifically designed to nullify Heoju’s abilities and kill him. The longer this fight dragged out, the more Heoju would fall to a disadvantage.

『What did I do wrong?!』

Heoju felt that his end was imminent. Chang-Sun and the black tiger… Heoju had met not only one, but two people whom he had once wanted to take after, but ultimately never wanted to meet again. It was obvious how the battle would end.

『What’s wrong with wanting to have more power and reach a higher position?! You guys were born talented, so you have no idea how much I desperately…!』

Heoju shouted at the top of his lungs, wishing to vent his pent-up anger, but he was soon forced to stop.


Chang-Sun threw [Balmung] like a javelin aimed at Heoju’s face.


Heoju managed to parry [Balmung] upward with [Nothung].

“Blah, blah, blah. You’re so noisy that I can’t take it anymore,” Chang-Sun said, shaking his head. Heoju’s strike was not enough to stop him from closing the gap between them.


Chang-Sun turned left, holding [Gram] in his left hand. Just like the time he had drawn [Balmung], he backed Heoju into a corner and initiated a new attack, saying, “So I’ll shut you up first.”

[The Authority ‘Black Tiger Celestial’s Claws’ has been combined with the Authority ‘Despising Weakness’, significantly increasing the attack’s damage!]



The dragon-slayer sword and god-slayer sword collided, creating a large cloud of dust that blocked their view. Both combatants’ senses were dulled by the impact; both Chang-Sun’s and Heoju’s [Monster Excursion] temporarily malfunctioned. At that moment, Chang-Sun and Heoju had to follow their instincts and move spontaneously; thus, neither of them could predict the outcomes of their decisions, leaving them up to luck.

However, the main difference between them was that Chang-Sun was the one who had created the situation. [Balmung], which had flown into the air, landed right back in Chang-Sun’s right hand as he held up his arm.


Chang-Sun swung [Balmung] downward as hard as he could. His movements embodied a kind of divinity that only the former holder of the [King of All Weapons] trait could display.

[You have successfully severed the right arm of the Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ with your claw!]



Heoju screamed, his right arm flying into the air. [Nothung] escaped his now-powerless grasp and landed in Chang-Sun’s left hand.

Ziing, zinnnngg!

[Nothung] shook faintly. The grudges of the deceased Celestials tried to resist, but they were dragged back into the depths of the sword as Chang-Sun infused the blade with divine power.

[You have acquired ‘Nothung’!]

With the dragon-slayer sword in his right hand and the god-slayer sword in his left, Chang-Sun moved. Wielding the very sword that had just been trying to kill him, he would take Heoju’s life.

1. This is being used metaphorically to describe its power. 👈

2. The raw is ??(虎精), which refers to a tiger’s bone dust and fluid. 👈

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