The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 297: Star, the Source (6)

Chapter 297: Star, the Source (6)

[The loud screaming of the Celestial ‘Scheming-Proficient Strategist’ echoes throughout <Heaven>!]

That was just the beginning.

[The Celestial ‘Jade-Sculpted Qilin’ frowns!]

[The Celestial ‘Red Haired Spirit’ shows intense hostility!]

[The Celestial ‘Nine-Patterned Dragon’ pounds his chest in anger, having identified the one responsible for his comrades’ downfall!]

[All the <Stars> in the <Purple Star Astrology> are observing you closely!]

Learning Chang-Sun’s real identity enraged the <Purple Star Astrology>’s thirty-six demonic Celestials and seventy-two monster Celestials. They had been trying to recruit Chang-Sun to join their side. As a result, they sustained more damage.

[The Celestial ‘New Tian Shi Yuan’ quietly looks down at you!]

Among the <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials, there was someone Chang-Sun knew very well—no, he thought he knew Richardus, the one who defeated the Emperor’s Seat to become the new ‘Tian Shi Yuan,’ but he was proven wrong.

For some reason, Chang-Sun felt as if Richardus was smiling right now. Richardus always did, after all. Hence, Chang-Sun didn’t bother to answer and just silently glared at Richardus. That was enough.

[The Celestial ‘New Tian Shi Yuan’ laughs heartily. He then nods and says that you are welcome to come at him any time.]

Chang-Sun felt as if Richardus’ laughter shook the sky, a testament to how high Richardus’ Divine Class was.

The <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials weren’t the only ones who reacted to the revelation.

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ darts his tongue and says that you are more sly than a group of snakes.]

J?mungandr wasn’t really fazed.

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ wishes for your victory!]

Minerva didn’t really care about Chang-Sun’s real identity.

[The Celestial ‘Sky and Earth’s Connecting Wing’ nods and faintly smiles.]

And as usual, Mercury’s reaction was enigmatic.

[The Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ hurriedly runs to his brother and asks if he knows about this!]

[The Celestial ‘Sky and Earth’s Connecting Wing’ quietly smiles.]

[The Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ urges his brother to stop smiling and answer him!]

[The Celestial ‘Sky and Earth’s Connecting Wing’ quietly smiles.]

[The Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ pounds his chest in anger!]

[The Celestial ‘Madness Infuser’ wonders why your real identity should matter. He then raises his glass high and adds that you regaining your power should be celebrated!]

[The Celestial ‘A Blacksmith in a Volcano’ immediately picks up his glass!]

[The Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ had a toast with his brothers, saying that he cannot sit out an event like this!]

[The Celestial ‘Madness Infuser’ asks you to make an even larger explosion!]

[The Celestial ‘A Blacksmith in a Volcano’ agrees!]

[Their drinking party falls into madness!]

Bacchus, Vulcanus, and Mars’ drinking party likely wouldn’t end any time soon.

[The Celestial ‘Tsunami Bringer’ says that the contract will still proceed.]

[The Celestial ‘Antlered Animal King’ says that it was not totally unexpected, considering you have been unusually strong all this time.]

[The Celestial ‘Plague Monarch’ wonders how she will hand you her medicine that is best for the side effects of plummeting.]

As Celestials gathered to see Chang-Sun for themselves, star signs showed up on the smog-filled sky one after another.

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ is so surprised that she comes running after hearing the news!]

[The Celestial ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’ grins and nags her daughter about why she is making such a fuss when your full name hasn’t even been revealed yet.]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ complains that it is only natural for her to be surprised to learn that you are the famous Twilight.]

Chang-Sun had been a bit worried about Pabilsag and Tiamat turning down his offer of alliance after finding out about his real identity, he seemingly had nothing to worry about.

Of course, not every Celestial responded favorably to the news.

[The Celestial ‘Malignity-Drinking Saturn’ slams his knee in exclamation, saying that things have gotten very interesting!]

[The Celestial ‘Garden Gatekeeper’ blazes up in anger upon finally learning about your identity!]

Chang-Sun didn’t mean to, but he got on Satan and Uriel’s bad sides in <Star Grave>, so they seemed very determined to get revenge. There was a group that reacted especially belligerently, however.

[The Celestial ‘Taurus’ looks at you and smiles crookedly!]

[The Celestial ‘Gemini’ grit their teeth.]

[The Celestial ‘Aries’...]

[The Celestial ‘Cancer’...]

The Zodiacs, the members of <Horoscope>, were Chang-Sun’s biggest enemies after all.

[The Celestial ‘Scorpio’ declares that he will completely melt you with his poison this time so you will never rise again!]

Antares, ‘Scorpio,’ was the one who poisoned and incapacitated Chang-Sun with Gaia's Curse, so he had the fiercest response. Chang-Sun didn’t answer, however. He gave him the same treatment he gave Richardus. The law of casualty limited the battle they could have here, so things would only become obnoxious if Chang-Sun let his anger get the best of him. But…

‘That doesn’t apply to him, though.’ Chang-Sun narrowed his eyes, observing one of the messages closely.

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ glares at you with resentment!]

Heoju was right here.

* * *

[Many <Heaven> Celestials are watching you!]

[They are having a heated discussion about whether you really are the same being who went through the Divine Trial!]

[An unidentified Celestial gets frustrated, saying that your name is censored to mock Celestials.]

[Another unidentified Celestial asks what your full Divine Name can possibly be then.]

[A Celestial who does not wish to reveal their name assumes that the rest of your Divine Name must be temper, considering how bad yours is.]

[A Celestial agrees.]

[A Celestial fervently nods.]

[The discussion of the <Heaven> Celestials has reached an impasse!]

[The <Heaven> Celestials are doubting and distrusting you more and more.]

[The <Heaven> Celestials feel more uneasy and afraid of you.]

The fact that the <Heaven> Celestials were now aware of Chang-Sun’s presence was a big help to him.

[Faith is created!]

One’s impression created stories, stories turned into symbols, and symbols created Faith. The more meaningful the symbol was, the more valuable it would be and the higher its owner’s Class reached. If Celestials were the ones impressed by the symbol and put meaning to it…


[You have gained high-level Faith!]

No matter the origin, Faith became one’s power, especially if it came from Celestials. Like a caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly, Chang-Sun was taking off one Divine Steel shackle after another to become ‘Divine Twilight’ again. To that end, there was no better nutrient for him than the Faith coming from them.

Clank, clank―!


His invisible shackles were unlocked…


… and fell to the ground with a thud.

[Your Class has increased!]

Woosh, woosh, woosh…!

The storm unleashed by Chang-Sun’s Class grew more powerful, strengthening the Abrupt? Procell? storms on the battlefield and increasing the damage of his Atra Fulmen attacks.

Ghost wails echoed more ominously as the smell of death on the battlefield thickened. Sanjiva, the first hell deep underground, had been brought to the surface.

In the middle of it, Chang-Sun held Chanaz in his arms tighter and sneered at the Celestials still having a heated discussion about his real identity, the <Purple Star Astrology> and <Horoscope> Celestials, and Heoju, who was still glaring at him.

“If you want to know what my Divine Name exactly is…” Chang-Sun trailed off.

[You have acquired the right to regain letters of your revoked Divine Name.]

[You have recovered two letters.]

[‘V, I’.]

[The ‘■vine Twilight’ smirks at the <Heaven> Celestials!]

“Search for it later.” Finding no reason to answer their questions anymore, Chang-Sun activated an Authority. “Come, [Execution Sword]!”

Woosh, woosh, woosh…!

An earthquake soon enveloped the ground of this world that reeked of death. No, the whole Dungeon shook so hard that ‘earthquake’ seemed to be an understatement. The relatively intact buildings crumbled down, and when the ground cracked up, some parts of the land sank and some parts rose up. Chaos naturally ensued, and…

The smell of death thickened.

[Death is rampant.]

[The screams of the dying is summoning an area from the <Underworld>.]



Chang-Sun’s thick <Darkness> spread below his feet and merged with haze, creating a large pool of darkness on the ground. It looked as if he created the Bottomless Void.

[Something from the underworld is answering the summon.]


Ghost wails continued to echo.

Woosh, woosh, woosh…

A line appeared across the center of the Bottomles Void and soon widened. For the beings in the sky, it would look as if an enormous black door buried in the ground was opening up.

[The Celestial ‘Scheming-Proficient Strategist’ realizes what you are trying to do, so he advises his comrades to immediately stand back!]

Wu Yong, the Knowledgeable Star, Crimson Bromwell’s Guardian, and <Purple Star Astrology>’s strategist, noticed that something was up, but it was too late.


Something poured out from the Bottomless Void and mixed with the world, completely changing ‘Doomsday City’ into something else. Unlike before, [Execution Sword] wasn’t drawing out Chang-Sun’s mind palace. Rather, it was pulling out something more fundamental and substantive.

Someone had been desperately waiting for this moment.

[The <Underworld> is coming through the wide-opened door of Sanjiva!]

[The ‘eye in the darkness’ arrogantly watches <Heaven>.]

Through the door of the Bottomless Void, the King of the Underworld’s eye showed up and watched the world. For a short moment, the <Heaven> Celestials in the sky and the King of the <Underworld> from underground locked gazes. However, Thanatos was looking at specific people—Munseong, his Clan elders, Heoju, and the <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials.

[The Celestial ‘Scheming Proficient Strategist’ fails to retreat because he is bound by the law of causality.]

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ opens his eyes wide, surprised by the fact that he cannot retreat!]

『I finally got my evidence, you rats.』

As stated in the old <Treaty>, which both <Heaven> and the <Underworld> signed, R’lyeh, the Source of universes, was under the <Underworld>’s jurisdiction and protection.

『I caught you red-handed. You can no longer say that you have nothing to do with this, can you?』

Tampering this place was the same as disrespecting the King of the Underworld, an avatar of <Dull Darkness>.

『I swear on my title as the King of the Underworld that I will shove all of you into the Bottomless Void myself. This will be the last place you’ll ever see.』

The King of the Underworld’s wrath blazed up along with the fire in Sanjiva, which was summoned through [Execution Sword].


[The Authority ‘Execution Sword’ has been activated, detaining the criminals!]

[The Divine Trial has begun!]

Thanatos sentenced the <Heaven> criminals to detention, and Chang-Sun began to exact divine punishments.


Chang-Sun charged at Munseong and a frowning man with long white hair—Heoju.

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