The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 291: Star, a Futile Dream (5)

Chapter 291: Star, a Futile Dream (5)

Mephistopheles showed up behind Chang-Sun, but he only revealed a part of his real form. A set of navy blue flames lit up on top of the white background that seemed to be his bones.

‘Mephistopheles’ Divine Class is so high that he can give even Minerva trouble,’ Chang-Sun recalled.

Chang-Sun called Mephistopheles for a simple reason. He didn’t know how high Mephistopheles’ Divine Class was compared to <Deus Ex Machina>’s, but he was certain that the latter couldn’t take Mephistopheles even though he oversaw all Worldlines.

Mephistopheles observed everything from outside Worldlines, which meant that the existing restrictions and laws didn’t apply to him and that he was in a completely different league compared to ordinary Celestials. As expected, meeting Mephistop here seemed to have made <Deus Ex Machina>’s golden eyes fill up with disbelief.


Contrary to Chang-Sun’s expectations, <Deus Ex Machina> called Mephistopheles an entirely different name from what he knew. However, the name that <Deus Ex Machina> used certainly ‘defined’ the being whom Chang-Sun knew as Mephistopheles.


Chang-Sun could see Mephistopheles slightly lowering himself.


‘Mephistopheles is bowing…?’ Chang-Sun looked up at Mephistopheles in surprise.

However, Mephistopheles didn’t even glance at Chang-Sun. His gaze remained fixed on the golden machine eyes.

Creak, creak!

A part of the gears in the machine’s eyes rotated counterclockwise, making it seem as if <Deus Ex Machina> was assessing something. Shortly after, his eyes narrowed.

『… I see. I was wondering why that rascal exudes a thick <Darkness> scent. So you’re acquainted with him.』

<Deus Ex Machina> calmed down to a certain extent. Mephistopheles quietly nodded.

This. Child. Candidate.


Mephistopheles released a massive amount of energy and information, but Chang-Sun could understand only a small part of it.

[The Authority ‘Kalokagathia’ has been activated, sustaining your mind!]

‘Hup!’ The impact created by the Divine Class collision between <Deus Ex Machina> and Mephistopheles was so strong that Chang-Sun had to keep himself together as best as he could and try not to get overwhelmed.

‘… They’re just talking, yet they’re already causing this strong of an impact? What if they fight each other?’

Chang-Sun suddenly wondered how the Nine Heavens, the strongest people in the universe he was in, would fare against those two. Since Mephistopheles and <Deus Ex Machina> were above the restrictions of worlds, their Divine Classes were likely higher.

If so, then how much stronger were they? How could Chang-Sun reach their levels? What in the world were their limits? Just trying to figure out the answer made him lightheaded. After all, even though he had recovered his power as ‘Divine Twilight,’ Chang-Sun could still feel how overwhelmingly stronger they were.

『What? Candidate? Are you seriously talking about that ass?』

Unlike Chang-Sun, who only grasped a part of what Mephistopheles was saying, <Deus Ex Machina> completely understood it. Mephistopheles answered with a nod.

『What the hell are you talking about—!』

When <Deus Ex Machina>’s emotions intensified, his Divine Class, which was putting pressure on the realm, became a little more vivid.

Pop, pop, pop.

Chang-Sun’s past reincarnations, who were already having trouble maintaining their forms, simultaneously exploded, unable to handle the pressure. Their blood unrealistically splattered everywhere like ketchup.

『That’s because brother ■■■■■■■■and it was bound to be ■■■■■■■ in the end!』

Beep. Beeeeep.

A lot of their conversation was censored, but it was unclear if the System was protecting Chang-Sun, whose Class was far too low to understand the conversation, or if he just couldn’t understand them because he was losing consciousness.

『Then ■■■■■ was… And you’ve been interpreting it as ■■■■■…?!』


Chang-Sun couldn’t even hear <Deus Ex Machina>’s voice anymore.



[The unbearable amount of information has activated a security protocol.]

[Unable to understand most of the conversation!]

[The Authority ‘Kalokagathia’ is ineffective.]

The conversation between <Deus Ex Machina> and Mephistopheles continued as one message after another chaotically popped up. Meanwhile, Chang-Sun felt so dizzy that he couldn’t understand anything. However, it kind of looked like <Deus Ex Machina> was shouting at Mephistopheles in anger.

‘He’s occupied, so now…!’ Chang-Sun bit his lower lip.

With <Deux Ex Machina> paying attention elsewhere, Chang-Sun thought this was his only chance of escaping this invisible prison.


He summoned all his other subordinates except for Simon Magus, whom he now ordered to analyze his subconscious realm.

「I could have gathered so much gnosis just by observing <Deus Ex Machina>’s eyes... What a bummer!」

[Your Subordinate ‘Simon Magus’ has activated the Skill “Magic Analysis’!]

[Your understanding of the realm has significantly deepened…]

[The amount of your gnosis…]

[Attempting to escape…]

[Attempt failed…]

[Attempting to escape again!]

[You have successfully exited…]

[You have successfully cleared the Sudden Quest(Escape Labyrinth)...]

[Achievement unlocked!]

“A Being Who Met a Great Being.”

Reward: Class Increase. Partial Divine Name Restoration.

By the time the last message had shown up, Chang-Sun had already completely lost consciousness.

* * *

When Chang-Sun woke up, he found a set of Inferno Sights blazing up before him.


Mephistopheles snapped.

Chang-Sun scratched his cheek in embarrassment. “It was not my intention…”

You. On. Machina. Radar.

Mephistopheles’ energy and information started to pour in, making Chang-Sun’s ears ring again, but he could understand what Mephistopheles was saying much easier than before.

This incident put Chang-Sunon <Deus Ex Machina>’s watchlist. A being like him wouldn’t harm Chang-Sun for personal reasons, but even if he wanted to, he seemed to be acquainted with Mephistopheles. For as long as Chang-Sun had Mephistopheles’ protection, he thought he would be fine. Nevertheless, it was clear that no good would come from getting on <Deus Ex Machina>’s bad side.

‘Will it be hard to use the ‘Changgong Library’ now? That’s a shame.’

The best scenario right now was never meeting <Deus Ex Machina> in person ever again. Chang-Sun’s past reincarnations could run wild again if he tried to accumulate gnosis once more, so completely refraining from using the ‘Changgong Library’ would be for the best. On the other hand…

[‘Changgong Library’ Grade 3 Book Access ×1]

… Chang-Sun didn’t want to let it go to waste in [King’s Treasury]. After all, he planned to revisit the ‘Changgong Library’ after mastering all the Secret Darkness Techniques and completely restoring his Divine Class.

‘I’ll come up with a solution later.’

After coming to a decision, Chang-Sun looked at Mephistopheles, who was still quietly watching him. Mephistopheles had always been emotionless before Chang-Sun, but he felt as if Mephistopheles was sulking right now for some reason.

Be. Careful.

“Won’t everything be alright if you keep protecting me, teacher?” Chang-Sun said, shamelessly calling Mephistopheles teacher.

Now that things turned out this way, Chang-Suns decided to be brazen.

Mephistopheles looked dumbstruck.

Not. Your. Teacher. Yet.

“I already think of you as my teacher,” Chang-Sun said with a straight face.


For some reason, Chang-Sun felt as if he could hear Mephistopheles dumbfoundedly chuckling.


“I’m sure you’re well aware that I’m close to mastering all the Secret Darkness Techniques.”

Mephistopheles didn’t answer. He knew that Chang-Sun was right. [Prelati’s Spellbook] comprised nine chapters, and Chang-Sun only had two more chapters left to master. Since he already understood the footnotes, all he had to do now was practice.

After a moment of silence, Mephistopheles’ Inferno Sights blazed up again.


I. Am. Searching. My. Master. For. Long. Time.

Chang-Sun realized that Mephistopheles was trying to tell him a part of his secret, but he didn’t know why he suddenly opened up to him. However, one thing was certain. Chang-Sun’s reaction would define the relationship between them.

Machina. His. Twin. Brother.

Chang-Sun’s eyes widened upon hearing that <Deus Ex Machina> had a twin brother and that his brother was Mephistopheles’ master. Although it was surprising in itself to hear that there was another being as great as the two, Chang-Sun couldn’t help tensing up when he felt as if he was taking a peek at the secrets behind the creation of the universes.

But. Master. Missing. I. He. And. Them. Continue. Searching. But. No. Trace.


Chang-Sun could hear the sound of jaw bones grinding against each other.

And. Found. You. So. I. Thought. Make. You. Representative.

Chang-Sun’s ears kept ringing, making it difficult to understand Mephistopheles at first. However, he eventually got used to it.

‘Mephistopheles, <Deus Ex Machina>, and ‘they’ have been looking for Mephistopheles’ master for a long time, but haven’t been able to find him yet.’

Chang-Sun recalled what Mephistopheles had been telling him for a long time.

‘His master is definitely somewhere in this world, but they can’t find him, so Mephistopheles wants to make me his representative and directly influence the world?’

Mephistopheles was outside this world, so the law of casualty prevented him from directly interfering with Worldline affairs, which was a probem in continuing his search. That was when he found Chang-Sun. He initially mistook Chang-Sun for his master due to similarities, but he eventually concluded that Chang-Sun wasn’t related to his master whatsoever.

Hence Mephistopheles instead decided to scour the entire Worldline through Chang-Sun. He hoped that Chang-Sun would somehow find a trace by poking around all over the place.

However, Mephistopheles had to make sure that Chang-Sun was qualified to represent his will first. That was why he sent Cadmus to the Saha World and gave Chang-Sun the Secret Darkness Techniques. In the process, he grew close enough to Chang-Sun to freely use him as his representative.

During. Test. You. Incur. Machina. Wrath. I. Made. A. Deal.

But things went south again when Chang-Sun ended up in the ‘Changgong Library,’ which Mephistopheles didn’t expect, and angered <Deus Ex Machina>, the librarian. In the end, Mephistopheles was forced to decide whether to keep or abandon Chang-Sun.

‘… I didn’t realize I walking on such a tightrope.’ Chang-Sun felt a shiver run down his spine.

He didn’t know what deal Mephistopheles made with <Deus Ex Machina>, but he was certain that he was only alive now because Mephistopheles took his side. Otherwise, <Deus Ex Machina> would have already killed or captured Chang-Sun and made him spend the rest of his life doing chores in the ‘Changgong Library’ as revenge.

In. There. I. Promised. Machina.

Mephistopheles’ energy thickened.

Chang-Sun clenched his fists. “Can I ask what promise you made?”

I. Will. Prove. Through. You.

“Prove? What do you mean?”


Chang-Sun did not expect that answer.

You. Plummet. All. Stars.


They. Related. Master. Disappearance.

Chang-Sun’s head spun. Mephistopheles’ master and twin brother of <Deus Ex Machina> had to be an extraordinary entity, so how could mere <Stars> make him disappear? And if <Stars> were involved, why hadn’t Mephistopheles, <Deus Ex Machina>, and their comrades taken revenge yet?

‘Or maybe they can’t…’

There was something about the law of causality that even Celestials couldn’t do anything about.

So. Machina. Also. Promised.

Mephistopheles’ Inferno Sights were still blazing.

Prove. Yourself. Then. Forgive. You. And. Higher. Access.

Chang-Sun clenched his fists tighter. ‘That has been my plan all this time anyway, but now, once I have sent all those <Stars> plummeting, I will also receive the support of <Deus Ex Machina>.’

This was an opportunity to reach a higher place.

Promised. Made. On. Names.

The law of causality prevented an oath made on one’s name from being defied.


Chang-Sun felt as if Mephistopheles’ Inferno Sights exuded more heat than ever when Mephistopheles stared at him.

Prove. Yourself.

With a heavy heart, Chang-Sun nodded. He would have done it either way, but now he could do it with a smile on his face.

After. This. I. Will. Acknowledge. You. My. Student.

That was all Chang-Sun needed to hear.

“Then please send me back to the real world.”


Chang-Sun and Mephistopheles’ conversation ended.

* * *


As a pool of light spread and Chang-Sun was about to return to reality…

『I’ll kill you if there is so much as a scratch on my younger brother!』

‘Younger brother?’

Chang-Sun vaguely heard a voice, but he couldn’t really understand what they were talking about.

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