The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 285: Star, Doomsday City (5)

Chapter 285: Star, Doomsday City (5)

The computer screen had been replaced by another screen, displaying the image of a middle-aged man’s face.

Chang-Sun prepared to detonate his Atra Fulmen energy, suspecting that the AI could be attempting to deceive him before resuming the attack. Looking at the screen, he slowly asked, “Are you the AI control system for this place?”

『You sound very stern. Can't we exchange more friendly greetings than that? 』

“I don’t really want to have that kind of conversation with you,” Chang-Sun said, raising a brow.

『Aww! That’s a bummer, because I want to become friends with you.』

The middle-aged man smiled and introduced himself.

『Now that things have turned out this way, let me introduce myself first. Nice to meet you. My name is Wait. I was one of the three AI control systems that protected Neo Seoul. I was programmed to be a middle-aged man in his forties for a reason. The one who created us…』

Wait’s explanation continued for so long that Chang-Sun felt it would never end.

“Oh, yeah. You need to be careful after you wake up,” Sixth Elder added.

“Why? Is the AI hostile to humans?” Chang-Sun asked.

“Ah, it’s not that,” Sixth Elder said.

“Then?” Chang-Sun tilted his head in confusion.?

“He talks a lot,” Sixth Elder replied.


“He talks a hell of a lot. It’s annoying. He’s a freak when it comes to talking,” Sixth Elder added, shaking his head in disbelief.?

After remembering Sixth Elder’s warning, Chang-Sun became a little irritated as he thought, ‘He did say the AI would be a chatterbox upon finally meeting another person after such a long time, and he was right.’

Sixth Elder had told Chang-Sun to be careful, because his ears could go numb if he continued to listen to the AI.

A too-talkative artificial intelligence… Sixth Elder had grumbled, saying he was unsure why such an unnecessary function had been installed in the AI when a machine was supposed to prioritize efficiency. Chang-Sun had heard about it in advance, but it was still baffling.

『…So the woman the manager dated at the time was an elementary school teacher in a small island village. The manager fell in love with her simplicity, so he gave up on heading to Seoul and settled down in the village. After that, he devised each AI’s personality based on the things he agonized about…』

Nain had not expected the situation to turn out in such a way. Baffled, he turned to look at Chang-Sun and said, “…He’s a talkative one.”

“Yeah, he is,” Chang-Sun replied.

“Is he experiencing a system error or something?” Nain asked.

“I don’t think so,” Chang-Sun replied, shaking his head.

In any event, Sixth Elder had told Chang-Sun what to do if Wait was in chatter mode, so it seemed there was no need to listen to Wait’s story any further.


Chang-Sun typed a few letters, and a password input window suddenly popped up over Wait’s face.

『…Mmmm? I’m telling you a very important story, so what are you doing? That input window is…』

“From what I heard, I can reset the system using the master key,” Chang-Sun said.

『Wooow, you seem to have a lot of knowledge about my control system…!』

“If I format you, I think I should be able to stop listening to this boring explanation. What do you think?” Chang-Sun continued. Wait immediately stopped talking.


Looking at Wait, Chang-Sun growled, “Stop giving me useless explanations and answer my questions, or I’m really going to shut you down.”

『…You’re cruel.』

“I can’t let people’s ears go numb, can I?” Chang-Sun retorted. Wait grumbled plaintively in response.

『It’s been 300 years since I last met a master, but he’s one tough cookie. It’s sad, sad. 』

Of course, Chang-Sun did not even blink in response, but he noticed how Wait called him a master. Wait recognized Chang-Sun as his director because Chang-Sun had entered the master key, asking for orders.

『So, my master. What is your first order for me?』

“I’m in the ‘Vermillion Room’, so it’s obvious,” Chang-Sun said, firmly stating, “I want the [Vermilion Brilliant Light].”

『…My master really knows a lot about me and the other AI, huh? Then it’ll be easier to explain.』

With a serious look, Wait began to explain.

『You already know that the [Vermilion Brilliant Light] was one of the three main power sources of Neo Seoul, don’t you?』

“Roughly,” Chang-Sun replied.

『The [Vermilion Brilliant Light] you mentioned is the power source I’ve been protecting. In fact, it’s located on this factory’s underground floor.』

Wait narrowed his eyes before continuing.

『I, the control system, woke up, but the problem is that I haven’t recovered full control yet. Long before this city faced extinction, this city had been suffering due to a virus.』

『The remainder of the virus still remains everywhere in the city.』

『And part of the virus also infiltrated the power system. In order to regain full control, I need an antivirus program to eliminate the virus.』

Wait’s tone turned serious.

『Can you get me that antivirus program? Then I’ll be glad to give you the [Vermillion Brilliant Light] and finally get out of this place for good, master.』


At that moment, Chang-Sun heard a notification sound.

[A Hidden Quest (Last Keeper’s Final Favor) has been created!]

[Last Keeper’s Final Favor]

· Type: Hidden

· Description: The AI control system named Wait has been protecting Neo Seoul alone for a long time. Now, almost no one remembers the city, but Wait still desperately wants to bring new hope to the city. He believes that it is his calling, given by his father and developer.

However, a missing antivirus program is necessary to grant Wait’s favor. Recover the antivirus program and give Wait a new power.

· Time limit: Period of your stay.

· Prerequisite: Becoming the master of Wait, the AI control system.

· Objectives:

1. Recover the antivirus program that is hidden somewhere.

2. Eliminate the virus using the antivirus program.

· Quest Reward: Acquiring the ‘Vermilion Brilliant Light’.

· Quest Failure Penalty: ???

Chang-Sun focused on the word ‘recover’ in the quest description, thinking, ‘Something is odd.’

Sixth Elder had also mentioned the antivirus program, saying that it was essential in restoring the AI control system to its full potential. However, he had clearly explained that the deceased developer had hidden the antivirus program so Chang-Sun would need to find it. In contrast to Sixth Elder’s explanation, the quest description sounded more like Chang-Sun had to retrieve something that had been stolen by someone.

[You have accepted the Hidden Quest!]

Nevertheless, Chang-Sun was not about to turn it down, so after accepting the quest, he asked Wait about its exact meaning.

『The antivirus program was stolen by someone.』

“What? Who?” Chang-Sun asked, instantly on high alert. He narrowed his eyes, thinking, ‘Even if the person knew the antivirus program’s location, it couldn’t easily be stolen. They would have to pass the tests left by the developer.’

The genius developer had created three AI control systems and power sources that were collectively called the [Tricolored Brilliant Light], but when he had seen Neo Seoul being corroded by the virus, he had devised an antivirus program right before he died.

The AI control systems and power sources were almost omnipotent, so if the antivirus program ended up in an unworthy person’s hands, they could be used for nefarious purposes. Thus. the developer had put a restriction on his antivirus program.

That restriction took the form of the tests. Since the test taker had to pass a variety of tests all over the city, their difficulty was quite high. And yet, someone had already passed all the tests and acquired the antivirus program? Who could have done that?

‘Is the person from… the White Tiger Clan?’?Chang-Sun wondered.

Of course, the first suspects were Heoju and Munseong, or the people involved with them. As they were scheming something here in ‘Doomsday City’, it was more than possible.

‘It’s going to be a problem if that’s the case. If that’s true, there’s a high chance that the other two AI control systems and power sources are in their hands.’

Having control over the city was very important. With control, Chang-Sun could monitor the other Players’ every move during his stay in this Dungeon through the CCTVs and devices that were installed all over the city.

‘If necessary, I could also use the satellites orbiting beyond the sky to attack.’?

Of course, the satellites were under many restrictions, so it would not be easy to gain access. However, it would be much easier with the antivirus program.

In many ways, the news was very alarming for Chang-Sun. He asked, “Who is it?”

If Wait mentioned people who were involved with Munseong and Heoju, Chang-Sun would have to come up with a new plan, as well as a plan to retrieve the antivirus from them.


The name Wait mentioned was very familiar to Chang-Sun too. He exclaimed, “…What?”

『It was a nutjob named Antoine.』

Chang-Sun’s face crumpled, because there was no way he would not know who Antoine was. It was Sixth Elder’s name.

‘Wait, was he trying to tease me…?’?Chang-Sun wondered.

While acquiring the [Tricolored Brilliant Light], Sixth Elder had caused one of the power sources to overload by accident and died. However, what would it mean if he had caused an explosion while using the antivirus program? That would mean the antivirus program had already disappeared in the explosion.

‘That bastard!’ Chang-Sun thought, massaging his temple with his index finger.

Among the Ten Elders, Sixth Elder was the most ill-tempered one, so perhaps he had been trying to make Chang-Sun feel the same way as when he had failed.

‘If there is no antivirus program in the first place, what should I do?’ Chang-Sun thought. If the antivirus program did not exist in this world anymore, that completely changed his plans for getting the [Tricolored Brilliant Light] and gaining control of ‘Doomsday City’.

『…Judging from your expression, something is wrong.』

Wait offered up a guess. In response, Chang-Sun quietly let out a sigh and concisely explained the situation he was in with an annoyed look.

『Hmm, so Antoine is already dead…? I thought it would never happen, even if the world was doomed, but if that’s true… it’s a big problem.』

Wait realized how dire the situation was.

『Well, our second option is creating a new antivirus program…』

Chang-Sun quickly looked up and asked, “Is that possible?”

『Mmm, theoretically.』


『The code that makes up the antivirus program is stored in my database.』

“Then what’s stopping you?”

『I can’t get the necessary material. The antivirus may be a program, but it also has a physical form.』

“What material?” Chang-Sun asked.

He had a feeling that he would somehow be able to solve the problem. After becoming the king of <Muspelheim>, he had gained the ability to use the <Store> window. Although he rarely used it, he would be able to obtain most materials with ease.

『I admit that you’re remarkable, master, but you won’t be able to get this one. Even the great Celestials couldn’t get their hands on it even if they wanted to.』

Wait smacked his lips.

“Something even the great Celestials can’t get their hands on…?” Chang-Sun thought, narrowing his eyes. Wait nodded in response.

『It’s called [Li’s Fragment]. A rumor has it that it’s a soul fragment left by the <Supreme Light>...!』

At that moment, a memory flashed through Chang-Sun’s mind. He pulled out something from the [King’s Treasury] and held it up in front of Wait, asking, “Are you talking about this, by any chance?”

[You have pulled out ‘Li’s Fragment’!]


A red jewel fragment floated atop Chang Sun’s palm, emitting faint light.

『H-H-How in the world did…!』

Wait suddenly seemed to be freaking out.

‘Is this thing that great? When I read the description, it didn’t say much,’?Chang-Sun thought.

[Li’s Fragment]

An unidentifiable object. A secret is hidden in the object, but there is no telling how great it is.


· Type: Ingredient.

· Effect: Unknown.

After meeting Odin in the <Star Grave> and learning Gnosis, Chang-Sun had acquired [Li’s Fragment]. At the time, he had been busy saving the Elfin, so he had not been able to inspect the item properly. On top of that, he had been unable to detect anything from the item afterward, so he had stashed it away in the corner of his [King’s Treasury].

‘But this is a soul fragment of the <Supreme Light>?’

The <Supreme Light’s Face>… It was Chang-Sun’s plan to become the great absolute being’s incarnation and avatar, so he could not help but wonder after hearing Wait’s remark. Someone like Wait would not purposely give him wrong information, so even if Wait’s answer turned out to be untrue, the information would be valuable in some ways.

“Is this item that remarkable?” Chang-Sun asked.

『It’s not something you can put into words…! That’s also the raw material of the [Tricolored Brilliant Light]!』

“…It’s that important?”

『Ha, hahaha. You have something this splendid, but you have no idea what it is. I may have met a very ridiculous master.』

Wait shook his head in disbelief.

“Then how can I give this to you?” Chang-Sun asked as he held [Li’s Fragment] closer to Wait.

『…Can I really use this?』

Wait became noticeably excited. Still, he cautiously glanced at Chang-Sun, worrying about whether he could really use this valuable treasure.

“Use it,” Chang-Sun said decisively.

『If you say so, master.』

Wait answered, his voice filled with bliss.

* * *

[‘Antivirus program’ creation has started!]

[Please wait a moment.]


Clang, clang!

The conveyor belts began to turn busily; the antivirus manufacturing process had begun.

Although Chang-Sun wondered why building a computer program would cause such a commotion, he did not give it much thought, as he had been told the antivirus program was also a tangible item. Once he received the result, his question would automatically be answered.

『Huh… The day I could see this in person really came before I could be shut down. Li, Li…!』

Wait’s voice was still filled with rapture.

“Who in the world is Li?” Chang-Sun asked, feeling genuinely curious.

『You don’t know who Li is?』

“That’s why I asked the question.”

『How can someone like you not know who Li is?』

Wait’s jaw practically dropped to the floor. He could not understand Chang-Sun. From his perspective, Chang-Sun was on his way to becoming a Celestial, and the final goal of everyone who was aiming to achieve <Transcendence> was Li. So how could Chang-Sun react like that?

“Is that strange?” Chang-Sun asked. Wait seemed bewildered as he responded.

『Of course! You don’t know Li’s great journey…!』

“I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that doesn’t know,” Chang-Sun replied.


Wait looked upward just as Chang-Sun did. Many of the Celestials who had been watching Chang-Sun reacted the same way.

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ says that he is smart, but even he is not sure who Li is.]

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ asks her siblings if they know who Li is.]

[The Celestial ‘Sky and Earth’s Connecting Wing’ shakes his head, smiling bitterly.]

[The Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ guffaws, saying that Li must be nothing.]


Wait’s voice trembled. Perhaps he could understand Chang-Sun’s case, but he had a hard time wrapping his mind around the situation upon finding out that even the Celestials in <Heaven> did not know who Li was.

『Was something distorted in the worldline you came from, master…? An error…? But the wavelength is… It doesn’t seem as if the observation was wrong… What in the world happened…?!』

Wait muttered incomprehensibly for a long time. Then he let out a sigh.

『It appears that every record regarding Li was erased in your worldline, or was otherwise forgotten. Under normal circumstances, you would know who Li is for sure.』

“So who is Li?” Chang-Sun asked again.

『Li is…』

“Li is?” Chang-Sun repeated.

『Li is…!』

Wait was just about to answer.

[An unseen presence beyond the law is attempting to interfere by force!]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ becomes surprised…!]

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ hurriedly turns in a certain direction due to the sudden abnormal phenomenon…!]

[Unable to receive any messages.]

[The entire system has shut down.]

Pzzzz, pzzzzz―!

With a noise, the world around Chang-Sun distorted by force, ripping him away from Wait, the Dungeon, and everything else.

[The Celestial ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Evil’ is very displeased about the uninvited guest’s sudden intrusion!]

After that message, Chang-Sun stopped being able to receive even Mephistopheles’ messages anymore.


The world around Chang-Sun changed, and he ended up in… a library that was filled with endless books.

[You have entered the Changgong Library!]

‘What?’ Chang-Sun thought as he looked around in surprise, unsure what in the world had happened. Soon, he saw a man with impressive-looking golden eyes looking down at him from the second-floor balustrade.

The man exclaimed, “What? Who in the world is this guy?”

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