The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 28: The Demon King

Chapter 28: The Demon King

Hoh-hoh-hoh. Its been two months since the new students started studying here. Its getting interesting, isnt it, Brad?

You have a wicked expression on your face, Old man.

Call me the Headmaster as Ive told you many times

Yeah, yeah, Headmaster. Geez, theres nobody here anyway, so it doesnt matter.

This is the academy principals office.

The first things that catch your eye are two contrasting paintings.

One depicts people basking in the light of compassion and enjoying happiness, while the other depicts people struggling in the gloomy darkness.

The overall impression is not one of luxurious splendor, but at first glance, it seems modest, yet there is a definite elegance to this space.

This year, the first-year students are getting special attention.

Yeah, some of them have already been given nicknames. Theyve only participated in the ranking battles once or twice, but theyve become quite popular so early.

Its not about numbers. Those who truly have talent naturally attract others. I dont think theres anything strange about it.

The ranking battles are open to the public.

As a result, it is inevitable that students who become popular for various reasons, including their strength, intelligence, or passion, will attract attention as a form of entertainment.

Those who have become popular are given nicknames, whether they are known for their strength, intelligence, or passion.

There are already first-year students who have been given nicknames and are eagerly awaiting the next ranking battles.

Alice, the Empress of Ice.

Lloyd, the Beast of Azure Flame.

Mia, the Little God of Thunder.

Sometimes, great power fascinates and excites people.

They are at the top of the rankings for first-year students, and everyone sees them as special.

Even those who have a shallow understanding of magic can tell how strong they are.

However, they are not the ones who are currently receiving the most attention.

Kuku, Hero Abel thats a good nickname.

Brad laughed quietly.

His expression contained a joy and pride that could not be hidden.

Yes, Abel, whos no longer at the bottom of the rankings, is the one who is currently attracting the most attention.

Alice, Lloyd, and Mia are undoubtedly talented.

But this is Aslan Magic Academy, where magic talents gather every year, and, to put it unkindly,

the audience is used to seeing talent.

Thats where Abel comes in.

It is all too easy to see his disadvantage of not being able to use attribute magic.

He only has the simple power of enhanced physical abilities and swordsmanship.

He is far from being of noble birth, which is an anomaly in this academy.

For better or for worse, Abel has all the elements that make people want to support him.

Abels rank match, which was held among the audience, was only the first battle.

It was a match against Hugo, who had a grudge against him since the entrance exam.

Abels figure of standing up against such a monster who could use attribute magic with just a sword was just like a [hero].

As a result, Abel achieved his first victory.

And his popularity exploded.

Abel, who cant use attribute magic, needs to get results, otherwise hell be in trouble. In that sense, Im glad he won.

Well I dont like it, Headmaster. I dont want to think about such crappy things.

Ho-ho, everything is a matter of getting used to it, you too will get used to it too.

Is that so? But, its not all goodwell, I cant say I understand it only this time.

Hmm, the transfer issue. It cant be helped. This academy is fine as it is.

Abels victory caused a problem.

It was Hugos transfer. When entering the Aslan Magic Academy, most people recognized Abels abilities.

However, it is also a fact that some people somewhere look down on him for not being able to use attribute magic. And Hugo was one of them.

In this school, if you look up, there is no end.

Therefore, having someone lower than oneself brings peace of mind.

However, the recoil further dyes the heart with despair.

Hugos transfer of school this time may be due to the despair of having been defeated by someone he thought was exactly of that lower rank.

Well, there is a chance for him to come back to this academy. But it will depend on his efforts from now on.

Youre still so cold. Anyway, can I still watch Abel from now on?

Of course. Im glad I entrusted him to you.

Well, thank you.

Ho-ho, you seem to like him a lot. I dont want to take it away from you and have you go wild.

Hey, dont mess around! I just dont hate guys who are fired up. Anyway, Im leaving now!I dont have time for this.

Brad then turned on his heel and headed for the door.

Well, see you later, old man.

Leaving only those words, he rudely closed the door.

Hou-Hou-Hou. Brads as lively as ever. Oh, right. Lukes rank match is today. Im super looking forward to it~


Yeah, yeah! Im looking at you like crazy!

I picked up the piece of wood Amelia had prepared for me and activated one of the spells.

Gluttony of Darkness.

Suddenly, a small darkness appeared on the palm of my hand.

Not only did I feel the sensation of magic draining out, but there was also a slight sluggishness in my body.

At this point, this was my limit.

However, this was the culmination of the past two months.

The magic that I had spent a tremendous amount of time on had finally been completed.

It was not something that could be done half-heartedly.

I put the piece of wood that I had picked up into the darkness.

Then, the wood slowly sank into the darkness and eventually disappeared completely.

Oh Ohh Ohhhhhhh!

Yes, my dark magic had affected not only magic but also matter.

This was a big breakthrough. I felt a sense of accomplishment and my mouth naturally curled upwards.

Darkness consumes everything so this is what it meant the legends were true, they were really true!! Holy c**p!! This is seriously insane, Luke!!


As expected, Amelia was so delighted that she was taken abacktruly taken aback.

Well, I owe it to her that I was able to complete this magic.

The knowledge I gained from Amelias unpopular class, Applied Attribute Magic, which was full of onomatopoeias, was instrumental in my success.

For now, this is all I can do, but eventually Hey

Her eyes were completely strange, with no light in them.

She muttered something quietly, drooling from the corner of her mouth as she rapidly wrote something down.

It was terrifying, given the wide range of interpretations and the effects her murmurs made on others.

I lightly tapped her on the shoulder.

Ah, sorry. Ehe, ehe, ehehehe, I got a little excited

This person is undoubtedly incredibly talented, butsomehow something is broken in her head.

That has been the case since we first met.

Come to think of it, Luke, isnt there a rank battle today?

Yeah, its with a boring opponent.

But hes still a senior, right?

My overall school rank is 47th.

Considering that there are about twenty students in each grade, there are only about half that number this year.

Is it because the passing criteria are strict, or is there some other factor?

Well, it doesnt matter.

Since my research on magic has come to a pause, I thought it might be time to have a rank battle.. .but honestly, Im not very enthusiastic about it.

I already have information on my opponent. In fact, I saw his rank battle once, and there was reallynothing noteworthy about it.

Hes just a user of water magic.

He seems to be more skilled in magic battles than in magic itself.

However, this has nothing to do with me, who can use dark magic.

Its not like there arent any interesting people though.

Eh!? Is it almost time!?

Yeah, I should head over soon.

This relaxed feeling, its so like Luke But, Ill be cheering you on! Ill definitely go watch ehehe

I couldnt quite put it into words, but seeing Amelias enraptured expression, I wondered what kind of emotions she had on coming to watch this.

It was certain that her reasons for coming were not purely for cheering.

Luke enters the arena, followed by his opponent, second-year Porupon.

Just that alone sends the audience into a frenzy, with cheers echoing throughout.

The first-year students have already gained a reputation for their incredible abilities, and thats why the expectations for Luke, the top of the first-years, have continued to grow.

And now, the ranking battle has finally begun.

Its easy to understand the excitement.

Ive heard rumors about you. They say youre a monster who uses dark magic. Its already a hot topic among upperclassmen.

I see.

Lukes response was simple. He didnt bother to hide his contemptuous emotions.

There was nothing in his eyes, so it was only natural that Porupon felt irritated.

(He really does look young. Is he really a senior? But theres something nagging at me. I feel like Ive met him a long time ago)

Despite Porupons irritation, Luke was only thinking about this much.

But I wont lose! No matter what it takes! Ill do everything I can to win!

Porupons passionate voice echoed through the arena.

His intense demeanor shook Lukes emotions just a little bit.

(Hes really fired up.)

But that was all.

He had no further emotions, just a calm and collected thought process on how to achieve a flawless victory.

He envisioned every possible scenario and how to achieve a complete victory.

Both sides kept their distance and waited for the right moment.

However, their attitudes were very different.

One glared at the other as if ready to shoot, while the other wore a thin smile that mocked him.

Luke held his sword while Porupon held his staff.

The audiences anticipation continued to grow without limits, and then


Finally, the match began.

In an instant, a spell was cast, but it wasnt by Luke.


Good practice, Luke thought as he watched Porupon rise into the air.

(Starting with a flight spell Its already become the norm. Kuku, I can fly too. Its a little different from yours though.)

Porupon immediately began to wield magic and began to act in order to cast the next spell. However, it was Lukes turn next.

Wings of Darkness

Black wings appeared on Lukes back.

Porupon was momentarily stunned by the unusual sight, and the casting of his spell was slightly delayed.

That was too big of an opening for Luke.

He flapped his wings.


He flapped them just once.

That was all Porupon could perceive.

Before he knew it, Luke was before him, his smile as wide as a rip in the fabric of reality.

It was an event that he could no longer understand.


A strong impact to his right cheek.

Before he could even recognize it was simply being punched, Porupon fell and was slammed onto the ground.

His whole body was wracked with pain.

Still Porupon did not let his consciousness for casting the spell waver.

He couldnt lose.

He had to win, no matter what.

Take that!

The Dragon King of Water

Porupon knew that an ordinary spell would be meaningless against Luke.

So he unleashed his strongest magic.

The dragon king made of water rose to the sky, piercing his hated enemy.

Hou, thats a good spell.

Despite the dragon king, which was many times larger than himself, approaching, Lukes smile never faded.

Rather, his heart was filled with joy at the magic that surpassed his own imagination.

Sun of Darkness

A small dark sun appeared in the palm of Lukes hand.

It swallowed the dragon king all too easily.

What the h**l is that

Kuku, you look good.

All the expressions disappeared from Porupons face.

The fighting spirit and obsession that had been boiling inside him disappeared so quickly that it gave Luke an indescribable pleasure.

Well then

The dark sun suddenly disappeared. Luke cast the next spell, which would push Porupon even further into despair.

Dragon King of Water

The dragon king of water appeared before him.

Porupons mouth hung open like a hollow void.

(It cant be its my magic, but a lot stronger than me)

However his despair does not end here.

Dragon King of Darkness

Furthermore, even the Dark Dragon King appeared before him.

It was a mistake, even trying to fight was a mistake.

With his heart dark and stagnant, Porupon completely lost his will to fight.

Hah Ahaha haah

Porupon let out a dry laugh.

And then, he released two Dragon Kings with a cruel smile.


Giving up everything, Porupon closed his eyes.

Only Lukes laughter, which sounded genuinely happy, continued to echo until the very end.

Because it was a rare attribute, Dark Magic was not familiar to the people.

Therefore, the image that everyone imagined at that moment became his nickname.

The Demon King

From this day on, Lukes powerful abilities attracted more and more enthusiastic fans, unintentionally pushing Yolandes plan to make him king.

Or rather, it was probably all going according to his plan.

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