The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 538 540 Edge

"Damn it! Is Master Allen a mind reader? How did he know I had such an idea? He is so horrible!"

Luan looked at Allen in fear. He didn't want Allen to know everything about him!

Otherwise, he would have no privacy at all.

Fortunately, Allen's words calmed him down.

"Don't worry. I'm not the kind of person who likes to take the risk. I know what you're thinking. I know that you'll think of me! But don't worry!"

"Because when I carry out all my plans, only you and Ren will be in trouble!"

"Master Allen, what's wrong? Are we in trouble? Your most loyal servant is ready to be your most powerful weapon!"

As soon as Allen finished his words, Ren stood out from the grass in front of them with a stick in his hand.

There were some stones in his arms that he had collected after Allen left, so that he could use them as a unique attack.

But he is good at setting traps and escaping!

Luan looked vigilantly at Ren who suddenly popped out of the grass, but the latter waved his hand.

"Are you Allen's first savage? My name is Ren. Nice to meet you!"

"It's so early for you to be happy!"

For some reason, the moment Luan saw Ren, he felt uncomfortable, so he spoke with hostility.

This kind of situation was a piece of cake for Ren. He had thought that Luan would be the first savage to follow Allen, so he should be a smart savage.

But he didn't expect that when they met for the first time today, he judged Luan.

"He looks stupid!"

He had never seen such a person who slapped a smiling face. It was against the rules.

But when he saw that Allen didn't interrupt, he realized that this guy was important in Allen's heart.

"But I don't know how much it is. And I don't know if Master Allen did on purpose to see how we get along with each other."

"So the question is, Master Allen, do you want us to be happy, or do you want us to be against each other?"

All this was what Ren wanted to know, but Luan was like a newbie, full of hostility in his heart.

"Well, I won't be happy too early. I'm not happy at all!"

Ren probed Allen's reaction.

Unexpectedly, Allen didn't respond at all. He just looked at them with a smile and didn't want to say anything.

Ren couldn't figure out what Allen was thinking.

But he didn't say anything to irritate Luan.

Instead, he casually walked to Luan and held his shoulder.

"From now on, we are partners. I hope you can give me more advice in the future!"

Luan didn't know how to deal with him.

Especially when he thought of his previous attitude towards Ren, it seemed that he had been a little too bad.

But soon, Luan calmed down and got rid of Ren's grip.

He felt uncomfortable with his hand.

And he also knew why he looked at this guy with hostility.

It was all because Ren's body was covered with thick hair that had not been trimmed, which made Luan feel uncomfortable.

It was as if he was facing the cannibals he hated most.

Ren also felt that he was different from Luan.

When he first saw Luan, he thought he was the same as Allen. But after a closer look, he found that there was absolutely a difference between them.

That's why Ren recognized Luan at once.

When Allen saw the awkward and quarreling atmosphere between them, he thought it was time for him to show up.

It would be troublesome if they really quarreled!

"Well, that's enough!"

Allen immediately attracted their attention. They immediately turned their eyes to Allen.

"Let's get to know each other. From now on, you will be the patriarch of the savages and the leader of the cannibals. Don't make a fuss just because of some trivial matter!"

"I know, Master Allen!"

"Don't worry, Master Allen. We won't quarrel with each other. We will be good friends in the future!"

Allen didn't pay much attention to the two totally different answers. He just shook his head and began to talk about his thoughts.

"It's good that you come. I don't want to say it again!"

"Right now, our first plan is to control the entire cannibals and the savages through the Shamans, young patriarchs, and Gai!"

"After we take control of them, I have two things for you to do. The first is to remove the hair on their bodies! I'm annoyed!"

"The second is to teach those who haven't learned the knowledge. Of course, if they are used to eating human flesh and they can't change at all. I'll kill them!"

"There are two things. Do you understand?"

Allen explained it quickly this time. Ren and Luan were stunned.

Because both things were not easy for them.

The first one was to remove the hair on his body. Ren felt that he could close his eyes and did it.

But he thought it was difficult to ask these cannibals and savages who had never smoothed their hair to do such a thing. To be honest, he didn't have much confidence.

Luan didn't worry about this. After he became the leader of the savages, he had already removed all the hair on his body, and his clansmen would also remove all the hair on their bodies like him.

There was no doubt about that.

What made Luan feel troublesome was that the second one to teach his clansmen some knowledge.

But now that Allen had given out the task, even if Luan and Ren were unhappy, they could only silently say that they could do their best!

Allen had faith in them! And he would give them the most support.

"That's the good thing in that cave! But it's not the time to take them out yet. I'll send you to the savage tribe first!"

Allen said.

"Okay, Master Allen. But I have to settle my clansmen down first, okay?"

"Yes, that's right. Luan, you can also go and have a look. We have saved all the members of your tribe! They are here!"

"Ah! That's great! I'm going to see them now!"

Luan jumped up and down excitedly. He wanted to see his clansmen, and for this, he was even willing to ask Ren for help.

Ren wouldn't let go of such a good time to bribe people.

"Okay, come with me. I've heard something about you from a female savage!"

"Really? What brilliant thing?"

"It's something you've done in the past. Anyway, she keeps praising you. I think this girl has a crush on you!"

"Really? Really? Who is she? What's her name?"

Luan was attracted by Ren's words as if Ren was a human trafficker. Allen began to worry about him.

"If such a dull guy becomes the leader of the savages, will his tribe be swallowed up by Ren in the future? That will be embarrassing!"

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