The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 477 479 The Third Door

However, even if Ming didn't tell Zack, he couldn't do anything to Ming.

But on second thought, even if he couldn't let Ming tell him what was behind the third door, he could think of other ways!

"Do you think Gai will betray us for his safety if Allen kills all 500 people we have organized?"

Ming looked at Zack helplessly.

"What the hell are you thinking about every day? This kind of thing can't happen. Even if Gai dies, he can't betray us! Just swallow your mind into your stomach! I know you want to know what is behind the third door! Don't you just want to get everything? Is it interesting to talk nonsense here?"

Ming's words embarrassed Zack. However, fortunately, the cave was dark, and his expression could not be seen at all.

In this case, Zack didn't look so embarrassed.

Restraining the thought of killing Ming beside him, Zack took a few deep breaths to adjust his emotions and attitude and continued to talk to him in a playful tone.

"You've seen it through. I'm just worried that if something unexpected happens, Allen will find this place. We have to find a way to save ourselves, right?"

Zack was still unwilling to give up, and he continued.

"Think about it. If Allen comes, will he let us go? How can we fight against Allen, who has defeated the elite force of 500 people?"

"Yes, you're right. If Allen comes here, we two can just fold our hands for capture. What else do we need to think about?"

Zack didn't expect that Ming would just give up in the face of his coercion! Was that reasonable?

"I didn't mean that. I mean, if Allen defeated our elite troops and even found this place, there is only one thing we should do! That is to destroy him here, right? This is our last chance. We should use the weapon in the third door!"

Finally, Zack's purpose was revealed, and Ming's eyes fell on him.

"How do you know there must be weapons in the third door? Don't you think I was joking about waiting for death?"

Hearing such a serious answer, Zack was finally stunned. He was shocked by Ming's attitude.


However, Zack asked again, unwilling to give up.

When Ming was about to answer, he suddenly felt a tremor.

"Shh, shut up! Something happened!"

"What? What happened?"

Although Zack kept assuming that Allen might be able to kill all 500 elite troops, Allen could even know something about the cave from Gai.

However, Zack didn't believe Allen was capable of doing that.

After all, there were 500 people!

"If Allen can kill all of our clansmen, it's my destiny to be killed by him!"

Zack thought for a while, and then Ming said in surprise.

"Did I hear it wrong? Or were the cannon fodder behind the first door causing trouble? I felt an unusual vibration as if the stone blocking our cave outside had been pried open!"

"I don't think so. Unless our clansmen have been killed Allen and he come to us!"

"Yes, maybe."

After pondering for a moment, Ming fell into silence. He felt that he might need to go out to see what was going on. In any case, the cannon fodder aborigines in the first door were tied up and there was no way for them to move.

That was why he boldly wanted to go out and see what was going on.

"Go and have a look!"

However, Ming still remained vigilant. He would not take the initiative to go out, but let Zack beside him go to see what was going on.

If there was any problem, Ming would open the third door and hide inside!

"Me? Why don't you go by yourself? You are so timid!"

Zack retorted subconsciously.

But in the end, someone had to go out to check the situation, and there was no way to escape.

Thus, Zack, who had silently sighed, decided to open the door.

However, just as he was about to open the door, another vibration sound came from the darkness. This time, both Ming and Zack felt the same.

"No. Allen couldn't come here. Then who did it? Gai killed Allen, didn't he?"

"I don't know!"

Ming and Zack became nervous in an instant.

However, Ming's eyes in the darkness began to light up, and he slapped the back of Zack's head when he did not notice.


Zack let out a scream and passed out. Hearing the sound of him falling to the ground, Ming showed his innocence.

"I'm sorry! I have to live on! If it wasn't Allen, I would apologize to you. But if it was Allen... Then you could only be my scapegoat!"

Ming's face was full of ferocity, and he was irascible. After kicking Zack lying on the ground in the darkness, he was sure that Zack had fallen into a coma. He turned his head and began to fumble on the wall behind him for the switch to the third door.

As for Zack, he opened his eyes secretly.

Although he couldn't see anything clearly in the darkness, he was still able to tell Ming's location according to his voice, and he was ready to rush over at any time.

"You want me to be your scapegoat! You want me to take all the risks, don't you? Your plan is good! Why didn't I find that you had the ability before?"

"But no matter how powerful you are, I have already been on guard against you. Do you want to knock me out? Well, I'll pretend to be knocked out by you. I'd like to see what tricks you have!"

"When you open the third door, I will enter first and leave you outside! Ha ha! At that time, you are the one who was abandoned!"

Ming and Zack were plotting against each other, creating an infernal drama.

And all of this was known to Allen and Ren.

Ren led Allen to a desolate but dusty place.

"Is this the place where Ming and Zack are hiding?"

Allen looked around and felt that this place was like an ancient tomb he had seen in his hometown a long time ago.

And the heap in front of him was just like a tomb. There was no difference! It was just bigger.

Allen's scalp tingled with the discovery.

However, after observing the surrounding environment, Ren told Allen.

"Yes, Master Allen. This must be the place where Zack and Ming are hiding!"

"But there is no cave here. Do you remember it wrong?"

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