The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 80: 80: Tower Dungeon (1)

Chapter 80: 80: Tower Dungeon (1)

If you want to read 20+ chapters ahead, go here: /Master4thWall

80: Tower Dungeon (1)

The golden light slowly subsided and I found myself standing within a green forest, a message flashing before my eyes.

[You have entered the 1st floor!]

Waving the message off, I focused on my surroundings. I could hear the sound of water dripping from the tree leaves, the sound of birds chirping in the tree branches, and the sound of a waterfall running wild nearby.

Hmm. A forest isn't the worst I have seen.

I have been to volcanoes, above the clouds, and even in a world with no land and only water. I survived there, this is nothing compared to that. This should be easy.

A loud screech resounded from a distance, almost as if nature was opposing my words.

I chuckled to myself and blasted my legs on the ground, causing my body to leap into the sky. Kurai held on to my neck tight, almost digging her claws into my flesh.

Just as I tried to go beyond the clouds—


—My head bumped on the air.

I almost fell down along with Kurai, but somehow managed to get back my composure.

"System?" I groaned while rubbing my head. "What was that?"

[That's the barrier of the 1st floor. This floor is the southern part of the great jungle located in the United Continent. Further information is locked, and can only be unlocked after conquering the first floor.]

Hm. Does floor 1 cover the entire jungle?

[I am not supposed to say that… but fine.]

"Well, thank you." I blew a kiss in the air.

[...The first four floors cover the South, North, West, East sides of the jungle, while the 5th covers the middle of the jungle. This is the biggest jungle on the entire continent, there are Dragons and Phoenixes in this jungle, covering it on the 1st floor would be a bit unfair, even for a Gamer.]

I nodded at the system's words. This meant all the 10 floors were essentially a single dungeon. Basically a small planet.

I looked at the horizon. The jungle is vast, but at the edge of each side, a blue barrier was raised, which even if it did not block the monsters from travelling, would surely block me.

I have a bad feeling about this jungle all of a sudden. This alone occupied 5 floors, and there were supposed to be dragons and phoenixes. This ought to be hard.

Wait… Does time flow the same here as the outside world?

[No, master. Time flows 10:1 in this world compared to the outside world. Basically 10 times faster.]

Niiice! I will spend 20 hours max here then. Now that I have a girlfriend, I can just excuse myself from Mom anytime. But I still have to finish my job here in outside's 2 hours.

[You can only leave the Tower after reaching a safe spot. Shall I show you the spots?]

"Please do so."

Immediately as I said so, 5 blue lights burst out from different parts of the jungle. I was probably the only one who could see the lights beside Kurai, if not the animals would have started a commotion.

I looked around the area and decided which light to head for. There was a lake and waterfall where the light burst out. I will choose that. I was totally not expecting any mermaids, trust me.

I dropped to the ground a few yards far from the fountain and used <Echolocation> to make sure it's safe where I am heading into.

In my head, I got the image of… something interesting.

Kurai shouldn't see this.

I grabbed her from my neck and dropped her on the ground. "Stay here, okay? I will be back soon."

She grumbled but nodded nonetheless just as I kicked forward and slowly slid behind a huge boulder, peeking my head in the middle of the lake just as I froze.

Seeing it using Echolocation was different than seeing it with my own two eyes. On top of a rock beside the pond, two blue-skinned women, one with red hair and one with white, were hugging and kissing each other. Ahem… girls, get yourselves a man.

[Image Here]

My eyes then fell on the text hovering above their heads.

[Syria - Siren - Level 111]

[Rysia - Siren - Level 114]

Uh… they should keep having fun.

I turned around and kicked the ground, darting off to where I came from. I guess I have to find another Save Point. Going past two Level-100s, more so, Sirens, would be hard. I am confident in my sexuality enough for Sirens to easily seduce me. That's their main power, after all. Moreover, there could be more in the water where my perception couldn't enter for some reason.

It was bouncing off. As if a barrier was blocking it.

Just then, I felt a flare in my soul. Being contracted with Kurai, I could feel when she feels some extreme emotions. Right now, she was infuriated.

Shit, what happened?? Hope she doesn't start a wildfire.

I blurred towards Kurai, while trying to talk to her telepathically, but she only replied in broken words.

Immediately as I reached the spot, I frowned and then prepared to blast my hands at the surrounding pink enemies. Humanoid pigs, aka Orcs.

[Gymibik - Orc - Level 63]

[Rottik - Orc - Level 65]

[Lirik - Orc - Level 59]

These three were the highest levelled ones among the 13 Orcs surrounding Kurai.

Telepathically, I told her not to use her fire powers, I didn't want to start forest fire, but she did have her other powers. So even before I could use my shockwaves, Kurai parted her mouth and released a breath of corrosion and plague forward. The dusty, smokey, and overall foul breath clouded over most of the enemies, and in an instant, the Orcs dropped to the ground like dead fishes and started struggling. They started pulling their own skins off, as if insects were crawling under their skins.

This won't kill them, but it would keep them immobile for a while.

The enemies that were able to dodge the attack immediately rushed to the small cat's spot. The cat grinned, the light of red flashing in her eyes as her body started to enlarge, and the next second, she was as big as a panther.

The approaching enemies almost stopped but Kurai simply kicked off and slashed her claws across their necks, leaving a bleeding effect. The monsters inside dungeons were a part of the Gamer System, so they had stats, and could be affected with status effects such as [Bleeding].

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. Kurai was level 83 now, she was strong enough to take in some mere Orcs–

Suddenly, my <Intuition> flared up as I snapped my head to the right. Beside a tree, far from me, a large woman with green skin was standing with a club in her hand, her eyes leisurely observing Kurai fight.

She had green skin, brown hair tied like a Viking, and small tusks. Her hips and breasts were huge, as expected from someone double my body size. She was even taller than All Might.

[Image Here]

But the truly frightening fact about her was…

<Mursha - Ogre - Level 230>

...Her extraordinary level.

I would have freaked out if not for my newly awakened quirk. It's overpowered.

As hot as she was, she was an enemy. So just as Kurai finished her enemies, I mentally warned her and immediately rushed towards the enemy. She acted as if I didn't exist at first, but as I closed the distance, two bright orbs of white materializing around my hands, her eyes drifted on me just as she raised her club in the air.

Her club shone just as white lightning crackled around it. She swung the club at my head, and I decided to clash head-on with my <Tremor> coated blow.

Our attacks met, and a crushing noise clouded the area.

There was a miscalculation. The woman's strength was out of this world. Because of that, even though I am sure my destructive power was greater, when her club plunged down on my fist, it grandly slammed me on the ground.

I coughed out saliva just as the woman was about to swing her large fist downwards, her wooden weapon being destroyed because of my aggressive power.

Before her punch could hit me and injure me beyond saving, the black panther roared and leapt at her. I immediately steadied myself and jumped back. I am short on health potions, so I shouldn't drink any right now, but that single attack had taken out almost half my HP. I have to be safe.

The Ogre woman kreeched, roaring like a barbarian, and grabbed Kurai by her neck before slamming her onto the ground.

"Kurai, use <Death Breath>!"

It was a destructive attack. It's almost like releasing an antimatter ray to a matter, just not that powerful yet.

Although I told Kurai to attack, she wasn't in any spot to do so. I had to make a spot for her. So I took my spear out of my inventory and tightened my knuckles around it.

I threw a javelin made of golden light towards the monster, she yelled in pain as the Spear Ki penetrated her left shoulder. She left Kurai alone and growled towards me, rushing at me like a behemoth.

I immediately activated my Eyes of the Lord.

I realised winning this fight wouldn't be possible by myself, I needed Kurai's help. As I dodged the attack of the Ogre, Kurai got up and parted her jaws at her. A dark condensed smoke burst out of her mouth and hit the Ogre woman in her back, she groaned and rolled almost fell to her face, just as I landed a blow on her chin.


She grunted again when I swung my spear at her kidney, the spear's sharpness barely penetrated her rock-solid skin, but upon coating the edge of the blade with <Tremor>, it went through her skin like a blade through butter.



She was strong. Her strength was impressive. Maybe even at Prime All Might's level- No, let's stop there. She could probably barely match the weakened All Might. But she was surely stronger than Nomu.

Fortunately, she wasn't the speed type, and I still had Kurai backing me up.


She groaned in pain with her hands on the ground, her green skin strained in crimson blood, as she sat on her butt.

I clenched my spear in my hand, Tremor flashing on its edge, sharpening it further than it was already.

I guess it's time to kill her.

I raised my spear in the air, breathing heavily while blood trailed down my forehead. I could barely muster any strength, and my hand shook just from holding the spear straight. Kurai laid limp nearby, her body occasionally twitching only.

Just as I was about to swing my spear down, she raised her hands in… submission?

She stared into my eyes, speaking fluent English, what the fuck.

"I, Mursha, the Chieftain of the Ogres, accept my loss, human." She said, her voice deep but still feminine. "As the one to defeat me you have absolute control over me, and can make me do whatever you want. Even kill me if it pleases you…" Then a hope-filled tone left her voice. "If not, you can claim me along with my tribe as yours."

...She was prideful, alright, but even she didn't want to die.

That was a tempting offer too. Do I give up on possibly 5~10 levels just for a tribe of Orcs?

Let's see...




[Self Note: Image in this chapter]

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