The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 41: WTF (2)

Chapter 41: WTF (2)

Chapter 41: WTF (2)

"Young master, why do you want to go to that dirty beach? You could have gone to Hawaii anytime." Kimi asked while focusing on the road.

She's acting a bit more caring than usual… Did she perhaps like how I refused to leave her for Nejire? Heh.

I tilted my head, causing my earring to slap down to my face, as I said, "I am not exactly going there for a vacation."

"Hmm…" She tilted her head too. "Oh, wait, perhaps your [Personal Dimension]'s gate spawn there? Speaking of which, what's inside your "Dimension" anyway? Can other people enter there too?"

"Eh, there are many different things within that 'Dimension'..." I then shook my head. "As for the second question, no. Nobody other than me and Kurai can enter that place. That's the reason why I didn't explain things to Mom. Since she would never let me go to a place that she isn't sure is safe."

I love my Mom, I really do. She's the best. But she's too overprotective. Some things are better kept a secret from her.

Kimi turned to her left, where I was sitting. "Um… then, is it really safe?"


I didn't need to lie to her, but I also didn't have any reason to be obvious... I don't want her to worry needlessly.

Kimi stared at my eyes for a bit, trying to read me as I shrugged. She was good at reading me before, but not anymore. My CHA stat blocks people from reading my body language.

Maybe they become too busy admiring me, instead? Bleh.

Anyway, telling Kimi to focus on the road instead of asking nonsense questions, I focused on why I am going there.

Takoba Municipal Beach Park is the place where Midoriya was trained by All Might. I am going there to meet All Might and change his mind about giving Izuku One for All.

No, I don't hate Izuku. Izuku hate is overrated, he's a shitty protagonist though. The actual reason why he shouldn't get OFA is that... I want it. On second thought, saying I 'need' it would be more appropriate.

One For All is the strongest quirk I know besides Eri's and All for One's quirk. I would talk about those latter two on another day, but what I need immediately is OFA.

The main reason why I want this is that One for All is a stockpiling quirk. It is stockpiling strength and energy for seven generations. As for what exactly this 'Energy' is, nobody knows. For all you know, this Energy may just be metaphysical, like when people say, "Gah, I am completely out of energy", when they are tired. OOOR, this might be Mana or something similar.

I highly doubt it's mana, since the energy within it does come from the other 7 wielders, who I don't think had Mana, but that's the point. If it is mana, then it's useless since I wouldn't be able to use it at all. I just hope it's some energy like Chakra, which is essentially life force, and as far as I know, the Curse doesn't block life force, or I would have been dead already.

So, One for All is essential for my survival. Other than that, it's a great quirk overall. It's basically a nerfed version of Issei's [Boosted Gear]. I can only imagine the destruction my <Surge> would be able to cause if I used 100% One for All on it… Oof.

Now, One for All also has sole drawbacks, specifically two. The first is that it would use up the user's lifespan, and the second one is there are seven consciousnesses within it.

For the first problem, there are many ways I can get life force. And secondly, I am not sure if my version of Gamer's Mind would be able to eradicate those Consciousness, but I am sure it'd make sure those Consciousness don't affect me negatively. The rest, I will handle myself.

"Young master, we're here."

Bringing me from my thoughts, Kimi's voice rang within the car. I turned to the beach and my eyes widened.

Sofas, fridges, cars, broken parts of houses, and finally, thousands of bottles floating on the shore - yes, this was indeed the Takoba Municipal Beach. But-

Something was wrong.


Except for some crabs, the beach was void of any life.

Midoriya and All Might aren't here, I can't find them at all. I also don't think they took a break since, from the looks of it, none of the garbage has been moved from their spots in a long time.


The reflection of my blue eyes was shaking slightly on the glass window as I bit my lips.

Something changed... and I have a bad feeling about it.

"Young master…?'

The timeline is fucked.


With the slight help of my <Gamer's Mind> and some more... relief, I got over it soon.

So Izuku didn't get One for All? I think it's mostly Nighteye's fault, from my knowledge. Speaking of Nighteye, I can think of only one dude who can get this quirk instead of Izuku.


I called Nejire who was combing her hair while sitting in front of the mirror. Does her hair even need combing? It's beautiful as it is. Anyway,

She turned to me as I talked, "Do you know a guy named Mirio Togata?"

"Hm?" She tilted her head. "Oh yeah, I know him. How do you know his name, though?"

"I heard one of my friends, who lives in the same neighbourhood as Mirio, mentioning him, apparently he has a really cool quirk?"

Nejire's eyes shone. "No, no, not at all! It's not 'a' cool quirk, it's 'two' cool quirks! He has <Permeation> and <Super Strength>! So, while you can't hit him, he can hit you really hard! People are already comparing him with All Might!!"

Nejire started blabbering about him while I licked my dry lips.

Super Strength? Bullshit.

This placed me in a Royally fucked situation…

Now, not only is it impossible to get OFA, but Mirio would also be a thorn in my future plans…

Because certainly, this Mirio Togata is no different than a God.


December, year 200. Winter Break.

All this development caused Neji to raid dungeons rapidly so he gained a bunch of levels. Currently, he was in the city Momo lives in. Since the loot rate of the dungeons in his city has dropped too low, he has started doing the dungeons in Momo's city too, coming here with the excuse of meeting his friend.

Gara has called Momo on multiple occasions, but she hasn't sold him yet. Though she was getting very curious about where exactly her friend goes.

Currently, Neji was inside a museum.

The Honnō-Ji Museum.

In the pre-quirk era, this was known as the Fukuoka City Museum. After quirks appeared, that museum was relocated here, on top of the Honnō-ji temple where Oda Nobunaga died.

Neji stared ahead, at the spear displayed behind a glass box, people were surrounding it. Their focus was not on him.

[Nigonho – A spear wielded by the Emperor Ōgimachi and Oda Nobunaga.]

This was what <Observe> told him. But that's not what attracted Neji here, not at all.

He looked at a corner of the room, a purple portal was there with ominous floating texts above it.

[Dungeon – 11: Nobunaga's Spirit]

Just as Neji read the title, a message flashed in front of him.

[Ding! The Completion of this dungeon is a must if Master wants access to the dungeons below the rank 10!]

Nodding while standing beside Kimi with Kurai in his arms, Neji checked his [Status].

[ —Status Page— ]

Name: Neji Hado

Age: 15

Class: The Gamer

Title: Harem Lord

Level: 93

Race: [Human]


HP: [1680/1680]

SP [1960/1960]

MP: [#/#]


STR: 183

END: 168

DEX: 196

INT: 118

WIS: 111

CHA: 115

LUC: 211


HP REG: 840/min

SP REG: 980/min

Stat Points: 0]

All his stats were above 100 with luck being above 200 and DEX almost there, too. Next,

[ —Skill Page— ]

[•Gamer's Body - (MAX) •Gamer's Mind - (MAX)

•Observe (Passive) - Lvl 98 •Physical Endurance (Passive) - Lvl 73

•Pain Tolerance (Passive) - Lvl 70 •Fire Resistance (Passive) - Lvl 33

•Cold Resistance (Passive) - Lvl 23 •Magic Resistance (Passive) - Lvl 52

•Shockwave Resistance (Passive) - Lvl 77 •Bloodlust (Passive) - Lvl 23


•Touch of Nirvana (Active) - Lvl 69 •Fast Crawl (Active) - Lvl 1

•Fast Walk (Active) - Lvl 1 •Fast Run (Active) - Lvl 1

•Strong Punch (Active) - Lvl 1 •Cooking (Active) - Lvl 1

•Swimming (Active) - Lvl 1 •Bloodlust (Active) - Lvl 1]

First of all, the system had a small [Update] which changed its appearance and made things more organised. The Curse and the Blessing were now on another page.

Secondly, there were two bloodlust skills, one passive and one active. But it was quite understandable, Bloodlust can be both active and passive. An example would be Conqueror's Haki (which is basically bloodlust on crack) being both passive and active.

He also got the answer to a question, why he couldn't use physical skills, upon inquiring the system.

[While the skills like "Strong Punch" sounds physical, in the root, it really isn't. In fact, the skill uses mana to strengthen the punch. You didn't get the description where it says the need of Mana since… the System thought it was obvious.]

Neji shrugged his shoulders when he heard this, not his fault nor is the System's. Anyway, moving on to the next page,

[ —Quirk Page— ]

[•<Surge> - LVL 9: The ability to convert your own vitality into energy and release it in the form of exceptionally powerful shockwaves.

Note: The higher the level, the stronger the shockwave and the less SP cost.]

[ —Perk Page— ]

[•The Great Will of the Omniverse's Blessing: You, a mortal soul, have survived the fight against Gods and Primordial Gods – even escaping from them at last. Surely, this feat is enough for the Will of the Omniverse to take an interest in you.

The great Omniverse has taken an interest in you because of your luck and courage, and she has blessed you with a skill!

Effect: You are immune to all the debuff and all kinds of negative effects.]

[•Curse of the Primordial: A curse planted by a Primordial God by sacrificing a part of his divine soul. The victim of his curse would lose access to Mana, Divinity, and Ether. He will also lose EVERYTHING and die instantly.

Effect: Makes you a shackled being, only to die the next second.]

[•Strength of Hercules: You're blessed with strength. You can exert 10% more strength than your actual STR!]

[•Life of a Cockroach: You're blessed with Life essence. After taking damage, HP will be lost 10% less.]

[•Heart of a Cheetah: You're blessed with Stamina. Stamina-consuming acts would cost 10% less SP.]

[•Blessing of Mana: 25% less Mana cost for Magic Spells cast by you.]

[•The One Who Never Fails In Tests: Well, aren't you a wise one?]

[•Silver Tongue: You're a veteran in the ways of persuasion. You'd rarely be bested.]

[•Lady Luck's Boy Toy: Lady Luck is nearly in love with you, causing lucky incidents to happen every now and then. Lady Luck tends to look at you in a more favourable light.]

[ —Proficiency Page— ]

[•Overall Martial Art Proficiency (B): You are a martial art prodigy, you learn all types of martial arts faster and quicker. 20% boost in attack when attacking someone using a martial art technique.]

[•Swimming Proficiency (D): You were born for the sea! Water loves you, and so does the sea. 5% less need for air when underwater.]

[•Kung-Fu Proficiency (C): 15% boost in attack when attacking someone using a Kung-fu art technique.]

[•Taekwondo Proficiency (C): 15% boost in attack when attacking someone using a Taekwondo technique.]

[•Cooking Proficiency (B): You can cook like a professional chef, even if they don't taste 5-star, your cooking can at least please a hungry child.]

This was the end of all 5 pages.

'This is enough,' he thought. 'With a Level 56 Kurai as support, I can do this.'

He then looked at Kimi. "Okay, I am going."

Kimi nodded. "Be safe."

Giving her a peck, Neji then patted Kurai's head.


"Un." With a nod, she moved her paws as transparent mana covered them both.

Kimi blinked, she almost thought those two had become invisible, but by focusing a little, she could see them.

This was <Stealth>, a magic spell. Kurai is built like a Mage since that's the only thing Neji lacks.

[<Stealth>: A magic spell! Under this spell, people wouldn't notice you unless you create a commotion or if someone has been watching you before the spell had been activated.]

Under the spell, that Kurai could barely keep up because of her shit Mana control, Neji walked to the corner and stepped inside the ominous purple portal with ease.





Author's Note:

As you've noticed, some inconvenient things were explained and some things have been rearranged.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.