The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 319: 319: Narcis-Sisty

Chapter 319: 319: Narcis-Sisty

Chapter 319: Narcis-Sisty

Neji had no time to waste, so he had to split his attention to finish more jobs at once. So he used his omnipresence to turn himself into two, for a start.

At the very moment, Omni-Neji-1 was sitting on this throne and doing the mundane things a King had to do, while in the meantime Omni-Neji-2 was busy doing a more productive job. That being accompanying Chaldea to meet Ishtar.

West to Uruk was Mount Ebih; that's where the temple and home of Goddess Ishtar was located. Omni-Neji-2 and Chaldea were going there, in a wooden car that was made with the assorted work of both Neji and Da Vinci. It would take them more than a few hours to reach there.

Mundane traveling plus sitting on a throne, two boring things to do. Only thanks to his third self of the Wood Clone, Neji wasn't bored.

His Wood-Clone self was heading to the Kingdom of Judah, to its capital Jerusalem. That's where the Sixth Singularity was taking place.

He flew through the sky with his pristine white wings glistening flattering in the air, glistening under the sun.

It was a bit more than 1200 kilometers from Uruk to Jerusalem, but even as weak as he was at the moment Neji was still faster than an average jet that traveled at 600 kmh. So it took him a bit less than an hour and a half of continuous flight to reach the capital city of the Kingdom of Judah.

"…What a sight." Neji muttered when he was in the skies of Jerusalem, from where he could see the 'Holy City' of Camelot that was summoned in this time zone via the use of the Holy Grail. "Still pales in comparison to my heaven though."

In this singularity, Neji recalled, a war was going on between two kingdoms a while ago. One party managed to summon Heroic Spirits to aid them in war and soon won. However, the summoned Heroes belonging to the Round Table soon overthrew their summoners and began taking over the world under the command of the Lion King, Artoria Pendragon. They built a city overnight, a city that from the outside looked like heaven incarnate. However, only the Knights of the Round Table knew the dirty secret behind this city as of now.

Neji recalled that there should be another group of Heroic Spirits in this area, having been summoned too. They built a city of their own, working under the command of Ozymandias—the heroic spirit who's a pharaoh from ancient Egypt. Calling himself the Sun King, he had also built a kingdom of his own, though his one truly was a paradise in this nearly dead world.

"I might clash with him too, that cheap copy of Gilgamesh. But that's for later." Neji reminded himself as he came to a stop right above the skies of the nearly dead city of Jerusalem. "For now, this place will have one-third of my interest."

* * *

They transformed the inner part of Jerusalem City into the Holy City whilst the outer part of it remained old and torn. While the inner city shone brightly even from the outside, the outer part was all ruined, filled with dying and starving people.

Neji wasn't here to destroy the Holy City, so he didn't jump down on it from the sky. Rather, he was here to learn about the current affairs of this place. That's why he entered the outer city like other people in the area.

Neji exchanged his Gilgamesh attire for a much simpler purple shirt and black pants, unwilling to attract useless attractions. He still looked very shiny, totally unsuitable for this area, which might make him a target for the hungry people who would surely think he had money or food to bulge from. So he equipped himself with one of the many shiny swords inside his inventory. It didn't have any special effect but just looked shiny and would work to intimidate the people from not approaching him.

Neji walked inside the city through the broken gates, walking into a sort of bazaar-like area that was filled with hungry people on the side of the road. Most didn't even have the energy to beg, no they didn't even have the energy to raise their head. When Neji used «Observe» on them, he understood why. Their health was just bad, they could die right this second and it wouldn't shock anyone.

In fact, with his sensory abilities, Neji felt a child's soul leave his body as he really died in another part of the city.


Neji paused for a moment, his eyes going cloudy in contemplation. A second later, he turned around from where he was going and instead walked into a nearby alleyway.

* * *

'Sisty, can you hear me?' Neji called in his head.

[Yes, master?]

Sisty asked curiously. Neji didn't permit her to read his mind all the time, so she didn't know what he was planning.

[What do you want me to do?]

'Well. I was going to do it myself, with another clone, but thought it'd be better to have you come out into the human world for once.' Neji said in his head. 'Cast a single Shadow-Clone Jutsu yourself, and insert your mind into it rather than mine. By doing so, you should be able to temporarily descend onto this world within my clone. You can choose whatever appearance you like for the clone.'

[Ah…huh… alright. But why? I will do it anyway, I am just curious.]

'...Well, there are all those poor people dying out there. I felt bad and thought, as a benevolent God, I should give them some food and bring them under my religion to worship me. You know how it always worked. Preaching and all that.' Neji said. 'But wouldn't it be unprofessional if I do my own preaching? So I say, you do it. You become my pseudo-priestess for a few hours and preach my name and religion while giving them some food from the inventory.'

[I see. Alright. Then, allow me to descend.]

That was it, as Neji felt a swirl of mana slip out of him to the side, bursting into a puff of smoke, as a female reflection of himself stood right there.

The same girl he met back in the void, white hair tied in a single pigtail and blue eyes whose light matched the intensity of his own. She was wearing clothes that had color contrasting with his, her black shirt tightening around her chest. She looked alluring, and that didn't change even when she grabbed a brown blanket and put it over her torso to cover herself from her head to the waist.

"This should match the look around here, right?" Sisty asked as she twirled around in a circle, giving Neji a shot of her healthy butt that was more alluring with the blanket covering it.

"Matching doesn't matter. You look perfect regardless of your clothes." Neji put a hand on her waist to make her stop spinning.

"Yes?" Rather than surprised or shy at his touch, like she was before, Sisty looked calm. "Is that your inner narcissist speaking? Knowing I am basically you as a female and all that."

"But shorter," Neji corrected.

"I am taller than last time, thank you very much. I am 5"11 now due to you growing taller yourself. But, hey, you didn't deny my claim." Sisty said and pushed her body against his.

Surprising him further, she helped his hand that was on her waist to lower a bit below.

"Huh, right." Neji was not sure what else to say. In either case, he wasn't shy so he clasped her butt, feeling it all for himself. "Say, would it not be more strange if I didn't find you attractive? You do share my 6045 CHA that defies reality, after all."

"I suppose that's a fair point."

"What made you change, though? I mean, sure, I noticed you growing much bolder in your voice messages, somewhat rude too—but you don't seem like the shy little girl from two months ago at all." Neji said while both of them began moving their feet slowly as if he was dancing in this dirty alley.

"In my defense, I had to witness my host– you– seduce and sleep with nearly twenty women in two mere months. That when you compare it to the playful but surely more timid feat of five girls in the previous world… Yes, it may have made me take a different look at life."

"Life? You are lifeless. You literally live in my head."

"...Later, just recently I had to witness King Gilgamesh's 50 years of life with you, too. Except I might have picked up some questionable characteristics from him that you did not~ because you already had them." Sisty locked her arms around his neck as she spoke again, her head tilted to the side with a charming smile. "Besides, think about it. Does it suit your, basically, female twin to be shy and meek? Not at all, I think."

"Fair point. That's exactly what I thought at first when I met the meek little girl in the void. Not that I hated that template of personality, to be clear." Neji said and used the hand on her waist to pull her closer to him while his other hand pulled her chin upwards. "...But hey, if you hold me like that, it makes me want to do things to you."

"What things?" Sisty asked as if she was so innocent and hadn't stalked him fuck dozens of women before.

"Hah. Well, this is certainly giving me more than a bit of a weird feeling."

Neji seemed weirdly amused before suddenly planting his lips on top of hers. Sisty's eyes shook a little as he used his tongue to split her lips and invade her mouth. The kiss turned deep, sloppy, while his hands moved to grab her butt and fondle them.

Sisty, though she was so arrogant earlier, melted into his mouth rapidly and started to whimper on his grasp. But she soon caught into his rhythm and kissed back, surprising Neji a little when he felt her fight back this way. She might not have his skills and experience at this, but she did have the raw power that was his CHA.

Neji ended the kiss after a minute, leaving the gorgeous girl gasping as the string of saliva connected their mouths. It was she who leaned up to kiss back right away, this one lasting short, before they both calmed down.

Neji didn't separate from her though, with one of his hands on her waist and another a bit lower than that.

"Congrats, you just kissed your Shadow-Clone, who also is a copy of your subconscious mind," Sisty said as she wiped her lips on his shirt, making him laugh a little. "It was… hot, though. I never felt anything like that before."

"Same here," Neji chuckled. "I now know what kissing myself feels like. Would you believe me if I say I had this curiosity in my first life, wishing to meet my female self from another possible timeline?"

"Why would I doubt a manwhore like you?" Sisty asked back, once again locking her arms around his neck.

"Yeah, keep calling me that and I will work under that nickname." Neji finished by planting his palm on her thick ass, making her shiver with a moan. "Good reaction."


"Anyhow, let's get on with why I called you out here. We don't have much time on our hands. You start preaching, I will go look around the city for a bit. Ah, also, I hope the girls in heaven didn't see me making out with my lookalike?"

"They did, sadly," Sisty chuckled. "They couldn't hear the conversation we had in our head earlier so they think you're relieving stress with your clone."

["I did too~"] Loli Luck suddenly said. ["My eyes feel blessed."]

"...Right. Anyhow," Neji sighed, gently releasing Sisty's butt. "Let's get done with our job here."

Without conversing any longer, the two walked away after a wave. On his way, for a moment, Neji was left behind to ponder on his life's choices for a moment.




Madter4thWall Note: Here's some Sisty pics. Take them and vote 😈!

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