The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 317: 317: Mess Up? (1)

Chapter 317: 317: Mess Up? (1)

Chapter 317: Mess Up? (1)

Born to Lugalbanda, the King of Uruk, and Ninsun, the wise Cow Goddess— the ⅔ God and ⅓ Human named Gilgamesh was an arrogant fellow from the start.

King Lugalbanda ruled Uruk for over a thousand years, and only during the time of the Age of Gods did he finally leave the mortal world. That left the young Gilgamesh to take the throne.

Before becoming a King though, while as a child, the Mesopotamian Gods designated Gilgamesh to become the Keystone of Heaven— tasked with observing the declining humanity.

At the same time, fearing that they might lose their precious keystone someday, the Gods created Enkidu, titled as the Chain of Heaven. This creature of clay was to bind the Key if he were to become uncontrollable.

This clay monster Enkidu met Gilgamesh when the latter was a child, and though he was still arrogant as a child, he wasn't impure enough for Enkidu to take any actions. So, Enkidu waited on the sidelines, waiting for Gilgamesh to grow older and stray from his path.

Overtime, Gilgamesh indeed proceeded to stray from the good of humanity after his father passed away and he took the throne.

Born with a strong and perfect body, the peak of humanity, Gilgamesh valued human pleasure above all else. As such, his rule was tyrannical and filled with carnal desires.

For the women, he enforced a law that they must spend their first night as a bride with him, instead of their husbands.

For the men, he made the law that they must work to exhaustion, ordering them to make monuments in his name.

If that wasn't enough, throughout Gilgamesh's rule, he amassed a gigantic treasury that would later be famously known as the Treasury of Babylon. All the riches of the world—gold, diamond, and even Noble Phantasms—were eyed by him to put into this treasury.

As he was the peak of humanity, while also being a divinity, Gilgamesh felt as if the entire world's riches belonged to him. With a tyrannical smile, he carried with him whatever he collected with the help of his Gate of Babylon, a pocket dimension that only he had authority over.

With this ability, he had access to all the Noble Phantasms he had ever collected, making him unmatchable in battle, as he could just shower his enemies with weapons of mass destruction.

All his fights ended short, he won with no real trial—until Enkidu finally reappeared.

Having observed the young Prince turn into a tyrannical King, Enkidu decided it was time to subdue Gilgamesh who had gone out of control, straying from his original path and purpose.

Enkidu confronted Gilgamesh outside the Temple of Uruk, where the battle lasted for days, with neither of them getting the upper hand. At one point though their days, they began to enjoy their battle, enjoying the process of this harsh battle. Later the both of them stopped fighting and just laughed aloud, the pleasure of battle creating a bond between them that couldn't be penetrated by common sense.

Abandoning his job, Enkidu joined Gilgamesh in his rule, changing many things that Gilgamesh stood for as he began to become a better King, putting a stop to his lustful lifestyle and becoming a leader to be praised by his people.

Years later, on one particular occasion Gilgamesh and Enkidu defeated the beast Humbaba. Hearing the incident, the Mesopotamian Goddess of Lust, Ishtar, who was also Gilgamesh's half-sister, built a grand crush over him and rushed to meet him for an audience.

Ishtar had a request. She wished for him to marry her.

Gilgamesh rejected her offer, not really finding her to be a bride-material for someone of his stature, and told her to leave at once.

Ishar got enraged at such response and summoned her Familiar to punish him, the greatest Divine Beast of Mesopotamia, the Bull of Heaven. A creature that nearly destroyed Uruk and brought a seven year old famine to the world.

With the help of Enkidu, however, Gilgamesh was able to take down the Bull.

Unfortunately, such an act angered the Gods. The Gods decided to destroy Enkidu in response, causing him to return to his clay state, dying in the process.

That day King Gilgamesh lost his one and only friend, keeping the Noble Phantasm: Chains of Heavens inside his Gate as a memory, as he then began to hunt for the Herb of Immortality in fear of his own mortality.

After a hellish long journey, Gilgamesh managed to find the herb in the Underworld. However, on his way back to Uruk when he was taking a shower in a wild spring, a snake ate his long-sought Herb. That was the first time a snake shed its skin in this world, while the loser King was left laughing at his fate that he found so amusing.

King Gilgamesh returned to Uruk, now a changed man who now understood human emotion. Since that time, to this day, he has ruled the country to prosperity, pushing it to its former glory.

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[You have received memory packets of Gilgamesh.]

[Would you like to view them?]


Sitting on his throne and basking under the moonlight, Neji groaned softly as memory rushed into his head, playing like a long movie that showed Gilgamesh's entire life to this point.

When it finished, he had a sour look on his face—understanding why exactly he had replaced Gilgamesh in this world.

'Alright, sure, maybe there are similarities between him and I.' Neji admitted. 'Fuck.'

These memories weren't as detailed as the [Neji Hyuga] ones, and were in fact more like a documentary, showing only the important bits of Gilgamesh's life until now, as a 50 years old man who still looked to be in his youth.

Neji found the most recent memories of Gilgamesh that told the current state of Uruk and the world as a whole. The danger it was facing had driven humanity to its last state, about to mark an end to Mesopotamian Era, as not even a million humans remained.

This danger was officially dubbed as Three Goddess Alliance.

Goddess Quetzalcoatl, Goddess Ereshkigal, and Goddess Tiamat— all from different mythologies aiming to erase humanity from the face of the earth.


Neji released a puff of breath, causing smoke to come out of his mouth thanks to the coldness of the night. He slowly opened his eyes as all the memories finally settled in his head.

His eyes that reflected the moon and the starry sky that could be seen from his throne, had a distinct shock that screamed confusion. This was thanks to the last bit of Gil's memories.

"Such a thing didn't happen in the anime, surely." Neji muttered, sitting straight from his previous position of resting his left cheek on his left fist. "To think that Gilgamesh would do such a thing. Was this planned by you, Loli?"

["Okay, stop calling me that!"] Loli Luck's voice flowed to his ears. ["And yes, it was my call. As I lost more of my powers, I had to use a medium to safely insert you into this world. So I made Gilgamesh use his once collected Holy Grail to wish for something that'd allow me to insert you here.]

In Neji's memories, it said that— as his country and humanity as a whole was about to meet its end, King Gilgamesh used the Holy Grail in his Gate of Babylon and wished for 'a solution' for humanity's survival.

That usually shouldn't be believable given Gilgamesh's character, along with the fact that he had the ability to see the future. Gil knew that Mesopotamia's destruction was inevitable and overall needed for human societies to advance, so he shouldn't wish for such a thing. However, Loli Luck meddled, hence it didn't matter what made sense or not in this context.

"Alright. That's good but—" Neji paused as he pointed at the golden system window floating in front of his eyes. "What the fuck am I supposed to do about this?"

[Ding! Due to excessive use of magical energy by the Grail to grant 'your' wish, you have entered a state of "Hibernation"!]

[Status debuff, "Hibernate", is being applied.]

[Due to this status effect, for a limited time, 90% of your powers and status have been sealed due to it.]

[Countdown: 59 days, 23 hours, 56 minutes.]

"...An entire two months of weakness!" Neji growled. "The worst part is, it can't even be cleansed by the Omniverse's Blessing either!"

[Ding! The Will of the Omniverse's Blessing is unsure if clearing this debuff is the safe thing to do.]

[Since by doing so, the Grail's effect will be broken and therefore the synergy between Gilgamesh and Master will also be broken. That would make you easily traceable by the Prime Gods.]

With a 'tehe!' Lady Luck muttered something about– 'Would you believe me if I said I have nothing to do with this, and was unaware such a thing would happen?' –and for reasons, Neji believed her right away.

Rather than Lady Luck, who wished for Neji to find his girls as soon as possible, Neji bet his money on Contessa Fate behind this. Precisely, the 'curse' she hit him with must be at work here.

However, he couldn't be sure if there was some sort of hidden necessary-evil behind this scenario or if this was an entirely terrible thing that happened because his LUCK stat wasn't high enough. After all, Contessa Fate did say this all depended on that stat.

Even if the latter was the case, Neji couldn't be regretful since had no allocatable stat points remaining anyway. He had put all those points on fire-power to prepare for the potential fight of the Gods at the end of his Naruto timeline.

Neji's current stats didn't look bad because of that.


Name: Neji Hyuga

Age: 241 (16)

Level: 2000

Class: Void-Mancer

Sub-Class: Caster

Title: Harem Lord

Sub-Title: King of Heroes

Race: Draconic High Human

HP: 70000/70000 [-90%]

SP: 70000/70000 [-90%]

MP: 650000/650000 [-90%]

STR: 6000 [-90%]

END: 7000 [-90%]

DEX: 7000 [-90%]

INT: 6500 [-90%]

WIS: 6500 [-90%]

CHA: 6045 [Debuff Failed!]

LUC: 6500 [-90%]

HP REG: 28000/min [-90%]

SP REG: 28000/min [-90%]

MP REG: 260000/min [-90%]

Stat Points: 0


"I already hate that red-colored minus-ninety-percent warning to the side, and I think my feelings for it will stay that way for the next two months." Neji said to no one in particular. "...At least my charm defies reality like always."

Good news was, on the system's notification page (🔔) there were countless pop ups for new Spells that were added to his skill list thanks to his Caster Class being affected by his 2000 Level.

Though Neji had the Sub-Class [Caster] because this Gilgamesh was a Caster, the skills within the class couldn't be more different from what Gilgamesh had.

This new class was Level 20; it had 21 spells (the starting one being extra) that were registered as skills. All skills were available for use, Neji noted, but they were also under the debuff, so their effects were weaker than what should be the norm.

Amongst the 21 skills, most weren't attractive, just simple magic that mostly was for battle but was weak nonetheless, even without the debuff. Only one, Neji noted, stood apart from the rest of the skills.

The [Magic Missile: Ice Age] claimed to bring down ice meteorites from the sky that would freeze a certain area for years. Though sadly even this was under the debuff.

Soon, Neji's depressed face lit up in surprise as he found an interesting revelation. It turned out there was indeed something that wasn't under the debuff. Even his Genome Abilities and Divinities didn't survive the brutal debuff, but his Void-Mancer class was entirely safe from it.

Perhaps because this was a Class made from the soul of the Primordial, who was the icon of paradoxes, all of this Class' skills were at their full powers even now.

Neji's Main-Class [Void-Mancer] was also Level 20 and had 21 skills. Amongst these skills, most until 11th were gained from the battle of the Rain Village, while all skills from 12th to 21st were gained from the 4th Great Ninja War.

Neji opened the Class Details to observe the skills from 12th to 21st.


•Cloud of Darkness

Details: Creates pillars of dark energy.

•Shadow Teleportation

Details: The power to teleport via the shadows and darkness.

•Shadow Seed

Details: Plants seeds of despair, fear, doubt, or sorrow into people's minds.

•Darkness Phasing

Details: In dark areas, the user can ignore solid matter and phase through it.

•Shadow Merge

Details: Allows the user to merge with his own shadow to become living darkness.

•Night Vision

Details: Starting from the simple night to the depths of the abyss, you can see everything clearly.

•Darkness Fist

Details: Allows the user to coat his fists with darkness to therefore utilize darkness in punch fighting.

•Darkness Expanding Bolt

Details: Projects dark energy into a ball that expands at the user's will, exploding to cause destruction.

•Shadow Spawn

Details: The user can steal the shadow of sentient creatures and reshape them into miniature servants for a limited time.

•Dark Force Emission

Details: The user can create a black goo that emits no light and can solidify to turn into walls, swords, floors, axes, or whatever.


The 20th skill was strong and useful, as the skills gained on tens were stronger ones.

"Alright, I am not mad anymore." Neji smiled softly. "These should be enough to take care of most problems, apart from Tiamat, but by the time that woman appears the debuff should end."

Neji slowly stood up from his throne to stretch, throwing the goblet of wine forward in the process. Instead of falling to the ground, though, the goblet fell into a gold portal that opened in front of it.

"To make up for the debuff, I have the Gate of Babylon." Neji was happy, even though in his current state he shouldn't be able to take out, let alone use, the stronger Noble Phantasms. "Nothing to worry abou–"

"My King!"

A voice shouted from outside the hall, interrupting Neji, and the figure of a woman came running from outside the throne room.

Three other figures were accompanying her.

"My King-" The woman called again, but paused when she came close to the throne, blinking as her eyes locked on Neji's face. "What happened to your hair?"

Neji frowned upon hearing that.

Nobody noticed his appearance change in the Naruto timeline, why was it happening here? Well, at least she didn't question his different face and even the eyes. Just the hair, so he would ignore it. In fact, it might be better this way.

"Siduri," Neji said the name he recalled from his new set of memories, while walking down the staircase up which the throne was. "I am not the Gilgamesh you are used to. He used the Holy Grail to bring changes in himself, giving birth to me, so that I can face our current enemies."

"Uh? That's-…" Siduri was speechless, unable to react for a moment. She soon shook her head though, realizing that since he could recall her name and looked like the King apart from the hair, this still was the King she vowed to serve. "...Let's talk about that later, we have three guests, other worldlings. Mhm, perhaps they are here due to you messing with the Grail?"

"Oh?" Neji looked at the three people that were beside her, all females, as his eyes slowly widened. "Wait…"

One was a short, pink-haired girl who held onto a large shield. Mash Kyrielight, the main heroine of this series.

The other was an orange-red-haired girl, who wore a simple white shirt and black pants. Fujimaru Ritsuka, the main character, the female version from the game.

Neji didn't focus on the text over their head, so he didn't yet register them, because more than these two cuties, the third girl, a woman, stood out the most to his eyes.

"Mona Lisa?"

The third female was a more digitized yet more realistic and hot version of the famous painting of Mona Lisa, who was wearing noble clothing from the Victorian era.

[Image Here]

When Neji exclaimed in stunned confusion, the Mona Lisa lookalike blinked before a wide smile crept upon her face. "Oh my, you know my work! Hi, I am Da Vinci!"

"...." Neji paused. "Alright. I see what's happening now. But shouldn't Chaldea only send you to the 6th Singularity?"

This world, this timeline, the Babylon Era was the 7th Singularity.

"Mhm, yes." Leonardo da Vinci, the universal genius who had been genderbent by the brutal hands of Kinoko Nasu, tilted her head to the side. "It is as you say, indeed. The thing is, we did clearly enter the 6th Singularity from Chaldea. However, at the same time, you are surely Gilgamesh from the Age of Gods in the Babylon Era, that should be a part of the 7th Singularity."

"...Meaning," Neji held back a sigh as he looked over the other two girls, the female version of Fujimaru and the striking innocent Mash, both of whom looked confused. "I messed up big time."

"You did," Da Vinci was casually smiling as she replied. "You wishing for the Grail didn't change yourself only, it changed the entire world. Your 7th Singularity has merged with our 6th one. Aha, our danger scale is going crazy in Chaldea."

Neji stood silent on his spot for a few seconds before walking over to sit back on his throne, resting his arms on the armrest while releasing a deep sigh.

"Loli," Neji called slowly.

["I swear it's not my fault."]

"Regardless," Neji didn't heed to her words. "I am going to mess you up next time we meet. I am not even bluffing this time."

Fucking hell, man. How in the hell's name was he to defend against the dangers of both 6th and 7th Singularity, while in this state of debuff no less?




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