The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 306: 306: A Brand New Era

Chapter 306: 306: A Brand New Era

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Chapter 306: A Brand New Era


Humanity was in a state of confused chaos because of the occurrence of the Infinite Tsukuyomi—which left a gap in people's memories and they felt weirded out once they woke up.

They knew something had to have happened last night, because of the destruction around them; destruction that was left by the situation where the God Tree's root came out from parts and parts of the ground. But they didn't know what had happened, so everyone was shocked and bewildered by this.

The Four Kages were the only ones who knew what had happened last night, though they also missed most of the major events. However, they were there on the battlefield when the three Gods and the Sage of Six Paths himself showed up in full glory. Thanks to the Sage, the Kages were spared and teleported to the core of the Fire Nation, within its capital.

It was a tough day for the Daimyos too who were busy attending to the uncountable complaint letters from countless important figures in their respective countries; so when the Fire Daimyo—Akira Hideyoshi—heard the report that Four Kages were seen lingering in his capital, he sent out a call for them immediately.

The Four Kages weren't exactly in the best mood to stroke the ego of a noble, but they didn't want to make the situation bad again now that everything had calmed down for good, so they attended to the call and went to meet the Daimyo in his gorgeous castle.

The Four Kages were respectfully greeted by servants, and they guessed it must have been because the Fire Nation didn't have a Kage on its own right now, as Konoha was destroyed not long ago, and therefore the entire country was in potential danger from a riot from the rival countries. That's why the Fire Daimyo was taking it cautiously.

The 5th Kazekage, Gaara, was helping the Tsuchikage move alongside them by using a sand platform to lift his old bones that were having a very hard time walking after last night. That way, the four Kages made their way onto the castle.

They soon realized their dirty state that didn't match the luxury of the castle, but thankfully the Daimyo was aware of that and sent a servant with the message:

"My Lord wishes to enter a video meeting with the other Daimyos, and he wishes for you all to attend it as well. However, he recognized that you aren't in the most comfortable state right now."

"Since you guys are uncomfortable with the state you are currently in, don't mind taking a hot bath. We have separate facilities for both males and females."

The Kages agreed immediately, of course. The three males were led to a hot spring of their own, while the Mizukage, Mei Terumī, was led to a separate bath.

"Ah, apologies,"

The maid that was escorting Mei said with an awkward smile while she halted from opening the door to the bathhouse.

"This bath is already occupied. There are other ones, unfortunately the quality isn't so good, so I hope you'll manage."

Mei frowned a little. What sort of Daimyo lacked bath houses for females?

"...Who is it occupied by?"

"It's the princess, our lord's daughter."

Mei blinked. Suddenly, she caught onto the situation.

It wasn't that they lacked bath houses for females, but that the Daimyo wished that somehow Mei–the Mizukage–would get close to his daughter so that the chances of animosity between them in the near future lowers. This way, as Mei was a woman herself, the Daimyo wouldn't feel like he is selling his daughter while at the same the thing he wants to accomplish will be accomplished.

However, Mei wasn't sure if this plan would succeed, because of the rumors around the princess' not-so-sane mind.

"...It's alright, since it's the princess I don't mind sharing it."

Yet, Mei agreed to wash up here. After all, what could go wrong?


Turns out, everything could go wrong.

"Tch! Don't splash water my way! I am going to kill you!"

A cat with black fur, golden eyes, and a haughty mouth growled at the girl who was laughing as she submerged her body in the hot water, resting with her back against the wall of the pool.

Mei stood close to the door, just as the cat and the woman turned to look at her. Then, a lizard–a red-skinned lizard–popped up from the girl's side and jumped on her head to look at Mei as well.

That girl should be Princess Azula, Mei recalled, and that lizard should be her contracted pet Salamander. The Salamander was a legendary fire creature related to the ancestry of the Fire Daimyo.

That wasn't surprising, Mei expected that. The reason why this Princess was dubbed insane was because of the burning incidents she brought to the country with her pet.

The surprising part was the… cat.

"Who the fuck is this woman?" The black cat, named Kurai whom Mei recognized, hissed at her.

Kurai. Neji's pet. Mei had never met the cat before, but she had heard about it. It met the description and above all, the depth of chakra it had.

With towels wrapped around her chest, Mei wasn't in the best state to fight, but she still went in full alert mode as she looked at Kurai cautiously.

"What?" Kurai frowned. "You wanna fight? Let's go then! Come o–"

Then, Kurai suddenly vanished in thin air even before she could finish what she was saying.

Mei was confused. "...Huh?"

"Don't worry," the Princess waved her hand. "It's her owner who summoned her. Rare, but happens from time to time."

Mei didn't trust her words entirely, but she supposed there was no reason for the princess to lie. Yet, she looked at the princess with a small frown.

"Do you have any idea who that cat is?"

"Yeah? Some Death God whom I met a few weeks ago, who befriended Manda." She pointed at her pet Salamander. "Hah, so sad that they're both girls, I would have wanted a Cat God and Lizard Salamander hybrid creature…"


"Anyway, you stink. Come down and wash up quickly."

Mei blushed in embarrassment and then quickly dipped in the hot water.

* * *

Neji was in the sky above nowhere in particular. Beside him were Rumi and Tsunade, where the former was shorter than she was before, and the latter was flying with the telekinetic help of the former.

In the last few minutes, they agreed on some things and amidst the discussion, Neji suggested that Kurai should be here too. So he summoned his cat familiar in his arms.

"-n, then!"

Kurai yelled just as she was teleported; it seemed that she was in a conversation with someone before being teleported.

"What? P…Papa?"

Kurai blinked, realizing she wasn't where she was a moment ago and was rather in Neji's hands. She was about to speak again, however, her eyes fell on Rumi who was at the side and so she shut her mouth and looked away grumpily.

"Aww, Kurai is still mad…"

Rumi looked sad to the side, as she reached out her hands to grab Kurai but the cat just scratched her and looked the other way. Rumi sighed a little while the wound healed on its own.

"We two made up, y'know. Shouldn't you forgive aunty this once?"

"No!" Kurai grumbled and glared into her eyes. "You hurt papa! I won't forgive before I find mommy and complain to her! She will beat you up!"

Rumi winched when she heard the threat; it bought painful memories from the eight months she spent with Kimi in the Arcane Plane.

Kurai then turned to Neji again.

"Alright, why did you call me? What do you want from me this time?"

It was Neji who winched this time; at once again being implied that he didn't call her unless he needed something from her. Thankfully, this time it wasn't such an occurrence.

"It's not about that… this time. I have something to give you."


"I will be inserting a bloodline power within you, don't fight it okay?"


After getting her consent, Neji started to push a few bloodline powers inside Kuria using his quirk Mine. The said powers were two of the Kekkei Genkais he got Hiruko—Storm Release and Dark Release—and then he gave her… the Kama he got from killing Isshiki Ōtsutsuki, the message that Sisty had delayed back then.

Once finished, and as Neji saw Kurai start to read the description of her new powers on her own system window, he explained.

"The Dark Release will go well with your Death Powers, and I just wanted you to have lightning power since I have a few, so I sent the Storm Release too. As for the Kama—when you kill an Ōtsutsuki, a 'seal' is placed on your body, in your case which seems to be present in your forehead" Neji pointed at the new red mark that had formed on her forehead. "That seal is a hard drive, housing the biological data of the said deceased Ōtsutsuki. Later on, the Ōtsutsuki can resurrect itself on the body of the person who has the Kama Seal—but don't worry, I erased that possibly by erasing the consciousness that was inside the Seal."

"Anyhow, now that you have the seal, you are basically a Ten-Tailed Beast, one with a few other overpowered powers exclusive to the race of Ōtsutsukis, including these Atom-Eyes." Neji's eyes took the shape of Isshiki's unique Dōjutsu, though the color was blue. "That allows you a few busted abilities such as—"

A list of the said abilities appeared in both Neji and Kurai's retinas.


Atom-Eyes: An exclusive skill belonging to one of the families of the Ōtsutsuki Main Clan.

(1) The ability to estimate the lifespan and chakra of people.

(2) Allows the use of Sukunahikona: The ability to shrink themselves and any inanimate object or nonliving matter within their sight.

(3) Allows the use of Daikokuten: The ability to store anything shrunk by Sukunahikona into a dimension where time does not flow at any moment.

(4) The ability to summon large black cubes can disrupt a sensory-type individual's techniques.


"As you can see, I as well have the power since I mined Isshiki's Dōjutsu from his dead body—I used it on Rumi to make her 10-foot self into 6" since she didn't like being so tall—but you have more of his abilities because of the Kama, I only have the Dōjutsu." Neji admitted. "Rumi wanted to 'eat' the Kama, but I rejected her since I already shared a few Tier Potions with her that I got from a hidden quest of conquering the 4th Ninja War. She also agreed to give it up since I wanted to give it to you, so please forgive her this once."

"Mhm…" Kurai hummed softly as she looked from Neji to Rumi, and then slowly hmphed. "F-fine… just this once. You better not hurt him again, though!"

"Alright!" Rumi leaped forward to hug Kurai who grumbled but didn't resist.

"Ahem! In any case," Neji grabbed everyone's attention, making Tsunade and Rumi turn their heads to look at him.

Neji looked at Rumi, who was now Low Tier 22, thanks to the three Tier Potions she drank.

To the side was Tsunade, who was now Mid-Tier 13—and she could go beyond when in Sage Mode—due to the two Tier potions Neji shared with her, along with blessing her with Six-Paths-Chakra (it didn't make him any weaker).

Then was Kurai, who was—

"Wait, you are Level 1100?? Since when?"

Neji couldn't believe his eyes when he looked at Kurai's Level.


"What do you mean, Neji?"

While the two women looked confused, Kurai gave Neji a smug smile.

"What? You thought I wasted the last two months? I worked hard to level up, don't underestimate me!"


Neji stared at her bewildered for a while and then shook his head. He should rather get over this and get going.

"In any case, we are ready to leave and Tsunade is strong enough to rule the world. Let us declare ourselves to the world."

Neji reached out his palm, looking at everyone as they exchanged glances and put their hands on top of Neji's own.

"Rumi, I will assist, but you do the start."

Neji suggested as Rumi nodded. On her forehead, beside the two dots, the third eye that was closed until now—and was undetectable—opened up to reveal the Rinne-Sharingan. The Dōjutsu started to shine bright, soon brighter than the sun, and then the tomoes that were in the eye started to reflect on the sun.

This was a harmless use of Infinite Tsukuyomi, using which Neji, and the group's hologram formed on the skies of every nation, to be seen by every living being in the world—humans or otherwise.

The Daimyos, the Kages, the Fire Princess—who were attending a meeting to decide the world's future—and the clueless Ninjas and Civilians; all stopped doing whatever they were doing. They all diverted their attention to the images in the sky, attracted by the pressure and authority that radiated from them.

Seconds grew into minutes, and Neji Hado—the White Dragon Sage—calmly declared this planet as his own, for his own, to be ruled by his own.

With that, an era came to its end—an era of war and death—and began the era of absolute peace that the population of this world had never even dreamed of in their lives.

Thus, came to an end Neji's journey in this beautiful world.


`The Cursed Gamer; End of Volume 2`


Author Note: Just like some of the readers, I as well have mixed feelings about this volume. But nonetheless, though the ending is much less fiery than last time, the new start will be with another banger.

Question, by the way: Anyone interested in an Okame Chapter of Kurai's journey in the last two months?

Answer from Patrons says yes, so yes.

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