The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 294: 294: The Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki (1)

Chapter 294: 294: The Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki (1)

Chapter 294: The Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki (1)

When Neji was fighting the Kages, Madara finished absorbing the Eight-Tails' chakra into the Gedo Statue and then moved on to absorb the Nine-Tails' Chakra inside the Gold and Silver brothers.

When the absorption was happening, Madara was also observing Neji's battle. He was once again surprised at how easily Neji was handling them– almost as if he was holding back from finishing them as soon as possible. Though Madara couldn't be sure if that was the case since he was mostly concentrating on controlling the Gedo Statue.

However, as the fight progressed, Madara realised he needed to finish here soon. Otherwise, things might get out of his hand.


Madara called while turning to look to the side where Naruto was crouching down beside a huffing and vomiting Sasuke Uchiha, who was covering his left eye with the palm of his hand.

"...Leave Sasuke and come here. I need you to pour a part of your chakra into the Statue. The absorption rate is too slow for my liking." Madara ordered in a deep, authoritative voice.

Naruto hesitated for a bit, but he soon nodded and walked to the Statue to place his hand on its foot.

Naruto's chakra suddenly flared up like a butterfly spreading its wings. Madara watched as he pushed his chakra into the statue, and at the same time, the Gold and Silver brothers' chakra started to get absorbed faster.

Meanwhile, Madara noticed that Neji was almost done with the Kages. He may reach here at any given moment.

'...It seems Hashirama lost much of his original power in this Reanimated state. He didn't use half the Jutsus he has mastery over.'

Madara's jaws clenched in annoyance at being lied to by Kabuto.

'I wanted to fight Hashirama after that snake-like brat said the Reanimated ones would be as powerful as their prime self.'

Yet, Hashirama clearly wasn't.

There was also the possibility that Hashirama was just strong enough to simply clash against Kabuto's control and not use those super destructive techniques willingly.

Madara soon decided it must have been a mixture of both scenarios.

"That's enough."

Madara ordered when the Statue's last eye opened and its entire body suddenly started to tremble.

"Step back, Naruto. Take Sasuke and go to Obito, stop Neji from approaching me."

Naruto himself was panting after pouring his chakra, yet he nodded quickly. By then, Sasuke had regained his composure and was ready to move as well. The two of them took in a deep breath together and then dashed, reaching Obito in the blink of an eye.

Madara stopped paying them any attention and rather started to float in the air. He observed from the high sky as the Gedo Statue thrashed around its spot, its husk contracted within itself as chakra started to form into a compressed ball inside it.

Then, it exploded outwards from a small pin to the titanic body that was the Ten Tail.

Madara grinned even as the beast roared and he slowly landed on top of its head, starting to calm it down with his powers.

It was about time for him to become the Jinchuuriki of this beast to set this hell of a world free, to make everyone live in their own heaven.

Madara started to weave hand seals that'd free this chained world.

* * *

Immediately after Neji finished the Reanimated Shinobi force, he rushed Madara, however, Obito stopped him on his way after jumping in the air and slamming Gunbai–Madara's weapon–onto Neji, which Neji blocked.

For a moment, Neji's eyes drifted below where Obito had jumped from; where dozens of bodies lay.

The four Kages, their Ninja escorts, Samurai Lord Mifune and his Samurai escorts– all of them were knocked out on the ground below but barely any were killed.

It seemed to Neji that Obito was against killing anyone unnecessarily while being so close to the finish line; he wished every possible person to get their own perfect ending within the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Even these Ninjas and Samurais.

Neji's fist clashed with Gunbai and created an impact that threw both him and Obito back, but neither took the initiative to make the next attack.

After a moment of seemingly thinking, Neji landed just a few metres in front of Obito.

'...Let's drag this two more minutes until Madara is done.' Neji noted in his head.

He stood over the groaning bodies of the defeated Ninjas and looked at Obito in silence. At that exact moment, Naruto and Sasuke reached the field like flashes of light.

Neji started to stare down at the three Ninjas, as they stared back.

Obito wasn't wearing his mask, so his sour expression was visible while his two Sharingan were glaring at Neji. Naruto was doing the same, except over his Sharingans a (+) sign was hovering.

Only Sasuke Uchiha seemed somewhat confused even at that moment, however even he was ready to fight as his Sharingan– the eternal one of his right eye– and his Rinnegan, both stared at Neji with a threatening light in them.

"Why are you with them, Sasuke? Seriously." Neji broke the silence by asking a question and looking at Sasuke with curiosity. "Did Obito not tell you about your brother's dreams? His true past? If he did, I would assume you'd want to annihilate Konoha, but since sadly it's already destroyed you would want to kill yourself."

Sasuke went silent for a moment before clenching his jaws.

"My brother was a hero," Sasuke said after a short silence. "However he was a hero for the wrong cause. The Konoha that he protected, and this entire world as a whole, was and is sickening and wrong. Only under the Eye of the Moon would this dirty world be purified, where nobody will have to sacrifice themselves as Itachi did. And I too-"

"Okay, that's enough." Neji quickly cut Sasuke off.

"To tell you the truth, I admit that the Infinite Tsukuyomi is actually a really good plan." Neji continued. "But that's only true when there are no other alternatives. In the end, it's just a dream, an illusion. In exchange for the current world, sure, even such an illusion is great and all. But there may be–and there are, I dare say–alternatives that are greater than this."

Naruto and Obito scoffed at his words as Naruto said. "Hypocrite. Liar. I thought you wanted to initiate the Tsukuyomi yourself?"

"I was joking," Neji said, unmoved by the insults because they were true.

"Anyway, Madara is almost done. I need to be quick. Killing you three would be extremely beneficial to me except you all actually have some goodwill behind all this, and I would feel somewhat sour after this. So you have this simple choice to step to the side and live in the new world order that I will initiate."

None of the three men moved, rather, their glare only intensified.

[Naruto Uzumaki – Chakra-Fox-Human – Low Tier 13]

[Sasuke Uchiha – Otsutsuki-Human – Low Tier 14]

[Obito Uchiha – Wood-Human – Low Tier 11]

That made Neji crack a smile.

"That's what I thought."

Then, he moved like a whirlwind.

As his Lightning Cloak was dancing around his body, further armoured by the Tenseigan Mana Mode, Neji danced forward as he went for three kills once and for all.

Beneath his two armours, his Draconic Hybrid Form provided him with a 2x boost in stats. This special variant of Lightning Cloak provided a 5x boost in stats. Which in total added up to a 10x boost, and lastly his Tenseigan Mana Mode boosted his Mana 10x, which meant at this moment he had 100x his base mana.

Mana that he could concentrate on a single beam of destruction.

Neji snapped his finger as a portal opened to the side, where he tugged all the non-affiliated people with his telekinesis. The three enemies frowned but didn't try to stop him.

Once the distractions were gone, Neji closed the portal and turned to the enemies once again.

"This is the end for you," said Neji.

He raised his hand in the air as a Truth Seeking Orb was created on his palm. He started to pour extremely concentrated mana into it, just as the orb melted into a golden energy ball that sprung into a massive, metres-tall golden sword.

Tenseigan exclusive skill: ‹Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion›

"It will hurt."

Neji heaved a sigh as he waved the sword of light across the horizon, avoiding the Ten-Tails in the far, and simply waving it over Naruto, Sasuke and Obito.

None of the three people expected such a fast attack, and even if they did they didn't have the power to dodge it. Excluding Obito, who managed to turn himself intangible at the right time.

However, both Naruto and Sasuke's torsos met head-on with the attack– the result being their torsos ceased to exist by the time the beam passed through them, leaving their head and legs to clatter to the ground.

Naruto's chakra cloak vanished from around his body a second after his severed head fell on his severed legs, soon clattering with Sasuke's body parts.

Their stats may be high, but their defence against such an attack wasn't so great. If this fight got dragged, Naruto may have been able to summon his own Truth Seeking Orbs and clash somewhat, but they weren't getting that chance.

Obito Uchiha stilled on his spot as the attack ended, his body starting to tremble a little.

"Always slipping away like a rat." Neji sighed.

Neji created a simple wood clone beside him. He looked at it and activated Kamui, quickly sending it to the Kamui Dimension where Obito's body vanished every time he became intangible.

Obito's eyes widened at that, clearly confused at how Neji could use Kamui.

Neji didn't have to answer him, however, so he moved to attack once more. Obito growled and tried to cast Genjutsus at Neji, to no avail.

Neji in turn decreased the distance between them and approached him fast.

Obito could do nothing but try his old trick as Neji punched his face, his hand phasing through, however, Obito yelled in pain nonetheless.

In the Kamui Dimension, Neji's clone had struck Obito's head that had teleported there when Obito became intangible.

Obito's body jolted once, twice, and then his breathing stopped.

Neji's hand got stuck in his not-so-intangible head and he pulled out, splattering brain matter everywhere.

Neji looked at Obito, Naruto, and Sasuke's dead bodies and once again activated Kamui– sending them to Kamui Dimension where his clone would harvest their Kekkei Genkais.

When that was done, Neji didn't waste a second before rushing at Madara Uchiha.

Madara Uchiha was laughing in pain and joy at that moment even as the Ten-Tailed beast was compressing within himself, making Madara into its vessel.

The Ten Tails' Jinchuuriki was here.

* * *

Madara felt somewhat pity seeing Obito and his little friends die. However, such sacrifices were inevitable when one thrives after a noble goal.

Madara would remember their sacrifices.

Perhaps he shall also take revenge for them?

As Madara finished weaving the last of his hand seals, he felt the Ten-Tails' body tremble. Its ten tails shook violently before all rushing towards Madara's back, but instead of penetrating his back they rather submerged inside him, the entire body of the beast following accordingly.

Madara couldn't help a peal of maniacal laughter from breaking out of his lips as he felt power, extremely concentrated power, bloom within him as his body started to get cramped by the Ten-Tail like a cocoon.

– Huaam~

Reality thinly shook in and out of itself as the cocoon crackled like an eggshell when Madara punched through it.

Madara walked out of the crackled cocoon, his skin was greenish-white, and he had a soft grin on his face as he casually stood on top of a hill. On his hold was a staff made with the same material as ‹Truth Seeking Orbs›, and the exact orbs that were floating behind his back.

"Neji Hyuga?"

Madara called out in a light voice, however, his voice flowed to the ends of the horizon.

"Where did you go?"

Even after he called, Neji didn't appear. In fact, Madara failed to sense his chakra at all.

"Did you run away? Are you waiting for a sneak attack?"

Yet, Neji didn't appear. Madara frowned a little. Where did he vanish in the short instance when he was inside the cocoon?

'No, it doesn't matter.' Madara shook his head. 'If he tried to sneak attack… my Limbo Clones will take care of him.'

Madara rather started to float upwards in the air, spreading his arms and feeling the rain embrace him. When he was high enough in the sky, he opened his eyes sharply and released an ‹Almighty Push› across the sky.

The rain clouds splattered across the horizon, and the clear sky immediately returned.

'It's finally nighttime.'

Madara noted, gazing at the bright moon in the dark sky.

'It's time to start.'

It was time for him to free this accursed world.




Master4thWall Note: Personally, I agree with Madara's plan with the context that it's the Naruto world. Heck, some might argue an infinite dream of endless happiness is better than the 21st Century we are living in.

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