The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 275: 275: Interlude — Kimi’s Perfect Run (2)

Chapter 275: 275: Interlude — Kimi’s Perfect Run (2)

Chapter 275: Interlude — Kimi's Perfect Run (2)

With the boosted gear at hand, Kimi's power level had soared to the sky. The ability to double one's power every 10 seconds on its own was powerful, but given Kimi wasn't just any random joe and stood on Tier 16, this ability made her a horrific opponent to face.

["Don't misunderstand, boosting once doesn't mean your Tier would double too. I see from your memories that the power between each tier increases as the gap increases, yes?"] Draig, the red dragon emperor, spoke in Kimi's ears.

"I am aware of that, yes." Kimi said as she took a sip of her tea. "Now, if you'd shut up please. I sense the Satans coming."

She was in the student council's office again, sitting opposite Sona and Rias and drinking tea. She was speaking out loud with Draig, though the girls couldn't hear the dragon's voice as it was directly projected in her head.

Didn't mean the girls were any less frightened, of course. Kimi wasn't releasing her entire pressure, but she had allowed them enough to realise her threat and therefore call the Satans.

As for why Kimi was doing it despite learning what she wanted from the Satans?

It was simply rage which was making her want revenge.

Kimi had killed Issei before she stole the Boosted Gear, so this restart was a bust— given the two devil heiresses will find out about the incident sooner rather than later. So she decided to end this restart, by going out flashy and butchering the Satans who had so annoyingly killed her twice before.

With the Sacred Gear in her arms, she may just win this time. Who knows?

Three particles of light shone in the room, expanding to take the shape of humans, and then two Satans and one devil maid soon stood in the room, all frowning when they noticed the sacred gear in Kimi's left arm.

"Rias, Sona, please get out of here. Out of Kuoh." said Sirzechs Lucifer.

He hadn't said that last time, but last time Kimi wasn't glaring daggers at him. She was being openly hostile this time, so he wanted his sister to get out of here.

"Grayfia, teleport them away from here, please." said Serafall Leviathan.

Kimi watched Grayfia look at Kimi's eyes, then at the sacred gear, before nodding and gathering the kids closer to her, immediately teleporting them away and the clearly scared kids didn't protest at all.

When the people who could get hurt were gone, Kimi stood up, making both Satans up their guard as Lucifer narrowed his eyes on her.

"I don't know who you are," he said. "But it was a big mistake to use our sisters to threaten us."

"It was?" Kimi smirked as she asked in a mocking voice. Neji would never let these two slip if they killed him in previous restarts, so why should she? At least she didn't kill all the students like Neji might have, since after all they would be revived when the restart ends anyway. "I wonder what fate awaits me now that I have made such a blunder."

Serafall clicked her tongue. "Here I was thinking you might have some grand plan behind all this, but you just wanna fight, don't you?"

Kimi shook her head softly. "No, I don't want to fight." Then, she disappeared, reappearing behind Serafall in an instant. "I want to kill."


Kimi was already in three boosts since before, so this 4th boost made her 16 times stronger than her base form.

Which was disgustingly beyond what Serafall could react to.

Kimi pushed a [Finger Pistol] enhanced by fire magic into her heart, again and again, constantly, as she seemed to move in a world where everyone else other than herself was in slow-motion. With the white lightning of her White Tiger form's speed boost around, she almost felt like God Speed.

She watched from the corner of her eyes as Sirzechs moved in this slowed-down world, he was still relatively fast— but his Tier 18 didn't come from his speed, but power, he couldn't stop and could only watch as Kimi used the sharp fingers of her gauntlet to push it into Serafall's skull and make it burst into brain matter.

"No!!!" Sirzech yelled, his voice booming with rage, a ball of destruction mana leaving his hand, but Kimi simply teleported to England right after waiting a few seconds as the 10-second cooldown of Boosted Gear ended and she used it again.


Kimi was 32 times stronger now. She reappeared in Kuoh, but in the sky above the school rather than her previous spot as it had been destroyed already.

"You wench!" Sirzechs sensed her and appeared in front of her, his body glowing with red energy surrounding him like a mana cloak.

Kimi frowned. That was problematic. No matter what she threw at him it would get obliterated the moment it came in contact with that energy of destruction.

After a short silence, with Kimi just teleporting from his slow attacks, she grunted and decided revenge was more than just mere pain.

She decided to go all out and take him down with herself.


It was morning, the soft sunlight fell over her eyelids, accompanied by the ringing school bell, Kimi's eyes abruptly sprung open with a decisive gasp.

"Argh… that was painful." Kimi grunted. "Fuck."

["You are a crazy woman, you know that?"] Draig's feminine voice said, proving her previous claims that the dragon will travel back in time with her.

"Depends." Kimi said, standing up and stretching with a yawn. "Anyway, am I the only one or did you feel it too?"

["Feel what?"]

"The resistance," Kimi clarified. "Of my Regression spell. Being 32 times stronger before death, I felt as if the spell almost broke whatever was keeping me away from travelling to the young master's timeline."

["Ah yes, that, I did feel. Though I will say 'almost broke' is too big of a word. It barely clashed before you were pushed down."] Draig explained.

"Same thing," Kimi waved it off. "All of this is bullshit, then. We don't have to get stronger the typical way, I can just go to some isolated mountain and start boosting until I am a thousand or so times stronger, then I can probably break the force that stopped me. Honestly, I much prefer going back in time and meeting the young master there than to find him manually by travelling dimensions."

["Well… It can work, though I think clashing with such a force may have irreversible effects on your existence. Be careful."] Draig supported.

"I will, thanks." Kimi smiled.

Knocks fell on the door at that moment and Issei walked in. Kimi shot a beam of heated mana through his forehead before he could speak and then teleported away from there, appearing closest to Himalaya after using Tempest Ask to see a detailed spot.

Then, she did a [Scan] to search for a deep cave. She did find one, but she also sensed a creature inside it.

"Wait… Yeti? That does look like a Yeti." Kimi blinked in surprise. "Yetis are real?!"

["Stupid. This is a magical world, unlike yours, where Yokais exist. What's so surprising that Yetis exist too?"] Draig snorted in her ears.

"Oh… yeah, right." Kimi nodded. "Anyway, let's kill it."

["...That's a quick change from excitement."]


Kimi teleported inside the cave, appearing right in front of the Yeti who was busy munching on a human skull. The creature froze and that was enough time for Kimi to burst its head open with a ball of mana consisting of the space element.

After that, she used a very high-level [Cleanse] spell to clear the mess in the cave, making it beautiful in an instant. Then she put some hyper-strong spells around the cave to keep away stray animals and even magical creatures and people below a certain rank.

Kimi cast a space element magic around her to make her body intangible to any attacks below a certain rank, then she sat down on the ground, meditating and starting to boost.


Twice as strong.

Ten seconds passed quickly.


4x times strong.

Another ten seconds passed quickly.


8x times strong.





128x times strong.

"—Cough!" Kimi coughed out blood on the floor at that point. "Ugh, looks like 1000x isn't coming to me."

["You should take it slow, girl. Your existence has a limit on how much it can be boosted."] Draig tried.

"No." Kimi shook her head, even as her body was burning.

She was getting there. If, by any chance, she managed to slip through the barrier– even if she failed to break it, all this pain would bear fruit. Who knows how many years it would take if she manually searched for a way out, and then also started to search for the other girls? It may even end up in decades.

Could she stay separated from Neji for that long…? She highly doubted that. So even if this was a risky move, even if it left a permanent scar, she was ready to sacrifice a bit. She was sure she could fix that later on, as long as she succeeded in this endeavour.

Kimi released a deep breath. "Enter Juggernaut Dive."

["Kimi, listen-"]


256x times strong!


Kimi's eyes went blank and she died.


It was morning, the soft sunlight fell over her eyelids, accompanied by the ringing school bell, Kimi's eyes abruptly sprung open with a decisive annoyance.


["See, I told you-"]

"We are going again." Kimi interrupted Draig.

Before Kimi teleported inside the cave, she set up a trap in the office to kill Issei the moment he entered the room.

Then she appeared in front of the Yeti who had yet to kill the human this time. She decided to play safe and teleported the human to the nearby village, while at the same time killing the Yeti.

["Ugh, stubborn girl! This is dangerous. You couldn't even brush the barrier stopping you even with 256x power! You need to strengthen your base first."] Draig tried, but Kimi just clicked her tongue.

"Shut it." Kimi sat down and started to [Boost].

Draig could only sigh in the back of her head.


It was morning, the soft sunlight fell over her eyelids, accompanied by the ringing school bell, Kimi's eyes abruptly sprung open with dry dissatisfaction apparent on her face.

'Okay, maybe it wasn't such a good idea.' Kimi decided in her head. 'The side effects are showing.'

["I don't want to be a bitch and say 'I told you so', but you know that really was dumb."] Draig spoke in her mind. ["You spent nearly a hundred restarts doing that, again and again, no wonder it's starting to show effects."]

"...You think the damage came from forcefully boosting like that or from clashing with the time barrier?" Kimi asked after she was unable to counter her claims.

["Not sure, perhaps a mixture of both."] Draig said. ["The damage is small, but unfortunately it's permanent."]

Kimi frowned in worry and nervousness. But she quickly shook her head.

"It's not that big of a deal." She said, "The memories that I lost were of my childhood, most of which was fabricated by this Nawab I told you about."

That's right, as a side effect of her recklessness, she had lost memories from her soul. Actually, she had started losing memories many restarts earlier but she hadn't noticed since the effect was so small and the memories were from her earliest childhood.


"No, it doesn't matter. As long as I have my young master's memories with me, I am fine." Kimi shook her head. "But yes, I will stop doing this any longer. Each time I do that, the damage increases more than the last restart."

["At least you understand."] Draig said. ["So what do you plan to do now?"]

"I… don't know." Kimi slumped down on her chair. "I am horny."


"I haven't tasted his dick in weeks, technically." Kimi said. "You don't know how hard it is for me."

Draig stayed silent for a long minute before saying, ["Can't you find some other guy to relieve stress? You can just not tell him once you meet him later. I don't think he has any way to know."]

"Shut the fuck up." Kimi grumbled. "Say something like that again and I am destroying your soul. Permanently."

["I was just saying."] Draig shrugged in her mind. ["Then use a toy or something. These sort of thing never made sense to me, so I can't help much."]

"Toys won't help, the craving for his dick will just increase. Well…" Kimi trailed off. "I can always make a spell that'd simulate the feelings of sex from my memories. Yeah, that can work."

Kimi jumped up from her seat. "My current goal is to make a spell like that to keep myself sane. I think a succubus should know these sorts of memory-sex or dream-sex stuff, right?" She spoke while her body went through the motions of setting a trap in the room, to kill Issei again. "Then let's go meet one. I hear Lilim Abrahel is a famous succubus around here."

She found it from checking the life of Yuhei, the Yokai who Kimi had replaced in this world. Except the location of the Succubus village was hidden.

She knew it was located somewhere in the underworld, but not exactly where. In fact, it seemed even most devils didn't know where they lived in the underworld.

A simple [Tempest Ask] fixed that problem in an instant.

The village was in the underworld, on top of a dark mountain with black trees that bore no leaves or fruits. The buildings were typical human houses, except with a somewhat darker theme. It was surrounded by a metal fence in a circular motion around the village, and guards were placed at each of the gates.

They even had wards to protect teleportation inside the village, but the wards weren't that strong. Well, Kimi may be biased because travelling through space and time was too easy for her, but yeah these couldn't stop her.

Kimi simply teleported inside the gates of the village and, as expected, alerted the wards around— making everyone panic and look at her in surprise and horror. The Succubi people weren't so strong, after all.

"Who…" the people gasped and looked at her carefully, some calling the guards but they all froze in place when Kimi revealed a portion of the veil over her mana. "Uh…"

"Your leader, I wanna meet them." Kimi said softly. "I am not here to hurt anyone, trust me."


The interaction with them had been smoother than expected. The Queen of the Succubi people, Lilim Abrahel, was quite easy to interact with. She was scared at first, somewhat nervous at the sudden visit of a clearly powerful existence, but once Kimi told her about her request, the girl had started to calm down.

Lilim was a girl looking to be in her late 20s, even though she was obviously hundreds if not a thousand years old. She wore a very revealing red dress, and had dark black hair with a tinge of red on it. To boil it down, she was very beautiful, more than most people Kimi had seen. Which had surprised her a bit. However, it seemed the Succubi herself was pleasantly surprised at Kimi's appearance too, she was admittedly inferior to Kimi— though it may just be her sucking up to her.

In any case, Kimi's plan was to ask Lilim for some tips on how to create such a spell, but it seemed Lilim already had just the spell Kimi needed. A spell that lets the user dive into her own memories to relive a moment. It could be used in a way where rather than diving into her memories, she could make her body live the memories in real time.

In return for Lilim giving Kimi the spell though, she demanded a price.

"Mhm, you are really beautiful." Lilim said, biting her lips. "Wanna spend a night together? The spell is yours afterwards."

Kimi wasn't dumb.

This hot succubus most likely wanted to suck all her life force and consequently her powers in their night together.

"We can bring some boys too if you want. Incubus works for you?" Lilim asked, and at that Kimi couldn't help but chuckle.

Ahh, if only this Succubus knew what Kimi sort of sex she had experienced in her lifetime until now. These never interested her. Heck, at this point she may just be a lesbian with the exclusive male being Neji.

"No thanks." Kimi shook her head. "Instead, I will pay you for the spell by sleeping with someone I know. Well, technically."

With a grasp of her power, Kimi grabbed the throat of the Tier 11 Succubus, making her eyes widen as she did a soul search to quickly extract the spell information from her mind. When she had the spell, immediately learning it with zero difficulties, Kimi used the same technique to transfer a rather hot night with Neji inside the Succubus' head.

She watched as the girl's eyes widened, her face flushing as her thighs rubbed against each other, immediately cumming and continuously moaning. Kimi released her, making her fall to the floor even as she moaned like a bitch in heat.

Should Kimi feel sorry that the Incubus cocks the girl talked about would never be able to satisfy her ever again?

…Probably, she shouldn't feel sorry, given she just read her mind and learned that indeed, the succubus planned to steal her power. Either by herself or by the Incubus she wanted to use.

Kimi quickly left the place, deciding to teleport to the home Yuhei had rented, and falling on the bed, naked, to converge in her memories.

"Ahhn~ young master~"

Kimi hugged a body pillow as she got lost in past pleasure.


So one could only guess how scared Kimi was once she realised she would be losing these beautiful memories sooner or later.

That's right, even though she didn't try to boost and break the barrier, in the next restart she noticed more of her memories were missing.

["This is certainly a bad thing."] Draig said in her mind. ["You should consult an expert."]

Expert? Expert on what, space magic or memory magic? Or time magic? This sort of damage wasn't coming from a single magic type, but a combination of all three of them. She doubted there was any expert who focused on all three of these subjects.

As for how she died last time? The Succubus had come to find her a few days later, when Kimi was busy researching about this world. She was begging Kimi for another piece of that man, but Kimi refused to do so. Why would she constantly share her memories with someone else? Her memories with Neji were hers alone, and last time was an exception due to various factors such as special payment and also to teach her a lesson.

When Kimi rejected her and the woman returned to the underworld, she returned a few days later with all four of the Satans and Yasaka.

"What is the meaning of this, Kimi?" Yasaka had said. "This isn't the job I had given you. Why did you visit the underworld? What are you up to now? Do you have any idea just how complicated you made my life?"

As one could guess, Kimi had died in that fight due to the presence of two Super Satans, Sirzechs and Ajuka.

Kimi barely restrained herself from going to the Succubus village and throwing a mana bomb to eradicate the place. Restrained herself only because she knew that may cause her death again, and the next time it would eat more of her memories out. Until now, the memory damage hadn't reached the time she became the Hado family maid, so she could still work with it.

"From next time around, let's play it safe." Kimi decided, sighing and covering her face with her hands. "Fuck."

Frustrating. If only she had rather focused on defeating Great Red with her 100x+ boost rather than trying to time travel, this may not be a problem. Who knows, maybe she could have defeated the dragon with such boosts?

Now, she couldn't take the chance to challenge him.

Well, not continuously anyway.

She wanted to play safe "from next time around", and she planned to live by that promise. But in this particular restart?

She was going to beat Great Red and fix all her problems.


Except she couldn't win.

It was morning, the soft sunlight fell over her eyelids, accompanied by the ringing school bell, Kimi's eyes abruptly sprung open with an alarmed expression.



["It's not your fault, Great Red has always been that strong."]



Kimi's expression was horrified. "I… I don't remember… anything before the day I joined the Hado family. I know I was a hero before that but…" her voice shook. "I don't remember anything beyond that."

Kimi sat on her chair, true fear crawling on her skin as she gulped hard.

"At this rate…"

At this rate, she will forget Neji.

What will be the point of her existence if that were to happen?

"No, no, no, no-"

Kimi clutched her hair and shook in her spot, reality trembling around her as she failed to see a way out of this mess. Only because of her foolish mistake.

"Save me… young master."




Note: Next Kimi-Part would be in Chapter 300, most likely.

Edit: It's true.

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