The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 270: 270: Particle Style

Chapter 270: 270: Particle Style

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Chapter 270: Particle Style

"That was childish," Tsunade complained as she jumped up from his lap.

"Disagreed." Neji stood up beside her.

"Agreed," Anko said in a muffled voice as she gulped down her food. "That was a hot scene, not childish. But I must ask what's happening? Why are you here, Hokage-sama? I will refrain from asking personal questions though, such as how his hands were feeling your butt."

Tsunade covered her face with her hands, sighing in embarrassment before shaking her head and looking back at her. "Grateful for respecting my privacy. Now, it seems you haven't heard the news since you look laid back."

She was camping in a forest, so Tsunade was probably right.

"What news?" Anko asked, this time frowning somewhat. "Something about Orochimaru?"

Tsunade exchanged glances with Neji before sighing. "Please, come with us."

After that, Neji teleported them back to his palace.


Neji didn't know Anko that well, so he let Tsunade handle her and break the situation to her. He rather sped up the flight of his planet, moving faster towards the Land of Earth.

It took a few more hours for that to conclude, and by now Neji was on top of the Village Hidden by Rocks.

The village existed within an almost dome-like wall surrounding it, the buildings were made of rocks, even the skyscrapers were— and it all honestly made the place look old.

"You are gonna destroy the village?" Hanabi suddenly asked as she entered the balcony, watching him leaning on the railing to look down on the village. "Or just go take the things you want?"

"Probably the second. I don't have anything against these people, no point in killing them." Neji said, turning to smile at her. "Done with your training?"

"Well," Hanabi hummed as she felt the wind breeze against her sweaty skin, covered with nothing but a sports bra and short pants. "For now, yes. But I wanna grow as strong as you, so it's not really done."

Neji gave her an amused snicker. "Anyway, you enjoy the breeze here, I will go raid the village."

"Wait!" Hanabi shouted just as he was about to get down from the balcony. "What's the point if you do all the things? Aren't I and the others your priests? Shouldn't we handle the distraction part while you leisurely clean their Jutsu vault?"

Neji blinked. "But it's a waste of time." He said. "You guys are weak, too, I can do what you can do in hours in mere minutes."


"Also, the Tsuchikage can very literally erase each one of you out of existence." Neji shrugged. "Still interested?"

"Yeah!" Hanabi grumbled. "I can't just let you do everything, you know? You are a God, you should carry yourself with more mystery and stuff like that! While we do the work in the open."


Neji sighed in the end. "Sure, call the others. Every Priest willing to go will go, except for Tsunade, her presence will cause useless complications."

Hanabi cheered like a bell.

— - —

Tsunade was somewhat grumpy about not being allowed to go, but she understood and also didn't wish to meet the old Tsuchikage herself. Every other "Priest" did go through, and Tsunade was currently trying to see what they were up to from inside this realm.

"Uff, it's not working." Tsunade hissed in annoyance as she tried to channel her will into the realm, she had seen Hanabi do it quite easily and allow the little girl to see what was happening outside via a screen that popped up in the mid-air. "Just how do I-"


[Authorization granted— Tsunade Senju.]

Suddenly, a feminine voice that almost sounded like Neji said from all around the world, and two 55" screens popped up in mid-air, with one of them showing Neji and another showing the assault that the Priests were bringing upon the Iwagakure Ninjas.


"Tsunade-sama!" a voice, belonging to Anko, yelled from beside her. "They weren't joking? They are attacking one of the Great Ninja Villages, are they out of their mind!?"

Naturally, Anko— who hadn't seen Neji fight before, and was still somewhat numb on believing everything she saw inside this Heaven, wasn't supportive of the idea.

"It doesn't matter, Konoha doesn't exist in the mortal realm any longer," Tsunade told her with a frown. "I suggest you accept the reality as soon as possible. Don't worry about the others, they're strong enough and even if they aren't… well, let's just say they would never die."

Anko tried to say something, but Tsunade signed her to shut up by putting a finger over her own lips. Then she turned to the screens to watch the assault happening in real-time. The pocket planet was kept above the sky of Iwagakure, rather than flying beside Neji all the time, and due to Neji being able to share his ocular powers with the planet— the 'video' was stunningly smooth and clear.

Tsunade watched Neji, but not for long— as his job was boring since he had gone invisible and had already reached the Tsuchikage's office. It was somewhat strange that the screen could show his body in a half-transparent form even though he was fully invisible to the other people's eyes, Tsunade assumed it had to do something with the fact that the screens shared his ocular power which meant Neji's own eyes could see anything invisible.

The Kage wasn't in the office, but Tsunade had expected that since he was so old, he was probably lying on his bed in his home. Rather, someone else was working on the Kage's papers— which honestly made Tsunade somewhat jealous and angry, but those feelings lasted only a bit as Neji's body became visible and his eyes lit up strangely as he looked at the person at the desk. Their eyes met, and the other person fell into a stance.

"...The Sharingan?" she heard Anko say, but no– Neji's eyes were black with his irises a glowing blue. Tsunade herself hadn't seen that state before, she had only seen his eyes glow. "What the hell is he?"

It seemed Anko didn't yet believe that the 80 thousand souls she had seen were all real, and were brought here by none other than Neji himself.

Ignoring Anko, Tsunade watched for a bit more as Neji looked around, his eyes still active before he headed to one corner of the office, on a bookshelf, and touched a few of the books to position them in a particular manner before the floor split up to reveal a chamber below.

'So his eyes can see things beyond just the usual Byakugan powers… just what did he see this time for him to realise where to place the books?' Tsunade couldn't but ask herself, but— her mind went numb and her questions fell to the back of her head when she watched him create a hundred or so Shadow Clones, before they all touched the scrolls in the area one by one and immediately made them puff into smokes.

But that wasn't what made Tsunade's mind go numb. It made her confused.

The next scene, as she watched, showed Neji casting a few earth-style jutsus at one of his clones, who in turn used some earth jutsus himself to defend against the attacks. Jutsus that Neji shouldn't know before now, and had just learned in front of them by touching the scrolls.

"Uh…" Anko fell on her butt, beside Tsunade on the floor, and looked at the screen with an agape mouth. "Oh God, what sort of dream is this?"

Tsunade shook her head and looked at the other screen, where, by now, the girls had defeated the Ninjas who came after them. They were… strong. But then again, it would be weird if they weren't after what Neji did for them.

Before the battle started, Neji had given each of them a sort of drink that he called [Energy Potions] which upon consumption had boosted their chakra tremendously. He had 14 of them and had given 2 to each of his "Priests" including Tsunade herself. According to him, if her Chakra were to be transformed to a numerical state that he could supposedly see, she previously had around 25,000 Chakra, and upon consumption, the Chakra reached a bit more than 39,000 points. She had no reason to doubt him, of course.

Though she did feel somewhat weird and suspicious about Temari, who wasn't a Senju like her, yet had around 35,000 Chakra after consuming the potions. As if he had given her a potion previously. Suspicious.

If that wasn't enough, he had handed them over five [Tier Potions], excluding Tsunade and Samui who were the strongest in his group and weren't in any need of immediate power–up.

In any case, Tsunade watched as the six girls put down a group of clearly elite Jonins, and were seemingly conversating– no, arguing amongst themselves now. Tsunade frowned slightly at their carelessness and then channelled her will once more to allow sound if possible— she wanted to hear what the topic that interested them so much amidst the battle.

[Authorization granted– Tsunade Senju.]

Tsunade made a mental note to ask Neji about the voice which was almost like him, yet feminine, but focused on the girls' conversation for now.

~"C'mon, we need a better name for us! Look, Akatsuki sounds just so cool, we can't go for anything less than that. Frankly, Hanabi, your suggestion sounds wack. Cult of Neji? Look, I love him too, but that sounds trash."~ It was Temari who complained aloud, looking at Hanabi with a funny face. ~"You are just a simp."~

~"Wait, what's a simp?"~ Tenten asked from the side, too carefree for the situation.

~"I will explain later, Neji told me about it earlier."~ Temari explained with a high nose.

~"You guys are bullying me again! Then say something better! We defeated them already, we need to introduce ourselves majestically to not be seen as funny people!"~ Hanabi explained, giving Temari a challenging glare.

~"How about Cult of Dragon?"~ it was Sakura who proposed the name, making everyone hum. ~"Honestly, we are being silly for arguing over this in front of our enemy, they won't take me seriously after this…"~

The girls, mainly Temari and Tenten, shrugged, while Hanabi looked surprised and realised she was right.

~"How about we add something majestic in between the name? Like the Cult of Dragon God? Cult of World Dragon?"~ Samui said, but the other girls didn't seem to give her words much importance— given her history. ~"Agh…"~

~"There is no need to mention 'God' while naming a cult, because a cult in itself explains the God part. That just sounds wrong. The first one doesn't sound so bad, though."~ it was Shizune who said that, almost making Tsunade proud.

~"But Neji isn't a world dragon though— he is more of a light dragon? Anyway, I lack knowledge on dragons, does anyone else here have any ideas?"~ Temari asked.

"Ahem," Tsunade cleared her throat, channelling her will to test out if she could speak or not. After hearing the same voice as before, watching the girls look around before looking up at the sky, Tsunade spoke. "Let's go with Cult of the Dragon Sage, it sounds good in my ears."

The girls realised whose voice it was and slowly nodded— maybe due to Tsunade's former rank as the Hokage, or perhaps because they truly liked the name, but they all smiled anyway.

~"Not bad, let's go with that."~

~"Okay! Everyone, we serve the Cult of the Dragon Sage, and have attacked the Rock Village on the will of our Kami-sama!"~ Hanabi introduced themselves, raising her head high in the air. ~"We are bringing upon a new world order that will set the world in the state of eternal peace."~

~"You little clowns!"~ an elderly voice, belonging to the short man who flew to the battlefield with more Ninjas following him, yelled in a gruff voice. ~"You think this is a game, and changing clothes won't make us realise you are all Konoha people?! Did you clowns lose your minds after seeing your village get destroyed?!"~

Tsunade held her breath as the man once held equal to Hiruzen, the God of Shinobi, entered the battlefield.

The Tsuchikage was here.


Neji wouldn't lie, he was somewhat embarrassed at the whole exchange that he had to witness with his Jogan. Those fools, to do that amidst a battle… He hadn't gone out by himself due to that, waiting for them to make things calm. At least got his back, and he had to thank Sisty partially for connecting with his Heaven and authorising Tsunade to see, hear and talk.

In either case, the Tsuchikage was here and he was too dangerous for those girls alone— as their strongest was Temari and Sakura, which said something. A lot of things.

To emphasise that— yes, the girls weren't lying, Neji teleported above them with his dragon wings erupting out of his back, and his tail lashing like a rattlesnake behind him.

"Huh?!" Tsuchikage almost jumped back midair seeing Neji suddenly appear out of thin air, surprising the others as well and making the girls look up at him. Tsuchikage soon regained his senses and frowned. "Who is this brat?"

"This…" Kurotsuchi, the granddaughter of the old Kage, looked at Neji with wide, surprised eyes. "It's Neji Hyuga! Thunder Plam-"

"Huh? Who?" Tsuchikage interrupted her with a frown, before blinking. "Oh yes, your long-distance crush whose pictures you keep in your bedroom?"

"W-what?! No! No! Shut up, you old man, you are m-misremembering things too now!" the girl got flustered and shifted in her place.

"You two," Neji frowned, looking down at them, and when his eyes met the girl she stilled. "...If this is a ploy to make me go easy on you, then I must say— it's working. Not enough to leave you guys be, but enough to kidnap her before I leave."

Tsuchikage's eyes shook. "What did you say, brat?!"

"Hey gramps, calm down." the girl frowned too, looking at Neji. "...I am willing to sacrifice myself for the village. Hey, come on, kidnap me~"

"What the hell are you saying, you idiot?!" Tsuchikage coughed rapidly, clearly feeling weirded out.

"..." Neji went silent. He was joking, honestly. While the idea of kidnapping another princess was captivating, he had decided not to go after any girl he saw anymore— this world will be his soon anyway, and he could do that after claiming the world.

Neji sighed, his demeanour changing to utter seriousness as he blitzed from his spot, appearing right beside Kurotsuchi using the ‹Body Flicker› technique, and before people could even react to his disappearance, he appeared on his previous spot with the girl in his arms, one of his fingers, wielding his sharp claws, pushing against her throat.

"I don't have time for this. Sorry, this is probably going to break whatever crush you have on me, but I need to be fast." Neji explained, looking at Tsuchikage who had frozen in place but was ready to attack any given opening. "Don't try anything. I only need your Kekkei Tota, I am sending a shadow clone and you'll let him touch you, and not resist with your will against whatever he does after that. If not, this girl dies."

"..." Tsuchikage was about to say something but closed his mouth when he saw Neji's eyes become black. "Alright."

"Good choice," Neji said, before creating dozens of shadow clones, all moving behind the other Ninjas that had come with the Kage, and all were now about to die with Neji's claws threatening to penetrate them. "Very good choice."

If the Tsuchikage had anything planned before, he didn't have any more. After all, the one who came to him was a clone, so even if he hurt him— Neji will still be alive.

The old man couldn't do anything as the clown touched him, immediately an oppression feeling invaded his guts, grabbing his life force and then starting to pull at something he only ever felt spiritually until now— his two blood-line powers. The Kekkei Tota- ‹Particle Release›, and Kekkei Genkai- ‹Lava Release›.

Then, he felt those two links slip out of his body.

"–Cough!" Onoki coughed out blood, staggering in the air before losing his balance and falling down.


His granddaughter yelled in worry, and so did the other Ninjas, but Neji surprised them all by catching him midair— gently placing him down on the ground and then casting a strange jutsu that seemed to heal the injury he felt, and he even looked somewhat young after the golden light vanished.

"I have no reason to hurt someone who did as asked," Neji said to her ears, slowly dropping her to the ground as well, and she ran to him to check on Onoki. "Anyway, girls, we are done here. It's time to leave."

Then everyone watched in silence as the members of the Cult of the Dragon Sage rose in the air, standing beside the beast-human hybrid that was the leader of the cult, before all of them vanished in thin air.

He came, threatened the Tsuchikage, got what he wanted— and then left.

The Ninjas, despite serving the Rock, had to accept— this was the biggest flex they had seen in the history of the village.




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