The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 240: 240: New Jinchiuriki? (1)

Chapter 240: 240: New Jinchiuriki? (1)

Chapter 240: New Jinchiuriki? (1)

Kiana had tried to escape a total of 9 times in the past few days.

She succeeded not even once. Far from that. She hadn't even stepped outside the boundary of this clan compound!

As it turned out, these people of the Hyuga Clan had the innate ability, which they called the Kekkei Genkai, Byakugan, that could see through walls and anything else in general. Since guards with this broken ability roamed around all day long, it wasn't surprising she failed to escape.

Her "teammates", if she could call them that, hadn't tried helping her, either. She understood Toga and why she wouldn't want to escape. Because this wasn't a prison to her, this was her own territory. But as for why Nemuri never tried to escape, Kiana couldn't comprehend. After all, the former pro hero Midnight could make anyone fall asleep. If she worked with Kiana, they could probably pull off an escape.

That's why today, on the 7th day of their stay in this other world, Kiana sneakily entered Nemuri's room at midnight.

'It's good to have our own room now. It was hateful to live with that criminal girl.' Kiana thought. The criminal girl, Toga, had shared a room with her and Nemuri for the first three days before they were given their own room. Kiana had actually tried taking her hostage in the hope to get out of here, but that girl moved like a slime and subdued her. Now, they all had separate rooms, though the rooms were just beside each other, but that's not a problem.

"Mhmm…" Nemuri was sleeping soundly, her busty body laid defenceless on the futon as Kiana loomed over her.

If Kiana had the intention to kill, she could do it right away. This woman… she was too careless. Kiana took it into her own hands to teach her self defence techniques later on.

Though seeing her gorgeous body in that defenceless state did stir up a thought within Kiana. Neji. The past week, Neji hadn't tried anything on Nemuri. Though he did fuck Toga tons of times, whenever he wanted, and occasionally grouped Kiana's body for fun, he didn't do anything to Nemuri. Why?

Did he really love this woman?

With her image of Neji as the dirtiest pervert in the multiverse, Kiana had assumed he would jump on Nemuri's defenceless, busty form the first day, when he was finished with Toga that night. But he didn't. In fact, until now he had only tried flirting with her with words (though he got no response, but that's beside the point).

Kiana shook her head. It was worthless thinking about that. She rather crouched down and shook Nemuri's body softly.

"Nemuri," she called. "Wake up, it's me."

The raven-haired woman's eyelids twitched as she slowly woke up, blinking before sitting up to look at Kiana. "Uh? What's up? Isn't it pretty late?"

"It is. That's why I came to you now. I want to talk." Kiana said, looking intently into her. "First, answer me this. Why don't you want to escape?" She started with the million-dollar question. "Don't tell me you developed Stockholm syndrome?"

Nemuri stopped rubbing her eyes and frowned at her. "Not at all." She scoffed. "And where do you want to escape? We all saw what that guy showed us from the sky. This is a different world. You might still doubt it, but I don't because I can't. I saw our world get destroyed with my own two eyes to know this isn't that destroyed shit hole. There is no Public Safety Commission, no Hero System, and nothing that we can call home in this place. Where do you want to go after escaping? For all we know, that guy might be protecting us from the true dangers outside."

"..." Kiana's hand rested on her thighs as she looked into Nemuri's eyes. "That guy this, that guy that. You don't refer to Neji by his name. Do you know how much this makes it seem like a lover's quarrel?"

"Never! I and someone like him can never be lovers!" Nemuri snapped at that, glaring at Kiana as her beautiful brows knitted together. "He made sure to destroy any possibility of that ever happening."

Kiana sighed. "I don't know. I am just saying what I am seeing. But forget that, why don't we at least give it a try? To go and see what's in the world outside? You don't plan to be locked here forever, do you?"

Nemuri's frown melted and she sighed. "He will find us either way. You… you don't know how powerful he is. He's just hiding his powers for now. You heard from the other maids, didn't you?"

"The news that he ruthlessly beat up the previous Clan Head just a single day before he released us?"

"Yes. Everyone was surprised because they thought he didn't have that sort of power, but he somehow did. That proves he is hiding his powers. He is as powerful as he was when he brought doomsday to our world." Nemuri finished.

Of course, Kiana had heard that news. She was the spy here, not Nemuri. She had obviously done more research on the situation and background of this world compared to Nemuri. That's exactly why she thought it was a better idea to escape.

"Look," Kiana gently grabbed Nemuri's hands. "The fact that he's hiding his powers means there's a danger in this world that he can't win against. So he is laying low before growing strong enough. Maybe it's those Tailed Beast thingies? You have heard about them, right?"

From Nemuri's facial expressions, it seemed she didn't. That wasn't out of Kiana's expectations, so she patiently explained the concept of Tailed Beasts.

"That…" Nemuri was surprised after the explanation. "If what you are saying is true then… maybe you are right. Maybe he is scared of those beasts. But what is your plan? I don't think we can negotiate with those beasts, if what you said is right."

Kiana grinned. Finally, she was hooked. "You know the thing I learned? The Nine-Tailed Fox, the strongest of the Tailed Beasts, is in this village. There are these people called Jinchiurikis who contain the beasts within themselves and harness their powers. In this village, a boy named Naruto is the Jinchuriki of Nine Tails."

Nemuri frowned. "So do you want to ask for his help to beat that guy up?" She quickly shook her head. "No, I am not doing it."

Kiana narrowed her eyes. "You hate the idea of another guy beating your lover up?" Her remark earned a glare from her. Kiana sighed. "Don't worry, that's not my plan. From what I gathered, that Naruto kid isn't a proper Jinchiuriki, he can't harness the true power of the Demon Fox. He would lose to Neji, if all your praises about his power are correct. Instead…" Kiana trailed off. "We are going to seal the beast within either you or me."

Nemuri blinked rapidly.

Kiana continued. "So I heard that killing a Jinchiuriki releases the tailed beast within. We just have to kill Naruto Uzumaki." Which wouldn't be hard for a sniper like her. "That's when we will capture the Nine-Tailed Fox."

Nemuri looked at her blankly. "That'd a dumb plan." She let her opinion out. "First, we have no way to seal the beast inside any of us. Secondly, even if there was a way, did you not hear about the Demon Fox incident from 20 years ago? It killed the 4th Hokage, who barely managed to seal it. From what I saw in the training grounds of this clan, these people are strong, so the Hokages might as well be as strong as All Might. If that level of person couldn't seal the beast, what can we do?"

Kiana had to give this woman credit. She wasn't dumb at the very least. However, Kiana had planned for this already.

She grinned. "A tailed beast is severely weakened for a while when it comes out after its Jinchiuriki is killed. As for the seals, a few of the previous Hyuga main family members would help us. Neji is out on a mission, and I took this opportunity to plan this with them. The Jutsu that seals the Nine-Tails inside Naruto is actually the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style, which actually originates from the Hyugas. Meaning, with the Hyugas' help we can use it on ourselves."

Nemuri was surprised. "How did you manage to convince them of all this? Don't tell me you told them we are from another world?"

"I didn't." Kiana replied. "That's a dumb idea. They wouldn't believe me, and if I act too suspicious they might send me for interrogation. Apparently, those people can read minds, and that's never a good idea. Nemuri, don't underestimate me, it not impossible to convince a group of angry people to plan an attack against the person they're angry with."

Nemuri chewed on her lips. "So how do you wanna do this? And you said either one of us will become the Jinchiuriki. Why would the Hyugas allow us to do that?"

Kiana smirked. "Oh, that they will. These people are narrow-minded. They look down on the idea of being a Jinchiuriki. Dumbasses. It's either you or me. I actually want to get it for myself, but I can hear your opinion."

Nemuri's eyes looked down as she contemplated. "I… can I get it?"

"You don't want to see me beat your lover up after I get powerful?" Kiana teased, watching Nemuri frown.

"Fine, you get it. I don't care whatever you do with that guy." Nemuri growled and stood up. "So when do we move?"

Kiana stood up, laughing to herself. "We move now. First, we put the whole main family to sleep and then we go to where the new branch family members are waiting for us."

Nemuri nodded.

First, they moved silently to release extensive sleeping gas in Toga's room. This girl has gone through some sort of change, her ears were pointy and her eyes were red now. So Nemuri put an extra oomph to the gas in case Toga's body could resist it. Fortunately, the girl didn't seem immune to it so Nemuri moved to the others and just released a huge wave of gas while Kiana waited in the room, wearing a makeshift mask.

When Nemuri was sure the gas had spread to the whole Main Compound, she called Kiana and they both moved to the Branch Compound where they met 10 Hyugas waiting for them.

Their plan, so far, was going very very well.




Master4thWall: Everyone is targeting poor Naruto 😞 even though he's not a bad lad.

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