The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 238: 238: Heartbreaking Rejection

Chapter 238: 238: Heartbreaking Rejection

Chapter 238: Heartbreaking Rejection

After finishing her job in the Hokage tower, Shizune decided to check on Sakura.

As she walked towards the hospital, she met a flustered Ino on the way, with a fruit basket in her hand.


"Ah! Ah… ah, it's just you, Shizune-san?" Ino was surprised at first, broken out of her daze, as she shook her head rapidly. "Sorry about that. I just… went to see Sakura, and saw- ah, never mind! I will get going!"

Ino rapidly vanished on the horizon. Shizune frowned. What exactly did she see to react that way? She was confused, but since it could be something harmful to Sakura, she increased her pace and soon found herself in front of Sakura's door.

"O-oh fuck! N-not that hard~♡"

…Shizune wasn't a child. She recognised these sounds. However, she couldn't believe her ears. Clenching her jaws, she lightly pushed open the door, just enough for her eyes to peek through… and she froze.

"I-I won't be able to think of a-anyone else i-if you do me like that~♡ Ahhhn~"

Just… what the hell? That… that was Sakura? Really, Sakura was making that expression?

Also the other person… t-that was Neji. When did Sakura and Neji get so close? W-was this r*pe? Blackmail?

Looking at Sakura's mind-numbed expression as her knees were pushed down on either side of her head, allowing Neji's huge 'thing' to piston down from above, she doubted her assumptions.

No no, rather than looking at her face, she should do something… but what, exactly? There were other people around the hospital, she couldn't let these two idiot young adults ruin their time just because they were horny. But… did she have it on herself to yell at them and ask them to get out? Did she have the courage to do so, after what Neji tried yesterday?

Would she have been in Sakura's position, making that expression and moaning louder than the street whores, if Neji didn't stop the kiss yesterday?


She cursed in her mind and closed the door, running off to the counter to warn to not let anyone around that room. The girl at the desk looked slightly dazed and daydreaming, but she quickly nodded.

'What should I do now…' as Shizune stormed out of the hospital, her panties wet, she failed to find an answer. 'Today is the last day of our session… do I go or not?'

She frankly had no idea what'd happen if she were to go today. Maybe… he wouldn't stop this time.


A few hours later, Asuma Sarutobi waved his hand at a running Naruto.

"Bye, Naruto!"

The boy, the Fourth Hokage's son, ran a few steps before dissipating into a puff of smoke.

"Huh, a Shadowclone." Shikamaru said from the side, scratching his neck. "Looks like he's training hard."

Asuma nodded with a smile. "Seems like it. This time Sasuke's rescue mission was a failure as well, I heard, but he's not giving up. Hah, he really reminds me of his father."

"His father?" Shikamaru raised an eyebrow. "You knew his father?"

Asuma chuckled and patted Shikamaru's shoulders. "Classified information. You'd know when the time comes."

"Huh." Shikamaru shrugged. "Whatever. Anyway, I will gather Ino and Choji."

Naruto promised to buy a meal for their team tonight. He would possibly regret it since they had Choji in the team, but a promise was a promise.


Sakura woke up with a small smile on her face. Today's dream was different than usual, there was no Sasuke in it, and she quite liked it.

Opening her eyes, she looked around while blinking. It was the hospital bed. Ah. Then… was it not a dream? As she sobered up, she realised that it all was real.


Sakura blinked, blushing lightly as she smiled again. Well, it's better if it was real.

"But where's Neji?" She scratched her chin and pouted softly. "Hmm~ he just left without a word after sleeping with a beautiful girl? What a bastard."

Then again, they were Ninjas, it was weird to expect something too romantic. It's not as if he would bring her to his home and then present her with the tastiest food she had ever seen once she woke up. That never happens, right?

Sakura shrugged. "I should rather just take off from the hospital." She said before sighing. She remembered the reason why she had to be in the hospital at all. Sasuke Uchiha. That bastard. She clicked his tongue. "I bet his dick is smaller than Neji's. He can fuck his brother with that."

Sasuke Uchiha and everyone around him could do fuck themselves. Now, she had someone else, someone better for herself… Or rather, should she say someone better had claimed her for himself?

That sounded so hot in her mind.


Naruto soon came to the hospital to bring Sakura to eat. Sakura initially rejected, but he kept pushing so she accepted his offer.

"How about we invite Neji?" Sakura asked as they walked out of the hospital. "We have an empty spot anyway, now that Sai is… gone."

Sai was dead. Sasuke killed him. Naruto, once he woke up, didn't even notice Sai's dead body once he realised how hurt Sakura was. He just made a shadow clone and ran while grabbing Sakura and Yamato, leaving Sai's dead body behind.

…Sakura honestly couldn't care much. Previously, she was too zoned out to care about anything because of Sasuke's betrayal, and now because anything else in the world didn't matter.

"Naruto, do you know where Neji is? We should totally bring him with us!" Sakura said, hoping he would know.

"Huh? No, I don't know." Naruto shrugged. "I last saw him flirting with a nurse. Maybe he's with her? Anyway, I am glad that you're not depressed over what happened, but why are you so interested in Neji all of a sudden?"

"Uff, useless!" Sakura slapped on the back of his head. Such a useless man. Not only did he not know anything, but he also could never strike back once she attacked him.

In any case, did he just say Neji was flirting with a nurse?

She crossed her arms and pouted.

That playboy bastard. She needed to do something about it. She doubted he will stop playing around just because they did it once, he didn't seem that type, but she will at least try to make him that type.

Not that she was confident in changing him. She couldn't control a man like that, that son of a God, he was too charming for his own good.

Naruto hissed while rubbing the back of his head."Aww, Sakura-chan, that hurt you know? You should tell Granny Tsunade to tone down your training before you become a muscle freak!" Naruto warned, expecting another strike but Sakura just smirked.

"Muscle freak?" She giggled. Neji said he liked her well-defined body, especially her back, butt, and thighs. "What's wrong with that? Don't worry, I won't become big, but I am fine with how I look. Proud, actually. That gorilla insult won't work on me anymore."

She giggled and walked forward, and suddenly noticed Naruto staring at her face with an awed, charmed look.

Sakura stopped at her feet, turning to him.

She felt bad for Naruto, knowing that the boy had loved her for a long time, yet could never touch her even after her ties with Sasuke came to an end.

Taking in a deep breath, Sakura placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, watching him flinch with a blush, as she said, "Naruto. I... I am aware of your feelings for me." She watched his eyes widen. "But… I, I don't see you that way. You are my friend, my closest male friend. That's all. I have found- no… I belong to someone else now, you should also find someone else you like. Please. I don't want our friendship to end."

Naruto stared at her face, his mouth agape as he stared at her face in a daze. After a long minute, Naruto's eyes were red and wet, seeing which Sakura sighed and pulled her hand back.

"Wh…" Naruto finally opened his mouth. "Who? Who did you mean by that?"

Who did she belong to?

Sakura bit her lips. "You will… find out soon. Now, let's go, Ino and the others are waiting."

As Sakura turned around and left, Naruto stood on his spot still. Only a minute later did he start to follow her slowly.


Only when they reached the rendezvous point did Sakura remember that Ino had seen her in a submissive position under Neji, so the dinner party was silent between her and Ino.


Tsunade Senju sighed as she watched Danzo walk out of the room with a grunt.

That old idiot.

It was not her fault his subordinate died in the mission. Death is common for Ninjas. She did feel bad, but not as much as she should have for others since that young boy had been under Danzo for very long and should barely have any emotion left.

Danzo also complained how sealing the Kyuubi entirely again wouldn't be smart, and that they shouldn't do it just because the Jinchiuriki asked. But how would he understand the feelings of normal people? She just hoped Jiraiya would return from his mission soon so that he could re-fortify Naruto's seal, because Tsunade didn't know much about sealing. She honestly should have learned from her grandmother, but her younger self was too busy getting spoiled rotten by her grandfather to learn something important like Fuinjutsus.

God, not only that, there was another new problem. The Akatsuki had sent another team to fetch the Two-Tails, and this time they had succeeded. More than that…


Tsunade sighed and shook her head. "Come in."

With her permission, Asuma Sarutobi stepped into the room and looked at her seriously. "Hokage-sama, is… the news true?"

She nodded. "Chiriku, one of the Twelve Guardian Shinobi, has been killed by two Akatsuki members. Both of them are presumed to be new recruits, so we don't have much information on them. Well, one of them at least. Another one, we do know something about. He is… the Konoha missing-nin, Hiruko. He's teamed up with a guy who wears a strange orange swirling mask."

Asuma released a sigh after hearing Chiriku's name, but once Hiruko was mentioned he frowned. "Hiruko? Is he the one I am thinking he is?"

Tsunade nodded with a sigh. "Sorry, it's us Sannins' fault for not eliminating him when we had the chance." She shook her head. "In any case, although we know nothing about the other guy, Hiruko alone is dangerous. I would have sent Team Guy for this, but they're already out on another mission. Also, knowing your relationship with Chiriku, I think it's better to let you go."

Asuma gave her a grateful nod and she continued. "Now, I know you wish to jump in right away to avenge your friend, but how about you wait until Team Kakashi finishes Naruto's training?"

Asuma sighed. "I am sorry, but I don't think I can do that. For all we know, they'll be out of our information network by the time Naruto finishes. You know that too." He looked at Tsunade who nodded with a defeated look. "Please, let me go, I am sure I will be able to take care of them with my team and an additional two Jonin."

Tsunade chewed on her lips for a minute before nodding. "Alright. But rather than two Jonins, Team Neji will accompany you. You leave tomorrow at the earliest."

Asuma seemed surprised that she was allowing a Jounin team for this, but knowing the recent rumours about Neji's powers, he couldn't bring himself to not feel relieved.

"Thank you." Asuma bowed and left with a passive-aggressive face, surely planning how he would get his revenge.

Tsunade, on the other hand, sighed and slumped her face down on the table. This was so annoying. She was trying to speak with Neji in private for so long, but one situation or another kept popping up.

Also, where did that Shizune go again? Tsunade was sure that girl was lying when she said she didn't have a boyfriend. Oh well, it's for the better that she got herself a man before growing too old like Tsunade herself.

"Haah…" Tsunade gestured for the Anbu to leave before she started to rub her clit. "All this stress is making me horny."

It's been a bit too long since she got laid. She craved for a male's touch all of a sudden.

"Tch, that Shizune, probably enjoying herself right now."

And she was right.


"Haah…" Shizune huffed as she looked up at Neji while sitting on her knees. "D-don't you dare tell Tsunade-sama about this. Ever."

Neji gave her a raised eyebrow. "Wearing that sexy red belly dancer outfit and on your knees with my cock hitting your face, are you really in any position to negotiate with me!"

This arrogant bastard… but he was right. With his cock resting over her nose, covering the huge blush as she sniffed his young scent, she knew her current stature wasn't that of a negotiator.

He grabbed her by the hair and led her mouth to his cock, and she complied with a grunt.

"From telling me to stay away, to sucking my dick." Neji said, pushing his cock down her throat. "Quite a big development we have here."

It was a… big development indeed.

That night, as he used her in whatever ways he saw fit, she realised why Sakura was making those expressions. She also realised just how dangerous it is for women to stay sex-derived, if not that, why would she refer to a guy half her as 'daddy?'. That didn't make sense.

Fuck, she really lost her mind this time.




Master4thWall Note: 1 stone = 1 F for Naruto. 1 more for Samui getting put to her place 😌 Another for, uh, two chapters 😫


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