The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 232: 232: Shizune & Samui

Chapter 232: 232: Shizune & Samui

Chapter 232: Shizune & Samui

3 AM in the morning. To wake up at that time (just to train) after getting fucked tirelessly, Tenten and Hanabi were out of energy. But Neji didn't care and just fed them two Stamina Potions that worked better than any caffeine in the world.

Like yesterday, following Guy's training regime was horrendous for the two girls. However, shocking them both and Guy too, they managed to… do almost double the workout compared to yesterday.

They soon realised it was the special drink they drank yesterday that boosted their training. According to Neji, it boosted their training speed by 10 times. So of course there was such a huge difference between training yesterday and today.

The other reason for their sudden boost was Neji's Draconic semen inside Tenten's womb, and Hanabi's stomach, but Neji kept that a secret for now.

They trained until 9 AM straight, before Guy and Lee had to leave for a mission.

"We will be out for two days, but don't you guys slack off!! I hope to see your improvements!" Guy had said so before he and Lee left.

Neji picked Tenten and Hanabi with his telekinesis, since they were sweating too much to touch, and then had a bath with them today as well. Though only bathing happened today as they were too tired to do anything else.

When Neji came out of the hot spring, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, he found a maid waiting for him outside.

Natsu Hyuga, the maid who served under Hanabi.

[Image Here]

"Oh hey, what's up?" Neji waved at her as the maid kept her gaze off his chest, surprisingly managing a good poker face.

"...Boss. One of the three maids you bought in tried to escape when you were training, as you had previously warned us. We captured her and just put her back to her work." She said, "I believe her name was Kiana Tsutsumi."

"Good job." Neji nodded. He expected it, and had actually watched it happening in real-time with Lord's Eye. "Anything else?"

Natsu thought of her words for a minute before saying, "Not particularly. Your shadow clones have almost removed the cursed seal from all the previous branch members, while placing a modified cursed seal on the previous main family members."

Neji already knew that since his shadow clones were just him. He had to control them with his own brain. His clones, at the moment, were 'removing' the curse seal from the branch family members. Or that's what it seemed like from the outside. He was removing the seals true, but he was also placing a new invisible seal that only he can activate. In case of any emergencies.

When the [Omniverse's Blessing] destroyed Neji's Cursed Seal, it also taught Neji how to cast it. Neji's seal was by far the strongest and complex in Hyuga history, because of his special eyes. So the knowledge to cast that, mixed with the forbidden seal scrolls he found in Hiashi's stash, allowed him to learn and make some new types of seals. He was placing those seals on the branch members without them noticing, while the Main Family members were given that seal with their knowledge.

However, to look "fair", only Neji could activate the seal on the previous Main Family members. Nobody else could. If not, history would just repeat itself. The previous branch family members didn't have a problem with that.

Now, the previous branch family was officially the new Main Family, and the precious main family was the new Branch.

Except for Hinata and Hanabi of course.

"Also, some new branch family members tried to run, your clones caught them before they could flee." Natsu said, still calm.

Natsu was previously a branch member, so she didn't have a problem with Neji's new actions. She was rather happy, in fact.

"Yes, I know that. Anything else?" Neji asked. He knew everything happening around him, but it was still better to be sure.

"Well… there's this civilian one girl who wants to become a maid to the main household. We rejected her, since we don't accept non-Hyuga Maids, usually, and we already have three new recruits." Natsu reported.

Neji frowned. "And where is she at the moment?"

"She should be around the compound, let me check-" Natsu said, activating her Byakugan, but Neji interrupted her.

"Found her. Ohhh… wow, that's interesting. She's 43 metres northeast from the gate. Go fetch her here." Neji ordered watching her grow surprised for a moment before nodding.

"As you wish, boss." She nodded and then used the body flicker technique to vanish.


The Body Flicker Technique. He had it at [Level 25/25], so he should use it a bit more to level it up to reach the mastery of Shisui and Minato.

But first, he should meet the little blonde spy.


Samui was waiting just outside the Hyuga Gate, hoping to meet Neji in person when he came out. She tried to apply in the usual way, but she was rejected. So this was the other way left.

So she clearly wasn't expecting the maid who rejected her to run at her using the Body Flicker technique. Samui had obviously noticed her but acted surprised when the maid 'suddenly' appeared behind her back.

"Come, the Lor- I mean boss wants to see you." The maid corrected, gesturing to follow her.

The boss? As in, Neji Hyuga?

Samui frowned. Did he see her through his eyes? She knew he had a variation of Byakugan, but it still had most if not all Byakugan abilities, so it's not that surprising. But why summon her? Did he see through her disguise?

…Samui put her guard up and observed the Hyuga Compounds when going inside, making a mental route that should help her escape if her suspicion was correct.

Soon Samui was led in front of a closed door, to which the Maid knocked.

"Boss, I bought her."

"Good work Natsu, you're fast and efficient. Tell her to come in, and thank you, you can leave." A calm voice said from inside as Natsu bowed and left, telling her to go inside.

Samui felt nervous. She was in enemy territory, someone who possibly knew her identity. She might never return if she went inside. But, she couldn't just run either, that would be too suspicious. Even if she managed to flee outside the clan, she would still be within the village.

'Not cool.' Samui clicked her tongue and opened the sliding door. "Thank you for summoning me, Lord Hyuga-"

Samui froze.

She wasn't physically attacked, no. But she was pretty sure she just entered a Genjutsu.

The young man inside the room wore an open loose kimono outfit, giving a peek of his defined chest as he stared at her with his cosmic blue eyes. His face was… perfect, for a lack of better term, and was further enhanced by his long silver hair. With his eyes shining, he looked at her face with a thin smile on his lips.

"Please come inside." He said, pointing in front of him.

She was a Jounin, after all, she soon regained her senses. She stepped inside, closed the door, and took a seat opposite the small table he was sitting behind.

"Identifications first." He said and she handed her fake identification cards to him, her guard up. "Hmm… they look legit. A civilian named Samie, from the Village Hidden in the Grass? That's quite far. Now I feel worse that my maids didn't attend to your job requests."

Samui put her guard down a bit and gave a polite smile. "It's understandable, my lord. I am an outsider, after all."

"Just boss is fine, and no it's not understandable. Anyone strong enough can be a maid in Hyuga compounds. At least as long as I am around." The young man said, eyeing her lustfully. "Though outsiders do have to work a bit more flexibly…"

Yep, he was a pervert. This would be easy.

"Such as setting up the Boss' bed? Or perhaps warming up the bed as well?" Samui decided to try her luck, watching him blink. "I am joking."

She giggled and watched him chuckle as well. She wasn't joking, it was a tactic to give him the idea. Next, he will force her to do it, sooner or later.

"Not bad, I laughed. Anyway, let's discuss your job." The man said as they started to converse about her job.

It was simple, she would talk with the head maid and would be given specific work based on her abilities. She will work every day a month, and will sleep with the clan maids at night. The payment will be 10,000 Ryo a month, which wasn't bad at all for a maid.

"That's all. I hope you enjoy your time here and do a good job." Her 'Boss' said, smiling at her. "You can leave."

With a bow, she stood up and did so.

'Nice, everything is going smoothly.'

He was so naive. Accepting an unknown woman as a maid just because she was hot. How long would it take before he dances in her palm? She will give it a month.

Haah, her Raikage-sama was right, she really was the best Kunoichi for this type of job. At least this time, she wouldn't have to fuck an ugly bastard. He looked fairly handsome.

With that done, she went to the coordinates provided to her, where the head maid was.


Samui of the Lightning Village. No idea why she's here, but Neji could guess it was related to him.

'Let's see what she's up to for a while before deciding what to do with her.' Neji thought as he knocked on the door of the Hokage office.

"Come in."

He heard the usual voice tell him to enter as he did so, finding Tsunade look up and flinch ever so lightly. Huh. Why is she so surprised? Was she still guilty of acting harshly with him that day?

Well, he will play along then.

There was Shizune in the room as well, who looked away once Neji glanced at her. That woman… she didn't come to meet him last night. He didn't like people who broke their promises. That's why he's here today.

Neji turned to Tsunade and bowed. "Good morning, Hokage-sama. Hope you're doing well." He said in a deliberately formal way, glancing at her expression with his Lord's Eye as she bit her lips softly.

Neji was wearing his blindfolds again, so she couldn't see his eyes glowing.

"Stand up." Tsunade said after a while, sighing. "...Shizune, can you give us some alone time?"

"I don't think I can do that, Hokage-sama." Shizune replied sternly, deliberately overdoing her work. "As you can see, I am quite busy."

"Shizune!" Tsunade shouted as the younger girl flinched.

Shizune opened her mouth to say something, nervous yet grim, but before she could, Neji talked. "I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, but I am actually here for Shizune."

Shizune blinked while Tsunade blinked. "Why?"

"It's… private. Can I take her out for a minute?" Neji asked and watched Tsunade frown softly.

After a minute, she nodded. "Alright. Take your time."

Shizune then followed Neji outside.


"What do you want?" She asked, looking at the Hyuga brat in annoyance. "I don't think we are close enough for you to just come to meet me personally like this."

Who did he think he was? Just because they had a weird deal didn't mean he could just come to meet her whenever he wanted.

"I'm just surprised. You are going back on your words just after you saw me giving Tsunade the cold shoulder?" Neji whistled.

"That's Lady Hokage for you."



"Heh," Neji chuckled. "Look at you getting all mad. How about you keep your promise and I keep mine?"


"Hey, it's not even that hard of a deal." Neji shrugged. "Fine, I guess you give up. I will go back in and talk things through with my Tsunade."

"Tch." Shizune stomped on her foot. "Fine. Tonight I will be there. Just… keep your words."

"No, that much wouldn't do." Neji shook his head, watching her scowl, as he put a hand behind her waist, pulling her closer to him. "You broke your promise, a new condition surely needs to be applied… Aha, I know. You will wear clothes I give you and I will also be dancing with you."


"That's all. Make sure to be on time." Neji said, releasing her and waving his hand at her as he took off.


Fuck. She wished this bastard would just drop dead.




Master4thWall: Another week 😔 another begging from me. Vote if you want to see Shizune and Samui put to their place 😈


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