The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 223: 223: Temari (2)

Chapter 223: 223: Temari (2)

Chapter 223: Temari (2)

It was morning, and the sun was peeking down at Temari's face. She was forced to wake up, finding herself in the bed of an outdoor wooden house, small and pretty much open.

She heard the sound of something crispy burning outside, and a smell of similar crisp accompanied it. Groaning as she looked up from the bed, she found Neji cooking on a stove.

"Uh…" Temari rubbed her nose with a small blush. "I didn't expect him to cook for me."

She stretched for a few seconds, finding a set of clothes of her size just beside the bed, before getting dressed and walking behind him and hugging his back.

"Hey, you're up." He said, making her scoff.

"Don't pretend you just noticed."

He chuckled at that, stopping his cooking to turn around and kiss her on the lips.

His blue eyes stared at her green ones until the kiss ended. Once she was free, smiling with a blush, he pointed at a sit to the side.

"Food's almost done. Wait a minute." He said in a gentle tone, and she did as he said.

Almost a minute later, he was indeed done, and served her a plate with care, while his own was served clumsily with his telekinetic power.

Ahh, Temari loved it. Being treated so well in the day, while she was used so roughly at night. This was the perfect balance of life.

They ate their food, making small talk and jokes about this and that. He tried to tease her by bringing up last night, but she wasn't a girl who would shy away from admitting her feelings. She felt good, and she was glad her first time ended up like that, above the clouds of the night sky.

If someone told her three days ago that hey, you'll fuck a God of all people above the clouds, and he will then cook food for you with care, she would have sent that person flying with her fan.

"Speaking of fan," Neji washed his hands, drying them with a paper towel, before a small white fan materialised on one of his hand, with a blue potion appearing in the other. "Here, take these. Your… starting gift as a Priest at my church."

Temari accepted the gifts, not really thinking much of it. Maybe the blue potion was special, like that red potion from last night, but the fan looked casual.

However, she just looked up at him. "Huh? That entire becoming your believer thing wasn't a joke? I thought it was just a kinky play, honestly."

Neji spread his arms, as she flew to his embrace. He grabbed her chin and made her look up at him, making her blush.

"Dear, did I look like I was joking? The moment you said those words, that 'Yes, I belong to you', you really did." He pulled her closer to him with his left arm, grabbing her by the waist. "Your body, soul, and everything that makes you 'you' belongs to me now, you hear me?"

…Hah. As it turned out, making a deal with God wasn't so different from making a deal with the devil. Not that she minded of course… She wasn't the type of girl who would let someone objectify her by saying 'You belong to me', but shit, it was hot as fuck being told that by this gorgeous son of a bitch.

Clearing her throat as she tried not to blush (entirely failing), she casually pushed him away. "L-let me check out the gifts then, Kami-sama."

"Go ahead." He smiled, leaning with his back against the house.

With his permission, Temari opened the bottle filled with blue liquid, asking, "So do I drink this?" Seeing him nod, she did so, pouring the liquid inside her mouth- and immidiately her eyes shot up, the delicate feeling spreading through her body as she sensed the liquid mix and circulate within her, even before it could reach her stomach.

Immediately she felt the change and realised what had happened to her.


Her chakra had shot up, and it was almost triple the amount it was a second ago.

As a Jounin, her chakra sensing was top tier. So the sudden spike in her chakra didn't leave her senses, and since she felt the process in real-time, she was in disbelief.

Tripled. Her chakra had tripled. That just made her a whole lot of times stronger than a minute ago. What the hell??

Temari looked at Neji in scpeehless silence. She would lie she didn't have doubts about his identity as a 'God', but this… holy shit. Who knew what this Fan was then?

"Is this… special too?" She asked, shaking the fan in her hand and watching him smile in amusement.

"Flow your chakra through it." He suggested, and she decided to do so.

She spread the fan, revealing blue flax flowers painted over its white fibre. Its quality was better than the fans that Daimyo's wives and daughters used, yet she could feel it was very durable too.

However, she used large fans, not ones that were this small.

In any case, she did as he suggested and channelled her chakra through the fan just as her eyes widened. The fan grew, it enlarged in size, as she fed it more chakra. However, even as it grew, its weight didn't increase much. Soon the fan was a few metres long, but the weight was just fine, not heavy at all, but not too light for it to be hard to manoeuvre.

She snapped her head at him, and stuttered. "Th-thank you. This will help me a lot in, well, everything. Both of these gifts. I-I… I don't know how to repay this…"

Neji just smiled at her. "Repay? No. I just like to keep my girls happy. Why would you need to repay me? Don't sweat over it. Now, we should get going before people worry too much. Pretty sure everyone figured out by now that we were the ones making those 'weird sounds' yesterday."

He chuckled, snapping his fingers as the magic carpet from last night came flying at him from inside the wooden house, before he hopped on it.

"What about the house?" Temari asked, stepping on the carpet as well as she looked at the beautiful outdoor house. She was pretty sure he 'made' it, so was he going to leave it still?

Neji shrugged, putting on a new blindfold. "Let it be, some other couple might find it helpful."

Then, the carpet flew.


As Neji had expected, people knew. So when he casually landed in front of the Kazekage compound, many whispered and eyed them both with lustful eyes.

Temari was flustered by that, but Neji just led her inside. The guards didn't stop them, and they soon parted ways to find their own people.

Neji went to his room, and surprisingly found Hanabi sitting on his bed, looking at him with her expression hesitant.

"Hanabi?" He asked, closing the door behind him. "What's up, what are you doing here?"

"Um…" Hanabi mumbled. "Where were you last night, Onii-sama?"

"Out with your big-sis Temari." Neji said, watching her mutter the word 'big-sis' in a daze. "Why do you ask?"

"I- just…" she tried and soon sighed. "Well, Hokage-sama and Team Kakashi left this morning. We should have left with them too if you were here, so I was just asking…"

"Aha, I see." Neji went to sit beside her, patting her on the head. "Also, Hanabi, glad that you're here, I was about to go find you soon anyway." Neji said, watching her look at him in curiosity. "I wanted to say, Hanabi, you shouldn't peek when adults are doing adult stuff, okay? That's not a good thing to do."

Hanabi froze.


'W-what?' He knew?!

Oh for God's sake, of course, he did! From the recent battles, she knew he was better than her father, many times over, both in general prowess and Byakugan uses. It's no wonder he noticed her looking at him.

God, this was so embarrassing.

"I… didn't want to bring this up, but you already did something pretty questionable that night after you found me and Tenten together." He said again, breaking her self image of an innocent girl. "It's not exactly healthy to, you know, peeking onto others, especially your cousin of all people. Looks like you inherited some dirty trait of our clan."

Aaaaaaah! He knew! Oh no! She's been with him for 4 days now, and he knew all the time! How's she going to live with this shame?!

'N-no… wait, I can use this to my advantage.'

He was misunderstanding her. She wouldn't peek at just anyone who's having sex, she only peeked and will ever peek when he's the one doing it.

Also, this was the perfect time to confess her feelings for him. Even… even if he and Tenten were a thing, and he slept around with Temari, it's fine. She had accepted her father's mission already knowing about his relationship with Tenten. The addition of Temari wasn't anything unusual, she still liked him.

"...Onii," she looked at his eyes, knowing well that her face was flushed. "This might sound creepbut… I- I don't just peek at just anyone, I only ever peeked at you and you alone. I… I am sorry, and I say I would never do it, but actually… um, how do I say this…" she fidgeted around, avoiding his eyes, before finally finding the courage to look at his face again. "Neji Onii-sama, I really really really love you! N-not as a sister, but as a w-woman!"

Her cousin-brother stayed silent for a long minute before standing up, facing her, and leaning over. "Hanabi." He said. "I am going to die, you know that?"

She knew. That's exactly why she didn't want to suppress her feelings anymore.

He continued. "All these powers you saw me wield, they're all going to be given to you. You know, right? These eyes would soon belong to you. Are you sure you should say those words to a dead man?" He put a hand in her head. "Please forget about it."

She… just got rejected. Hanabi couldn't even breath for a minute.

She suppressed her tears, and barely controlled herself from breaking down. Because she knew this would be his answer. He didn't see her the same way she did. Maybe because her feminine side was yet to bloom, but he just saw her as a little sister, didn't he? But, no, she wouldn't give up. She still had one option left.

She… didn't want to embrace him using this method, but she had no other choice.

"Onii-sama, father gave me a mission." She said in a serious expression, deciding to tell him about it. "He told me to… receive your child. I-"

"Hanabi Hyuga," Neji interrupted her, taking off his blindfold and looking into her eyes. "Stop right there. That's disgusting. Don't try to embrace me with that excuse. I apologize for peeking, but I have heard and seen what mission your father gave you. But don't use that against me." He looked at her frozen expression. "Also no, you're beautiful, more than anyone your age in this world. It's just… I don't like the fact that you want to receive my child while knowing that I am going to die. It's sweet and all, but it's a sad love. A happy love story would be you saying, I should live, that we should escape from the Hyuga Clan, or that we should just bring the clan down with our own hands."

She met his warm gaze with her shocked one, and he continued. "Do you doubt that the entire Konoha, let alone the puny Hyuga Clan, can hold back a God if he decides to bring hell down on it? You just have to say it, Hanabi. Just don't say you love me while accepting my approaching death, I dislike that."

Hanabi's eyes were wide and butterflies were running on her stomach. A blush grew on her previously pale face, and she felt her eyes become blurry.

So that was true love? To do anything and everything to save your lover? Of course, why couldn't she see it before. Escaping from the Clan was much better than seeing him die. Of course…

"Hanabi," her Onii-sama smiled at her. "Do you believe in God?"

That was sudden… But yes, she did. God is the person she's been praying to for years to create a miracle where Neji doesn't have to die. However, the identity of the God she believed in had just changed, at this moment.

"Yes, I do." She agreed, watching as he leaned over, kissing her gently on her lips. "Ah…"

"Let's not forget, God is always watching with his bright blue eyes. He will show a path." He said to her, patting her head and standing up. "In any case, let's get ready to leave."

Hanabi stood up and quickly made a run through the door, knowing well how red her face was, and wanting to leave his eyesight as soon as possible.

"Hah, cute."

She heard him mutter, her face growing ever so hotter.


[Current Devotee Follower 2/5]

So Temari and Hanabi. He just needed three more.

As he waited behind the front door of the Kazekage Compound for Tenten and Hanabi to arrive, Neji decided he should take out his lovely knockoff Vampire once he reached Konoha. So that'd make 3 devotees. Now he just needed two more…

"Hey, Onii-sama!" He heard Hanabi call, waving at him. She was good at acting natural, he will give her that.

However, Tenten who followed behind Hanabi, didn't look so cheerful.

She still waved at him though, albeit lacking energy. "Hey, Neji… I heard you woke up yesterday."

Ah. Huh…. So she was angry at him? Figured. He did just vanish with another girl without even greeting her at all.

"Hey, Tenten!" So he decided to do so now. "How have you been, love?"

He walked over, watching her flinch as he called her 'love', and hugged her intimately.

"W-w-what?? I-it's still daylight, Neji- ah!" She moaned as he squeezed her butt, making her blush as did Hanabi.

Hanabi was a good girl, she didn't mind him playing around with other girls. Or she wouldn't have said those words at all, not after she watched him do more intimate things. …Though he was pretty sure one of the reason she didn't mind him fucking around was that the situation turned her on. She was a voyeur who enjoyed seeing others, particularly Neji, making out with other girls. That's the dark trait she inherited from her clan, her father.

"Ahem, f-fine, fine, I- forgive you." Tenten cleared her throat, pushing Neji away. "But how could you tell that I was mad?"

Neji smiled. "How can I not tell what my Tenten is feeling 24/7?"

Her eyelids flinched, as she muttered- 'M-my?'.

"I-I suppose." She soon said, before going silent.

A few seconds passed like that.

"Mh, Onii-sama? When do we leave?"

"Soon. We are waiting for someone."

Hanabi tilted her head in confusion, just as a yell resounded from inside the mansion.

"Heyy! Wait for me, guys! Neji!" There, they saw Temari running with a huge grin, an anxious Kankuro trailing behind her.

"Hey! Sis! This isn't right! You are a Sand village Ninja! We can't just-"

"I am working under Neji from today onwards!"

Neji quickly made three Shadow Clones.

"That doesn't make sense!"

"I got the permission from the Kazekage himself!"

"You are manipulating our poor Gaara!"

"Don't care!"

They ran, and Temari jumped on Neji's arms, just as he took off behind the other three clones, one carrying Hanabi, one carrying Tenten, and one flying alone before Kurai puffed out in his shoulders.

"You idiotic biiiiiitch!"

Neji heard his (sort of) brother-in-law yell from the ground, as his beautiful (sort of) wife started to giggle in his arms.

"Ahhhh, this is kinda really fun." She said, before ignoring Kankuro and kissing Neji midair.

Neji couldn't say he hated this situation either, abducting a princess was fun.




Author's Note: Two chapters today as well 🥳 vote and bring us to Top 10!!


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