The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 205: 205: Lady Luck (1)

Chapter 205: 205: Lady Luck (1)

Chapter 205: Lady Luck (1)

[She is indeed Lady Luck, I can ascertain.]

Sisty spoke in his mind while he stared at the woman who looked to be a divine sculpture.

[All of Lady Luck's messages that you saw had to come through me. In that small instance of receiving her words, I could sense her presence. Although Observe doesn't work on her, I can confirm that this woman's presence matches with Lady Luck's messages.]

He wasn't particularly doubtful, but it cleared any ounce of suspicion regardless.

This woman – glossy silver hair with a strand of red in the middle, wearing a tight black dress that can be mistaken as full-bodied tights – really was Lady Luck.

She was beautiful, dazzling even, and she was quite aware of that fact, if her mischievous grin was anything to suggest while her golden eyes stared at his blue eyes that were checking her out shamelessly.

"Mm, shouldn't you leave some ogling for later?" Her seductive words said one thing, her body said another. She twisted her body, spinning around slowly to give him a complete glimpse of what he was looking at, her black-and-red robe fluttering up to show her plump butt. "I am not running anywhere."

Neji found her confident smile charming. Not many girls were this confident around him, but that just proved that she was a true lady.

So, being the gentleman he was, he took her hand and kissed it softly, getting an amused smile out of her.

"Thank you M'lady for summoning me here. It would have been a pain to look for a way inside this dimension otherwise." he said without releasing her hand. "But is there any grand reason you summoned this humble servant?"

"Enough. No need to flatter me." Lady Luck pulled her hand back, though her amused grin betrayed her feigned anger. "The chance of you returning was high, very much so since I had sent a pulse of my powers to you at that moment when I pushed you away, that was sure to keep you safe. Even inside the Void."

She paused, her finger playing with her hair before she continued. "But still, I didn't think we would meet so quickly. I had no idea where you ended up, except 'somewhere inside the void', but that's a quit a bit more difficult than looking for a needle in the hay. So instead of looking into the void myself, I was rather keeping an eye open for people going in and out of the Void."

That's when he opened that portal, allowing her to pull him to this place.

"As for why I pulled you in?" She smirked, pushing him down on the bed and sitting on top of his abdomen. "You think I would just let you go after how much I have invested in you?"

Neji stared at her as she looked down on him smugly, her soft butt pressed against his lower abdomen. He was slightly surprised at himself when he felt his erection grow. Because holy shit, he escaped from certain death only a few hours ago, and now his dick was hard.

"Then how does M'lady want me to compensate her?" Neji asked and reached out his hands to place them on her firm butt, she didn't seem to mind. "Because whatever that is, I would make sure to do it gracefully in case I manage to satisfy her highness enough to give me back my Luck points."

The Lady flinched at that, flinching again as she felt his erection grow stronger. Blushing softly even as she grinned, she cleared her throat. "I apologise, but I am not the one who took your luck."

Neji listened to her silently.

"What happened was… um," she looked quite ashamed to talk about this matter, but seeing Neji's growing curiosity, she sighed. "In short, a few hours ago, a meeting was held amongst the Council of Abstracts. About me almost starting an Omniversal War. At the end of the trial, the punishment for my… crimes was decided as home arrest and power 'confiscation'. Though confiscated might be a bit too hard of a word. I suppose they temporarily sealed my powers, most of it anyway, or I wouldn't have been able to bring you here at all. Though 'most' here means all the luck related powers I had."

'Ah… so that's how it is.' Neji understood the situation instantly.

Since he received Luck directly from her, it made sense why his luck stat became like that.

She had looked away after saying those words, looking slightly flustered. Though Neji couldn't figure out why.

Her downfall was kind of a big loss for him, he would have a hard time with things. But at least she was alive. Her life was more important, after all.

Lady Luck seemed to be able to read his mind even after losing her powers, if her growing blush was anything to go by. She smiled softly, though still not meeting his eyes.

Haah, she had helped him so much already. Yet did she think he would find her useless now that her powers were gone temporarily?

It was the opposite.


Lady Luck flinched, snapping her head to look at him with surprised eyes.

"...What the hell?" She gasped. She didn't say her problem out loud, but Neji could see it painted in her expression.

Why was his erection getting stronger?

Neji smiled at her. "Why wouldn't I get turned on after learning my sugar mommy sacrificed everything for this little me? It's quite natural if you see it from my perspective."

On top of that, she didn't seem to regret her decision of standing up for him either, if her attempt to save him from the void was anything to go by.

Lady Luck's face grew redder. Ahh, it was weird seeing a being so old be like that, but it was a natural reaction. She might act like a super sadist mistress, but her romantic heart seemed to be that of a little girl.

She was growing more flustered as his thoughts continued. Clearly she was evesdropping and had no intention to stop. So, Neji used one of the three starting skills he gained from his [Voidmancer] class.

[Blank (Active/Passive) - Max Level

Description: Passively lowers your presence and makes detecting you impossible via detection techniques, as the result would always come as [Blank]. Also stops others from reading or harm your mind and soul.

Some higher beings would be able to dodge these restrictions, and to counter that these effects can be further strengthened by actively pouring mana into the skill.]

His Gamer's Mind already allowed him a mental barrier, though it didn't work on this woman. But this seemed to work, going by her suddenly confused expression.

She frowned for a moment, trying harder to peek into his mind, but failing. In the end, she looked at him in displeasure for a minute before sighing.

"Wait a second…" she clasped her fingers together, taking in a deep breath and then releasing it. Immediately, Neji felt a sort of connection snap. "There, you are reconnected to the flow of Luck."

Neji blinked.

Checking his Status for a moment, it seemed she was right. He had 290 stats in Luck. But didn't she-

"Hey, the omniverse will fall into chaos if Luck stopped existing even for a minute. I am simply being suppressed, unable to control the flow of Luck, but the flow still exists regardless. Just that it's working on autopilot. I just destroyed the perk- [Lady Luck's Boytoy], which in turn severed the connection between you and me, so your existence automatically connected with the natural flow of luck."

That… made sense. However, he was still shocked how she so casually destroyed the perk. Was she simply that mad at him stopping her from peeking into his mind?


…Nah, even though she had her arms crossed and frowning, he could tell she was just acting.

He shrugged, figuring the perk was useless with her powers sealed, and once her powers returned she could always give him the perk again.

Other than that, he was still interested in her explanation.

"How does that work? Correct me if I am wrong but, you are Luck itself. You are its personification. How can the flow of luck exist if your powers are sealed?"

Lady Luck sighed, smiling bitterly. "It's like how a human can go into a coma, while still maintaining consciousness. He can't move his hands and legs, or body for that matter. That's the same for me, just on an Omniversal scale." Her bitter smile grew. "Pulling this off on other Abstract Beings would destroy the flow of their respective concepts, but- unlike them, there was Fate, my older sister, to manage any problems related to the flow of Luck. She can do that since her power kind of dominates mine."

Now she looked like a pitiful little girl, the unfavoured sibling who always had her glory stolen by her older sister. Neji felt bad.

'So there is a personification of Fate too.'

He would assume Luck and Fate to be under the same person, the same being. But it turned out they were different but similar enough for the respective abstract entities to be considered 'siblings' and also affect each other's domain. That'd explain why increasing his Luck stat allowed him to change his "Future", which was essentially his Fate.

But just like she said, the concept of Fate was stronger than Luck. It was like comparing a sea with a river. This made Neji curious though.

"Just how many abstract beings are out there?"

Lady Luck pouted and crossed her arms at that question. "Now you are making me mad, darling. You have such a beautiful lady sitting on top of you, yet you are more interested in useless omniversal politics?"

Neji could only shrug, making Lady Luck sigh. But to her credit, she started to answer his question soon, still sitting on top of him.


Aeons ago, the cube universe was created from the thoughts, dreams, and fantasies of the mortals of the Prime universe. After a millennia passed, the cube had grown, becoming a multiverse even before the Prime could. The Cube had the advantage of growth because there was no limit to the imagination, dreams, and fantasies of mortals. The Cube fed on them, creating worlds and universes within it- sourced from once the Prime mortals, and slowly even the cube's own inhabitants.

Soon, the Cube grew to be an Omniverse while the Prime just managed to grow to an Multiverse.

The Abstract Beings that atop at the top of the food chain inside the Cube were the solidifications of mortal ideologies and concepts. At first, they weren't sentient, but slowly they became intelligent. They had no forms, but they slowly came to earn one. Slowly, as the cube universe grew, so did they. Soon, they stood as the pillars of the Cube Omniverse.

However, their growth wasn't peaceful.

Naturally, as they became intelligent, they clashed with one another for one reason or another. The thousands of abstract entities, each with powers to destroy multiverses fought amongst themselves. That civil war lasted a mere three days. Before the strongest of them stepped in to stop it.

The Omniversal Buddha, the absolute personification of Peace and Balance, managed to stop the war in what seemed like an instant.

All the Abstract Beings were soon organised, all told to obey rules that'd be benefiting the Omniverse. Some didn't listen, so they were eradicated. The ones who did, they lived, fulfilling their duties as they should.

Followed by the Buddha, the Abstract Entities were given ranks. From [Class 1] to [Class 9], with the former being the highest. There was a Class-0, but it was forbidden to talk about them.

Beside the Buddha, absolute concepts such as Eternity, Infinity, Life, Death, and Fate were in Class-1. They were the six pillars of existence.

(There was another one amongst them, the so-called personification of the Void, Oblivion. However, he wasn't actually 'the' personification of Void, but just 'a' personification, in other words- just a Voidborn. He was later killed in the Omniversal War by the hands of the Primordial.)

Lady Luck, for one, was ranked as a Class-2, along with the likes of Mistress Love, Sire Hate and more (only class-2 and lower are given such corny titles).

"Hmm, so are the abstract beings the strongest in the Cube?" Neji asked, fine with the explanation.

"No." Lady Luck shrugged. "There are transcendent beings who can match us, and some even surpass us. But yes, as a faction we are the strongest."

"I suppose the one beyond omnipotence guy is one of those transcendents?"

Lady Luck froze at Neji's question, looking frightened for the first time in this conversation. Noticing his worried look, she sighed. "Please don't take their name so casually. You might be fine talking about them like this since you are their Gamer, but it would create complications for others."


"Not me, mind you." Lady Luck quickly pointed out. "I at least have the authority to talk about them. As for your question- no, they aren't a transcendent being. They are an… outsider. They come from both outside the Cube and Prime omniverse, though nobody knows where exactly. As you can guess, they are an outer god. But they don't look like octopuses, no." Outer Gods. That term was so colourless to Neji at this point. He already was disappointed once in the Tower, and again here. They didn't even respect the term! "They looked fairly human the few times they showed themselves. Though it might possibly be a disguise since amongst the few times they showed themselves, they almost every time used a different appearance. For example, they had shown themselves as a female a few times and as a male some other times. Heck, they sometimes showed up as a milf, and sometimes a shota."

"...So 'they' are just weirdos?"

"It is also theorised they are two people, though most strongly disagree." Lady Luck seemed to not hear his question. "Most say such strong beings can't be more than one. And that statement speaks for itself since the people doing that claim are strongest amongst the cube."

Lady Luck sighed. "Assuming they are two people, the first time the male one appeared, it was a young boy with black hair, red eyes, red horns, and white wings too. On the contrary, the first time the female one appeared, she was wearing a casual tight crop-top and shorts, as if she was taking a stroll in her backyard. And unlike the boy's angel-demon outlook, she had draconic horns around her head, and if her slitted golden eyes were anything to go by, she probably really was a dragon. That raised suspicion amongst our ranks since such a being shouldn't have such restricted races at all, but it was soon thoroughly confirmed that 'both' of them were the OBOP, and that they were probably just cosplaying."


So the 'One' Beyond Omnipotent might actually be 'Two'? And they were also actual Outer Gods? Holy shit.

"Anyway, I myself don't know much about them and the other stuff I do know would bring trouble for both you and me if I talk. The Class-1s get really mad about that." Lady Luck said noticing Neji's growing interest that faded once she said that.

Neji sighed but nodded at that. He already got her in trouble once, he didn't want to bring more.

"Rather," Lady Luck suddenly licked her lips seductively, "Don't you think we are forgetting something?"

Neji feigned ignorance. "Oh yes, I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me. I still have to ask about the Omniverse's Will-" Neji couldn't finish his words.

He could only whimper as the dangerously beautiful woman plunged down towards his face with her tongue lashing out, creacking inside his mouth and wrapping his tongue around hers and moving as if she was trying to strangle it.

When the kiss ended a minute later, Neji breathing was heavily, his displeasure clear at his first loss at a tongue wrestling, while the Lady smiled at him with her wet lips.

"Ahhh, I've been waiting sooo long for this~ you have no idea, sweetheart."

Before he could take a breather, the sex-crazy woman jumped at him again, her hand going under his shirt (that Sisty had lovingly chosen) and tearing it off.

Oh, he was getting molested.





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