The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 190: 190: Is it fine now?

Chapter 190: 190: Is it fine now?

Chapter 190: Is it fine now?

"So, in short, the Gods I talked about before, the ones who were supposed to come in 2 to 3 decades… They will be coming for me in less than a month."

Neji said in a relaxed voice, though the things he said caused the girls to lose their cool.

"But- then… T-that's not a good thing, right?"

"It's not." Neji nodded at Kimi's question.

"Why are you so calm though?!" Nejire was the one who yelled at him, her expression worried.

"He probably has a plan, I think." Momo said with her voice that cracked after crying for hours.

"I don't, not really."

Neji answered casually.

The ones who were slightly confused and not so worried about all this were Rumi and Ryuko. Ryuko was reliving the story because she was forced to trust Neji's words about the Gods, and Rumi was too awkward to ask for the Memory Orb again.

Sensing their discomfort, Neji turned to them.

Observing their expressions for a second, he sighed. "I don't want you guys to feel needless pain, that's the reason why I didn't let you guys see the Orb. The only reason I showed the other three was because of the situation at hand back then. I hope you understand and by now believe my words after witnessing everything that I've been doing recently."

Kurai meowed in agreement from the side, lying on her back and playing with a ball using mana.

"Rumi already probably knows the story, but I doubt Ryuko does. So let me give you a brief summary of it." said Neji, meeting the girls' gaze, as he continued explaining.

It was the same story all over again. He unlocked his 2nd quirk when he was 8-years old, and there he entered his first [Dungeon] which happened to teleport him to the den of Gods and Primordials. There, for reasons he wasn't aware of, the Gods found his power dangerous and wanted him dead, so they attacked him and tried to kill him.

However, due to the help of [The Omniverse's Will], he managed to escape, even though he was cursed in a way that stopped him from using magic and stuff along the line.

The story didn't end there, according to [The Omniverse's Will], he would be found out by the Gods in a bit more than 2 decades, and the only way to survive or delay time would be to enhance his [Luck], which is only possible using magical artifacts and etcetera.

Just recently, he had a conversation with [Lady Luck] who warned him about how the Gods would come to find him very soon because of a deviation caused by Nawab's death.

"...I see." Rumi was frowning, her gaze at the ground.

If Neji had to guess, she must be thinking about just how many stronger beings she was going to learn about in her life.

"Wait, doesn't a simple solution exist?" Ryukyu suddenly said, picking Neji's interest. "We can just, you know, hide inside another Dungeon? Even if they find that you're within this planet, they'd lose track of you if we enter another dungeon. Or am I wrong?"

That caused all the other girls to perk their ears up, Nejire even looking relieved suddenly, as if this really was the correct answer.


"No, that wouldn't do."

Neji had already thought of this and had even asked the system about it as well.

"But why?" Nejire sounded confused.

Neji shrugged his shoulders. He had consulted the system about this before, and its answer was like this-

[Although the humans of this world can't see the dungeons, let's not forget the ones who would be coming are Gods, the strongest of them even. The Gamer System isn't absolute, or I could just give you an "Invincibility Buff" when the Gods would come. However, there certainly are limits, and those Limits can be breached by the Gods. They would be able to see the dungeon, and it wouldn't be hard for them to break into the Tower either. If you remember, the Ogres talked about "Outer Gods" once, correct? They obviously came from the outside back then.]

"In short, the Gods can see the [Dungeons], and they'd also be able to break inside as they wish, so hiding inside would only delay our demise, and even then the delay wouldn't be that long," Neji said, as Ryukyu looked half surprised and half concerned.

"Anyway, the reason I am telling you all about this now is that we are going to enter the Dungeon in UA-High right away."

"Huh? But isn't that meaningless since the Gods would find us-"

"I am not going there to hide," Neji interrupted Momo. "I am going there to harvest powers, magic spells, and so on."

"Ah…" Momo blinked, realising what he meant. "Yeah, there should still be two Directional Beasts alive. The dragon should suit Ryukyu, yes. Though I have no idea about the tortoise one."

"We will think about it later. Anyway, form a circle by grabbing each other's hand, I am going to teleport to the entrance of the dungeon."

The girls first exchanged glances and then did so, as Neji touched a hand from each end of the circle and activated his quirk, «Teleportation».


After putting his unconscious girls inside his inventory, Neji didn't enter the dungeon immediately.

He had one thing left to do. One important thing…

"You should have brought Aunty Nejire and Momo too, you know."

…Something that was certainly wrong to do without Nejire and Momo, but at the same time something that would hurt them more than now if they were present.

Neji had teleported to where his parents had died.

"I don't want to give them false hope."

He said to Kurai, patting the cat's little head as she purred. She as well was sad, very much so, and ashamed too. She probably blamed herself for not being a true Death God yet. Maybe she could have revived them if she was one?

'That must be what she is thinking.'

This cat was family to Neji, it was the same for the other way around. Kurai loved him a lot, so she naturally loved her grandparents, their death wasn't a small deal to her, Neji knew, he could tell. He felt her emotions; her sadness, fury and despair, thoroughly when they were Fused.

She was as enraged and sad as he was.

"Anyway, please stay silent, Kurai. I will do my job." Neji patted her one last time and then looked over at where his parents had died.

The puddle of blood left behind by their bodies, he looked at it.

Unfortunately, the puddle had dried out by then… The sheer fact that he couldn't even tell which part of the blood belonged to who enraged him. However, wasn't the killer already dead? His rage could only be set on the World itself.

Neji sighed and shook his head. Then, he put a hand on the dried blood, activating the quirk that he stole from AFO-


The world seemed to stop for a slight second, then time became visible on the ground, phantom clocks appeared on the surface, twisting and swirling normally before the clock-hands started to move in reverse.

Time rewinded in front of his eyes, albeit only on the ground, as the dry blood became wet again, the puddle of fresh blood slowly returning again.

However, even as the destroyed ground repaired itself, the blood didn't change, and the dead bodies didn't return…

Neji had anticipated this, and he also had a solution for it.


The evolved version of One-for-All, the quirk that could boost his other quirks a hopping 350%, he activated it.

The blood started to float in the air, circulating in a humane rhythm as slowly flesh and bones started to wrap around the blood, appearing out of thin air.

The world was silent in Neji's ears as his parents' bodies returned, they were even wearing the same clothes they were wearing before. Along with them, Momo's parents also returned.

The process ended a minute later and Neji stopped his quirk, looking at his parents.


They weren't breathing. They also had no [Name] hovering above their heads.

They were still dead.


Neji expected as much. He didn't come here to revive them, anyway. He was here to just get their bodies back so that he can at least bury them properly.

Though he still questioned himself, why didn't the quirk bring them back to life?

Then, a foreign message that didn't belong to the system appeared in front of him.

[Lady Luck looks at you pitifully, explaining that- This is a God-less world, meaning there is no God governing life-and-death. The souls reincarnate after a person dies, if you want to bring back the dead using time-manipulation, you'd have to reverse the wheel of reincarnation as well. Unfortunately, something like that is impossible without Divinity.]

Neji was silent for a moment before he nodded. "I understand." Then he looked at the sky, his gaze passing through the starry night sky. "Hey, Lady Luck. I have a favour to ask."

[Lady Luck stays silent.]

"Can you… uh, send my parents' soul to some sort of heaven? Stop them from reincarnating, and put them in a place where they can rest. Same with Momo's parents too. It's just a request, you are free to reject it."

There was a long long silence after that. Neji even thought the Lady left because she must have been disappointed to hear that from her. Was she offended that her 'toy' asked for too much?

Neji was about to move on and pick up his parents, but a notification then flashed in front of his eyes.

[Lady Luck apologises, saying it took a minute to create a safe Heaven where nobody would be able to find them.]


"Your wish has been granted, child."

A voice whispered in his ears, the naturally seductive voice trying its best to not sound so in this situation. Neji smiled.

"Thank you." He bowed.

As he truly was grateful.


After being grateful for a while, he figured it was finally time to cheat.

He Teleported to UA, at the place where the battle took place, and «Reversed Time» there.

Many bodies popped up on the ground, but Neji ignored them all as they weren't of any use to him.

However, he did find the body he was looking for, along with another, greater power.

First, Monoma's [Copy - Level 7].

Then, Aizawa's [Erasure - Level 10].

While he mined these quirks, nobody came to bother him because he had made a «Mirage» around this place using one of the Quirks that Nawab had. The outside people would only see the truth if they step inside the boundary of the illusion, or if Neji enters the dungeon.

"It's time for me to cheat."

Neji was smirking slightly, pretty excited, as he brought his five clones beside him using Teleportation.

He then touched his clones, one after another, and took back their quirks. After which, he gave the first clone «Mine», and then he Copied «Mine» using «Copy».

The copied Mine, he then put it under his quirk, «Upgrade», which still had its stocking powers. Meaning, by putting the Copied Mine under this quirk, he was "stocking" it so even if Copy's cooldown ran out, it would still be with him.

It was just an experiment though.

He has to wait 5 minutes to check if the quirks would actually stay or not.

So, he waited.

5 minutes passed.

The quirk was still there.


Neji cheered, it worked!

"Okay, time to test the main point."

He controlled the other body to transfer the original «Mine» back to him, as it did.

Once Neji knew the quirk was inside his body again, he went to work.

[Mine - Level 4]

[Mine © - Level 4]

The second one had a © sign beside it to signify its copied quirk. Neji smiled and used Mine's Quirk Merging ability to merge the original with the copied.

It worked.

[Mine has merged with Mine © and reached Level-6!]

Of course, the exp for each level up was higher, so merging two level-4 Mine wouldn't make it level-8.


Did that matter?

He can always spam merge because he can always copy this quirk until there is no end to it.

He, at this moment, was cheating.

Cheating with everything he had.

And he wasn't going to stop.

Not until he sets this world to fire.

After laughing like a maniac for a whole 10 minutes, Neji created 100 Bees. Each and every one of them had all of Neji's quirks that he stole from Nawab and All-for-One, along with the ones he had himself.

75 of those Nejis had the sole job of just combining the quirks nonstop, hours after hours, days after days. It seemed the quirks couldn't evolve if merged with the same quirk, it rather went [Level 11] and beyond, similar to Nawab's quirks. But that didn't mean it was any bad, no, it just meant his quirks were breaking the limits of the world.

When Neji comes out of the Dungeon, he will have a whole treasure vault of super high levelled quirks at his disposal.

Next, the other 25 Nejis had the job to spread to Japan and hunt villains and heroes, and once Japan was done he would move to its neighbouring counties.

He was going to bring apocalypse to this damned world.

Since Eyes of the Lord reached level-9, it allowed his System Mini-Map to show him people's location since he had mixed the quirk with a Search type quirk. That, along with evolved Observe, he could tell who's Tier was what from just the Mini-Map, meaning all 25 of his Bees knew exactly where to find strong quirks.

He would have made more Bees, but it was hard to control just 100 of them already. He could do so because he had a high INT, along with the quirk- Multitask and High Spec. Perfectly controlling the 100 different bodies wasn't that hard.

When everything was decided, Neji sent the 75 Nejis to an isolated underground facility owned by his parents, and the other 25 left for Exp and Quirks.

With that, he was left alone with Kurai as they watched the starry night sky.

"Papa," the cat suddenly said when the clones finally left. She was looking at the stars, precisely at a shooting star. "Did the… Future change?"

The Future.

She didn't know what happened in the future.

But she knew he was worried about it.

"It did." Neji said with a smile. "Very slightly, but yes, it did."

"Is everything fine then?"

Neji's smile was passive as he received a notification of reaching [Level 500], the clones starting their work already.

He still stayed silent as he read the 10th System Restriction being released.

[Ding! The rate of gaining stat points by working out, training, and solving intelligent problems, has risen!]

After a minute later, Neji Finally replied.

"No. It's not fine yet."

He was still smiling, his irises two purple clocks.

"But I will make it fine, don't worry." His eyes returned back to normal.

She didn't have to worry.

Not at all.

Because he wasn't dead yet.


"Anyway, we should get going."

With a confused Kurai meowing on his shoulders, Neji turned around and stepped inside the dungeon, the bright light blinding him momentarily before he found himself in… his world.




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