The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 175: 175: Rewards

Chapter 175: 175: Rewards

Chapter 175: Rewards

[Quest, "Dragon Hunt", has been completed.]

[Calculating rewards…!]

While the quest rewards were being calculated, Neji was getting the experience points for killing Hisashi, a Tier-8 being.

[You have received 35,000 exp!]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have levelled…!]

[You have…!]


[You have gained 10 levels!]

[You have reached level 189!]

Neji felt his muscles tightening, his bones getting stronger and his body's structure getting more refined. As it happened, another window popped up in front of him.

[Rewards have been calculated…!]

[You have finished the quest!]

[Objective 1 was met!]

[Bonus Objective 1 Wasn't met!]

[Bonus Objective 2 was me-!]

"Wait stop."


Seeing the fourth notification, Neji's expression went blank.

[Bonus Objective 1: Kill Hisashi Midoriya and steal his quirk.]

The bonus objective-1 said he had to not only kill Hisashi but also steal his quirk for it to be finished.

He hadn't stolen the quirk yet, but the quest was already "completed" he won't receive the rewards for it…

However, he had a plan for it from the moment he laid his eyes upon the quest.

"What type of retarded quest is this?" Neji said, intentionally speaking ill, as he watched the calculation stop.

[...Please elaborate.]

"Fine, since you're so cute I will elaborate nicely." Neji pointed his finger at the quest screen. "The objective-1 says 'Kill Hisashi and-' I repeat, '-AND steal his quirk.' Now, since I am Japanese and my English isn't that good-" his English was actually great, "I am not sure, but I think this suggests I can steal the quirk after killing, no? Then why are you not allowing me the chance to steal the quirk first? Why are you counting the quest as completed?"

It wasn't actually that reasonable of an argument.

But he had no choice but to be a dick to his system.

Because let's say he managed to somehow steal the quirk mid-battle, but then he won't be able to get the same level of exp from the kill since Hisashi won't be "Tier-8" anymore. He noticed what happened to Mirio's Tier when OFA was stolen, it dropped to Tier-2.

The system probably also knew that.

"I do think you should allow me to steal the quirk first and consider it complete later on. Since otherwise, this quest doesn't make sense."


The voice couldn't say anything. It didn't have a counterargument, his shameless complaint was hard to dodge.

[...I deeply apologise, it's entirely the system's wording that's at fault here. But the quest reward calculation has already started… I can't stop-]

"Bullshit. You want to see me die by the Gods' hands? You should do something since it's your fault."


[As I was saying, I can't stop it anymore. But you should have let me finish first. I was about to say, I will generate a new quest for you that'd give you the same exact rewards. Please be patient.]

Neji cheekily smiled at the air. "Yep, sorry I wasn't patient. Thank you. You're so considerate. I knew you had a backup for me. This is why you're my favourite system, you know?"


[Objective 1 was met!]

The calculation started again.

[Bonus Objective 1 Wasn't met!]

[Bonus Objective 2 was met!]

[Bonus Objective 3 wasn't met!!]

[Distributing rewards for Main Objective-1…]

[You have received HP Potion x20]

[You have received SP Potion x30]

[You have received 10-levels worth of exp.]

[You have received 36,000 exp!]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have levelled…!]

[You have…!]


[You have reached level 199!]

[You have gained Perk- "Predator"]

[You have gained Item- "Dragon Armour"]

[Distributing rewards for Bonus Objective-2…]

[You have gained HP Potion x5]

[You have gained SP Potion x8]

[Your Affection has gone up with Ryuko]

[You have gained 3-levels worth of exp]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have reached level 202!]

[~Your existence becomes more refined~]

[Your High-Human Blood-line becomes purer!]

[You've gained new racial traits!]

[Do you want to check the-]

"Later. My Quirk Stealing quest, please."


[A new quest has been generated!]

[Quest: Steal the quirk, "Dragon Monarch" has been generated!]


Neji clicked yes, without wasting any time and put a hand on Hisashi's severed head.

"...Wait, since his body is severed in two, which side would give me the quirk? Or… maybe I can get two quirks?!"

Neji immediately used «Mine» on Hisashi's dragon head.

It didn't work.

He was suddenly scared.

``All for One can't steal quirks from bodies that are too damaged.``

That's what All Might said.

Did a severed headcount as 'too damaged'...?

"Of course it does. Fuck my luck."

[Lady Luck is offended.]


Neji has been wondering, turning his head at the sky, was Lady Luck actually… real? Like some actual being, not just a concept?

"...I don't share, it was just a curse. I apologise for offending you." Neji bowed softly, as that was what he was taught by Japanese culture. After all, he didn't know what form of apology this being would prefer.

[Lady Luck is amused.]

Well, that answered it.

Whoever it was, she was real. Not a concept.

[Lady Luck says you should try it on the bigger body, adding that All Might's words don't matter in this case since the body is too big, this much damage is nothing.]

"Uh, well thank you."

So he just had to try.

…He didn't have to apologise.

[Lady Luck narrows her eyes.]

"Can you stop reading my mind? Creepy. Also stop watching, what a voyeur."

[Lady Luck firmly refuses.]

Neji didn't like the answer, but not like he could do anything to stop it.

He wasn't sure why she suddenly decided to 'talk' with him now of all time. But…

"...Ahem, anyway, you won't inform the Gods about me or something right?"

He doubted she would, after all, it's been 5-years since he first learned about her and she probably knew about him from even before that. But he just wanted to confirm.

[Lady Luck laughs in amusement, but shakes her head, saying she won't sell her favourite "Boy Toy".]


Neji shrugged his shoulders.

It was weird having a "sugar mommy" after 15 years. He couldn't even remember the faces of the last few ones in his previous life.

"Well anyway, just don't stare too much~ your eyes would go blind." Saying so, he walked over to the headless form of Hisashi's huge draconic body, placing a hand on top.

He activated «Mine» again.

This time, it worked.

It didn't take long, not even 10 seconds, as he saw the headless body shrink and become that of a human's while feeling immense power gushing into his body.

[You have Mined the quirk, "Dragon Monarch"!]

[The consciousness within the quirk has been eliminated by Gamer's Mind!]

[You are going through a Racial Transformation!]

[Due to the change in your race "High Human" went through a few minutes ago, the invading Race "Dragon", is unable to take over.]

[The race High-Human is "merging" with the race Dragon!]

[A new unheard-of race has been created!]

[Ding! You have gone through a racial transformation!]

[You have acquired the race, "Draconic High Human"!]

[This race has both the powers of a High Human and Dragon!]

In simpler words, he wasn't a "Demi Dragon" nor a"Demi High-Human". He was a full Dragon–yet at the same time–a full High-Human, as crazy as that might sound.

He was a new race of his own.

"Phew, to think I don't have to abandon my High-Human race… Heh, it's all because of the change after Level-200." Neji was happy. "Hm, if the System stopped calculating the rewards and let me steal the quirk first, wouldn't that mean I wouldn't have reached level-200 and would have been unable to get this new race."

He was lucky.

[Luck plays a role.]


[Lady Luck winks at you.]

…Hmm, he might not actually mind a voyeur.

After a while, Neji received the notification for completing the Quirk quest.

[Rewards: Passive Skill- [Dragon's Heart], [10-stat points], [1x Quirk Exp Card], Title- [Dragon Hunter], Tier Potion- 2x]

He was sitting above the severed dragon head, that hadn't transformed back since it was detached from the body he stole the quirk from. Now, he was looking at everything new he gained.

[Dragon Armour (Legendary):

Details: An armour made from the scales of a fallen red dragon, the strongest of its kind.


*+20% Attack Power

*+30% END

*-05% Movement Speed

*+05% MP recovery per second

*+30% Harmful Magic Resistance

*Legendary-class spells such as <Fire Resistance> and <Fire Buff> are applied to this!]

That was the cute armour he got.

…Maybe not cute, as Neji took it out from inventory and stared at the badass-looking armour.

Though he won't use it since it doesn't have "Adaptability". Maybe he will give it to Momo or Ryukyu, depending on his mood.

Then there was the perk he gained,

[Perk- "Predator"

Details: You're a beast who hunts the deadliest beasts. A predator above even Dragons.

Effect: Anything or anyone from the animal-kingdom would be fearful yet respectful towards you.

–Chances of taming animals would be higher.

–You would have an aura around you that would scare your enemies and encourage your companions.

–Females with beast-like natures would be attracted to you, they'd feel more satisfied than ever by mating with you.]

This wasn't a half-bad trait.

It even helped with some 'special' needs.

"Good good, next."

Next was a skill he got from the Quirk Stealing quest.

[Passive Skill: Dragon's Heart - MAX

Effect: You have the lifespan of a dragon.

–The beating of your heart would sound strangely charming to female dragons and other reptile-females alike.]

This was great too. Now he wouldn't have to worry about eating up his lifespan using One-for-All, though that was considering the High-Human life-span was as short as normal humans, which he doubted.

Next was a title.

[Title- Dragon Hunter.

Details: You're not a person who hunted hundreds of dragons, no. But you're a person who hunted the strongest dragon. You deserve this title.

Effect: 100% Stat Boosts while fighting against Dragons.]

That concluded his items, titles and perks. Finally, it was his race.

Neji didn't have the quirk "Dragon Monarch", instead it was his race that changed.

[Draconic High Human:

A race that is composed of 100% High-Human blood and 100% Dragon blood, therefore carrying racial traits of both.

Traits: A race comparable to that of a low Battle-God. A person of this race would gain (instead of 5) a full 10-stat to freely distribute, they would also get (instead of 1) a full 2-stat points automatically added on all stats upon level-up!

At the same time, the user's Mana Pool is 100-times larger compared to normal humans.

The user also has access to:

-Starry White Dragon Form

-High-Human Form

-Hybrid Form

-Heaven's Body Fluid]

Most of the traits were self-explanatory, but he was curious about the last one.

Clicking on top of it, as the details expanded, Neji blinked.

Firstly, it was just a variation of his previous special sperm, except now his sweat, saliva and blood also counted.

Secondly, now it wasn't limited to just increasing the Level-Cap of monsters. Now, he could make anyone stronger too as long as they had the bloodline of any of the four heavenly beasts.





Could now get stronger.

Just by having sex.


Neji wouldn't say he disliked this.

He probably shouldn't be happier for the more fancy Starry White Dragon form, but this just suited his priorities.

This was a good thing. He gained 2-Tier potions too, but because of this skill, he would be able to focus those potions on Nejire and Rumi while the other three could get stronger using… other methods.

"Not bad, not bad."

[Lady Luck yawns and congratulates you on your newfound strength. She adds further, asking you to hurry over to her, saying she's been waiting for a very long time since time passes differently on her plane.]


That was actually useful information.

So time passed differently in her realm.

Was that why Gods like "Primordial" were taking 30 years to find a single man?

"Probably. Anyway, I will visit you someday, don't worry. Hope we can then decide for real who's the 'fuck toy' in this… 'relationship'."

[Lady Luck giggles with amusement in her eyes.]

Neji laughed too, but for a different reason.

He was feeling light-hearted. He was most certainly the strongest in this world now. After all…

These were his stats-


Name: Neji Hado

Age: 15

Class: The Gamer

Title: White Knight in Shining Armour

Level: 202

Race: [Draconic High Human]

HP: 9680

SP : 9890

MP: #/#

STR: 437 ~ 988

END: 417 ~ 968

DEX: 438 ~ 989

INT: 381

WIS: 378

CHA: 452

LUC: 467

HP REG: 1668/m

SP REG: 1752/m


His CHA, INT and WIS received a huge boost after his race change, he noticed. He gained 165 points from the 33 levels he gained since the start of this fight, he spent none on those three stats. He spent 65 on Luck as a tribute to Lady Luck, and 50-50 went to STR and DEX.

Another thing he noticed was that One-for-All was now giving him a [551-stat] boost. He was at first confused, but he realised that's just how many levels he gained since he Mined One-for-All. 51 levels.

``One for All grows from user to user``

One-for-All wasn't just a "stocking" quirk, its other trait was to get stronger with the user. It was a growth-type quirk, its purpose was to grow.

This meant, this, along with his race, he would get 4-stats on the first three stats each level up.


Neji realised.

"I have become a cheat character."

Not even a second after he said that-

[Ding! Sorry for the delay!]

[You have crossed another "hundred" in levels, your existence has become more refined!]

[Requirements have been met!]

[The 6th restriction is being removed!]

[You would gain 1.5x more exp at every action that gives you exp!]

[Requirements have been met!]

[The 7th restriction is being removed!]

[Gamer's Body has regained its full potency!

—You don't need to sleep anymore!

—You can only be wounded, but none of your body parts can be severed from you!

–You're immune to cloning, and any clone you create (using any sort of ability) will be under your Mind–as in–they won't have a brain, you'd be the single brain moving the other bodies like a puppet master.]

[Again, I apologise for this delay. It seems I have shown something unsightly to Master.]

The system's voice, which kept growing more "humane" each time Neji's existence became refined, was the thing Neji heard at last before he started to laugh at the sky.

At this rate, it was a matter of months before he might open up all restrictions.

15 more years?

Those Gods can go fuck themselves.




Author's Note: It's a new week! Vote power stones!


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